The Pardu

Archive for June 23rd, 2013|Daily archive page

Politics By Money: Bill Moyers On ALEC

In ALEC on June 23, 2013 at 8:09 PM

Politics by Money!

Ever sense I can remember, I have heard the old adage, “Politicians are on the take.”  You have heard it. We have all grown so accustomed to the money in politics the pandering, pay-offs, contributions and ‘most favor corporate” legislation are as common as our two party political system.

Websites like Gov Track and Open Secrets are provide critical information about the US Congress (proposed legislation, the money trials, legislative votes and bills passed).

There is no organization in America with more influence on moving the nation towards a much more conservative society than the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC with major support from the Koch Brothers and their “eager to contribute” billionaires donors club literally facilitates hand-off of GOP crafted legislation to state representatives.  

Bill Moyers has broadcast segments on ALEC and its influence on the nation.  

May 30, 2013 … See how, once again, the American Legislative Exchange Council is fitting its sticky fingers into scores of legislative cookie jars.
2 days ago … Learn more about the most influential corporate-funded political force you’ve likely never heard of: ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council.
Apr 23, 2013 … Several recent reports on the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, reveal more about the funding of the meetings between state …


It is clear conservative America has no issues with the growing plutocracy via the Kochs and other 1% conservatives and libertarians.  

What is phenomenally sad, is our suspicion that progressive, independent and liberal America is not paying proper attention to the cancer that is ALEC.

Rand Paul: The Perfect Storm Of GOP Bias and Bigotry

In CNN, Fox News, Kochs, Maddow, Rand Paul on June 23, 2013 at 7:20 PM

If you need a refresher on one of the nation’s most well known and infamous libertarians.  We re-introduce Rand Paul. His recent appearance on CNN simply refocuses on his, and his party’s social views. 

Paul is an accomplished individual rightist to the point of literally supporting ‘segregation.’ No matter how he speaks his beliefs and those of most libertarians, their “private owners” views sanctions an owners rights to place “Whites Only” signs at swimming pools and restaurants. He would find it OK to have “White Only” water fountains, and “rear-door service: at bus stations and train terminals. And is evident by the Koch’s foray into a  North Carolina school district, and as a fellow libertarian, they would find no issues with “all white schools.” 

In 2010, Paul attempted to skirt around his views on open access and fair access for all Americans. He, at the moment, must have forgotten he was being interviewed by a competent progressive show host vs. the “whine em up and let em ramble” entertainers on Fox News. Things just did not go well, and ends with a rambling garbled reference to early America. 

Maddow/Paul 2010 interview

Paul with Candy Crowley, CNN.  Paul speaks about GOP opposition to Immigration Reform with what has become the new dog whistle, ” Border Security.” He speaks for Republicans, and we find his comments typical regarding brown skinned people who wish to enter the United States. We do not find the same level of resistance to people who migrate from Eastern Europe. There are obviously no issues with people who will cross the border from Canada (if there was an issue with Canadian immigration). 

Paul, via his interview with Crowley, simply reaffirms the perception that the GOP has a solid undercurrent of bias and bigotry.  

“Border Security!”