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Polls, Polls, Polls And The Lead-Up To Republicans Do Not Like Republicans

In Polls on June 17, 2013 at 9:40 PM

Gallup, Rasmussen, and Silver Poll Reliability 2012: Image by Mike DeHaan
Nate Silver hits on the mark with 0.0; Rasmussen and Gallup well another story.

Poll, polls, polls…… 

We are going to post the following chart in our future polling reports. Points of reference are important and US polling drop many balls in 2012.

If you are like me an may any attention to new stories, we are inundated with pololing results.  A couple of very notable blunders by Gallup and Rasmussen in 2012, induces a bit of reticence in reporting polling results.  Gallup recently published results indicating George W. Bush had climbed to “positive image” ratings at the level of 49% vs. 46% “negative image” ratings.  Gallup reported the following poll demographics:

Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted June 1-4, 2013, with a random sample of 1,529 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

All 50 states?  Is the American public that fickle and forgiving?  So, we will post that graphic for perspective on US polling. As you can see above the vast majority of research/polling authorities missed the mark. Some missed the mark by not very much, but a miss is a miss.  

Public Policy Polling has recently published poll results indicating even Republicans have grown weary of their own party.  In fairness, we should reported the context of the poll appears to relate to gun legislation. As you know the GOP ignored 91% of voters who want background checks for gun purchase. The GOP voted to the congressional member to not place the measure up for a vote. 


Read more: The Business Insider

Flake, Stevenson, Race and the GOP! Reince Priebus, "Where Are You?"

In GOP on June 17, 2013 at 5:52 PM

Tanner Flake Twitter: Arizona Senator Jeff Flake’s Son Is a Level 10 Racist
Newly elected Arizona Senator Jeff Flake is no stranger to GOP regression and intolerance. Flake’s son, Tanner, was recently revealed as a racist and a homophobic internet bully. Tanner Flake has repeatedly used racist and homophobic epithets on his Twitter (@tflakey); the account has been deactivated.  

Flake has gone public with a stiff apology and nice words in an effort to mask the true genesis of his young man’s racism/homophobia and over-the-top bullying. The senator’s apology and efforts at public relations fails miserably. 
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) “I’m very disappointed in my teenage son’s words, and I sincerely apologize for the insensitivity. This language is unacceptable, anywhere. Needless to say, I’ve already spoken with him about this, he has apologized, and I apologize as well.”

Let’s take a quick look at Tanner Flake. You will find the pixelated words posted as Number 2 in the game results.

Flake posted screenshots of games revealing his username, “n1ggerkiller.” 

In YouTube comments, Flake has repeatedly called other users “n*****” and “f****t” and referred to Mexicans as the “scum of the Earth.”

Racism, bigotry and extreme bias are not DNA inherited psychological deficiencies. They are environmentally assimilated in the psyche of young people and that assimilation starts in the home.

Diversity consultants and behavioral sociologist fully support the fact that racism and its lowly cousins, bigotry and extreme bias, are not the product of birth. They are clearly the product of upbringing and environment. After those initial doses of environmental bigotry, the psychological deviation are re-enforced via friends and school. From that point the developed paradigm is incorporated into the individuals psyche for life, unless the cycle is broken as depicted below.

PolicyMic published an interesting piece regarding young Flake and his dad. It would be easy to simply label Tanner as product of his environment (As will show in a bit), but the social deviate and his dad could easily avoid the ‘collar’ via people who practice indifference, or people who similarly have and exhibit the very same social deviation. The problem goes much deeper than excusing the young man of racism and homophobia. Tanner is the product of a mindset that seems to have a strong hold in the GOP and conservative America.

The mindset is so systemic to the GOP, I continue to wonder about the motives of the “Black Conservative,” as they prefer to be addressed, in subservience to American Conservatism. The word subservient was chosen carefully and with deep thought. The so called “Black Conservative”, never once speaks out publicly about their abhorrence to such exhibitions. As supposedly intelligent people, they know that young Tanner’s racist foundation was set as he grew to his teenage years. Yet, the “Black Conservative” again remains closed lipped and quiet, when they could do themselves and their party well by speaking out against overt racism.

Rather than fault Senator Flake for his son’s homophobic or racist beliefs, we should look at the senator’s own record on gay and race-related issues. Flake supports a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and an amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman. He has a 0% rating from the Human Rights Campaign. He has a 0% rating from the NAACPHe has a 7% rating from the ACLU 

Granted, interest groups and congressional votes are not perfect metrics for personal ideology, but they are better measures of his beliefs than his son’s Twitter. If he should be faulted for any actions, then, it should be for his own.

Read more 

Now, a quick peep at how such foundations telescope in full blown problems for the greater society.

Clearly young Flake is the product of his environment and evidence of yet another offspring of American conservatism. As depicted in the first graphic above, Tanner never received that necessary intervention to “BREAK” the Cycle of Oppression.

You might think the Cycle is a heavy burden to for such young man (with no real experience beyond puberty) and you might think Tanner has learned from his overt racism.  Well, that is a key consideration as one considers the Fabric of Oppression from which the Cycle is a key component. Do you think young Flake would have grown to be less bigoted or racist without an intervention?  What happens if young Flake becomes a lead person or supervisor should he secure employment while in college? Or, worse yet, let’s imagine his racism and homophobia going unchecked throughout his young life and becomes as solid as granite as his full mental processes take shape.  Do you think for one second he would be fair to employees of color or LGBT employees, if he as a manager would even hire other than white employees?  We have enough of those people in conservative America.

If the last sentence alarmed you or if it did not surprise you, here is  another example of that of which I just wrote.

GOP Rep Joe Heck apologizes for son: Obama, “spear chucking’” says, ‘faggot’ and ‘n*gga’ on Twitter

Rep. Heck
Rep. Heck
June 13, 2013

Just yesterday Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) apologized after BuzzFeed caught and posted his son’s homophobic and racist tweets. And now Nevada Rep. Joe Heck’s teenage son has done the exact same thing, joining the ranks of homophobes, racists and sexist assholes.
Heck apologized for his son’s tweets in a statement to BuzzFeed.
Just yesterday Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) apologized after BuzzFeed caught and posted his son’s homophobic and racist tweets. And now Nevada Rep. Joe Heck’s teenage son has done the exact same thing, joining the ranks of homophobes, racists and sexist assholes.

Read more 

It is important to not only look at the root cause of racism and bigotry and a clear foundation in conservative America, it is equally critical for people to understand the following. People like young Flake and young Stevenson do not develop to full adulthood without carrying another “ism.” They are also generally afflicted with gender bias that can lead to full misogyny.

UPDATE: If you need a bit more…

SCOTUS Strikes Down Arizona Voter Restriction Law

In Uncategorized on June 17, 2013 at 10:02 AM

By a vote of 7-2 The SCOUTS struck-down an Arizona “proof of citizenship” law that forces verification of citizenship at time of voter registration.
Reports are Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito cast dissenting votes.  
Before we turn this pieces over to MSNBC, we must ask a question. Has Clarence Thomas voted with the majority on any cases involving the rights of people?

Supreme Court strikes down Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote

By Pete Williams and Erin McClam, NBC News 

The Supreme Court on Monday struck down an Arizona law that requires people to submit proof of citizenship when they register to vote.