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Archive for February 15th, 2014|Daily archive page

QUICK Hit: Westboro Runs Up Against MIZZOU Tigers (Students)

In Uncategorized on February 15, 2014 at 10:21 PM

When we sit and watch and only shake our heads, we existentially enable. 

ST. LOUIS - SEPTEMBER 4: Michael Sam #52 of the University of Missouri Tigers looks to sack Nathan Scheelhaase #2 of the University of Illinois Fighting Illini during the State Farm Arch Rivalry game on September 4, 2010 at the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis, Missouri. The Tigers defeated the Fighting Illini 23-13.  (Photo by Dilip Vishwanat/Getty Images)
ST. LOUIS – SEPTEMBER 4: Michael Sam #52 of the University of Missouri Tigers looks to sack Nathan Scheelhaase #2 of the University of Illinois Fighting Illini during the State Farm Arch Rivalry game on September 4, 2010 at the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis, Missouri. The Tigers defeated the Fighting Illini 23-13. (Photo by Dilip Vishwanat/Getty Images)  Dilip Vishwanat Getty Images

Mizzou students block Westboro Baptist Church’s Michael Sam protest

On Saturday, the Westboro Baptist Church came to the University of Missouri’s game against Tennessee to protest football player Michael Sam’s announcement earlier this week that he is gay.
Students at the university, many of them wearing “Stand with Sam” pins, formed a human wall to block off the extremist group.

BLAST: CNN Interview With Zimmerman Is Crass And Serves No Purpose!

In CNN on February 15, 2014 at 8:04 PM

Re-Blog from 3chicspolitico

People really should consider moving George Zimmerman to the level of a non-entity. His celebrity status is an affront to major segments of the population, despite millions (predominately white people) who feel cause celeb is in order. CNN is interviewing him solely for purpose of ratings. The intriguing thing about CNN ratings grab, CNN management knows full well millions favor the Zimmerman acquittal for murder, and millions still want so see him reap some form of justice. 

The network is pursuing a disgusting exhibition with no purpose at all.

CNN Plans to Air Chris Cuomo – George Zimmerman Interview

See how the media elevates a child murderer?
Hat tip Yahtc

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When Lies Do Not Work Kochs Hire Actors!

In Liberals Unite, Obamacare on February 15, 2014 at 11:18 AM

Re-Blog from Liberals Unite (posted as it appears on the webpage)

When your cause has no viable truth-tellers beyond politicians and media show host with dubious, doctored or false claims, what do you do?  You hire actors!

Koch Brothers Hire Actors To Play Louisiana Residents In Obamacare Attack Ad (VIDEO)

February 14, 2014 Posted by: Kimberley Johnson


In a world where big money influence has the power to deceive millions of gullible foot soldiers, big money will influence millions of gullible foot soldiers. Because it can.
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) is up against three Republicans in the race for her Louisiana seat. Not surprisingly, her opponents are attacking her for her support for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Enter big money. The Koch-backed organization, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), is running a new ad featuring people  –  paid actors – who are playing Louisiana residents receiving notices in the mail that their insurance coverage is being cancelled because of Obamacare.
Landrieu’s campaign manager, Adam Sullivan, spoke with ABC News and said “Hiring professional actors to impersonate Louisiana families is low even for the billionaire Koch brothers.”
The cost of the misleading performance with hired actors that leads people to believe something that isn’t true ad buy totaled $750,000, according to an AFP spokesperson.
Dear Mrs. Kelly, your family plan is no longer available under the Affordable Care Act. Dear Ms. Davis, we can no longer offer you the same policy. Your doctor is no longer in the network due to the Affordable Care Act. Due to the Affordable Care Act, your monthly premium has increased, no longer covered due to the Affordable Care Act. Send Sen. Landrieu a message. ObamaCare is hurting Louisiana families,” the narrators in the ad say.
Opponents of the ACA have continually failed at trying to find credible sources in their pathetic attempt to prove Americans are not happy with Obamacare. FOX “News” Sean Hannity attempted to mislead viewers in a segment featuring Obamacare horror stories, but upon further investigation,those stories were debunked.
The reality is that the new healthcare law is finding success, even after a rocky start. More and more Americans are signing on and realizing the benefits – including conservatives.
AFP defended the ad. “I think the viewing public is savvy enough to distinguish between someone giving a personal story and something that is emblematic,” the group’s spokesperson told ABC News.
By the end of January 2014, 33,000 Louisiana residents had enrolled in the ACA, according to the Heath and Human Services Department, and in keeping with the national average27 percent are young people between the ages of 18 and 34.
While those 33,000 Louisiana residents are able to purchase insurance though the federal website, those who would otherwise be eligible for the almost $16 billion in Medicaid funds are out of luck. By refusing to take federal money for Medicaid benefits, Gov. Bobby Jindal is denying much needed medical coverage to those residents who desperately need it.
The federal government is paying 100 percent of the cost of expanded Medicaid for the first three years and 90 percent thereafter. It boils down to Jindal taking a jab at President Obama and using the people he is supposed to be representing as the stick.