The Pardu

Media Matters Remains Ever Watchful: Baltimore Sun [Thumbs-Up] And Fox News [Thumbs-Down]

In Fox News, IRS Scandal, Media Matters on March 11, 2014 at 11:53 AM

During the course of my political traipsing around cyberspace, I came across a couple of really interesting Media Matters pieces. The topic will not “blow-you-away.” Yet, you might find them both reinforcing evidence of a deteriorating American experience or you might simply find them tragic.

“Tragic” is not a word that regularly emanates from my cognitive processes. As I consider the second Media Matters deck (below), I was unable to reach into my ready to use lexicon for a better more descriptive word than “tragic.”. 
As you read through the second piece, recognize the extreme exercise of over-the-top white privilege and elitism shrouded in bigotry and propaganda. One last point related to O’Reilly and the very accommodating Bernard Goldberg.  Let’s hold that last point until you get to the second Media Matters “deck.”  

First, kudos to the Baltimore Sun.
Media Matters March 10th, 2014.
The Baltimore Sun cut ties with their conservative blog after learning of the blog’s potential unethical behavior, a Sun spokesperson said Monday. 
“The Baltimore Sun’s editorial independence is among our most fundamental values and we have a strict separation between advertising and the content we produce,” Sun Director of Marketing Renee Mutchnik told Media Matters in a statement explaining the paper’s separation from the bloggers.

Read More (Title above) 


And, the previously alluded to “point” is…..

O’Reilly Speculates That Media Is Covering For Obama Regarding IRS “Scandal” Because He’s A “Liberal African-American”

Fox’s Bernie Goldberg Agrees: “He Is Their Guy, He’s Young, He’s Cool, He’s Black, And He’s Liberal”

From the March 10 edition of Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor:



I offer a bit of specificity on why I opted for use of  the word “tragic.” We recogize that Fox News has a large viewing audience. We realize that audience is probably demographically older (Higher-end Baby Boomers).  We also hvae to accept Fox News feeds derangement to an audience that is predominately white. You might ask, how can I make that leap of reasoning. The simple explanation, “the GOP is 92% white and the Libertarian movement is statistically similar with only a slightly higher degree of diversity. 
Let’s perform a ‘loose’ syllogismThere are times when deductive reasoninghelps. 

Major premise:
 Fox News appeals to conservative viewers.
Minor premise: The GOP is the conservative party.
         Minor premise (b): The GOP is 92% white.
Conclusion: Fox News broadcast to a predominate white audience.
While probably not necessary, I find value in a reminder of Fox News daily feeding far-right dogma to its rapaciousthrongs of sponge-like viewers. “White Santa and White Jesus”………………..

The ultimate horror of Fox News is the number of viewers who tune-in for its evening programming. Programming that one man clearly identified. 
Far fairness sake, I admit to daily tuning-in MSNBC evening programming for “far-left” dogma. I also get daily reminders of MSNBC’s thoroughness when it comes to researching and reporting on many topics crirtcla to progressive America. Yet I will accept my cognitive addiction for “Left-leaning dogma.”

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