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Archive for February 10th, 2014|Daily archive page

Extra Judicial Execution!

In Uncategorized on February 10, 2014 at 9:46 PM

Re-blog from Repost.US

My opinion?  The US should take the killer out! 

My position on Extras Judicial Executions [An extrajudicial killing is the killing of a person by governmental authorities without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal process], here
US weighs drone strike against American: reports (via AFP)

The US government is debating whether to kill an American citizen abroad who is allegedly part of the Al-Qaeda network and plotting attacks against the United States, media reported Monday. President Barack Obama’s administration is weighing the possible…

Reince Priebus Joins Rand Paul in a "No-Win" Place

In Bill Clinton, GOP strategy, Hillary Clinton, Rand Paul, Reince Priebus on February 10, 2014 at 4:25 PM

Re-Blog from The DailyBanter…

...And reality show politlics will not resuce an empty platform!

What you are about to read is the exact dynamic that takes place when a political party and movement have no substance, no viable platform issues, and no common sense.  
Rand Pual and his wife have embarked on a path that has ensnared many in the GOP.  The Charman of the RNC, Priebus, has joined the “ooze. A few weeks back while watching Chris Matthews, MSNBC Hardball, the former Chair of the RNC told Chris and co-guest Joy-Ann Reid that Paul’s message resonates. RESONATES?  Maybe, among low informaion and sycophant followers, but the great popualtion may have left Bill Clinton’s indiscretions far in the past.
Before I turn this screed over the crafty piece from Bob Cesca, allow one or two more quick points.  Clinton’s indiscretions are duly noted, archived in US History and not relevant to issues related to Hillary Clinton.   Do the Paul’s, Priebus and others fail to see that part of the love of Hillary Clinton is her handling of the indiscretion of a husband we were warned about well before he took office?  She handle her relationship as true matriarch of a family, and made the decision to work within the confines of her family to move forward.  She literally said on a sofa sitting next to Bill, “…I love the guy.”  She said so while most of us seethed with anger. An admirable act of love and family devotion from an admirable person. How will women feel about GOP ‘men” dragging that chapter in US History out of a Karl Rovian-like bag of dirty tricks?

Has either Paul or Priebus thought about the failings of Monica Lewinsky? Ms. Lewinsky, also knew of Bill Clinton’s “hot spots” (excuse the pun) and may have leveraged a weakness for exercise of her self-serving “concubinism.”  Thus, she may have been as flawed a personality and psyche as was Bill Clinton at the time. All said, the strategy against  the Clintons touches into an area that may induce more praise, respect and admiration for Hillary Clinton. 

One last point. Do you think for one second if the US economy was in the tank, Paul and his wife would get any place with the strategy? How about people realizing that the GOP (via Paul and Priebus) are embarking on a reality show issue while we have 1.7 million people suffering through no income as Paul’s filibustered (via the GOP) Senate voted against a three month extension?  Should I mention less ‘noise” about the ACA as people are singing up?  Do you think for one second …….?

Alas, the Clintons and Democrats will not allow low-hanging GOP strategy to pull them on to the Jerry Springer Show!  US politics deserves better; we have too much to lose.

As promised, Bob Cesca…..

RNC Chairman Confirms Party Will Hang Itself With Lewinsky Scandal. Again.

The Republican party is determined to hang themselves with this nonsense.
Over the past several weeks Senator Rand Paul and Morning Joke host Joe Scarborough have floated the idea that the party should attack Hillary for the actions of her husband former President Bill Clinton. Up until today that was simply a case of Rand Paul being Rand Paul and Morning Joe being the hack that he is but, during an interview with MSNBC, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said that everything old is new again.
“I think everything’s on the table,” Priebus told Andrea Mitchell.
“I don’t see how someone just gets a free pass on anything. I mean, especially in today’s politics. So, I think we’re going to have a truckload of opposition research on Hillary Clinton and somethings may be old and somethings might be new. But I think everything is at stake when you’re talking about the leader of the free world and who we’re going to give the keys to run the United States of America.”
I don’t know who’s been advising the party that this is a good idea, but as a Democrat I think that person deserves a raise.

Read more 

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Roy Blount "Providing Medical Care Makes People Lazy."

In ACA, Obamacare on February 10, 2014 at 11:45 AM

Re-Blog from The Raw Story….

Image via Mario Piperni Dot Com

Rather than spend even one moment on additional comment and keyboarding time regarding this Republican, I will move-on to more credbile manifestations of GOP IGNORANCE.

GOP politics in 2014 may lead to brushing-off  and reviving the old TPI “DUMB-ASS AWARDS.

GOP senator to Fox News: Providing access to health care just makes people lazy (via Raw Story )

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) on Sunday suggested that President Barack Obama’s health care law would make some people so lazy that they didn’t want to work at all. Last week, Republicans used a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that said 2.3 million…


CNN Candy Crowley And Guest Amy Stoddard, Said What?

In Bill Clinton, CNN, GOP, Hillary Clinton, Rand Paul, Wall Street on February 10, 2014 at 10:34 AM

      Impressing Wall Street? 

Candy Crowley and Amy Stoddard may have blown there Sunday interview.

There are few words that can en-capsulize CNN host, Candy Crowley’s level of “whacked-out” and self-aggrandizing bliss and obvious affinity for Rand Paul. As I wrote the last sentence my mind took me to a few weeks back when Crowley came to the defense of Chris Christe as she came out against the developing scandals by indicating, “To the victor goes the spoils.” I assume Crowley spoke those words to facilitate her interview with Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer. Nevertheless, how crass and underwhelming? 

CNN viewers actually watched and listened as a show host summarily exercised what can only be considered “strategic disavowing of possible ethics and acts of corruption” to appeal to her audience. “Strategic” as a tool to attract and entertain viewers. What if Christe’s troubles boil over into resignation or legal entanglements? 

The Christe case has traveled many roads since Crowley made the enticing remark. Again, what happens if the case turns into full-blown corruption charges with associated GOP cover-ups? There was a time when any news host would suffer a credibility hit for such risk laden callousness as that exercised by Crowley. Risk no longer an issue during our cable news “ratings centered” current event shows. 

It seems the model is appealing to conservative viewers no matter how zany the show theme and collective comments.   

Crowley and guest Amy Stoddard again visited the world of “appeal to conservative Sunday morning viewers.”  Appeal to viewers without regard for ethics, decency and professionalism. Crowley and Stoddard actually explored the thought (unspoken by the completely nutty Rand Paul), that Hillary Clinton was the blame for Bill Clinton’s indiscretions in the Oval Office. I believe I heard the comments accurately.

Let’s visit a snippet of the Crowley/Stoddard partnership in pushing reporting of US politics to that of a soap opera and analogous to reality television.  


In one interview, Paul went as far as to accuse the former president of violence against women. And more recently, the Republican presidential hopeful declared that Bill Clinton should “return any contributions that Bill Clinton’s either raising for people or giving to people.” 

“This is smart politics it seems to me,” Crowley told Stoddard on Sunday. “Here’s Rand Paul kind of expanding what his dad had, he’s got the libertarian side of him: He’ll take on drones, he’ll take on privacy, he’ll do that. Then, he’s got the social conservative side of him. I think that’s where this comes in.” 

“He’s actually more in tune with the needs and the demographic liabilities Republican Party than most wannabe 2016 contenders,” Stoddard asserted. “He’s actually speaking right now to the Wall Street managerial wing of the party. It’s very worried that Chris Christie collapsed.” 

“And what it’s saying is, ‘I have the guts to take on the Clintons, I think we need to, I know we don’t have a candidate right now,’” she continued. “So in the middle of this panic, he’s saying, ‘I can do this. And that actually is going to bring him more ears.”

Question.  Do you actually believe that Wall Street ‘money-grabbers’ will find Paul (and his wife’s) strategy an appealing campaign tactic? While the vast majority of Wall Street moguls and executives are conservative, they are also very adept of earning Top 1% income based on their respective organization financial performance. Is it actually possible Crowley and Stoddard really believe that Wall Street corporatist will find someone with the character of Rand Paul (a plagiarizing, libertarian) an appealing choice for the GOP nomination? Wall Street earnings hit peak and historical levels during Clinton Years and have repeated under Obama (almost immediately upon his taking office).  Money talks on Wall Street and after watching the movie “The Inside Job,”  Some high level Wall Street executives cannot afford to ‘cast stones’ at the indiscretions of Bill Clinton.

I ask that you reread Crowley’s statement in paragraph two of the excerpt posted above.  


We remind you that Ron Paul has proven to be nothing more than “a noisy irritant” in GOP politics. He has never come close to being a viable candidate for president and he is a seething racist.  There was time when such a racist record would have placed a persona-non-grata label on even mentioning Ron Paul in a news related production. 

A couple of specifics. 

Paul openly espouses legalizing heroin. He spoke of legalizing the highly addictive controlled substance during a time when young suburban WHITE kids in many high schools are experimenting with the substance as a drug of choice. 

Paul was on record with eliminating the EPA, FEMA and other cabinet departments. He spoke such during GOP presidential debates not long before Sandy hit the East Coast. FEMA has its issues, but for thousands, the agency can provide critical services in times of dire need. 

Crowley used Paul “the elder” as an example of how Paul “the Jr.” (In all DNA laced cloning) appeals to her perception of GOP “party managers.”  While most Fortune 500 CEOs and executive leaders are conservative people, they have a degree of sanity regarding the stability of the US government. I doubt they place devotion level faith in the Libertarian Party. Koch brothers or no Koch brothers, Wall Street Executives are opportunist; a that trait may very well supersede their conservatism. In early 2013 Open Secrets reported a Wall Street lean for Republicans, Open Secrets “industry donations” data from 2012 shows contribution levels were almost negligible. Industry data referenced in the previous sentence was comprehensive data, not broken into specific industries. If there is pandering to the uber wealthy, Paul may have decided on strategy to tap into his fellow Libertarian Koch brothers (reported to be Christe backers).

We suggest Crowley was playing to her audience, and Stoddard was an obvious partner in delivering the CNN Sunday morning “Word.” 

Stoddard followed suit and added political scripture to the “Word.”

He’s actually more in tune with the needs and the demographic liabilities Republican Party than most wannabe 2016 contenders,” Stoddard asserted.

Stoddard should weigh her analysis with consideration of Paul’s chronic lack of judgment. Do you recall the zany Senator from Kentucky took it upon himself to speak to a Howard University crowd with the weakest oratory imaginable. He actually asked the highly intellectual crowd if they realized it was Lincoln’s GOP that freed the slaves and Democratic governors who supported Jim Crow. How patronizing in his ignorance, lacking in judgment and crass in intent? Did he think he was speaking to a primary school audience? An example of mental processes and motive that Wall Street will surely view with hesitancy in following a path laid by Rand Paul.

Read more after the break below

Crowley and Stoddard should receive the “Interview of the Year” award. Despite Bill O’Reilly’s declarations of “historic” interview with President Obama prior to 2014 Super Bowl Sunday. 

All said, I am reminded why I have long given-up on the Sunday Morning news shows; especially Crowley’s sunday show.

We will leave this screed via a Raw Story piece. Excuse the redundancy. 


CNN guest: Blaming Hillary for Bill’s affair gives Republicans on Wall Street confidence (via Raw Story )

CNN host Candy Crowley and The Hill Associate Editor A. B. Stoddard on Sunday agreed that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was playing “smart politics” by blaming former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the affair her husband had while he was president…