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Archive for February 5th, 2013|Daily archive page

The Daily GOP Ignominious (UPDATED): Is This Really Necessary?

In GOP on February 5, 2013 at 3:26 PM

The Latest!
Well, it appears the GOP in Congress and for the most party across the party are fairly quiet post January 21, 2012.  Since, Inauguration Day we have seen glimmers of cooperation and working with the Administration where working is critical for sake of the nation.  Yet, those same members of Congress continue to obstruct efforts to pass legislation to stop violence against women and we continue to see no jobs bills.  It really is sad we have to grab such small victories (e.g., Debt Ceiling) as an area of pride.   Things could be so much better for our nation with just a fraction of similar cooperation in the Obama first term.  Small steps from the defeated GOP.  

Yet, it never fails! Yesterday John McCain reminded the nation of deep rooted systemic bigotry as an undercurrent in the GOP. His comment about the leader of Iran as a ‘monkey’ so reminds of the many disparaging and racist depictions from GOP officials of President Obama. (Images or comment).  

McCain’s news was a prelude to day’s news. I am going to post part of an article from NBC News and link the remainder of the piece.

WAFF-TV: News, Weather and Sports for Huntsville, AL

High school teacher suspended for ‘fat butt Michelle Obama’ remark

Jewel Samad / AFP – Getty Images file

An Alabama high school teacher has been suspended 10 days without pay for a rant in which he called the first lady “fat butt Michelle Obama.”
By Scott Stump, TODAY contributor

Alabama high school psychology teacher Bob Grisham has been suspended for 10 days without pay for a rant that included calling the first lady “fat butt Michelle Obama.” A student in Grisham’s class made an audio recording of the remarks, which also included derogatory comments about gays.

Seriously GOP?
You have a few public figures who are at least playing the “phony” game of pretending that your core values are other than you manifest. While you may have a few mavericks smart enough to ‘play’ opposite those who allow their Jurassic Era bigotry and biases to flow from their lips and actions, you are showing little change.
People affected by your callousness and insensitivity are watching. It will take far longer then a few months of rhetoric prior to elections to fool the majority who know the GOP and socially deprived conservatives for what they are. Priebus, Jindal and others can climb upon stage and comment as they please, your deeds show the inner truth of a political party (and movement) that is 92 percent white. Until, you intervene with major diversity initiatives how can you change? If all you feel is an aversion to young women, people of color, many young veterans and an abhorrence to all human services programs, you will continue to lose a grip on the nation. Your gerrymandering will eventually lead to additional exposure as a fraud and a tool of big business, and you will become extinct.

I almost forget this one.

This official has the freedom to spew hate on Twitter, and we have the freedom to call him on it. .@toddkincannon
And you actually vote for the same candidates these people?

……And The Band Plays On…..