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Archive for February 21st, 2014|Daily archive page

Michelle Bachamnn: "Obama Elected DueTo White Guilt; US Not Ready For A Woman President"

In Don Lemon, Michelle Bachmann on February 21, 2014 at 7:58 PM

Michelle Bachmann’s quote: (Highlight via The Pardu)

Mother Jones

In an interview published Wednesday, Bachmann said that Barack Obama won the presidency because white people felt too guilty about past racial injustices. “I think there was a cachet about having an African-American president because of guilt,” she said in an interview with Cal Thomas, a syndicated conservative columnist. 
Bachmann didn’t stop there. She thinks Hillary Clinton has poor odds of winning the presidency in 2016. “People don’t hold guilt for a woman,” she said, explaining that much of the country isn’t prepared to elect a women as president. “I don’t think there is a pent-up desire.”

I ask that you keep the quote in mind, or frequent the quote as we move through this piece.

CNN’s Don Lemon and guest broadcast a six minute segment on Bachmann’s remarks earlier today. We should qualify. The production was to focus on Michelle Bachmann’s latest verbal “spit-up”, but as is frequently the case, when conservatives and liberals sit on camera the discussion moves to fissures across party and social lines. Today’s segment was no different.

First, Lemon explains the contextual fallacy of Bachmann’s statement as she ran for the GOP nomination in 2011. She actually led the pack until her campaign exploded (many quit, others were forced out) and until her campaign remarks reminded people of her idiocy and lack of veracity. The conservative pundit (posted as a GOP strategist and who seems to have dropped out of pundit school) quickly came to Bachmann’s defense. She started with that common refrain of “I just got off the phone with her staff,” and finished with Bachmann’s did not make such a statement and was being taken out of context.  You now have your first opportunity to re-read the quote above.

While, I also noticed Lemon and his guest’s burst into laughter, I ask how could one keep a straight face as the conservative pundit spoke so ridiculously. The laughter certainly did not appear to have been rehearsed. If one makes a ridiculously stupid statement, one opens themselves up for ridicule which can include laughter.

Let’s face it, Michelle Bachmann over the course of her last two terms, has gone completely berserk with inane and ridiculous statements that are often proven to be outright lies. You will notice the conservative pundit also deployed the “Some people say…..” mantra so popular with Fox News and Bachmann. 

Yes, we have a quick digression to make a point. We offer a quick visit to the Tampa Bay Times Politifact.


Republican from Minnesota
Michele Bachmann, first elected to the U.S. Congress in 2006, represents the 6th Congressional District of Minnesota. She was reelected in 2008. Previously, she served in the Minnesota State Senate. Prior to that, she spent five years as a federal tax litigation attorney. Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, who have five children and have opened their home to 23 foster children, live in Stillwater, Minn., and own a mental health care practice.

Recent statements involving Michele Bachmann

Says Michele Bachmann said “English was good enough for Jesus when he wrote the Bible.”

“The president … by executive order” could grant voting rights to illegal immigrants who are newly legalized under pending legislation.

The IRS is going to be “in charge” of “a huge national database” on health care that will include Americans’ “personal, intimate, most close-to-the-vest-secrets.”

The IRS is “going to be in charge of our health care.”

“The IRS will have the ability potentially” to deny or delay health care.

Seventy percent (70%) of the indicators lean in degrees towards “false.”  

Now for the subject CNN discussion. The commentary after the video (below) is that of NewsAttackNow.

YouTube posted 

by NewsAttackNow

Published on Feb 21, 2014
2-21-14 – CNN anchor Don Lemon lashed out at a conservative guest during a panel discussion about Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) blaming gender bias for her poor performance in the 2012 GOP primaries. When conservative Emily Miller insisted that gender bias did factor into how she was treated, and that “white guilt” played a role in President Barack Obama’s two elections, Lemon and his liberal guest laughed at her.

Miller began by saying that the press is taking Bachmann’s comments out of context and clarified that the Minnesota lawmaker was saying that many voters are less likely to vote for a woman than they are, for example, for a minority. “I think there’s a lot of truth to that,” Miller explained. “I think there is still white guilt over a what is happened…”

“And they were still guilty four years later?” Lemon interjected.

“I think so,” Miller replied. “He obviously didn’t win on the merits.”

Both Lemon and The Root columnist Keli Goff burst out laughing. “I think that’s really underestimating the American people,” Lemon protested.

“So, white people felt guilty enough to vote for Barack Obama the first time and then you are saying, in your estimation, he did a terrible job, and they were so guilty that then they again voted for him — they were stupid enough, if they felt that way to vote for him again?” Lemon asked. “That’s insulting to Americans.”

“No, it’s insulting to the president,” Miller shot back.

“I think that’s incredibly insulting,” Goff added. She continued that Bachmann or any other “privileged white lady” should attempt to explain their situation to the parents of slain black teenagers Trayvon Martin or Jordan Davis.

“The Trayvon Martin case had nothing to do with race,” Miller began as both Lemon and Goff laughed again.

“Oh my God, it does not make sense,” the CNN anchor concluded.

Let’s dissect a bit.

Did you notice Emily Miller (conservative to the right of Lemon on camera), responded to Lemon’s introduction with a diatribe that included the alleged call to Bachamnn’s staff and the disavowing of the quote posted at the top of this piece (Another opportunity to read the quote).

Her comments remind of this:….

“I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.”

Did you notice the applause from the supportive audience?

The very next day, Santorum pulled a real “boner.”

Huffington Post

“I looked at that, and I didn’t say that,’ Santorum told O’Reilly. ‘If you look at it, what I started to say is a word and then sort of changed and it sort of — blah — came out. And people said I said ‘black.’ I didn’t.”

Ms. Miller also performed up to standard relative to jumping to a position of self-perceived privilege and authoritarianism via telling (ordering) her discussion counterpart to “calm down.” Lemon nor the other guest, chastised Miller as she delivered what is becoming a mantra regarding “…..Mitt Romney would have made a better president.” We are seeing it and hearing it more and more. Factually, the statement is without substance and as phony as Paul Ryan’s lies about running a marathon in record time (refuted by his brother) and his invasion of the DC soup pantry for a video an photo shoot. The assertion is a personal opinion that is often dropped when the speaker knows the show host will not push for quick response as to ‘why.’ It is classic Rovianism and like any advertisement, if heard enough, for some, it soaks-in like maple syrup on Romney’s Peanut Butter pancakes. 

Granted Keli Goff, the guest to the left of Lemon, took her long awaited response outside the scope of the discussion via beginning in Trayvon Martin. I assert her comments certainly did not warrant a “calm-down.” The order to “calm-down” was both bush-league and amateurish as Miller was not the show host. Thus, she possessed no authority to order the speaker to “calm-down.” Yet, she felt Fox News like in reaching to her point-counter-point opponent for a figurative verbal punch (put-down) so loved by people who watch Fox News.
Frankly, as the segment broadcast I envisioned Michael Dunn’s conferred privilege of reaching over to a vehicle that was parked long before he arrived to instruct the three young black teenagers to “turn-down” their music. Dunn was buoyed by his concealed weapon (and reported anxiousness to fire upon a person) and the thought he could tell a strange what to do. Ms. Miller seems to have assumed a similar disdainful aura regrading Ms. Goff. 

Why do some people feel they have the privilege to order others around as if the person is a subordinate pet? 
Ms. Miller’s non-verbals at discussion end was very telling. Read her eye raise/roll as you will, I read the involuntary reflexive act as a form of contempt for the people with whom she had just disagreed. And, without regard for the fact others do not hold her views and perspective.
Punditry is a art, that some do not perform very well. When a person is charged with defending and standing up for the likes of Michelle Bachmann, with a veracity record as delineated above, I suggest the pundit should posses skill that far surpass those of Ms Miller. 

Moreover, there are people in the 92% GOP who should understand they can no longer simply order a world according to their paradigm.

Michelle Bachmann should realize two or three points. First, if she is speaking honestly the people with whom she spoke may have been sending her a personal message “Not to pursue the nomination.” Second, Bachmann isn’t a person a non-far-right conservative would spend one minute in conservation. 

Frankly, I doubt any progressives of liberals would waste a moment speaking with Bachmann. On a tertiary basis, we seriously doubt Bachmann is speaking honestly, We reflect on the Politicaft table above: 70% less than honest when publicly speaking

The Daily Kos: Koch Ads Continue To Mislead

In ACA, Obamacare, The Daily Kos on February 21, 2014 at 1:55 PM

AK-Sen: Koch Brothers Use Actress To Portray Disgruntled Voter In …

Image from The Daily Kos and from another related article

We often visit the Koch brothers efforts to turn American into a personal playground akin to the “Hunger Games” ™. Billionaire industrialist who begrudge medical coverage to people who have no coverage or major restrictions (denials) of coverage defies logic.  People who do not even need any for of medical coverage based on financial wherewithal would deny opportunity to common people like you and me. Moreover, we are expected to grind and bear it. Almost reminds of the subservience of the little girl who was told to always tuck-in her blouse. And she tucked-in the tail of the blouse as she was called to perform (to the death) to the throngs of upper crust.

 “….tuck in that tail, little duck.” 

Re-Blog from The Daily Kos….

Another day, another debunked Obamacare horror story. The larger problem with this one is that it’s got the big bucks of the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity behind it, blasting it out on the airwaves in Michigan against Rep. Gary Peters, a Democrat running for Senate. In it, Michigan resident Julia Boonstra says this:

“I was diagnosed with leukemia. I found out I only have a 20 percent chance of surviving. I found this wonderful doctor and a great health care plan. I was doing fairly well fighting the cancer, fighting the leukemia, and then I received a letter. My insurance was canceled because of Obamacare. Now, the out-of-pocket costs are so high, it’s unaffordable. If I do not receive my medication, I will die. I believed the president. I believed I could keep my health insurance plan. I feel lied to. It’s heartbreaking for me. Congressman Peters, your decision to vote Obamacare jeopardized my health.”

At this point, so many of these horror stories have been debunked, traditional media has their radar up for them. This one is no exception, and the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler is on it, researching the claims made. First off, Boonstra was able to get a plan on the exchange with Blue Cross Blue Shield that had her doctor in its network. While she doesn’t claim in the ad she lost her doctor, she sure implies it. She didn’t.
Secondly, Boonstra herself told the Detroit News that her monthly premium cost had been cut in half, from $1,100 a month to $571. Her assertion that “the out-of-pocket costs are so high, it’s unaffordable,” is hard to back up as well because Obamacare limits out of pocket spending to $6,350 for an individual plan, at which point the insurance company picks up everything. According to what Kessler found, all of the Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in Michigan have that limit. So the out of pocket expenses Boostra is facing will be almost entirely covered by how much she is saving in premiums over the course of the year—$6,348. AFP’s answer to Kessler about all this is that her out of pocket expenses are now more unpredictable, and that makes it harder to budget. That’s a fair point, and the uncertainty surrounding monthly costs would be upsetting for anyone battling any illness (though potentially mitigated by the $571 in savings Boostra sees every month), but that’s not the message given in the ad.
AFP is being purposefully misleading using Boostra’s story, and doesn’t think that their ad should be subject to this kind of scrutiny, attempting to shame Kessler and any other fact checkers with this: “The reality of what she’s dealing with is much more involved and can’t be swept aside by saying, ‘you have an OOP maximum so quit complaining about your cancer.'” No one is sweeping aside her illness, or telling her to stop complaining about her cancer. They’re pointing out that she’s saving enough in premiums to cover her out of pocket costs. She can complain all she wants, but it’s not callous and it’s not out of bounds to say that she’s not telling the entire truth.


Pussy Riot Reminds Of Why Snowden’s Choices Raise Antennas!

In Edward Snowden, Lawrence O'Donnell, NBC News on February 21, 2014 at 12:30 PM

Let’s set the stage a bit.   I am not in any way a supporter of Edward Snowden, his ideology, his affinity for what appears as  (Ayn Rand) libertarianism, and I have total contempt for the danger he may have laid upon US Intelligence gathering.  

Oh, yes you say, “Hero”, you say, “Whistle-blower”, you say, “Big brother privacy violations”; you may not realize the web of danger inherent in your support and praise.   There is nothing noble and honorable about INTEL. It is a crusty business that has led directly to all victories during was and a lack there of generally accompanies lost wars.  You say we should not have war. I say same, but we both speak idyllically and from a realm not born-out by the history of humanity. Man will involve in conflict and war. 

Briefly, a few cases where Intel won battles or won wars. I realize the following could rile those who feel the nation should live without the thought of war and military conflict. However, we live in a world without Bush/Cheney starting wars, but we nonetheless live with ever-present threats that place the nation (you and me) at great risk.

I. Code-breakers in Midway Island led to destruction the Japanese fleet. With-out good INTEL the US could not have won Pacific Island battles in WW II.

II. English deciphers of German Enigma Code messages led to destruction Hitler’s submarine fleet and disarmed Grand-Admiral Doenitz’s “Wolf Packs.”

The Capture of Grand-Admiral Doenitz – May 1945

Along with Albert Speer and Colonel Alfreed Jodl

Dr Albert Speer (left), with Admiral Doenitz and Colonel Alfred Jodl after their arrest on 23 May 1945.

III. INTEL in war and impact on battles   

IV. CIA the decisive impact of INTEL in wars

V. General Armstrong Custer died at the Little Bighorn due to faulty INTEL. He pursued his ill-fated mission of punishing the northern nation/tribes of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Gall with the ultimate goal of herding the people into reservations.

Military History About Dot Com

Moving to Battle:

The village that Custer’s Crow scouts saw was one of the largest ever gatherings of Plains Native Americans. Called together by the Hunkpapa Lakota holy man Sitting Bull, the encampment consisted of several tribes and numbered as high as 1,800 warriors and their families. Among the noted leaders in the village were Crazy Horse and Gall. Despite the size of the village, Custer moved forward on faulty intelligence provided by Indian Agents which suggested that the hostile Native American force in the region numbered around 800, only slightly more than the 7th Cavalry’s size.

The value of INTEL or lack there of!  Imagine Custer with proper and accurate INTEL indicating as many as 1800 warriors vs the erroneous figure of eight-hundred (800). He might have forsaken his now famous response to orders to traverse with Gattling Guns and Woodruff guns (small artillery) ordinance on his mission. The young general opted to live by his cavalry DNA that dictated his affinity for speed in deployment. The Gatling Gun and small artillery would have slowed his columns against the Original Native North American warriors. Think about the Little Big Horn if Custer had followed orders and deployed with heavier weapons. Accurate INTEL may have overcome his ego driven affinity for the speed of cavalry forces. He may have lived to fight another day.

Yes, military digression can be boring. The reality is, General Armstrong Custer, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, and Grand-Admiral Doenitz are irrefutable examples of how INTEL failures equal battles and wars lost.

Since, it is now obvious Putin’s re-election to leadership in Russia means revisiting the Cold War, I find it intriguing Edward Snowden has snuggled-up and hunkered down there.

I suggest Snowden is as dangerous to the greater society than the “Indian Agents” (as there were called) underestimating the size of Siting Bull’s warrior forces.  How about a deep look at the US “Traitor?” If you really like “Whistleblower” or “Hero”, your prerogative, but remember he used subterfuge and surreptitious activities while using people to secure secrets to which he did not have access.  He subsequently released the stolen “booty” (excuse the pun), with declarations of satisfaction regarding his success in divulging INTEL capabilities. How is Snowden different from: Robert Hanssen, John Anthony Walker and son, and Jonathon Pollard (spy for Israel)?  

Edward Snowden is…..

A Ron Paul “subject” (a), (b)
NBC News
View image on Twitter
Snowden says he is working to improve the NSA 

“For me, in terms of personal satisfaction, the mission’s already accomplished,” he said in the interview, which was accompanied by what appeared to be new pictures. “I already won. 

“As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated,” he said. “I didn’t want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself.”

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell devoted last night’s REWRITE, to Snowden and the most recent case of Russian authoritarianism that frankly reminds of Soviet Union Cold War oppression of the individual.

Glenn Beck’s The Blaze also finds Snowden a “bag of  tricks” (My words).