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Mario Piperni: Turning the Job Creator Concept On Its Head

In Mario Piperni on September 30, 2012 at 9:54 PM

While reading this piece from Mario Piperni…check out a fav…..

This is excellent. It’s from a few months back but if you missed it, it’s worth the listen. Nick Hanauer is a self-made millionaire who makes the argument that “in a true capitalist economy, the true job creators are middle class consumers.”
Hanauer’s argument is based on the premise that when the tax burden resides at the top of the income ladder, then the middle class is in a position to consume thereby “starting the positive feedback loop of job creation again.”
Take a listen.

Hanauer expounds on his ideas in an Atlantic piece.
Capitalists are idea creators, not job creators.
Every business, from the mundane (“How do you make the chip taste more like BBQ?”) to the arcane (“How do we turn photons into electrons?”), is based on an idea about how to solve a problem. The process of converting great ideas into products that effectively solve fast-changing human needs is what creates a business. The essence of every business is both an idea for a product that meets an important human need and the ability to make that product efficiently in order to create profit. …
If capitalists create ideas that produce social and economic value, then it is obvious why it makes so little sense to pour more money into the already wealthy and successful. Even the best of us have only a few ideas. Steve Jobs, arguably the greatest entrepreneur of our generation, had only a handful of truly brilliant ideas. Most billionaires, it could be argued, have only one. It would be far better for our country to enable every citizen to participate in our capitalist economy by ensuring that they have the requisite education and access to capital and training to convert those ideas into products that solve the world’s problems.
Of course, the kind of problems we choose to solve is important. Finding clever ways of securitizing imaginary assets may not create a lot of social utility. Finding cheap ways of converting the sun’s rays into electricity unquestionably does.
Great success should be celebrated, but not institutionalized. When we tax working Americans at a higher rate than billionaires, it is bad for business. When we tax the small business more than our largest corporations, it is similarly bad for business. When we give tax breaks to the wealthiest while excluding those in the middle and the bottom, we slow down our economy by slowing down the rate of idea creation, because so many are excluded from the process of solving our nation’s problems.

(h/t: David Frum)


US Afghanistan War Deaths Exceed 2,000 US troops Dead.

In Uncategorized on September 30, 2012 at 12:16 PM

Huffington Post is reporting on yet another ‘tragedy of errors’ firefight in Afghanistan. Yet,  another friendly fire fiasco that has led to two US troops dead (and one Afghani).  The firefight started with a mortar attack US troops believe came from an Afghan Army checkpoint.  This war is leading towards the very same ridiculous ends as the Russian Afghan War.  

The US should have long ago pulled out of Afghanistan , and yes, I lay that failure of sensibilities squarely on President Obama and US military leaders.  No, military leader will ever order a  withdrawal  and they will force troops to stand and defend as if they themselves were holding the disputed ground.

Huffington Post….

Afghanistan War: 2,000th U.S. Troop Killed In Insider Attack

By HEIDI VOGT and RAHIM FAIEZ 09/30/12 11:43 AM ET EDT  

KABUL, Afghanistan — A firefight broke out between U.S. forces and their Afghan army allies in eastern Afghanistan Sunday, killing two Americans and three Afghan soldiers and pushing the number of U.S. troops killed in the long-running war 2,000.

The fighting started Saturday when what is believed to have been a mortar fired by insurgents struck a checkpoint set up by U.S. forces in Wardak province, said Shahidullah Shahid, a provincial government spokesman. He said the Americans thought they were under attack from a nearby Afghan army checkpoint and fired on it, prompting the Afghan soldiers to return fire.

The Afghan Defense Ministry said the gunbattle was the result of a “misunderstanding” between international forces and Afghan soldiers manning a checkpoint in the Sayd Abad district.

NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, commonly referred to as ISAF, provided a different account.

“After a short conversation took place between (Afghan army) and ISAF personnel firing occurred which resulted in the fatal wounding of an ISAF soldier and the death of his civilian colleague,” the coalition said in a statement. It said the three Afghan soldiers died “in an ensuing exchange of fire.”

I can imagine the commitment of “ending the war responsibly”  and I can imagine the need for military bases in Afghanistan; base which undoubtedly assisted in the elimination of bin Laden.  However, the war is nothing more than an exercise in futility as the Taliban will never be eliminated.  When a nation is perceived as an invading occupation force, there is no good end.  Viet Nam is the classic testament of and occupiers terrible end. 

The Whirling Wind Dog Com: You Might Be Following A Judas Goat

In Uncategorized on September 30, 2012 at 9:34 AM

Cross posted form the Whirling Wind Dot Com.

At the slaughter house where sheep are processed, there is a goat

The Judas Goat at Work.
known as “The Judas Goat.” The Judas Goat’s job is to lead groups of sheep into the slaughter house where they are killed. Sheep have the peculiar habit of following any member of their herd who seems to know where to go. The Judas Goat is placed within the herd. It grazes with the herd, rubs shoulders with the herd and in all respects acts as though it is one of the herd. It is accepted by the herd. At the appointed time, it leads the herd to the slaughter. To be sure, eventually the Judas Goat will end up on a spit slowly roasting over the fires at a Greek restaurant being carved up for gyros. However, that is small consolation for all the sheep who willingly followed in his treacherous footsteps.
It seems the work of the Judas Goat is so effective it has been adapted to work on people. Just look around. During the last Presidential primaries, when Barack Obama was running against Hillary Clinton, Black pundits began pouring out of the woodwork in support of Hillary Clinton. Tavis Smiley embarrassed himself to the point he has not yet recovered. His purpose? To lead Black voters into the Clinton camp. At a time when all Black people should have rallied around one of their own, suddenly we were inundated with Black leaders – whom we had not elected – filling the airways to share their opinionated wisdom.
The networks dusted off faces I hadn’t seen in years. For a season, diversity was back on our televisions. This time it wasn’t “sit-coms.” Almost any network you watched, you could be sure of seeing several Black faces giving articulate opinions about the day’s events. I found it to be a refreshing change. However, it was not lost on me that over half of my newly discovered brothers and sisters were being used to further an agenda that was not my own. Obama won because of racism. Not the racism of Black people, we only make up 12% of the population. Obama won because of the racism of white people. The Republican war machine was all geared up to face Hillary Clinton. They had attack ads sitting on the shelf ready to go. They just knew Hillary Clinton would be whom they’d be facing in the general election.  After all, what were the odds that a relative unknown – dark horse literally – with a funny sounding name like Barack Hussein Obama would win in the primaries against the Clinton political machine? Did I mention that he’s Black? This is the United States of America founded on a history of Slavery. As far as they were concerned, there wasn’t a chance in the world he could win. They were caught flat footed with their britches around their ankles.

With the election of President Obama, the Republicans decided they needed their own magic Black man. Of course, from their racist perspective, we’re all the same. To this end, they elected Michael Steele and we all know how that’s turned out for them. In two words, NOT WELL! Nevertheless, Michael Steele is a Judas Goat. His primary purpose is to lead Black people away from President Obama. There is nothing in the Republican platform that benefits Black people, other minorities or poor White people. As a matter of fact, if you do not have a net worth of at least 3 million dollars and an income in the high 6 figures, the Republican party doesn’t represent you. But I digress.
Judas Goats are pervasive in our society. Most commercials and ads contain Judas Goats. From the kindly old couple sitting around the table discussing health care myths, to the 3 hicks sitting in a diner sharing their opinions on high level economic issues. They all have one purpose and that is to lead people to vote against their own interests. Judas Goats may even be in your church pulpit.
Knowing how to recognize a Judas Goat is necessary for your survival. It always ends poorly for those who follow Judas Goats. Being informed is of paramount importance. The first thing you need to know is where your best interests lie. I am amazed at how many people have been deceived into supporting Republican tax polices. Most of these people, comparatively speaking, aren’t really paying any taxes. The simple facts are, the poorer you are, the more you tend to rely on the goods and services provided by tax dollars. Poor people are more likely to live in high crime areas. They are more likely to have homes who’s wiring is such that fires are likely. They often drive vehicles that don’t get around well in the snow, so they need their streets plowed. Those who do drive pick-up trucks often live in rural areas where even with 4 wheel drive, plowing the roads is still necessary. The poor quite often have little to no health insurance, so their primary care physician is whomever is the first doctor they see at the emergency room. Yet, because they’ve been duped into following a Judas Goat, you see them at “Tea Party” rallies railing against the very policies designed to benefit them the most. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic.
When it comes to the church, particularly in the Black community, you have multi-million dollar edifices built and sustained by congregations who’s median incomes are barely above the poverty level. If you’re in a church and you know members in good standing who’s homes have been foreclosed on, and the church didn’t come to their aid, you’re probably following a Judas Goat. If your pastor lives in another county from the church because that is where the high dollar real estate is, you’re probably following a Judas Goat. If on Sunday morning, you can pick out the pastor’s car not just because of the monogrammed parking spot, but because it is the most expensive car on the lot, you’re probably following a Judas Goat. If in order for you to be a member or your church, you have to submit copies of your W-2 form, you’re following a Judas Goat. If the deacons, trustees, elders and auxiliary heads of your church also happen to be the most financially successful members of the church, you’re following a Judas Goat. If your pastor has to have an entourage of “armor bearers” doing everything from carrying his /her brief case to helping them dress, you’re following a Judas Goat. If you’ve been contributing to the building fund for the past 10 years and the church hasn’t built a thing, you’re following a Judas Goat. It might be time for you to come up out of the slaughter house.
God gave you a brain and the gift of reason. Don’t insult God by not using your gifts. Don’t just ask yourself what would Jesus do? Ask yourself, what would LOVE DO! The Bible says, “your bodies are the temple of God.” It also says that God does not dwell in temples made by men’s hands. The church was intended to be God’s store house for the benefit of the people in their time of need. It was never intended to be the private game preserve of a pastor or his ministerial staff. The trouble is, most ministries benefit the pastor and the church more than they benefit the community.
I have an acquaintance whom prior to the crash of he housing market, was making in excess of 300 thousand dollars a year. He was a devoted and faithful member at his church. He was a devout tither. This of course put him in line to be an official at his church. For over 5 years he tithed in excess of 30 thousand a year. This doesn’t include offerings and other monetary contributions. When the housing market crashed, he lost everything. He was married with two small children. The bank repossessed his Mercedes and his BMW. He needed 5 thousand dollars to save his home. He went to his pastor and explained the situation to him. He told him of his need. He had no one else to turn to. All he needed was 5 thousand dollars. This was the same church that over the course of the previous 5 years he’d given over 150 thousand dollars. What do you think the pastor did? The pastor told him that he would pray with he and his wife that God would deliver them. They lost their home. He had to move in with his mother-in-law. Because of he stress on the marriage he wound up getting divorced. Do you think he’d been following a Judas Goat? 

Well, he certainly got slaughtered.

Wake UP America and Smell the Coffee…Oil Companies Are Selling Is Out!

In TPI on September 30, 2012 at 2:00 AM

Enjoy while the caffeine kicks-in!!!!!

A morning report to go along with your Sumatra, Kenya AA, Tanzanian, French Roast, Kona Coast, Jamaica Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Costa Rican, Espresso,  Moyobama Peruvian Organic, Indonesian Blend, Coffee Latte, Kauai Blend (often bitter), Colombian Red Lips, or your Folgers 100% Colombian. 
Gas Prices, Obama’s Fault!  Obama’s Energy Policy is ineffective!   Han on folks, you are being Swift-Boated.
Some say that President Obama has a failed energy policy.  They use the cyclical and fluctuation of gasoline prices as some sort of media barometer. In early 2012 we heard nothing but “Gas Prices, Gas Prices” form every conservative moth in America.  Yes, and Independents also.  Even as prices dipped a about in early summer, so GOP surrogates continue to use the tired mantra.

As is the case with all things GOP, their words are shallow and their words are misleading.  

Energy, they say?  Let’s take a look at how Zfacts presents Energy policy (specifically oil and gasoline)  since Obama took office.  We should also note the Administration has supported efforts to augment the nation’s energy needs with alternative energy exploration.  Frankly, one well reported (and GOP mantra) Solyandra. 

Energy 1 
  Obama Drilled, Baby, Drilled

Oil Drilling Sets All-Time Record
  • The biggest oil-drilling boom ever: Starting in 2009.
  • The price of gas went up anyway.
  • Big Oil is making a killing and exporting the extra gasoline.
  • That’s why the oil companies and their politicians want more drilling.
  • It’s not because Big Oil wants to bring the price of gas down. Are you kidding?!
Notes & FAQs Below
  • Obama did not cause the drilling, but contrary to Republicans, he let the market work.
  • Although there were more oil rigs in operation in the early 1980s, they were not able to drill as fast or accurately, so this is the biggest oil-drilling boom ever.
  • The data is from Baker Hughes, one of the biggest suppliers of drilling equipment.
Energy 2
The Rigs Struck Oil
Biggest Jump in Oil Output in 40 Years
  • The biggest jump in oil production since 1970. It all happened under Obama.
  • But the gas price went higher than $3.30 — the price under Bush when production was lower.
  • Why? Because of world demand — China, Japan & Europe.
Notes & FAQs Below
  • The main reason we’re importing less oil is that we’re using less.
  • Increased oil production is the #2 reason.
  • Energy independence is a long way off, and even then, Big Oil would charge us the world-price of oil for our gasoline, so we would not be independent of the OPEC price.
  • Using less oil is the only way to protect against the world price of oil.
  • See “Gasoline Exports” to understand the world oil price.

                                         Energy 3
                         US Gasoline for China

Gasoline Exports Are Way Up
  • If we kept the gasoline in the US, the price would drop like a rock.
  • Never: Oil Companies will NEVER do that.
  • Big Oil will always sell at the world price — never cheaper.
  • Only a tiny bit lower: That’s the effect of drill, baby, drill on the price of gas, because Exxon and BP sell it to the world.
  • If we harm our own environment when drilling, remember, we’re doing it for other countries and Big Oil profits.
Notes & FAQs Below
  • China is even more addicted to oil than the US and has less of its own.
  • Their oil imports are growing fastest, so they need our oil the most.
  • Japan is now using oil for electricity in place of some of its nuclear power.
  • It would make more sense to save more of our oil for our future rather than run out early while making it easier for China, Japan and Europe to buy more and use our oil to outcompete us.

Images tell compelling stories. ow, why would you place faith in drivel from people who vote to sustain oil industry subsidies?

Romney Tax Plan and Favorability Vs Bush

In Uncategorized on September 30, 2012 at 12:08 AM

Another one of need to add verbiage graphics……

Who pays a lower tax rate than Mitt Romney?

Fox News Shows Its Mantel: Suicide vs GOP Voter Fraud (UNCENSORED VIDEO)

In Fox News on September 30, 2012 at 12:03 AM

Fox News is the poorest excuse for a news network in recorded history  Everyone knows of its extreme Right political broadcast model  A model that is pure conservative propaganda if there ever was propaganda in the course of mankind. We also know the network considers itself a ‘balance to MSNBC” according to Chris Wallace, Fox News correspondent.

While the current political climate has found actual voter fraud in the critical voting paradise of Florida, Fox News Reports the following end of a high speed chase.  Voter fraud just is not making the broadcast on Fox; at least these document cases are not making the rounds. The following video does not include a close-up shot but it clearly shows a distraught and unstable suspect who decided to take his own life instead of surrender to authorities.

Within minutes of the broadcast suicide, Fox News’ Shepard Smith comes back from commercial break with the following.

If your are curious about additional expressions of regret from the GOP Propaganda and Public Relations Network,  AKA Fox News, MSNBC ran a brief comment.

Fox News apologized for a “severe human error” that resulted in viewers seeing a suspected carjacker fatally shoot himself after a police chase. 

The coverage of the Friday incident, which sparked outrage on social media and a quick on-air apology by anchor Shepard Smith, showed a man stumbling from an allegedly stolen car into the desert near Phoenix on Friday.

As a camera in a helicopter provided live coverage, the man stopped a short distance away, pulled the trigger of a gun pointed to the right side of his head and crumpled face-forward into the ground. 

“We took every precaution to avoid any such live incident by putting the helicopter pictures on a five-second delay,” said Michael Clemente, Fox’s executive vice president for news editorial.  

“Unfortunately, this mistake was the result of a severe human error and we apologize for what viewers ultimately saw on the screen,” he said in a statement issued on Friday.

You may have noticed the start of this piece related to an exact case of voter fraud in Florida and a   reported case in Colorado what was caught on video.  Yes, after all the hoopla, and Tea Party facilitated voter ID laws, cases of fraud are justifying the  what amounts to voter restrictions.

Alas, the irony of it all is buried deep in the details. The cases of voter fraud are being perpetrated by conservatives.   


MIAMI — The number of Florida counties reporting suspicious voter registration forms connected to Strategic Allied Consulting, the firm hired by the state Republican Party to sign up new voters, has grown to 10, officials said, as local election supervisors continue to search their forms for questionable signatures, addresses or other identifiers.

In Colorado, a young woman employed by Strategic Allied was shown on a video outside a store in Colorado Springs recently telling a potential voter that she wanted to register only Republicans and that she worked for the county clerk’s office. The woman was fired, said Ryan Call, chairman of the Colorado Republican Party. After reports of suspicious forms surfaced in Florida, the company — owned by Nathan Sproul, who has been involved in voter registration efforts since at least the 2004 presidential election — was fired last week by the state Republican Party and the Republican National Committee 

Fox News has a checkered history.  It is noted for message editing of video and images, and it is also noted for hyperbole unparalleled in US political coverage.  I assert it was not beyond Fox News producers to intentionally air the suicide and to do so for ratings.  If you are not a Fox News sycophant, you know the network is primarily focused on returning the White House to the GOP, and frankly returning the White House to a white president.  

Fox News is not carrying ongoing coverage of the Florida and Colorado voter fraud.  The non coverage is unequivocal validation of Fox News’ lack of credibility as a news network.  If you need another related example, you might recall how instrumental Fox News was in destroying ACORN and its efforts to register voters who generally vote Democratic.

If Fox News is so imbalanced in its reporting of voter fraud, is that not the same as being culpable in “fixing election results”?

Racist School Teacher and a Flawed School System!

In CNN on September 29, 2012 at 11:58 AM

Students: Teacher segregated black kids
Small picture for a small person!

There are times when we need a reminder of how the systems does not work for all.  Can you imagine your kids being told to sit in the back of the classroom  sneered at, and called names by an adult (supposed teachers)? Now, add months upon months to the psychological abuse.  Must I go on?  I will let CNN go on.


I eventually remembered racist acts from my young childhood 45 plus years after the experience.  I was in a diversity train-the-trainer workshop, and frank talk led to cognitive connections to a sad past experience.  I was below five years of age, and drank from a “Whites Only”  water fountain  My mother rushed me from the retail store, probably to save a confrontation and to spare her child of racist acts.   

My experience was nothing compared to the kids in the video. They were a few years older and knowing right from wrong. Knowing right from wrong and suffering through horrid racist acts.  

The school system should be taken to task and someone should become unemployed and unpaid.

All said, those punitive actions do not help the psychologically abused children.

So, do you think the guy on the motor-bike votes with me (the Left) or with the Right?

Economy Bad? Well, Think How Bad It Could Be!

In Economy, Tea Party on September 29, 2012 at 11:18 AM

12/2007 through 2011????

Social media provides opportunity for information that has to be considered as unique as colonial America’s press. An example of such is posed below and interspersed with a source article from Think Progress (September 27, 2012). 

Lefteous Indignation

Republicans can rail on and on about Obama, but the truth is that we ARE better off than when he took office, because–unlike the Tea Party Republicans–we can point to actual FACTS to back up that claim. Source: Think Progress 

Explaining Today’s Great Jobs News

By Guest Blogger on Sep 27, 2012 at 3:30 pm

Our guest blogger is Heather Boushey, a senior economist at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

New data released this morning by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the private-sector added 450,000 more jobs as of March 2012 than previously thought. This means that the economy has crossed the threshold and more jobs have been created than lost during President Obama’s term.
This is a remarkable accomplishment—and one that would not have happened without the Recovery Act and other policies developed by this administration and passed by the 111th Congress in 2009. When President Obama was sworn in, the economy was losing jobs to the unprecedented tune of over 20,000 per day. Between the beginning of 2008 and February 2010 when the tide began to turn, the economy lost nearly 8.8 million jobs—4.3 million on Obama’s watch and almost 4.5 million under President Bush’s.
In February 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was signed into law and funds began almost immediately moving their way through the economy and the pace of job losses slowed, turning positive a year later. Since February 2010, including the newly revised data, the economy has added 4.4 million total payroll jobs, an average of 135,00 per month.

Read more….

Lefteous Indignation

And, you call yourself a Republican.  You have to know by know your party is not the same as the GOP of old.  Since 1981 your party has turned in a big business tool with no regard for the middle and lower economic classes.  Why would you vote to elected people who would denied jobs to millions?

The Whirling Wind Dot Com: The Arrogance

In Barack Obama on September 29, 2012 at 9:23 AM

(The Progressive Influence…The was sent to The Whirling Wind developer manager. I have posted it here before, but the deserves a re-port.  America is allowing itself to be shamed by people who resist change via their bigotry and intolerance.  And, you readers have controlling stopping the slide into the evils of bigotry and racism; you can registered your dissatisfaction and you will on November 6, 2012,)

The Arrogance of being President while being Black

This was forwarded to me by my sister. After reading it, I thought this an appropriate forum to share this in. Like the person who first began forwarding this, it speaks the sentiments of my heart as well. Since the author is unknown, feel free to share it if you agree.
I don’t think anyone was under some real illusion that the election of Barack Obama actually means the end of racism in America . I’m pretty sure that the president-elect knew it better than anyone. After all, he saw it every day, from the moment he announced his candidacy. To some degree, he saw it within his own party during the primaries. And he saw it in all ugliness during the general election. For half of this country, he was “That One”. No matter how big and clear his victory was. No matter how smart he is. No matter how decent he is. No matter what a true patriot he is. No matter how optimistic and positive his vision for America was. All that didn’t matter. Because at the end of the day, he was still black.
I’m quite old. I remember, vaguely, where my parents were on November 22, 1963. I’ve seen so many presidents. Some were feared, some were hated, some were adored, some popular and some not. But all of them, without exception, were treated with the highest respect deserving the office of the president of the United States .

That is until a black man won the right to occupy this office. It’s been 13 months now, and in the eyes of so many, Barack Obama is still that one. He is being disrespected and at the same time being held to the highest standard of any president I’ve ever seen – and not just by the Republican side! He has to perform three times better than any president in history, and even that may not be enough.
For the media, he is many more times just “Obama” than “President Obama”. They create scandals out of nothing issues. It took them at least 6 years to start giving Bush a small part of the shit he deserved. It took them 6 months to begin crap all over Obama because he’s yet to fix the catastrophe that was left for him.
They use condescending tones when they talk about him, and only mildly less condescending when they talk TO him. With anyone else, CNN wouldn’t dare go to commercials every time the president speaks, like they did during that summit on Thursday. They wouldn’t dare be counting how many minutes George Bush or Bill Clinton were talking. Chris Mathews wouldn’t dare make an issue out of Ronald Regan calling members of congress by their first name, like he is not actually the president. They fully cooperate with the Right-Wing smear machine when it comes to president Obama’s national security performance – even if almost every independent and military expert actually thinks that he’s a terrific Commander-in-Chief. You’ll never see them on TV, and virtually no one from the Left, in congress and outside, defend the president on this matter.
I don’t care about the Far-Right. They’re just crazy ignorant Neanderthals. It’s the way the beltway and the mainstream treats this president that is shocking. On Thursday, almost every Republican had no trouble interrupting him in the middle of a sentence. They looked like they’re going to vomit every time they had to say “Mr. president”. They all had this Eric-Cantor-Smirk whenever he spoke. Then they went out and started to spit their stupid talking points, to the delight of the media. Sarah Palin, a woman who can hardly read, thinks that he was “arrogant” towards John McCain, and somehow this is an important news. Because you see, “Obama’s Arrogance” is the talking point of the day.
Oh, those talking points. He is arrogant (because he knows the facts better than all of them combined). He is an elitist (because he uses big words that they don’t understand). He is weak on national security (because he actually thinks about the consequences). He divides the country (well, he did that the day he had the audacity to win the election). Worst of all, he actually thinks that he’s the president. He even dared to say so on Thursday. How arrogant of him. You’d think that previous presidents didn’t have any ego. Somehow it turned out that the one president who treats even his biggest opponents with the utmost respect – is the arrogant one. I wonder why?
I expected that his winning the Presidency would bring out some ugliness, but it’s been far worse than I imagined. The racism coming from the Right is obviously clear and shameless, but there’s also some hidden and maybe subconscious and disturbing underline tone behind some of the things that I read here and throughout the Left blogosphere, even before the end of Obama’s first year – ‘He’s weak, he’s spineless, he’s got no balls, primary him in 2012′. It’ll be dishonest to deny that.
The fact is that for millions in America , Barack Obama is this uppity black man (Not even a “real” black), who received good education only due to affirmative action, and has no right to litter the sacred Oval Office with his skin color. They just can’t accept the fact that the president is a black man, who unlike his predecessor, was actually legally elected. But what’s really sad is that it’s not just the fringe, its deep deep in mainstream America .
Barack Obama’s ability to remain above all this slob, to keep his optimism and his strange and mostly unjustified faith in people, while continuing to gracefully deal with an endless shitstorm – is one of the most inspiring displays of human quality I have ever seen. And I can only hope that the Cosmos is on his side because God is and He never makes a mistake.
Sometimes, they make me feel ashamed to be a white man!!

In Uncategorized on September 29, 2012 at 3:00 AM

Cross posted from The Daily Kos……..Image The Fifth Column

And, this is the party that would deny millions the right to vote, when is in fact themselves who are the guilty ones.

Since this piece includes a reference to a young woman who was paid to register ONLY Romney supporters, here is link to the video.…. The Progressive Influence

The Los Angeles Times reports that numerous fraudulent GOP voter registrations have now been discovered in ten Florida counties.

WASHINGTON — Florida elections officials said Friday that at least 10 counties have identified suspicious and possibly fraudulent voter registration forms turned in by a firm working for the Republican Party of Florida, which has filed an election fraud complaint with the state Division of Elections against its one-time consultant.

The firm of course is none other than Strategic Allied, which is basically a regurgitation of Nathan Sproul’s infamous firm which destroyed Democratic registration forms in swing states during the 2004 election.

The controversy in Florida — which began with possibly fraudulent forms that first cropped up in Palm Beach County —  has engulfed the Republican National Committee, which admitted Thursday that it urged state parties in seven swing states to hire the firm, Strategic Allied Consulting.  The RNC paid the company at least $3.1 million — routed through the state parties of Florida, Nevada, Colorado, North Carolina and Virginia — to register voters and run get-out-the-vote operations. Wisconsin and Ohio had not yet paid the firm for get-out-the-vote operations it was contracted to do.

This is sort of like our ACORN story – except that ACORN actually reported fraudulent or suspicious registrations whereas Strategic Allied Consulting has been systematically trying to engage in voter registration fraud in order to add fictitious and/or redundant GOP voters to the rolls.  Disgusting.

*As someone pointed out downthread, they may be engaging in this activity so as to register Democratic voters with wrong information so that when they show up to vote, they can’t, because their information is inaccurate.  Also, I would bet that Sproul is still engaging in the destruction of Democratic voter registrations.
I sincerely hope that the media picks up on this story and runs with it.  The Republicans got into bed with this firm because of its checkered past not in spite of it!  The Republican Party has become synonymous with corruption.
Here is a link to the article:…
UPDATE:  Someone downthread posted part of an article originiating from Pensacola.  Here is a link to that whole article, which points out that over 100 suspicious registration forms were found in Santa Rosa County as well:…

Second Update  There was a nice juicy story on CBS radio that I just heard on my way back to the hotel.  It was pretty substantive and made the GOP sound like the idiots they are.  I am in the Bay Area for the weekend.  🙂    It sure is beautiful here today, any Bay Area Kossacks here?
Third Update  As someone downthread has correctly pointed out, the young lady from El Paso County, Colorado (Colorado Springs) who was only registering Republicans was indeed working for this Strategic Alllied group – that is, Nathan Sproul’s group.
And FOX31 Denver has confirmed that the young woman seen registering voters outside a Colorado Springs grocery store in a YouTube video, in which she admits to trying to only register voters who support Mitt Romney, was indeed a contract employee of Sproul’s company.
“I’m actually trying to register people for a particular party,” the girl tells a woman in the video, which has been viewed more than 417,000 times. Because we’re out here in support of Romney, actually.”
Here is a link:…