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Open Secrets Blog: Top Political Contributions and IRS Code Classifications

In Uncategorized on June 19, 2013 at 8:31 PM - Center for Responsive PoliticsWould you like a look at how Citizens United has influenced US politics?  Maybe, just maybe, you might come away from the embedded OpenSecretsBlog tables with an understanding of why the IRS would spend extra effort in attempts to validate non-profit status of many organizations. It should not take a major Einstein ‘mental epiphany’ to see how and why organizations,  sanctioned by Citizens United and facilitated via flawed IRS codes, would draw IRS analyst attention.  

If you have followed news this week, you may know that Elijah Cummings (D) Md. has released the full transcript of Oversight Committee hearings on the IRS alleged scandal that was not a scandal.  As you view the tables below, keep in mind the 501(C)(4) is the code that led to heightened IRS scrutiny of Citizens United induced potential for tax evasion. 

A bit of research will yield findings indicating groups in the table are not all “conservative.” 

IRS CODE Reference Chart

1986 Code Description of Organization General nature of activities Application Form No. Annual return required to be filed Contributions allowable
501(c)(1) Corporations Organized Under Act of Congress (including Federal Credit Unions) Instrumentalities of the United States No Form None Yes, if made for exclusively public purposes
501(c)(2) Title Holding Corporation For Exempt Organization Holding title to property of an exempt organization 1024 9901 or 990EZ8 No2
501(c)(3) Religious. Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary. Testing for Public Safety, to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations Activities of nature implied by description of class of organization 1023 9901 or 990EZ8, or 990-PF Yes, generally2,3
501(c)(4) Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Associations of Employees Promotion of community welfare; charitable, educational or recreational 1024 9901 or 990EZ8 No, generally2,3
501(c)(5) Labor, Agricultural, and Horticultural Organizations Educational or instructive, the purpose being to improve conditions of work, and to improve products and efficiency 1024 9901 or 990EZ8 No2
501(c)(6) Business Leagues, Changers of Commerce, Real Estate Boards, Etc. Improvement of business conditions of one or more lines of business 1024 9901 or 990EZ8 No2

Note: For groups that want to be politically active, alternative corporate structures are available, such as super PACs and “527” groups — and those groups aren’t limited to spending just 49.9 percent of their resources on politics. However, they are required to disclose their donors. 

Political Nonprofits: Top Donors

These are the top donor organizations to politically active 501(c) nonprofits — or, rather, these are the donors the Center for Responsive Politics has been able to identify. Groups on the receiving end aren’t required to publicly reveal who their contributors are. However, 501(c) groups must disclose the names of organizations to which they make donations. By sifting through hundreds of 990 tax forms, where the disclosure occurs, we have come up with this list.

Other donors — such as individuals and corporations — aren’t required to publicly report such gifts, so the sources of much of the money flowing to politically active tax-exempt groups remain unknown.

Organization Parent Total Type
Center to Protect Patient Rights $55,740,985 c4
Sea Change Foundation $26,986,150 c3
Crossroads GPS Crossroads GPS/American Crossroads $13,875,000 c4
TC4 Trust $11,787,800 c4
Donors Trust $8,832,250 c3
Republican Jewish Coalition $8,000,000 c4
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $7,100,000 c6
Green Tech Action Fund $5,775,300 c4
Advocacy Fund $5,632,488 c4
Alliance for Freedom $4,190,000 c4
Wellspring Cmte $4,078,182 c4
National Christian Charitable Foundation $3,740,405 c3
America’s Families First $3,144,000 c4
Partnership Action Fund $3,098,854 c4
America Votes $2,791,000 c4
American Justice Partnership $2,667,500 c4
Annual Fund Wellspring Cmte $2,034,191 c4
Schwab Charitable Fund $1,916,649 c3
Patriot Majority USA $1,757,500 c4
John William Pope Foundation $1,475,000 c3
Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation $1,303,720 c3
Citizenlink Focus on the Family $1,250,103 c4
Sierra Club $1,167,500 c4
American Future Fund $1,026,200 c4
Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation $776,000 c3
Claude R Lambe Charitable Foundation $504,725 c3
Family Coalition Berman & Co $500,000 c6
Open Society Institute $468,883 c3
Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation $400,000 c3
United Steelworkers $397,500 c5
Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central VA $350,250 c3
Proteus Fund $350,000 c3
American Farm Bureau $315,000 c5
Dunn’s Foundation for Advancement/Right Thinking $270,000 c3
Americans for Limited Government $250,000 c4
Cornerstone Action $243,000 c4
American Action Network $200,000 c4
Energy Foundation $190,000 c3
Campaign for Community Change $154,074 c4
Alliance Defense Fund $125,000 c3
Wisconsin Bankers Assn $125,000 c6
US Charitable Gift Trust $111,706 c3
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation $101,000 c3
James & Judith K Dimon Foundation $100,000 c3
Castle Rock Foundation $100,000 c3
EL Craig Foundation $100,000 c3
Farago Foundation $100,000 c3
Florida Liberty Fund $100,000 527
Marcus Foundation $100,000 c3
Mississippi Common Trust Fund $100,000 c3
One Jerusalem $94,500 c4
American Petroleum Institute $75,000 c6
Internet Innovation Alliance $65,000 c6
Palladium Foundation $60,000 c3
Greater Houston Community Foundation $60,000 c3
American Natural Gas Alliance $60,000 c6
Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Issue Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce $57,600 c4
Citizens for a Strong America $51,617 c4
Alliance for America’s Future $50,000 c4
Robert K Steel Family Foundation $50,000 c3
UPS Foundation $25,000 c3
Americans for Tax Reform $25,000 c4
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $25,000 c6

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.

Now take a look at the same table sorted by “Type.” 
Organization Parent Total Type
Florida Liberty Fund $50,000 527
Sea Change Foundation $29,986,150 c3
Donors Trust $8,834,250 c3
National Christian Charitable Foundation $3,765,405 c3
Alliance for Climate Protection $2,755,800 c3
Schwab Charitable Fund $1,941,649 c3
John William Pope Foundation $1,475,000 c3
Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation $1,323,720 c3
Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation $776,000 c3
Claude R Lambe Charitable Foundation $504,725 c3
Open Society Institute $468,883 c3
Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation $400,000 c3
Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central VA $350,250 c3
Proteus Fund $350,000 c3
Dunn’s Foundation for Advancement/Right Thinking $270,000 c3
Energy Foundation $190,000 c3
Alliance Defense Fund $125,000 c3
US Charitable Gift Trust $111,706 c3
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation $101,000 c3
Farago Foundation $100,000 c3
James & Judith K Dimon Foundation $100,000 c3
Marcus Foundation $100,000 c3
Mississippi Common Trust Fund $100,000 c3
Castle Rock Foundation $100,000 c3
EL Craig Foundation $100,000 c3
Joe & Mary Moeller Foundation $75,000 c3
American Values $62,500 c3
Greater Houston Community Foundation $60,000 c3
Palladium Foundation $60,000 c3
Robert K Steel Family Foundation $50,000 c3
Center for Independent Thought $45,000 c3
UPS Foundation $25,000 c3
Center to Protect Patient Rights $55,515,985 c4
Crossroads GPS Crossroads GPS/American Crossroads $13,875,000 c4
TC4 Trust $11,932,800 c4
Republican Jewish Coalition $8,000,000 c4
Advocacy Fund $6,068,488 c4
Green Tech Action Fund $5,775,300 c4
Free Enterprise America $5,057,000 c4
Wellspring Cmte $4,478,182 c4
Alliance for Freedom $4,190,000 c4
America’s Families First $3,144,000 c4
Partnership Action Fund $3,098,854 c4
American Justice Partnership $2,872,500 c4
America Votes $2,065,113 c4
Annual Fund Wellspring Cmte $2,034,191 c4
Patriot Majority USA $1,757,500 c4
Freedom & Values Alliance $1,715,346 c4
Citizenlink Focus on the Family $1,250,103 c4
Sierra Club $1,167,500 c4
Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Issue Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce $1,045,600 c4
American Future Fund $653,700 c4
Center for American Progress Action Fund $500,000 c4
New Models $387,500 c4
Republican Governors Public Policy Cmte Republican Governors Assn $335,948 c4
Progressive Future $265,000 c4
Americans for Limited Government $250,000 c4
Cornerstone Action $243,000 c4
Partnership for America $220,112 c4
American Action Network $200,000 c4
Club for Growth $198,386 c4
Campaign for Community Change $154,074 c4
One Jerusalem $94,500 c4
MyWirelessOrg Cellular Telecom & Internet Assn $85,000 c4
Greater Wisconsin Cmte $74,000 c4
American Commitment $70,250 c4
Faith & Freedom Coalition $60,000 c4
Citizens for a Strong America $51,617 c4
Alliance for America’s Future $50,000 c4
Western Skies Coalition $31,000 c4
Americans for Tax Reform $25,000 c4
United Steelworkers $397,500 c5
American Farm Bureau $315,000 c5
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $8,300,000 c6
Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care $750,000 c6
Family Coalition Berman & Co $500,000 c6
Wisconsin Bankers Assn $416,600 c6
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $225,000 c6
American Petroleum Institute $175,000 c6
Motion Picture Assn of America $125,000 c6
AGC Public Awareness & Advocacy Fund $100,000 c6
Internet Innovation Alliance $65,000 c6
American Natural Gas Alliance $60,000 c6

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.

We believe OpenSecrets is unparalleled in their efforts to help the informed follow the money. Their detailed work helps you and me see the impact on the money on legislation. 

If you closely follow OpenSecrets tracking you will see clear evidence that the majority of members of Congress march the drum beat of organizations which buy votes as a corporate strategy.

Elijah Cummings Releases Full Transcript of "Alleged" IRS Scandal

In Uncategorized on June 19, 2013 at 5:49 PM


Issa/Cummings; Oil/Water
If you read the TPI often or even visited shortly after we published one of our many screeds on Darrell Issa (R-CA), Oversight Committee Chair, you know how we feel about the Issa.  In case you have not read here often or have missed our screeds on Issa, our position: Darrell Issa is an unsavory character by any definition who has parlayed his life into that of the uber wealthy, without leaving his thuggish tendencies in the shadows.

After his appointment to the Oversight Chair position and along with tea party infestation of the US House of Representatives, Issa has served as a poster-boy for his party.  His declarations of I am going to get you.(figuratively) against the Obama Administration has literally turned into an embarrassment of federal governance unsurpassed in the Oversight Chair position.   

Shortly after Issa assumed his Chair role he made two telling declarations.  First, he declared the Obama Administration was the most corruption administration in US history.  After a good deal of flack for his remarks the ill-tempered pit-bull Issa attempted to backtrack his comment. (Read the TPI, here)

Moreover, one of Issa first declarations after January 3, 2011, was as follows: “I want seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks.”  

Issa frankly stated his Mission as the party pit-bull.  We again suggest he has stumble through alleged scandal after scandal an come up with completely empty baskets for his party leaders.  From Fast and Furious through the recently folded IRS “Scandal”, Issa has thrown lots of mud against a wall that does not facilitate sticking. In the course of running through false issues, Issa has contributed to the GOP “war on women.”  His refusal seat Sandra Fluke as a witness in hearings related to contraception and healthcare reform and his mismanagement and attempts to shape Oversight outcomes, led to Rush Limbaugh’s sickening attacks on Ms. Fluke.  Issa may very well have helped shape 2012 election results.  

Issa also was reported to have received “word” from GOP leaders to back-down on his attacks against White House spokesperson, Carney. Issa called Carney a “paid liar.”

It appears Issa fills the “liar’ characterization to a far more comprehensive level than anyone in federal governance. He holds that honor, despite the fact Michelle Bachmann would run a close race against the stumbling Oversight Chair.  

We have long suspected Issa was cherry-picking his way through the IRS “scandal” with hope of damaging the Obama Administration   

Oversight Committee ranking member, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) informed Issa of his intent to release the full hearing transcript if Issa continued cherry-picking and strategic releasing of hearing information. Cummings released the full hearing transcript yesterday.  We have embedded the full 200 pages below for those who want to comb through for critical comments. Much of the document is not specific to Issa’s basic concern (and obvious mission): “Was the White House involved in ordering the IRS deep investigation of any request which appeared from a conservative organization?” 

Representative Cummings spoke on MSNBC after releasing the Full transcript.


var docstoc_docid=”159524568″;var docstoc_title=”IRS Transcript I”;var docstoc_urltitle=”IRS Transcript I”; IRS Transcript II var docstoc_docid=”159524573″;var docstoc_title=”IRS Transcript II”;var docstoc_urltitle=”IRS Transcript II”;

Huffignton Post: 

IRS Official: White House Was Not Involved In Targeting Of Conservative Groups


Republican and Democratic committee staffers interviewed IRS official John Shafer on June 6 about the agency’s decision to scrutinize a tea party group’s application for tax-exempt 501(c)(4) status. Shafer, who identified himself as “a conservative Republican” and said he’d worked for the IRS since 1992, said that he and a fellow screener initially flagged a tea party group and continued to do so with subsequent applications in order to maintain consistency in the process.
Throughout much of the interview, Shafer describes the mundane bureaucratic challenges of dealing with incoming applications for nonprofit status. He said his team flagged the first tea party application because it appeared to be a high-profile case, and he wanted to make sure all high-profile cases received similar attention. 
“What I’m talking here is that if we end up with four applications coming into the group that are pretty similar, and we assign them to four different agents, we don’t want four different determinations,” he said. “It’s just not good business. It’s not good customer service.”

The information, some of which Cummings previewed two weeks ago, seems to contradict proclamations made by Issa, who previously said the White House had ordered political targeting of tea party groups but has not released full transcripts supporting the claim.

It is truly shameful the tea party infested House of OZ will not work to improve life in our nation. They much prefer to “chase dragons.”  I should add “ultra phantom dragons.”