The Pardu

Palin Goes After Obama While Deflecting From Sons Drunken Arrest

In GOP 2016,, Rience Priebus, Sarah Palin, Your GOP on January 20, 2016 at 3:56 PM

Trump’s has a new talking head campaigner Sarah Palin.  The dimwit conservative addressed  her sons’ obvious social issues (guns, victim abuse and drunkenness) via attacking President Obama?  

Interestingly, Palin could not take the same approach to cover for poorly raised kids with her and her daughters drunkenness in that now famous Alaska brawl.  A brawl that led to a bloody nose for Palin’s husband and these pictures. 


Why is it the vast majority of Americans live the full span of life without such drunken incidents. Nonetheless, let’s lay the son’s social deprivation on Obama.


Herewith is an abbreviated White House Infographic regarding Administration support for Veterans.

Veterans & Military Families
Infographic: How we're supporting our veterans

Let’s take a run through Politifact and its Obameter on  Vets Promises.

The Washington Post in 2014 published a piece about resentment to President Obama’s Jobs Initiative for hiring returning Vets.  Needless, to say the majority fo resentment and public comment in resistance came from Republicans.

It will be simply great to have Palin campaigning for Trump!

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