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Archive for June 14th, 2013|Daily archive page

Darrel Issa Living Up To GOP Standards: An Embarrassing Failure!

In GOP, GOTP on June 14, 2013 at 6:24 PM

“I want seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks.” Darrell Issa Chair US House Oversight Committee (January 2011)

Does that read like a verbal railing from one who benefited from a tea party infestation of the US House of Representatives? It should read as such because it frankly was just that, a preordained mindset based in GOP dogma and a pimple-like manifestation of GOP obstruction strategy. 

The railing read like a yelp from George Armstrong Custer, or Nero. The words carried as much meaning as the next failed Custer strategy against Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Gall, or if you prefer, as much reminding of Nero sitting in moonlight serenading himself in the presence of a burning Rome.

Just after he assumed the Chair of the House Oversight Committee, Darrell Issa made sweeping declarations of intent to investigate the Obama Administration and equally sweeping and unsubstantiated accusations against the Obama Administration.  Issa brazenly declared the two-year (in office) Obama Administration was the most corrupt administration in US History. 

The day Issa assumed his Chairmanship, Politico published a telling piece. 


It is important to remember, Issa took over the Chair position two years after Barack Obama was elected the nation’s 44th president. Two years in the Oval Office was just enough time to effectively secure and witness the benefit of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (AKA The Stimulus); 87,648 recipients received $793 Billion in recovery aid between January 1, 2009 – March 31, 2013. 

The Stimulus was nothing shy of nation saving: 

In addition to early Obama Administration measures to place a finger in the dam of the Great Recession, and unbeknown to you and me, Issa took office and within months of an Obama edict to “eliminate” bin Laden came to planning and operational fruition. 

The specific point!  When did the Obama Administration have time or opportunity to fit into the Issa ‘false’ mold of “most corrupt” and in need of unending investigations as forecast by the newly seated Chair.

It appears the GOP may have subscribed to that old axiom, “It takes a criminal to know a criminal.”  The following Facebook meme depicts what the majority of conservatives would consider (and label) a “thug.” 

Photo: Follow Gorilla Pig! Like and share the posts, and make sure The Pig shows in your newsfeed and interest list!
There isn’t one conservative nor 
Republican alive (and maybe even you) 
who would not call this a record of a “thug.”
Martin Bashir on Darrell Issa’s background, credibility and veracity.
Lawrence O’Donnell explores the fallacy of Issa As Oversight Committee Chair. 

June 12, 2013

June 13, 2013

Businessweek’s Joshua Green published a piece yesterday that effectively details the fallacy of Issa as the perfect GOP ‘hitman” against the Obama Administration. 

Of course, I am biased and will admit to an aversion to all things conservative. That said, may I finish with my thoughts that Darrell Issa is indicative of the shallow, dishonest and muckraking modern-day GOP. I do not believe one of his deep investigations has yielded any validation of corruption in the Obama Administration.  In fact, Issa has uncovered facts that to not bode very well for the GOP and some of that reaches back to George W. Bush (Fast and Furious and certain aspects of the IRS issue).  

I am not certain that Donald Trumps phantom investigators in Hawaii with alleged (at the time) proof that Obama’s birth certificate was a fake, as much a Trump lie as it was, did not hold a bit more credibility than Issa’s witchhunts. 

Nothing from nothing equals nothing. 
Nothing plus nothing equals nothing. 

While outside the scope of his purview, Issa should focus his efforts on investigations into why there are no jobs bills coming from the House of OZ.   Issa would certainly find much more  opportunity for corruption. 

Senate Armed Services Committee Leaves Commanders in Rape Investigations Process

In Uncategorized on June 14, 2013 at 1:50 PM

Senator  Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D) NY
What is the logic behind Senate Armed Services Committee votes to avoid military legal counsel in investigation of military rapes? Seventeen members, across party-lines  voted to leave armed services sexual assaults in the hands of chains of command.   Despite impassioned pleas from Senator  Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D) NY, to remove the investigation from military chains of command, 17 members  obviously do not believe the heavy burden and shame associated with being a victim. 

Here are the Senators who feel the military commanders are better investigators of military rape cases. It is sad to see Democrats join the list of Republicans on this list; truly sad!

Kelly Ayotte (R -NH) (202) 224-3324
Roy Blunt (R – MO) (202) 224-5721
Saxby Chambliss (R – GA) (202) 224-3521
Deb Fischer (R – NE) (202) 224-6551
Lindsey Graham (R – SC) (202) 224-5972
James Inhofe (R – OK) (202) 224-4721
Tim Kaine (D – VA) (202) 224-4024
Angus King (I – ME) (202) 224-5344
Mike Lee (R – UT) (202) 224-6444
Carl Levin (D – MI) (202) 224-6221
Joe Manchin (D – MI) (202) 224-3954
John McCain (R – AZ) (202) 224-2235
Claire McCaskill (D – MO)(202) 224-6154
Bill Nelson (D – FL) (202) 224-5274
Jack Reed (D – RI) (202) 224-4642
Jeff Sessions (R – AL) (202) 224-4124
Roger Wicker (R – MS) (202) 224-6253

The sad part of such decisions and legislative measures is, we will have to wait years to see if these 17 were wise in their decisions. Think of the victims.

The Daily GOP Ignominious: FoxPEN (Fox Propaganda and Entertainment Network)

In Obama Administration on June 14, 2013 at 10:11 AM

But, you say this is not a GOP Ignominious?  Think again!


Fox News and its propaganda mongers show extreme disrespect for their viewers.    No one associated with the TPI spends even minutes watching Fox News.  The minutes of viewing Fox are spent on Shepard Smith’s early evening show while avoiding the Chris Matthews Hardball (repeat) show on MSNBC.  

Why not CNN? Need I answer that questions? 

Watch Hannity with former Obama Administration economic team’s Austan Goolsbee.  What you will see is the very reason Hannity and his network avoids interviewing people who know facts, are not subservient paid pundits, and you will see the truth trump propaganda.  

Now take a look at what can only be described as pure propaganda and the work of a propagandist network. Do not forget, Hannity does not write all of his propaganda. Also, remember these people continue to amaze as they earn millions as electronic propagandist (and entertainment).  One would think these people recognize electronic media leaves a permanent archive. An archive, which is immediately retrievable by anyone who suspects the host is lying.

Hannity and Fox at its most revealing, thanks to a YouTube video.


What do you think?  Imagine consistent and repeated soaking up Hannity’s propaganda. No, you cannot imagine such, can you? Millions do just that.  I have to assume their social and political paradigm contributes to a need for nightly doses of propaganda.   The next logical deduction, if we go to paradigm-ed (habitual) viewing of a propagandist like Hannity, is addiction to Fox News lies, misrepresentations, disinformation and all associated garbage from Fox News (FoxPEN, Fox Propaganda and Entertainment Network). 

Take a few minutes to see how another FoxPEN propagandist goes ballistic when his guest will not agree with him.  Think about the last time your child or grandchild threw a tantrum because the kid could not have her/his way.
