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Archive for March 2nd, 2014|Daily archive page

Dick Cheney: Irrelevant, But He And Fox News Don’t Yet Know It

In Defense Spending, Dick Cheney, Fox News, Halliburton on March 2, 2014 at 10:30 PM

It isn’t unusual for Right-wing zealots and war-mongers like Dick Cheney to rise to any occasion (self perceived opportunity) for a bit of Obama Derangement Bashing. Yet, Cheney’s insanity of late is a bit unusual. His use of SNAP benefits for political rhetoric is shameful. Fox News and Cheney joined this week to take political shots at the Obama Administration while ignoring the benefit of SNAP benefits for segments of the population that include military families.
Cheney has again come-out of obscurity to lead the insanity after Secretary of Defense Hagel mentioned Obama Administration intent to trim the nation’s defense budget. MSNBC’s Ari Melber filling-in for Melissa Harris-Perry broadcast a segment befitting Cheney’s penchant for speaking out after sensing the ‘red meat’ opportunity.  
We offer a few visual perspectives of Dick Cheney as fallacy. The following represent a few points for clear delineation.

Dick Cheney….

…. was as active as anyone in the fabrication of WMD to facilitate the charge into Iraq. 

….is a former CEO of Halliburton (and an inevitable high-level benefactor of the billions you and I spent to perpetrate that war). 

…. was without doubt an conspirator in the first time eve outing of a US CIA agent as retribution against her husband (who would not support lies about Uranium foe WMD form Niger: Joe Wilson). 

…. never spoke out once about GOP cuts to the SNAP program while lower rank military families in the thousands derive life-sustaining benefit from Food Stamps.

Media Matters illustrates the insanity of Dick Cheney and the network that allows him to call-in for spewing anti-Obama drivel while using food stamps as a prop.

February 12th, 2013 excerpt

The U.S. spends more on defense than the next 12 top-spending countries combined. PolitiFact examined data by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), both “considered to be leading authorities on worldwide military spending numbers,” and determined that, “In 2011 — the most recent year available — the United States led the world in military spending at $711 billion … The next top 12 spending nations accounted for a combined total of $670.9 billion.” IISS data discovered that the U.S spends $252.6 billion more on defense than the next top nine nations.

SIPRI also foundthat U.S. military spending accounted for 41 percent of the world’s total military spending in 2011. The U.S.’s expenditure is about five times more than the second-highest spender, China, which accounted for 8.2 percent of the world total. Russia’s military spending is in third place with 4.1 percent. 
The United States’ defense spending compared to the rest of the world looks something like this, from George Washington University’s School of Media Public Affairs:

Now for a quick visuals that place defense spending in perspective.

Defense Spending as a percent of US Discretionary Spending (2013)

A closer look at how our tax dollars are used to fund the military industrial complex.




How about a little something from the Daily Kos Pie chart showing defense spending by country, 2010. US is by far the largest at $698 billion followed by China at $119 billion.
Click here for interactive chart.

Cheney and the spoils of war

Ari Melber

Dick Cheney’s national approval rating only slightly higher than the ratings of the US Congress. Yet for sake of propaganda Fox News provides the Cheney a platform. 

Howard Kurtz Now On Fox News Fits The Mold Perfectly

In Howard Kurtz, The Raw Story on March 2, 2014 at 5:41 PM

Image via Awesome Screenshot

Did Howard Kurtz mention the word “standards” this morning?

Jason Collins, NBA basketball player, self-disclosed about his homosexuality in early 2013. Collins was lauded by many, including President Obama, and unfortunately ridiculed by some. One major face of criticism came from a supposed media reporter Howard Kurtz.

Kurtz purposefully stepped well outside of his standard fare on Reliable Sources to attack Jason Collin’s past.  A past Collin has fully reported.  

We have linked a Buzz Feed video below. For sake of clarity we are a link to another Buzz Feed piece for fully disclosure. Full disclosure also points a more dire finger at the “unethical ” Howard Kurtz.

Why are we going here today? Kurtz has responded to a Comedy Central spoof with typical Fox News attacks and silliness. Yes, Fox News. Within Weeks of Kurtz blowing out his credibility and character, he was hired by Fox News. Isn’t it amazing how often Fox News “sops” the plate after media professional throw-up all over themselves. It is as if they have to become sufficiently soiled in some way to meet the Fox News litmus test.  [Note: the Juan Williams hire was another example of extreme sopping after O’Reilly moved Williams to a firing at NPR.]

Buzz Feeds Howard Kurtz; Sadness 

Buzz Feeds Dylan Byers, May 1, 2013. 

Howie Kurtz strikes again

From Jason Collins’ Other Hidden Secret,” by Howie Kurtz (May 1, 2013):

One of the reasons that Jason Collins’ coming out packed such an emotional punch is that he appeared to be telling all. … Except that he left one little part out. He was engaged. To be married. To a woman.

From Jason Collins’ 

 Sports Illustrated article (Apr. 29, 2013):

When I was younger I dated women. I even got engaged.
Read more linked title above

We should note The Daily Beast apologized for the Kurtz column; linked above.

During a 15 minute CNN “mop-up” segment Kurtz spoke the following.

Oh, Kurtz’s reputation and professional established recently reacted to the Comedy Central segment mentioned above.
The Raw Story
Fox host flips after Colbert mocks him: ‘Even fake news anchors should have standards’ (via Raw Story )

Fox News host and media critic Howard Kurtz on Sunday lashed out at Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert, who had recently mocked his report on Hillary Clinton’s age. “That’s right. Fox news is ready to project that in the 2016 presidential election…


In Benghazi, Darrel Issa, Fox News, GOP Malfeasance on March 2, 2014 at 4:34 PM

The Protype GOP Fraud!

Darrel Issa is a fraud and sits in the House Oversight chair position because we did not take care of business in 2010.  Let’s hope we do not do same this year and turn the US Senate over to these functionaries of plutocrat money brokers.

Issa called out by the safe confines of Fox News.

Some media have reported $14 million flushed down the waste can of GOP Malfeasance.

The Raw Story

Fox News host calls out Darrell Issa for ‘highest level of falsehood’ on Benghazi (via Raw Story )

Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday confronted Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) after he was rated as having the “highest level of falsehood” for his obsession with the terrorist attacks in Benghazi. Last month, The Washington Post investigated Issa’…

Corker And The GOP Screw Tennessee!

In ACA, Americans Against the Tea Party on March 2, 2014 at 12:44 PM

Last week I published a piece about the continuing manifestation of GOP malfeasance when applied to the common people. Senator Corker (R) Tennessee clearly showed how misrepresentation and lies benefit those who seek personal power and are willing to spend lavishly to secure their will. It is clear the peopel of Tenessee took a back seat to GOP power-brokers with Corker as the conduit.

While the GOP maintains anti-collective bargaining bedrock position as solidly as its positions on the ACA and civil rights (human rights), voters should recognize the deleterious affect of the aggregate “body of policy” from the party.

Our piece from last week:  Volkswagen speaks out on union vote

RePost.US via Americans Against The Tea Party

Republicans Kill 13,000 Jobs in Tennessee with Anti-Union Vote. (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Executives at Volkswagen met last night to discuss the closure of a plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee after workers there voted to reject the formation of a worker’s council through joining the United Autoworkers Union (UAW). The closure of the plant…

George Will Speaks To Bigotry Against The LGBT From His New Fox News Platform

In George Will, LGBT on March 2, 2014 at 12:05 PM

Image via Media Matters

If you need any additional reasons for George Will taking his bigotry and racism to Fox News, the Raw Story has captured it all.

Will exemplifies life in America that some call “white privilege.” He cannot accept LGBT people as human beings, just as Western Hemisphere capitalist gave no quarter to consideration of Africans as human beings (as human chattel became an industry). He reminds of the anti-human rights initiatives from Andrew Johnson immediately upon the death of Abe Lincoln. Existentially, Will comes across as southern (Democratic) segregationist. The “Democratic segregationist” in there to ward-off the silly and shallow argument about how the Republicans saved the day for US Slaves and the Democrats fought for segregation.

The GOP is not the party of Abe Lincoln and the Democrats are damned well not the party of 1950/60s southern governors and legislators.

George Will should accept criticism as that of a major US bigot “Par Excellence” and Will, on the other and, should be commended for fulfilling his newly anointed role on the network for the racist and bigoted Right. 

The Raw Story…..

George Will: It’s ‘not neighborly’ for LGBT people to ask for equal rights (via Raw Story )

Fox News contributor George Will on Sunday said that LGBT people deserved equal treatment from businesses, but they were “not neighborly” and “not nice” for fighting for those rights. During a panel discussion on Fox News Sunday, host Chris…