The Pardu

Archive for June 18th, 2013|Daily archive page

The Daily GOP Ignominious : Burgess of Texas

In Uncategorized on June 18, 2013 at 4:14 PM
Small Image of the Day, Plus The Daily Ignominious
A Republican member of the House of OZ (tea party infested 113th House of Representatives) has busted the stratosphere of insanity. It should not require much thought to realize the member of Congress has one thing in common with Rep. Gohmert, Sen. Cruz and Gov.Rick Perry :the Great State of Texas.

Linked: The Raw Story

Burgess, an OB/GYN, was apparently making a point that as early as 15 weeks in a pregnancy fetuses show signs of feelings. The logic (Or as per GOP logic) is, If the fetus can feel pain, why not pleasure. Interesting, but somewhat ‘out-there” in “La La Land” where you will find the Golden “Regression” Tree so relished by the right. 

As I read the headline twice this morning; I summarily dismissed it on both occasions.  The Atlantic has published a neat screed about Burgess and where he might have received his mind altering thoughts which are only transmittable to politicians on the Right

The Atlantic crafted an interesting an intriguing read. I simply say that Burgess must have attended the same medical conferences as did Todd Akin and Trent Frank.  It is even more intriguing Burgess shares a profession the likes of Rand and Ron Paul.

On a slightly more humorous, if Burgess’s asininity has any basis if fact, rest assured at least two GOP representatives jotted notes about fetus masturbation (self-abuse). The act will surely receive prohibiting legislation before the end of the summer.   

Second point, how does the good doctor not know that female fetuses may perform acts of masturbation? I have been told that some women derive a great deal of pleasure from the female genital area.  I think this requires serious research by the GOP.  But, the research must start with a premise: “You do not always have to have a pool to do sensual  dancing!”


Edward Snowden vs.National Security

In Uncategorized on June 18, 2013 at 3:23 PM

PHOTO: Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, 21, a Bangladeshi national, allegedly parked a van filled with what he believed to be 1,000 pounds of explosives outside the building in Lower Manhattan near the New York Stock Exchange, and was arrested after h
“lone wolf,” Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis 

National Security Director, Gen. Keith Alexander, during morning testimony before the House Intelligence Committee expanded on this earlier comments that at least twenty terrorist plots had been thwarted via meta-data monitoring security measures.

As Edward Snowden continues his fanciful self-indulgent protest against the United States, security officials are being forced to address the most critical security measures in our nation.  Our national security could be placed in the ‘compromised’ category,  for no purpose beyond 
fervor about programs that have existed since the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.  As President Obama sat for a 45 minute interview with PBS Charlie Rose, it isn’t a stretch to imagine the extent to which his security team is working to show transparency while simultaneously working in the background on shoring up Snowden’s misguided defector’s comments (and details). 

Alexander referenced even more plots foiled by Meta-data gathering. He testified about 50 such plots with a specific reference to an October , 2102 plot. 

ABC News 


Authorities today arrested a “lone actor” who thought he was about to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City’s crowded Financial District on behalf of al Qaeda but instead discovered he was the target of a law enforcement sting.


Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, 21, a Bangladeshi national, allegedly parked a van filled with what he believed to be 1,000 pounds of explosives outside the building in Lower Manhattan near the New York Stock Exchange, and was arrested after he tried to detonate the “bomb” with a cellphone. Officials say there was never any danger to the public.

According to the Washington Post, Alexander expounded on his assertion that the programs have saveD lives, foiled terror plots, and resulted in convictions of combatants.
“Those 50 cases right now have been looked at by the FBI, CIA and other partners within the community, and the National Counterterrorism Center is validating all the points so that you know that what we’ve put in there is exactly right,” said Alexander. 
Alexander also said that if the surveillance programs had been in place before the Sept. 11 attacks, the United States would have known that hijacker Khalid Muhammad Abdallah al-Mihdhar was in San Diego and communicating with a known al Qaeda safehouse in Yemen.

We appreciate results of a national poll reflecting 51% approval of meta-data monitoring.  We find it abhorrent the level of angst and malcontent with programs that truly work and may provide the only viable option to stop terror in our cities (and worldwide).  It is most disturbing to have a young ‘scatter’ brain being referred to as a hero with Ron Paul “legalize heroin” Paul blasting words of praise with any conservative new show host who will have him in front of a camera (e.g., Chuck Todd, MSNBC).   

“Good happens, but It often goes unrecognized by people with blinders and biases!”  ~The Pardu 2013

Bank of America Ordered Employees To "Lie" About Loan Modifications (VIDEO)

In GOP, Mitt Romney on June 18, 2013 at 10:32 AM

Did Mitt Romney say, “Corporations are people, my friend?”

What follows is the perfect example of why we reject all things conservative and we adhere to an even higher level of rejection of Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan.
Bank of America (BoA) ordered employees to lie about Loan Modifications to secure additional fees!  
I believe the US citizenry joined with the Bush Administration in providing “bailout funds” to Bank of America. Are we suffering from extreme idealism and chronic naivety to think corporations which received bailout assistance should have a heightened sense of commitment in working with American consumers?  Well, our naivety took us down the wrong path once again. What follows is yet another example of how Top 1% (ers) and some corporations are working against an improved economy and insensitive corporate strategies towards consumers. 

Project.Publica  (Bailout details)

Bank of America

$4.57BRevenue to Gov’t

Bank of America was among the eight large U.S. banks (nine if you count Merrill Lynch, now part of BoA) to receive the Treasury Department’s initial round of capital investments in the fall of 2008 — money described by Treasury officials not as a bailout, but rather as funds to help bolster “healthy” banks in tough times. But in January of 2009, Bank of America received additional government aid to help it cover the massive losses resulting from its acquisition of Merrill Lynch.

The $45 billion in aid came mostly in the form of large capital investments, but BoA also struck a deal with the government to limit losses from a $118 billion pool of troubled assets. The Treasury agreed to make those guarantees alongside the Fed and FDIC. But Bank of America backed out of the deal before it was finalized, eventually paying a total of $425 million in fees to the Treasury, Fed, and FDIC. As you can see to the left, the Treasury received $276 million of that. In December, BoA returned the $45 billion to the Treasury.


“We were told to lie to customers,” said Simone Gordon, who worked in the bank’s loss mitigation department until February 2012. “Site leaders regularly told us that the more we delayed the HAMP [loan] modification process, the more fees Bank of America would collect.”

In sworn testimony, six former BoA employees testified their managers sought to undermine the Loan Modification Program, via delaying requests for assistance.  A key consideration is the word, “undermine.”  


In their sworn testimony, the former Bank of America employees detail a series of specific company policies designed to provide as little foreclosure relief as possible. 
“Based on what I observed, Bank of America was trying to prevent as many homeowners as possible from obtaining permanent HAMP loan modifications while leading the public and the government to believe that it was making efforts to comply with HAMP,” said Theresa Terrelonge, a Bank of America collector until June 2010. “It was well known among managers and many employees that the overriding goal was to extend as few HAMP loan modifications to homeowners as possible.” 
The reason was fairly simple, according to William Wilson Jr., who worked as a manager in the company’s Charlotte, N.C., headquarters, where he supervised 13 mortgage representatives working on with customers seeking HAMP loan modifications. 
After stonewalling qualified borrowers seeking an affordable HAMP loan, Bank of America representatives could upsell them to a more costly “in-house” loan modification, with rates 3 points higher than the 2 percent rate available under HAMP guidelines, Wilson testified. 
“The unfortunate truth is that many and possibly most of these people were entitled to a HAMP loan modification, but had little choice but to accept a more expensive and less favorable in-house modification,” he said.

Read More  

Corporations are people? Yes, and because of people who run corporations and the chartered entities share the same values systems inherent in mankind. And, those value systems often lead to unethical acts, and manipulation of the consumer.

Charlie Rose (PBS) Interviews President Obama

In President Obama on June 18, 2013 at 9:12 AM

YouTube’s Charlie Rose, President Obama’s interview on PBS 6.17.2013.

YouTube Link:
Backup Link:

Published on Jun 17, 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama defended top secret National Security Agency spying programs as legal in a lengthy interview Monday, and called them transparent – even though they are authorized in secret. 

“It is transparent,” Obama told PBS’s Charlie Rose in an interview to be broadcast Monday. “That’s why we set up the FISA court,” he added, referring to the secret court set up by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that authorizes two recently disclosed programs: one that gathers U.S. phone records and another that is designed to track the use of U.S.-based Internet servers by foreigners with possible links to terrorism. 

He added that he’s set up a privacy and civil liberties oversight board to help in the debate over just how far government data gathering should be allowed to go – a discussion that is complicated by the secrecy surrounding the FISA court, with hearings held at undisclosed locations and with only government lawyers present. The orders that result are all highly classified. 

“We’re going to have to find ways where the public has an assurance that there are checks and balances in place … that their phone calls aren’t being listened into; their text messages aren’t being monitored, their emails are not being read by some big brother somewhere,” Obama said. 

A senior administration official said the president had asked Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to determine what more information about the two programs could be made public, to help better explain them. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak publicly.