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Archive for February 18th, 2014|Daily archive page

Rubio Celebrates the Stimulus; Without The Aid of Bottled Water

In GOP Obstruction, Marco Rubio, Rubio on February 18, 2014 at 7:53 PM

Marco Rubio celebrates the Stimulus five years later.

We realize Rubio fathoms himself a viable candidate for the Oval Office in 2016. He joins other GOP Leaders in disparaging the historic American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009), with shallow 2014 rhetoric. Moreover, the Senator from Florida selective avoids consideration of the real and central focus of the US Stimulus. 

Earlier today we published this piece about the success of the Stimulus in accomplishing its first mission: intervention and reversal of an economy spiraling to the abyss of a (Second) Great Depression. A spiral with a irrefutable impetus in failed Bush Administration economic policy and fiscal malfeasance (two wars and tax cuts). Watch and listen as Rubio propagandizes to potential primary voters. Notice the wanton Senator attempts to carve-out and discard the Stimulus first mission

As you watch the video about the safety of firing-off video salvos, without probing about how GOP obstruction has without doubt contributed to his mantra use of unemployment, fewer jobs created and  and an existential unemployment down from a high of 10 per cent. Rubios voting record will yield consistent votes against extension of unemployment insurance payments to the very people he uses as a prop.

Huffington Post

“If you recall five years ago, the notion was that if the government spent all this money — that, by the way, was borrowed– that somehow the economy would begin to grow and create jobs. Well, of course, it clearly failed,” Rubio said. “Five years later, underemployment is still too high, the number of people that have dropped out of the workforce is astounding, unemployment remains stubbornly high and our economy isn’t growing fast enough — proof that massive government spending, particularly debt spending, is not the solution to our economic growth problems.”

Rubio said “a vibrant free enterprise economy” would have been a better solution than the stimulus.

Is that Rubio’s solution. Why not take another three minutes to explain how he would have achieved his “Vibrant free enterprise economy.” Rubios knows his vibrant free enterprise economy under Bush provided a path to the Great Recession. He also knows people who will value rhetoric and oratory will grow excited with use of GOP buzz words like, free enterprise. 

The nation experienced a vibrant free enterprise economy during the early years of Bush/Cheney. He longs for an economy free of market regulation that might have warded-off the sub-prime bubble. 

Actually, Rubio longs for an opportunity secure the GOP nomination in 2015, and he deploys inane rhetoric as a means to that end.

The Corporation As An Entity For Civil Rights!

In Uncategorized on February 18, 2014 at 3:13 PM

Image via Epicurus Institute Dot Org

The dangers of easing ever closer to a corporate state. We already have the Kochs and their conservative corporatist working to purchase elections. What happens when we pave the path for these uber wealthy plutocrats.

The answer?  Money our of politics. 

As long as we allow money to drive our politics and fuel our politicians, the corporation will benefit from expanding rights parallel tot he human citizen.  Problem? 

The majority of corporations are run by conservatives. Now, what does that tell the citizenry. It wasn’t a liberal SCOTUS that gave corporations an artificial form of “Free Speech” (as the Court calls it).
The Creeping Expansion of Corporate Civil Rights (via Moyers & Company)

Last week, Wire creator David Simon told Bill Moyers that the legal doctrine that spending money on political campaigns is an act of political speech protected by the First Amendment poses the greatest threat to American democracy. “That to me was…

Quick Hit: Media Matters Does Fox News Coverage Of African-Americans

In The Progressive Influence on February 18, 2014 at 2:53 PM

Quick Hit: Media Matters Does Fox News Coverage Of African-Americans.

Quick Hit: Media Matters Does Fox News Coverage Of African-Americans

In Bill O'Reilly, Fox News, Megyn Kelly on February 18, 2014 at 1:22 PM
It is Black History Month. Media Matters has published a neat 1:34 minutes video segment of how Fox News broadcast about issues related to African-Americans over the course of the year. 

We offer particular attention to how Bill O’Reilly works to please his predominantly white conservative audience with ample doses of “White Privilege.”  O’Reilly also feeds his sycophants by booking African-Americans who will either follow his script (Juan Williams) or he will ambush his unsuspecting guest (Professor Lamont Hill). The runner-up from Fox News’s last year’s black American expositions was Megyn Kelly’s angst filled reminder to her white audience that both Santa Clause and Jesus Christ are”white people.”

Kelly’s comments had to rival most vile if comments for white supremacist throughout the scope of US History,

The Stimulus: The Success Of The Democrats!

In GOP, Stimulus on February 18, 2014 at 12:27 PM

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Great Seal of the United States.
Long title An act making supplemental appropriations for job preservation and  creation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed, State, and local fiscal stabilization, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes.
Colloquial acronym(s) ARRA
Nickname(s) The Recovery Act, Stimulus, The Stimulus Package
Enacted by the  111th United States Congress
Effective February 17, 2009
Public Law 111-5
Stat. 123 Stat. 115
Legislative history
  • Introduced in the House as H.R. 1 by Dave Obey(DWIon January 26, 2009
  • Committee consideration by: Appropriations andBudget
  • Passed the House on January 28, 2009 (244—188)
  • Passed the Senate on February 10, 2009 (61–37)
  • Reported by the joint conference committee onFebruary 12, 2009; agreed to by the House onFebruary 13, 2009 (246—183and by the Senate onFebruary 13, 2009 (60—38)
  • Signed into law by President Barack Obama onFebruary 17, 2009

On the five year anniversary of the most important economic measure in modern US History, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act  [ARRP] (AKA, Stimulus), it important to understand opposition party rhetoric in relation to actual progress from the Stimulus.

The link above navigates to a White House article from Jason Furman, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers that links a full impact report of the Stimulus, five years out.  
“The ‘stimulus’ has turned out to be a classic case of big promises and big spending with little results,” he said. “Five years and hundreds of billions of dollars later, millions of families are still asking ‘where are the jobs?’” John Boehner, (R) OH., Speaker of the House of Representatives.

“The real tragedy here is that none of this was necessary. Republicans have always been willing to work with the president on reforms.” Micth McConnell (R) KY. Minority Leader US Senate. McConnell was quoted in this piece from Reuters.

Steven Benen of the Maddow Blog responded to GOP (elected) leadership with data and facts. Responses to GOP unelected leadership (e.g. Limbaugh, Rove, and Norquist, Fox News) would constitute an exercise futility. Benen references a piece from June 2012.

And here’s private-sector job growth before and after the stimulus. Note, once Obama’s Recovery Act kicked in, job growth immediately improved.

The evident details are hard to miss – the economy crashed, then Democrats approved the stimulus, and then the economy started growing, job creation picked up, and the stock market soared. I’ve long been curious: for Republicans, how is this possible? Was it magic? Was it a coincidence? How do they explain why every relevant economic metric showed sharp improvements immediately after the Recovery Act kicked in?



MediaMatters and a quick look at GDP with reflection on the Fox News “noise” Machine’s Stuart Varney. Linked

In February 2012, Derek Thompson, The Atlantic, looked back at the US economy prior to the Recovery Act (Stimulus). Linked here or graphically depicted below.  A couple of 2011 charts show the affects of the Recover Act and the prospects of continuing of a path the GOP now states did not work. 

Here’s the Congressional Budget Office and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities with graphs showing that the Recovery Act — aka: the stimulus — increased real GDP by up to 1.9 percent (first graph) and added as many as 2.4 million jobs (second graph).

Thompson offered three additional charts specifically related to GDP performance pre and post – stimulus.

In 2013, The Stimulus Worked Dot Com (via the “Fair UseDoctrine)  published an investor focused pdf report slides that clearly show the Stimulus was the catalyst to stopping a slide into a second Great Depression.
Click Image for pdf report

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We do not expect anyone in the GOP, especially members of the US Congress, to comment favorable about a legislative action that will do down in US history as historic in countering the possibility of an economic depression. We can safely assert the Recovery Act worked to reverse the Bush Great Recession.

Thompson and others accurately state, the difficulty in arguing Stimulus failure because the intervention did not fail; or for that matter did not disappoint for ‘high information’ people. Although speculation based on long-standing GOP economic theory and practice should shed light on alternative measures (If any) from the GOP: “cut taxes.” One should wonder, on the other hand, about reasons for less than stellar job participation rates. Another area of concern is the “what ifs’ had the GOP not embarked on concerted strategy to obstruction all thongs “Obama.”

As we move into the 2014 mid-terms, I will admit to amazement about the extent to which the GOP continues to deploy strategy detrimental to the nation. They fire-off rhetorical barrages while putting forth no viable economic measure beyond “cutting taxes.” 

Boehner and McConnell are expected to find fault in the Stimulus and other measures from the Obama Administration. Sadly, their obstruction is based solely in lies that if not checked and countered leads to misinformed voters. Misinformed voters do this:  Elect presidents like Ronald Reagan and George W Bush (twice)! 

Happy Anniversary to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (the Obama Stimulus)!