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Archive for February 14th, 2014|Daily archive page

Union Loses Vote In Right To Work For Less Southern Right Wing State!

In The Progressive Influence on February 14, 2014 at 11:45 PM

6th. Banker Dead: JPMorgan’s Executive Director Of Global Equities Ryan Crane.

In The Progressive Influence on February 14, 2014 at 7:36 PM

Six bankers dead over the past year. Each worked for large banks with ties to the 2007/08 collapse of US markets. Suicide, nail gun killing (suicide) and now……

Political Vel Craft


Another JP Morgan banker has been found dead, as Ryan Henry Crane, the Executive Director in JPMorgan’s Global Equities Group was found dead in his Stamford Ct home Monday at the age of 37.

While there is no official word yet as to the cause of death, Crane’s death follows last week’s “suicide” of another JPMorgan banker in London (which is now under investigation by London police), and follows 5 other suspicious banker “suicides” in the past week.

View original post 826 more words

CNN Smerconish, Gingrich, Independent? Hardly!!!

In Brooke Baldwin on February 14, 2014 at 5:37 PM

CNN as Independent?  

Hire Micheal Smerconish and promote Newt Gingrich and his low information ‘red meat’ website.

          Gingrich Visit Questioned

“We are thrilled to have Michael join CNN,” Zucker said. “At a time when the cable news landscape has become increasingly polarized, his independence and passion for reasoned dialogue makes him the perfect fit for CNN.”

Checkout out this interview. My interest is at the 5:10 minute mark.…..

Smerconish and Zucker have their talking-point down as streamline as a GOP talking point. “Independent?”

Lest we forget Smerconish is a former conservative radio host who claimed to have evolved to a progressive out of contempt for what he came to realize about conservative America.

We assert CNN if far from Independent.

Zucker also mentioned “…reasoned dialogue.”

Did Zucker not hire Ari Fleischer as an “on-demand” pundit for the GOP? Did CNN Hire Erik Erickson? We will give CNN hired Van Jones and Stephanie Cutter as co-host of Crossfire, but they also hired Newt Gingrich and the inimitable Palin-like S.E. Cupp. Isn’t it a fact that CNN on some news shows will book two conservative pundits while booking only one liberal for the same show? 

Since we are on the topic of “Independent,” and CNN hires, we should spend a few minutes on a topic from a recent post on Media Matters.

First, let’s set a benchmark. We assert that there is no more prolific non-elected manipulator of US politics than Newt Gingrich. Palin runs a close second and should probably   receive special mention for her following when those who follow are trailing around behind an empty barn. 

Newt Gingrich, on the other hand, is crafty enough and wordy enough to make millions from periodic book sales and he is reported to command six figure speaker’s bureau fees. It takes a special shtick and market niche to earn what Newt earns from publishing and speaking pure drivel. He is no political authority and his posits are often way-off base and fail well shy of reality (e.g., fire the NYC Janitors and hire inner city kids). He is also the master “dog whistler” and right-wing racial code “thrower,’ (e.g. food stamps president).  

Many on the Right buy into his ‘game’ while remaining smart enough to avoid allowing Gingrich a shot at the GOP nomination for president. In other words, people know he is a fire breather and carnival barker.  What do you think happens when a ‘fire breather’ establishes a webpage that is open to email from anyone who wants to fire off a comment, insane thought or right-wing red meat?  Answer: Red Meat flows!

Media Matters on CNN, Gingrich and his web page.


Subscribers to CNN host Newt Gingrich’s email list are receiving supposed insider information about cancer “cures,” the Illuminati, “Obama’s ‘Secret Mistress,'” a “weird” Social Security “trick,” and Fort Knox being “empty.” 

Gingrich Productions, the company run by the Crossfire co-host, has been sending sponsored emails from shady sources filled with dubious claims. CNN has been helping Gingrich build his list by not only employing him, but also by promoting Gingrich Productions and its website. 

While Gingrich’s team has previously claimed that they work hard to “vet” the organizations they rent the email list to, they have repeatedly violated their own apparently low standards. 

For example, Gingrich Productions has sent at least 15 sponsored emails for Stansberry & Associates since June 2013. Stansberry is a disgraced financial firm that was fined $1.5 million by the Securities and Exchange Commission for engaging in “deliberate fraud” and profiting from “false statements.” The firm sells financial products by pushing conspiracies about the Obama administration. Founder Porter Stansberry recently said it’s “fucking bullshit” that people get upset at him for using slurs like “nigger” and “fag” when he’s “not the least bit bigoted.”


 Gingrich is part of a movement where, as MSNBC’s Chris Hayes noted, “much of conservatism is a con and the base are the marks.” Fox News contributor Scott Brown was recently forced to distance himself from Newsmax after he sent a sponsored email for the group touting the findings of quack Dr. Russell Blaylock. The New Republic‘s Ben Adler wrote in a piece about Gingrich and fellow hucksters Herman Cain and Mike Huckabee that they “are pioneering a new, more direct method for post-campaign buckraking. All it requires is some digitally savvy accomplices–and a total immunity to shame.”

Read more

How is it possible “independent” CNN employed such an obvious charlatan like Gingrich?  Our use of Smerconish as a lead-in to this piece does not mean we have issues with the new show host. Our concern was Smerconish’s exact quoting of the man who hired him over at CNN. In fact, it you recall the setup questions from Baldwin, you recognize it as a question to facilitate an advertisement for CNN as “independent.” 

CNN is not independent.

Aol’s Elitist Corporatist! How Crass and Typical.

In ACA, Affordable Care Act, AoL CEO Tim Armstrong, CBS News, Chris Christie, Deanna Fei on February 14, 2014 at 1:50 PM

Small image of the day!
Profile of an eltist industrialist who cares
nothing about people: Business Week

CBS News on AoL CEO Tim Armstrong’s exhibition of Top 1% greed and callousness has resulted in yet another “perfunctory apology.” As we have stated many times, the formal act of delivering an apology for actions that should have been much more thought-out, or contemplated if you prefer, has been lowered to the level of “no real meaning.” There was a time in the history of mankind when the words may have actually denoted a state of mind that had been transformed via a “lesson learned, a heartfelt mistake, or recognition the person was wrong” and its impact on another person.

For point of reference, the Chris Christie tip of the iceberg “Bridgegate” Scandal is the perfect example. It appears there is much more to the governors cabal of corruption than simply punishing a mayor for non-support in the last election.  Yet, despite what seems to be an evolving exposition of a Circa 2013 corrupt state government, I have heard so many conservative pundits, surrogates and politicians, say, well, he apologized, and he was sincere, so lets move on.”  Well, No! Christe’s apology ranks right-up there with those of other leaders caught (not literally) with their pants around their ankles and that horrid look of “Ooops, I am caught” across their faces. 

The AoL CEO was callous beyond belief as he exercised what seems to be a personal animus towards the ACA (AKA Obamacare) and the needs of his employees (people). 

News segment: 2:17 minutes….

The TOP 1% (era) backtracks  (3:18 minutes)

After delaying contributions to an employee pension accounts.

CBS News

He (CEO Tim Armstrong ) blamed higher health care costs and then said: “We had two AoLers that had distressed babies that were born that we paid $1 million each to make sure those babies were OK in general.” 

“People started asking my husband, ‘Isn’t that your baby that he’s talking about?'” said Deanna Fei. 

Fei’s husband works for AOL. Their daughter is a healthy 16-month-old now, but she was born four months premature and spent three months in a neonatal I intensive care unit. 
“The suggestion that her very existence could be called into question and blamed for corporate cost-cutting made me really furious,” Fei said.
It appears Armstrong is a jerk who has issues with the Affordable Care Act. He is a class one dipshit who may exemplify the typical Top 1% CEO. Money Watch reports last year he summarily fired an employee in the midst of a conference call.

Money Watch

Nor is this the first time that Armstrong has (to be charitable) misjudged the mood of a room. Last November, he abruptly fired an employee in the middle of a company meeting. The pair of errors can’t help but convey the impression that Armstrong regards his workforce as a nuisance and a cost. This is unproductive in a business that fundamentally depends on people for ideas, insight and energy.

“…..regards his workforce as a nuisance and a cost,” 

The AoL CEO is typical of mindset and behavior of most a US CEO’s.  America’s upper crust seem to forget they live off the fruits of people who earn far less money. They relegates us to minions as depicted in the move  The Hunger Game (tm) and they enjoy the entertainment from our (80% er) strife as they rake in millions upon millions. 

The Nation’s Uber Wealthy Are Revolting Against The Less Fortunate. They are Saying, "Let Them Eat Cake."

In Chris Christie, GOP on February 14, 2014 at 1:10 PM

Isn’t it amazing once the Obama Administration and media commenced speaking about growing income disparity and income inequality, the wealthy start to show their insensitive ignorance in self-defense.

We realize yo know our position on income disparity, and you know our deep belief it is singularly attributable to Ronald Reagan’s Trickle-down or Supply-side Economics.  If you are new to our posit, we ask that you view the following charts.  As you view the graphics, recognize the while Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times during his eight years int he Oval Office, the GOP is lock-step against raising national revenues via increases taxes to the nation’s most “well-off.”

A millionaire's tax rate, now and then. Share of Federal Tax revenue
A bit dated here, but the numbers do not change drastically. rest assured the numbers do not show any reversal.


One can only can only lose additional respect for the Bully Governor of New Jersey, after watching the completely asinine assertion of Chris Christie about “income mediocrity” as a possible result of any form of income balancing for the lower 80% of income earners. Christie rolled through Illinois in his role as Leader of the GOP Governor’s Association, and actually racked up one million dollars. It should be noted Christie also feed the raving crowd a joke about his troubles in New Jersey, and he lauded George W. Bush as being under appreciated. Despite the complete insanity of Christie’s insane oratory at the Economic Club of Chicago, the audience shoveled over the cash.

Now, take a view with Chris Hayes, MSNBC-ALL IN, and  Nick Hanauer, during a recent segment about the mega-wealthy and the “neo-rationalizers.”

Published on May 17, 2012

Here is the much-talked-about talk on inequality given by Nick Hanauer at TED University. We (TED) are posting it here to promote public discussion on an important issue. See this blog post from TED Curator Chris Anderson: 

Let’s close with a quick look at another depicted in the Chris Hayes segment: Tim Armstrong. Armstrong is this weeks example of oligarchy evolving to pure plutocracy. The Aol CEO has issues with the ACA and uses employees (clearly identified and placed in path of peer scorn and harassment) as objects of his CEO financial performance while placing the ACA on his forehead. His scorn and acts would have penalized employee 401K plan contributions. Linked 

The ruling class is saying, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.”  Translated: “Let Them Eat Cake.” 

Rand Paul Serial Plagiarizer! Cuccinelli and Freedom Works Join Paul?

In Congressional approval, Rand Paul on February 14, 2014 at 10:31 AM


Rand Paul address plagiarism for ABC News.  What a charaltan! Linked.

When will the US grow weary of Rand Paul as a serial plagiarizer? Prior to the 2010 mid-term election, the US Senate and House of Representative was free of congressional who showed pathological inclinations towards stealing the work of others.  It seems to me, such acts not only verge on a form of criminal behavior, it shows a major intellectual deficiency mixed with clear cases of zero ethics.

Win McNamee/Getty Images
Last week’s filing of a class-action suit against the Obama Administration’s NSA monitoring is a perfect example of Paul’s spiral towards self-aggrandizing, his service as a libertarian tool, and his role as a Koch brothers backed functionary. Paul appeared very visibly in front of A Freedom Works banner. Freedom Works is the core organization responsible for Tea Party success in 2010.  A quick look at a set of graphics related to the Tea Party shows it has diminished among those who actually count and cast votes. Be aware of the Koch backed Freedom Works and Tea Party. Some are paying attention. 
As you read the following piece from The Raw Story, consider the graphics you have just gleaned through. Freedom Works has led to a lowered National credit rating, a Sequester, a federal government shutdown (at $29 big govt. billion), cuts to SNAP programs, reductions in retiree Veterans Benefits, denial of unemployment payments to former US workers, congressional refusal to develop and pass gun control legislation, and a historic disapproval rating, 700 hundred measures against women’s rights, and not one viable jobs bill from the House or Senate.

Not only are Paul and Ken Cuccinelli far from credible regarding plagiarism, they stand with a Koch backed organization that has led to a serious diminution of our federal legislature.

The Raw Story

Rand Paul-affiliated lawyer now says NSA lawsuit not plagiarized (via Raw Story )

UPDATED BELOW Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R) has been caught once again using other people’s written work without attribution, this time in a lawsuit against the NSA that he jointly filed with Virginia’s ex-Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli. According…

Edward Snowden And Manipulated Co-Workers! INTEL Secrets Harvested Like Ripe Grapes…

In Chinese, CIA, Edward Snowden, espionage, Gathering, Iranians, North Koreans, NSA, Russian, transmitting or losing defense information, USA Today's 2006 revelations on February 14, 2014 at 9:52 AM

Edward Snowden: SPY!
A matter of definition

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

: the things that are done to find out secrets from enemies or competitors : the activity of spying

Full Definition of 
: the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or a competing company espionage

WIKI (Espionage)

Espionage or spying involves a government or individual obtaining information considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information.[1] Espionage is inherently clandestine, as it is taken for granted that it is unwelcome and, in many cases illegal and punishable by law. It is a subset of intelligence gathering, which otherwise may be conducted from public sources and using perfectly legal and ethical means. It is crucial to distinguish espionage from intelligence gathering, as the latter does not necessarily involve espionage, but often collates open-source information.

Espionage is often part of an institutional effort by a government or commercial concern. However, the term is generally associated with state spying on potential or actual enemies primarily for military purposes. Spying involving corporations is known as industrial espionage.

One of the most effective ways to gather data and information about the enemy (or potential enemy) is by infiltrating the enemy’s ranks. This is the job of the spy (espionage agent).

18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
(b) Whoever, for the purpose aforesaid, and with like intent or reason to believe, copies, takes, makes, or obtains, or attempts to copy, take, make, or obtain, any sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, document, writing, or note of anything connected with the national defense; or

Regardless of your affinity or lack there of for Edward Snowden, it is fruitless to argue the merits of his espionage. Fruitless because those who feel he is a hero will not budge in from their opinion. On the other end of the void, those who feel Snowden practiced espionage and is a patriot will not budge from their positions. I used the word void for purpose of delineation. There is no continuum or spectrum from which two opposites can sit and LOB (line of bearing) point and counter point arguments.  And there is no middle ground.  
I am a stuck-like glue denizen in the camp Snowden practiced surreptitious espionage and by default has harmed national security.

Well, yes if I actually felt the NSA and CIA had my phone tapped (I would still have no worries, but would be major irritated), or if collecting of Meta-data was not at the root of the NSA mission I would be concerned. In fact, my level of irritation with the USA Today’s 2006 revelations about AT&T/NSA phone monitoring left me with a degree of angst. My concern did not boil-over to the point of rationalizing the need for anyone to steal states technology secrets, as did Snowden. As I read the article (linked above), my mind wandered back to 2001 when the monitoring programs first came to our national security defense arsenal. It took a nano-second thereafter to reflect back on the morning of 9/11. We do not live in the same world as our successes in WW II.  And, we damned well do not live in the same world as those who crafted a document framing the development of a nation and revolt against England. And, defense security involves a lot more than Paul Revere’s too late warning of the “British are coming.”

We live in a world where a narrow technological edge can make all the difference should our leaders fail humanity and go to world war or large scale war. Only our defense security professionals know the capability of the Chinese, Russian, Iranians and North Koreans. As I read reports of the NSA monitoring 35 world leaders, the words in those articles fell on disinterested brain cells.  Last week’s revelation of what appeared a Russian release of a private conversation among US diplomatic staff placed INTEL in true perspective. A release for the sole purpose of embarrassing the US. Critical issues, but small fish when compared to this: Iinked.

You might think the former Navy INTEL guy giving secrets to Russia is not an apple to apple comparison to Snowden’s misdeeds.  I would ask you to pick up both apples and look a little closer. INTEL is at the heart of all military victories (thus national security). Any information an adversary nation can dollop from Snowden’s espionage, will be used against the US. A fact impossible to refute.

While the ultimate fault (s) regarding Snowden’s escapades lie with federal government dependence on contractors, buddyism, and lax contractor security background checks, there is more than enough blame to spread to Snowden and his self-centered ideology.

I find Snowden a mixed bag of ingredients that have turned the nation into a shameful place. Snowden seems to have an affinity for Libertarianism and he seems to relish the limelight of both small and large arenas.    He has expressed an affinity for Ron Paul (A dire situation to say the least) and he apparently experienced an INTEL about-face after Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008/09. As of today, we have more revelations about a character I find much like the former Navy INTEL guy referenced in the BBC article (linked above). 

Snowden addressed a TV camera with an English audience this past Christmas with declarations of “I have won,” within two months we see reports of self-centeredness characteristic of and pre-requisite to any espionage agent.
“I have won!”  Snowden relished in self-aggrandizing glee  on a worldwide scale. Today we read that as many as 25 co-workers may have stupidly allowed the espionage agent access to passwords by signing him on with their access.  Snowden, the crafty 007 like-thief, was able to retrieve the passwords of his gullible co-workers and had a  picnic securing secrets to which he did not have access.
The question of how Snowden was able to obtain as much classified material as he did while working at a remote NSA station in Hawaii has been the subject of intensive investigation by the U.S. intelligence community for months. 
Reuters reporters Mark Hosenball and Warren Strobel reported in November that Snowden used login credential and passwords provided “unwittingly” by colleagues at the Hawaii spy base. The Reuters report said Snowden “may have persuaded between 20 and 25 fellow workers” to give him their passwords. But the NSA never publicly commented on that report and Snowden appeared to deny it during a public Google chat on Jan. 23. 
“Was the privacy of your co-workers considered while you were stealing their log-in and password information?” Snowden was asked during the chat. 
“With all due respect to Mark Hosenball, the Reuters report that put this out there was simply wrong,” Snowden replied. “I never stole any passwords, nor did I trick an army of co-workers.”
Think of the person who would toss the careers of 20 to 25 cohorts into the trash as a by-product of his quest for , “I have won.” 

Edward Snowden is far, far from a hero in my mind. Obviously, he revealed truths regarding the NSA, but his motive seems as flawed as any US spy caught and now serving prison time. And, I can only see advantage to  adversary nation’s INTEL operations