The Pardu

Archive for March 11th, 2014|Daily archive page

6 Obama Care Criticisms ( Myths)!

In ACA, Connect The Dots USA, Obamacare on March 11, 2014 at 6:48 PM

the act of expressing disapproval and of noting the problems or faults of a person or thing : the act of criticizing someone or something
  a traditional but unfounded story that gives the reason for a current custom, belief, or fact of nature


to make a statement one knows to be untrue

 to deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery

The Koch brothers have spent one half a billion dollars working to repeal ObamaCare. The US House of Representatives has wasted $80 million dollars on frivolous and subservient (to money backers) repeal votes. House leadership has indicated a 51st vote in the coming weeks. Do you think the silliness will stop when the gauge hits $100 million?  Did I hear someone say, the tea party is against big government and is for cost cutting?  
In addition to phony “I cannot accept the ACA” panels on Fox News and internet and actor developed television commercials against the ACA. The Fox broadcast and expensive Koch brothers ads center around a few (bundled) ACA lies. We will defer to Connect The Dots USA use of the word “criticism” as we present what follows.
Later tonight plan to post a video segment related to the Koch ad campaign. You already know the site has many postings related to the Koch paradigm for the nation. We ask, why do such wealthy people literally hate the middle and lower income Americans? It is impossible to avoid use of the word “hate”, as we can find no other reason for spending over $500 million dollars to kill law that benefits so many people.

The ACA is good for people and good for the nation! 
Connect The Dots USA

Let’s debunk the Top 6 ObamaCare Criticisms.

First, we have all those purported ObamaCare horror stories offered up by the right-wing propaganda machine and even elected officials. Once an investigative reporter actually scratches beneath the surface, however, every one of these stories has turned on to be phony. You’d think if ObamaCare was so awful, the right-wing would be tripping all over legitimate tales of woe.

On the contrary, reporters like Michael Hiltzik and Kevin Drum “wonder whether there’s a single genuine Obamacare horror story out there, given that virtually every yarn promoted by Republicans or conservatives about people hurt by the Affordable Care Act has deflated like a pricked balloon on the merest examination.

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Media Matters Remains Ever Watchful: Baltimore Sun [Thumbs-Up] And Fox News [Thumbs-Down]

In Fox News, IRS Scandal, Media Matters on March 11, 2014 at 11:53 AM

During the course of my political traipsing around cyberspace, I came across a couple of really interesting Media Matters pieces. The topic will not “blow-you-away.” Yet, you might find them both reinforcing evidence of a deteriorating American experience or you might simply find them tragic.

“Tragic” is not a word that regularly emanates from my cognitive processes. As I consider the second Media Matters deck (below), I was unable to reach into my ready to use lexicon for a better more descriptive word than “tragic.”. 
As you read through the second piece, recognize the extreme exercise of over-the-top white privilege and elitism shrouded in bigotry and propaganda. One last point related to O’Reilly and the very accommodating Bernard Goldberg.  Let’s hold that last point until you get to the second Media Matters “deck.”  

First, kudos to the Baltimore Sun.
Media Matters March 10th, 2014.
The Baltimore Sun cut ties with their conservative blog after learning of the blog’s potential unethical behavior, a Sun spokesperson said Monday. 
“The Baltimore Sun’s editorial independence is among our most fundamental values and we have a strict separation between advertising and the content we produce,” Sun Director of Marketing Renee Mutchnik told Media Matters in a statement explaining the paper’s separation from the bloggers.

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And, the previously alluded to “point” is…..