The Pardu

Archive for January 30th, 2012|Daily archive page

In Uncategorized on January 30, 2012 at 11:07 PM

Cross posted from

I hope the addition of to our pages is as exciting for you as it pleases me.  Enjoy.  The material will be added to the “Smile-A-Day’ Page as frequently.

Shining City

January 25th, 2012 | Editorial Cartoons 

I’ve noticed that as the primaries heat up, all the Republicans are channeling the sainted Ronald Reagan. In the last debate before the South Carolina vote, Mitt Romney used the famous “shining city on a hill” line, and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels repeated it in his rebuttal to Obama’s State of the Union address. Somehow, it doesn’t sound quite as stirring coming from their mouths. They both strenuously object to Obama pointing out that there’s a huge and growing disparity in income and wealth in this country. Romney calls it the “politics of envy,” replacing the overused “class warfare.” What’s painfully obvious, no matter how much they deny it, is that the shining cities in this country now feature a gilded mansion on the hilltop occupied by the very rich, while the rest of us live in hovels down in the valley, many of which are in foreclosure.

Herman Cain endorses Gingrich; Joins a select group

In Uncategorized on January 30, 2012 at 2:53 PM

I once was…………………….
Last week, CNN reported  Herman Cain has endorsed Newt Girngrich for the GOP nomination.

Question? Does the aforementioned surprise anyone?   Herman Cain is the most idiotic of aspirants for the GOP nomination I can recall.  He entertained the GOP, news media, late night comedians and talk show hosts,and the nations conservatives for a few months in 2011.  Cain never actually expected to win the GOP nomination because deep inside Cain knows the GOP just as well as he knows he is ,but a minstrel clown.

I suppose now the few people who really fell for Cains buffoonery, should now support another GOP clown: The inimitable ‘race card’ playing, “colony on the Moon” Gingrich.

Other Gingrich Endorsers

Randall “DUKE” Cunningham (Former Congressman and  current federal prisoner)

Cunningham is currently serving a 100-month sentence in the federal prison system  (Tuscon, AZ.)on  conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion charges.

Newt, a voice out of the past. Down but not out and still fighting. First I do not want anything from you but have been watching the debates. I have 80% of inmates that would vote for you. They might not be able to but their extended families will.

Todd Palin (How ridiculous in its irrelevance)

Before I make a four word comment about the relevance of a political endorsement for someone like Todd Palin, I must ask a question. Does Newt Gingrich really want someone endorsing him who was a member of the anti-US Alaskan Independence Party?  

Todd Plain is but another example of how shallow is the GOP.  In there haste to plug a political hole as GOP to McCain, the GOP never vetted Sarah Palin.  Any high school freshman with an interest in studying journalism would have asked the question, well what about potential candidate Palin’s family?”   Yes,the GOP threw mud to plug the VP slot and it stuck on the wall.  Now, the mud has metastasized to its spouse.  If someone can tell me the relevance of a Todd Palin endorsement, I will re-track my words about  his endorsement. Hell, I did not even know the man could talk!  I doubt he has ever spoken from a public platform or appeared on any on many television show to discuss politics. The GOP has gone mad.

Sarah Palin
Now, really does this one surprise you at all. First, her husband came out of the woods and for some reason to allow a publication to write about his endorsement. I remain completely perplexed about the relevance of his endorsement.  Have we so soiled our psyches that the husband of a person who quite a Governorship for immediate “CHA-CHING’ cash-ins, is relevant? Does Gingrich feel an endorsement from Palin (with her approval ratings) bode well for his campaign.

Rick Perry
This endorsement speaks for itself.  Perry has proven that he is mentally capable as he is a great debater.  

We will update this list as time passes, if Gingrich garners any additional endorsements

Democratic Super Pac

In Uncategorized on January 30, 2012 at 2:19 PM

Super Pacs draw lots of ire from people who are so frequently reminded of how Super Pacs have changed our political landscape.  We hear more about conservative Super Pacs due to the current ‘Season of the GOP Nomination.”  

Well, progressive or liberal super Pacs are warming up for the November Elections.  Apparently, at least one Super Pac has developed what is being referred to as a ‘targeted list”.  Michael McAuliff of Huffington Post-POLITICS is reporting on a multi-million dollar campaign: Take Down the Tea Party Ten.”  

The effort by the progressive outfit CREDO aims to use the new big-spending super PAC model, which can accept unlimited donations, to back extensive local organizing and “education” aimed at defeating 10 members of Congress seen by the left as the worst of the worst. 
“We’re talking about some of the most odious members of Congress. Even for Republicans these guys are low,” said Campaign Manager Matthew “Mudcat” Arnold in a statement.

CREDO is claiming its ‘grassroots’ donations will be aimed at unseating the following members of Congress.

The first six lawmakers targeted by the group are Reps. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Allen West (R-Fla), Joe Walsh (R-Ill.), Frank Guinta (R-N.H.), and Chip Cravaack (R-Minn.). Four more will be chosen by CREDO’s members.

CREDO claims to have 11,000 donors and the organization is careful in stressing they differ from the common Super Pac Model.  Becky  Bond, CREDO director of the CREDO 
Super Pac, sums-up the CREDO strategy as follows.

 “Using innovative tactics, technology, and good, old fashioned grassroots organizing, we’re going to kick some Tea Party congressmen out of office.”

CREDOS rationale for ‘targeting’ the 10 members of Congress are clearly delineated in the Huffington Post article.