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Archive for June 13th, 2013|Daily archive page

Bill Clinton Looses His Way, Forgets Rwanda And Uses "Wuss" Word!

In Uncategorized on June 13, 2013 at 3:51 PM

Small image of the day!!!

Obama Risks Looking Like A ‘Wuss,’ ‘A Total Fool’ If He Doesn’t Act On Syria -Bill Clinton

Huff Post video, Morning Joe

Bill, Bill, Bill are you serious? 

Of course, you could mean Obama should step-up arms to Syrian rebels. We hope you do not mean anything else in Syria. Also, Bill, let’s not forget Rwanda (800,000 slaughtered) you did not even mention the three ( 3) months of hell as it unfolded. In fact, Bill you went to Rwanda well after leaving office and deeply apologized for ignoring the slaughter. Bill, you also had bin Laden in camera view with an armed weapon focusing the camera. You did not order the attack. 

Now, Bill, Obama is not running against your wife. Why not request a private meeting with the executive branch and offer your opinion vs. “wuss?” 

BTW, Bill I do have issues with some things Obama, trust me, but I also do not have blood on my hands and none of the blood on your hands was bin Laden’s. “COULD LOOK LIKE A TOTAL FOOL!” 

Bill, so soon you forget? Do you really want to go there? 

Read Huffington Post

Mario Piperni: White Minority (GOP A Need For Change?)

In Boomers, GOP, Mario Piperni on June 13, 2013 at 1:22 PM

A must read from Mario Piperni……(see  below)

During the early 1990s a case of severe police brutality was caught on video tape by a person in a nearby apartment who happened to  possess a video camera (and kept it at the ready).

There is a notable quote that came out of the brutality and later rioting in Los Angeles.  The quote does not lay blame for the disturbing beating the guy suffered at the hand of four LAPD officers.  His comments were aimed at quelling the rioting and also aimed at people who harbor ill-will towards a people simply based in skin color (black and white; it cuts both ways).

“Can we all get along?” -Rodney King (1965 – 2012, accidental drowning)

Mario Piperni posits on recently released data related to a country that is demographically changing regarding race and ethnicity. Implied in Pipern’s eloquent piece; change must take place, it is inevitable, why not work the change to the good of the nation vs. obtuse resistance. While not necessary for the piece, we also know that demographically the nation is changing regarding age groupings and generational considerations. Boomers are moving to the “Seniors” category and each generation below the boomers are moving up in age and generational groupings. Why do we allow the past attitudes regarding social interaction and socially based politics continue to chip away at the “greater good society?” Resistance to demographic change as Mario states “White Minority” is futile. Why are we not pushing aside those who relish a regression to our oppressive past?

“Will numbers of this sort bring Republicans and conservatives to their senses?” 
Let’s read how Mario views the topic.


Becoming a White Minority
JUNE 13, 2013 BY  

Republican Teaparty Elephant -
Not a good time to be the party of xenophobes and delusional frauds.
For the first time, America’s racial and ethnic minorities now make up about half of the under-5 age group, the government said Thursday. It’s a historic shift that shows how young people are at the forefront of sweeping changes by race and class.
The new census estimates, a snapshot of the U.S. population as of July 2012, comes a year after the Census Bureau reported that whites had fallen to a minority among babies. Fueled by immigration and high rates of birth, particularly among Hispanics, racial and ethnic minorities are now growing more rapidly in numbers than whites.
Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year or next, Thomas Mesenbourg, the Census Bureau’s acting director, said.
The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18. Not long after, the total U.S. white population will begin an inexorable decline in absolute numbers, due to aging baby boomers.
Will numbers of this sort bring conservatives and Republicans to their senses and finally have them embrace comprehensive immigration reform? No, of course not. Teahadists will only dig their heels in and increase the decibel level of their screeching and opposition to any commonsense reform.

As we’ve come to learn, these sad little people don’t react well to numbers that don’t match up to their preconceived notion of reality.

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Mario Piperni: Texas, Immigration and The Color "Purple"

In Democrats, Mario Piperni, Mitt Romney on June 13, 2013 at 8:03 AM

Reposted from Mario Piperni Dot Com

Purple Texas

Texas Demographics  :


Let’s be clear about this: If Latinos voted at the same rates as whites, Texas would already be Purple. And all other things remaining equal, it would’ve provided Mitt Romney with his second closest victory margin last year. Except that all things wouldn’t have been equal—a five-point race would’ve meant lots of money. Democrats would’ve poured resources into the state, while Republicans would’ve been forced to divert their cash to playing defense.

How important is Texas? If Republicans lost it, they could win Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin and still lose the election. In other words, lose Texas, or even be forced to defend that expensive-ass state, and Republicans are screwed. 

So the math is clear—Texas would be purple of Latinos voted. But they don’t, so who cares, right? Well, Republicans should, because even with the same existing shitty turnout rate the growth in the Latino and Asian communities will erode the GOP’s base by about 5 1/2 points every four years, or about 1.4 points per year. 

In other words, demographics alone will make Texas purple by 2024. And if Latinos decide to start voting, years sooner.

Of the 15 senators who voted against debating immigration reform, 13 were from red states, including Texas’ Ted Cruz. As Kos points out, there is no better reason for Republicans to vote for immigration reform than that of holding on to Texas. And yet, it’s going to be an uphill battle getting a bill out of the Senate and near impossible to get it through the House where Tea Party Republicans have vowed to block any and all legislation.

Who is Republican’s worst enemy? Republicans.
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