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Archive for February 12th, 2013|Daily archive page

VP Debate, SOTU Response and Hydrate????

In Rand Paul on February 12, 2013 at 11:22 PM

Why can’t the GOP future speak without dry-mouth?

What is up with Rubio’s obvious hydrate act?

National Journal 
Marco Rubio takes a water break mid-speech

During the 2012 VP Debate. Ryan was stuck on taking sips. Some sips were so slight it is impossible to believe he actually drank water.

Last night, this happened again, again and again… on Twitpic

The "Prodigal" GOP

In GOP, GOTP, Rand Paul on February 12, 2013 at 2:50 PM

We trust the forefront gentleman is wearing bi-color faded jeans!
Whatever happened to the old and time proven American conservative party known as the GOP?   

If you think the first question makes no sense, contemplate this question.  When did the GOP move from alleged conservative principles to the out-right political and social horror of the GOP today?  Evidence of the deteriorated and dying party was evident in the lead-up to the Fall 2012 General Election.  Mitt Romney spoke in cloaked privacy to an uber wealthy audience.  Romney’s advisers traveled the globe (with the candidate) vestiges of American racism and bigotry in the wake of Romney’s overseas  visits.  The GOP supported a Vice Presidential candidate who appears to have “first thought” in the realm of a lie vs. meaning and truthful substantive statements. 

Prior to 2012 presidential campaign,  the nation made a grievous mistake in allowing a tea party laden party control the US House of Representatives.  We swallowed their political gamesmanship hook, line and sinker, and watched as Congress forced the nation to a reduced credit rating.  Of much more significance, the GOP literally adopted a refrain of “Shut er Down“, in reference to raising the US Debt Ceiling. As you know raising the debt ceiling relates to our ability to pay debts we have incurred, not future debt. Rather than respect past debt, we heard  “Shut er Down”.  After Standard and Poor’s lowered the US credit rating from “AAA” to “AA”, John Boehner coincidentally spoke of getting 98% of what he wanted from the 2011 negotiations with the Obama Administration.  “Shut er down” would mean not paying our troops (worldwide), reductions in federal government staffing, immediate cessation of certain human services programs and no payments to our elderly and disabled, (Albeit it temporary), and other dire financial consequences.

Out of 2010 mid-term elections came another legislative setback: GOP Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering … privilege of the winning party and when executed in conjunction with recent census counts.   The republicans in the House wasted little time in gerrymandering districts in states that historically vote Democratic.  The dynamic has dire consequences. In the 2012 elections, the Democratic party actually garnered a reported 1.5 plus million votes over the Republicans in Congress and still lost elections due to redistricting.   

The “Prodigal Party” has taken on a new face and a set of faces that spell doom for both the GOP and our democratic process of government.  

President Paul? Really?

A quick example is the dual and disjointed GOP response to the President’s State of the Union Speech tonight.  Marco Rubio will deliver the alleged GOP response to the SOTU (even though Rubio claims to be a tea party senator).  Rand Paul will deliver the tea party response, as if most in the nation acre one iota about his drivel.  It seems Paul has delusions of grandeurDoes he forget he is a sitting senator due to the tide of  2010 tea party congressional wins?   Delusional?  First, he told Hillary Clinton during congressional hearings “If I were president…”   Paul also asked  (then) Secretary of State about US arms to rebels in Syria being transported through Turkey.  The question was insane (to keep my comment clean) and appears to have genesis in Right-wing talk radio, specifically Glenn Beck.  

The ultimate indication of a ‘lost’ GOP? 

Congressman Steve Stockman (R) TX.  invited Ted Nugent to attend tonight’s State of the Union Speech. We posted a piece yesterday about Stockman and his invitee. has published a piece that provides additional reason why characters such as Nugent should be kept far from civilized America and particularly far from the nation’s capital.

The Prodigal party seems to dig deeper and deeper into the inane and nonsensical. When will the old GOP, “Come Home?”

Yet Another Bush Legacy: A Dying Postal Service

In TPI on February 12, 2013 at 1:00 AM

Enjoy while the caffeine kicks-in!!!!

A Meme to go along with your Sumatra,  Kopi Luwak IndonesianKenya AA, Tanzanian, French Roast, Kona Coast, ‘Black Ivory’ [ Thai Elephant Dong],  Jamaica Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Costa Rican, Espresso,  Moyobama Peruvian Organic, Indonesian Blend, Coffee Latte, Kauai Blend (often bitter), Colombian Red Lips, or your Folgers 100% Colombian. 
No comment necessary!

Unless you voted for George Bush and Dick Cheney twice.