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Archive for February 5th, 2014|Daily archive page

Koch’s Lost Their "Bippy" and Revealed A Secret Society

In Kochs, Mother Jones on February 5, 2014 at 6:18 PM


The Kochs and their administrative operatives have slipped-up and inadvertently left a revealing document at one of their secretive meeting places. We have often reported on secret Koch meetings, but we have yet to see a list of active donors to Koch cases (The Millionaire Donors Club) nor a list of where they meet.

One would think two of the world’s most wealthy plutocrats would employ professionals totally competent in working as “Cleansers” after the Kochs and their wealth cabal leave their “wolf’s lair” gatherings. Apparently, our confidence of “cleansing” competency is unfounded.  Mother Jones has published a document that includes Koch cabal donors and future meeting locations. I wonder if the Kochs and their henchmen were really so careless or is it a case that the vast web of Mother Jones information gathering rewards those who turns over such documents. Better yet, suppose the document was found by a meeting place service employee as part of a clean-up crew.  All intriguing thoughts. 

We have to frankly and openly state gleeful thoughts. We are overwhelmed with the thought of investigation into and publications about the “secret donors” and the prospect of future meeting for Mitt Romney like 47% surreptitious electronic monitoring. Of course, we know all meeting location plans will change now that the mis-laid document has been published.  But, the thoughts are intriguing.

Let’s visit with Mother Jones……

There’s one main rule at the conservative donor conclaves held twice a year by Charles and David Koch at luxury resorts: What happens there stays there.  

The billionaire industrialists and their political operatives strive to ensure the anonymity of the wealthy conservatives who fund their sprawling political operation—which funneled more than $400 million into the 2012 elections—and to keep their plans private. Attendees of these summits are warned that the seminars, where the Kochs and their allies hatch strategies for electing Republicans and advancing conservative initiatives on the state and national levels, are strictly confidential; they are cautioned to keep a close eye on their meeting notes and materials. But last week, following the Kochs’ first donor gathering of 2014, one attendee left behind a sensitive document at the Renaissance Esmeralda resort outside of Palm Springs, California, where the Kochs and their comrades had spent three days focused on winning the 2014 midterm elections and more. The document lists VIP donors—including John Schnatter, the founder of the Papa John’s pizza chain—who were scheduled for one-on-one meetings with representatives of the political, corporate, and philanthropic wings of Kochworld. The one-page document, provided to Mother Jones by a hotel guest who discovered it, offers a fascinating glimpse into the Kochs’ political machine and shows how closely intertwined it is with Koch Industries, their $115 billion conglomerate. 

CBO Director, Doug Elmendorf, Corrects ACA Derangement Lies! Which Media and Writers Will follow?

In Anti-ACA garbage, CBO report, Fox News, GOP fear-mongering, Mediaite, NPR, Obamacare, Raw Story, WaPo Fact Checker, WN. Dot Com on February 5, 2014 at 5:14 PM

The newly released Congressional Budget Office Report (Labor Market Effects Breakout) includes  verbiage posted in the table below (Think Progress):

(In reference to GOP and Fox News raised libidos about 2.3 million labor force reductions over through 2024. There are many links in the following post. The links are included for sake of providing perspective how the poli/’social Right and media hounds have taken a CBO report and turned it into a political weapon while firing “blanks.” The Fox New link, Mediaite afternoon link and the NPR link respectivley provide the range of derangement to accurate information we seek as the central theme of this post.)

Think Progress 

“…..reduction in labor “stems almost entirely from a net decline in the amount of labor that workers choose to supply, rather than from a net drop in businesses’ demand for labor” and that “there is no compelling evidence that part-time employment has increased as a result of ACA.”

Why are so many overlooking clear and delineating statements? We are not surprised the GOP and Fox News have pounced on a moving lion; we are amazed supposed progressive writers are reaping article readings with catchy headlines. What we have is pure undiluted right-wing “fright” and media derangement.

Choose your fright. 

The social and political right has taken a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report with good news about the US economy through 2024, grabbed a headline ready segment and popularized the segment as reader bait, and developed a campaign of Anti-ACA garbage. In fact, you will find just below a short list of suggested ‘baiters’, that will show as real baiters in a bit. It would be unfair to list media as baiters without recognition of the need for certain outlets to rush to press as a inherent as an industry norm. Fortunately, for high information people, other media research, deeper scrutiny and reports delivered after deeper scrutiny, the true story surfaces. One example below stands-out like a sore thumb of report in the morning and “Retract” re-report in the afternoon.
We offer listing of Netflix (tm) like horror movies. Choose your preference or should I say, choose your fright. Remember there are many more, this is a small representative gallery.

I offer an unqualified view of the ObamaCare portion of the CBO Report, before more qualified and detailed reporting (or screeds). It appears the CBO report indicates over the course of a ten year period (a full decade) proliferation and evolution of ObamaCare will result in economic and family-life relief to and lower middle income and poor families. 

How is that possible?

Families working multiple low paying jobs, and families work jobs for sake of medical coverage, will be able to seek other means of medical coverage via the ACA. The CBO report does not report a loss of 2.3 million jobs due to employers reducing their employment census to provide a positive Profit and Loss experience.

Let’s see if we can provide information that actually explains the CBO reporting and excludes GOP fear-mongering and politicking. Hasn’t the GOP previously shown great disdain for any CBO reports regarding the ACA, since before the law was enacted? 

Mediaite reported on Washington Post Fact Checker. What a difference over a period of four hours: ( 3:44 pm, 2.4.2013).

WaPo Fact Checker: ‘No, CBO Did Not Say Obamacare Will Kill 2 Million Jobs’ by Matt Wilstein | 3:44 pm, February 4th, 2014
Conservative critics of the Affordable Care Act have immediately and fervently latched onto one line from the Congressional Budget Office’s new 182-page report regarding the economic impact of Obamacare: “The reduction in CBO’s projections of hours worked represents a decline in the number of full-time-equivalent workers of about 2.0 million in 2017, rising to about 2.5 million in 2024.” But what exactly does that mean?

Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler has given “Three Pinocchios” to anyone claiming that means Obamacare will “kill” 2.5 million jobs over the next 10 years, as numerous commentators and writers have done so far Tuesday.

He points to the tweet below from the NRCC, but there have also been numerous others from Republican lawmakers:
Non-partisan CBO report admits is hurting the economy, will cost 2.5 millions jobs. 


Obamacare will cost “the nation about 2.5 million jobs” – CBO


Obamacare will cost our nation about 2.5 million jobs and increase the deficit by $1 trillion.

The crux of the issue lies in the reason for the reduction in worker hours, estimated to be “about 1.5 percent to 2.0 percent during the period from 2017 to 2024.” It is not, as some have suggested, because employers will stop hiring full-time workers, but because those workers will voluntarily decide to work slightly less. Essentially, it’s an issue of supply rather than demand.

Kessler explains:
First, this is not about jobs. It’s about workers — and the choices they make.
The CBO’s estimate is mostly the result of an analysis of the impact of the law on the supply of labor. That means how many people choose to participate in the work force. In other words, the nonpartisan agency is examining whether the law increases or decreases incentives for people to work.

Because health care subsidies decrease as people earn more income, some may choose to work less in order to gain more. That is not the same as the government “killing” jobs. Or, as Kessler puts it in his conclusion:

Some might believe that the overall impact of the health law on employment is bad because it would be encouraging people — some 2.3 million – not to work. Indeed, the decline in the workforce participation rate has been of concern to economists, as the baby boom generation leaves the work force, and the health care law appears to exacerbate that trend.
Moreover, the argument could go, this would hurt the nation’s budget because 2.3 million fewer people will pay taxes on their earnings. That’s certainly an intellectually solid argument — though others might counter that universal health care is worth a reduction in overall employment — but it’s not at all the same as saying these jobs would be lost.
Once again, we award Three Pinocchios to anyone who deliberately gets this wrong.
Obamacare’s critics can claim that the equivalent of 2.5 million less full time workers in the system is bad for the economy, and many will make that argument. But Kessler and others laid out how saying that the CBO claims Obamacare will “kill,” “cut,” or generally eliminate jobs from the market over the next 10 years is patently false.
[photo via screengrab]
Now, if you need to know more, pick your flavor from sources that score much higher on the ‘veracity’ scale.

We will close with a a link to the most credible news source in America: NPR…..“More Access To Health Care Means Millions Can Quit Or Cut Hours.”

The Daily Kos: Rep. Bridenstine Listens And Grins To "Execution of a president " Exhortation of!

In The Daily Kos on February 5, 2014 at 9:58 AM

As a student and follower of US politics since the Richard Nixon Watergate Scandal, I have yet to hear anyone with progressive or liberal views speak about execution of a US President.  Of course, I  chuckled during the Iraqi show-throwing against Bush W. Reagan and Bush W. completed terms in office without any mention of execution. Iraqi show-throwing against Bush W. 

The Demographics of the congressman’s audience speaks volumes about the level and scope of disdain, I personally hold towards “high end white” Baby Boomers.  We try to avoid blanket indictments, but there is a common thread against most of that demographic. Shamefully, that common thread is racial intolerance, bigotry and in many cases innate (deeply ingrained) racism. 

Would you care to wager, the majority of the Congressman’s audience (including himself) never miss Fox News evening entertainment shows? There is no need to speculate about the audience as Limbaugh listeners, they appear as elderly “Dittoheads.” 

The Daily Kos….

Re-blog via Creative Commons and The Daily Kos

Watch What Happens When A Woman Tells Rep. Bridenstine Obama Should Be Executed (VIDEO)

AUTHOR FEBRUARY 4, 2014 12:04 AM
Watch What Happens When A Woman Tells Rep. Bridenstine Obama Should Be Executed
When a woman told Representative Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) she thought President Obama should be executed, he reacted by looking for common ground.
Last week, somebody told Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) that she thinks President Obama should be “executed as an enemy combatant.” He reacted by finding common, anti-Obama ground with her.
At a Tea Party event last week in Tulsa, a questioner said the following to Bridenstine.
Obama, he’s not president, as far as I’m concerned. He should be executed as an enemy combatant. …The Muslims that he is shipping into our country through pilots and commercial jets… This guy is a criminal and nobody’s stopping him. And the other thing is… Congress doing nothing that legally allows this moron to make decisions. He has no authority, none!
Right Wing Watch advises that the “shipping Muslims into the country” claim is part of a bizarre right-wing conspiracy theory.

Representative Bridenstine failed to react to the woman’s words.

I don’t know about you but if somebody told me that President Obama should be “executed as an enemy combatant,” I’d think seriously about reporting them to the Secret Service. Even without the “Muslim shipping” accusation.
But not Bridenstine. He listened respectfully as others at the gathering chuckled. Finally, Bridenstine replied:
Look, everybody knows the lawlessness of this president. He picks and chooses which laws he’s going to enforce or not enforce. He does it by decree. …When he can’t create a law through Congress, then he gives us the …executive order. …When he can’t even get that done, then he uses foreign bodies. He uses the United Nations to try to change the laws in the United States.

Bridenstine has a history of extreme rhetoric against President Obama.

Last summer, Bridenstine demanded an apology from President Obama for funding climate change research. In the fall, when he predicted the Tea Party would be heroes for shutting down the government to defund ObamaCare, he also said, “Look, we’re willing to reluctantly fund all of the rest of the government; all we’re asking for is this one item.”
So it’s no big surprise that someone should feel so free to speak so hostilely to him about our president. It is disappointing, however, that a U.S. Congressman, no matter how much he hates Obama, would not immediately speak out against and condemn talk of executing him.
By listening respectfully to that kind of talk, Bridenstine gave it undeserved credibility. Even worse, he helped foster a climate for more.
Watch him not respond for yourself here.