The Pardu

Archive for March 30th, 2014|Daily archive page

Did Karl Rove Pull A Jennifer Stefano?

In Karl Rove on March 30, 2014 at 9:16 PM

GOP operative supremo!
If you are a curious person, as am I, it will be really super to get to the outcome of the New Jersey state legislators investigation of Chris Christie. It will be even more thrilling to see how the federal investigation culminates.

From Joe Scarborough, a variety of playbook TV pundits through Karl Rove, the necks are on the chopping block. Christie is so obviously involved in “Brigdegate Scandal” and I have strong suspicion he played tiddly-pool with Sandy relief funds.

Karl Rove has once again gone berserk about matters related to his party and its darling elected officials.  How does Rove clean-up his actions once the curtain reveals Christie for what he is?  If Rove can somehow read through the “soap-opera” (woman as objects of fault) law firm report, he should have issues with Chrisitie’s extremely poor choices in filling key administration positions. Moreover, he obviously performed well below elected official expectations in managing his staff and people contracted to support his administration.  In either case, Christie has a great degree of culpability in bringing shame on the State of New Jersey.

Let’s see if Karl Rove tops the performance by Jennifer Stefano as she sat for an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.  

Karl Rove loses it after Fox guest calls Chris Christie report a ‘whitewash’ (via Raw Story )

Republican strategist Karl Rove on Sunday accused a Fox News of a personal “attack” after he called an internal investigation cleared New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) for closing the busiest bridge in the world for political retribution. During…

Adelson: A Plutocrat With The Power To Demand Appearances By All Jesters

In Adelson, Chris Christie, Christe, Gingrich, GOP on March 30, 2014 at 6:10 PM




Unable to locate a Google    
Image shot of Jeb Bush 
addressing the audience.

The GOP political climate took a bit of from over the weekend. Sheldon “I got money” Adelson summonsed top GOP “ring-kissers” to Las Vegas (and his private plane hangar) and other local environs to parade the crew in front of attendees at the Republican Jewish Coalition.  Of particular note were the “ring-kissers” who spoke at the event and those who were not present. Rand Paul stated he had family commitments. UUUUM, suspect he could not find a speech to plagiarize. More seriously, I wonder how Paul actually feels about the Jewish vote. Let’s face it, his Dad has seedy and shadowy supporters who would not care for his cuddling up the Jewish supporters. 

The Nation and Adelson’s personal primary.

Let’s visit with something developed and keyboarded by “Friend of the TPI”, Tracy Krauss.


As we speak, casino mogul, Sheldon Adelson, who made his fortune in the dark world of gambling, is entertaining Republican presidential hopefuls to see who meets his fancy and deserves his financial support. In other words, who will do what he wants if he pays their way to the top office. Adelson is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice for “bribing public officials” in China to get a monopoly in their only legal gambling establishment. He got his wish. Now he wants to eliminate online gambling in America which threatens his empire. He’s greasing the palm of politicians like S.C. Senator Lindsey Graham who are now entertaining such legislation. And he needs someone in the White House to sign it into law. The U.S. Supreme Court, through its Citizens United decision, has given the wealthiest citizens and corporations the right to buy our government. Our right to vote is mere window dressing.

 As Albert Camus declared, “What better way to enslave a man than to give him a vote and tell him he is free.”

Apparently, Christie’s appearance before the “would be king” private court did not go as well as the groveling Christie might have liked. He used the words, “occupied territories” to a man who may consider those words comparable to mention of Germany 1935 – 1945. While immersed in major full bore groveling Christie played a card that was a serious dud. 

Speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition event at Adelson’s Venetian resort in Las Vegas, Christie used the controversial term to describe the West Bank and other areas where Israel has a military presence.

“I took a helicopter ride from the occupied territories across, and just felt personally how extraordinary that was, to understand the military risk that Israel faces every day,” Christie said.

Christie has issued an apology. Question. Do you see the power of the mega wealthy? When have you seen or heard of Christie apologizing for anything that comes from his mouth? It is also important for Adelson to remember, “Freudian slips” are revealing things. 

And here you have a gambling mogul with an “Israel first” and “at all cost” mindset.   A mindset that simply put means war from obliging politicians who accept his political funding.

Conservative, GOP and Adelson jingoism is without question disgusting! And, to think he would select our next president.

Dick Cheney Handed A Just Walk-out!

In Dick Cheney, Liberals Unite, Samuel Warde on March 30, 2014 at 3:24 PM

Re-post from Liberals Unite…..
Author: Samuel Wynn Warde

Students Walk out on Dick Cheney, Calling Him ‘War Criminal’ (VIDEO)

March 30, 2014 |Posted by: Samuel Warde
Photo by by Ana Santos
Photo by by Ana Santos
Video footage shows students walking out on Dick Cheney while he was speaking at American University. The students were protesting his foreign policy, and calling him a “War criminal” as they left the arena.
As reported by American University’s The Eagle, the former vice-president denied allegations that he was a war criminal saying that “the accusation are not true.”
Cheney had previously denied using torture in a pre-talk interview with ATV, the student-run television station at American University, saying: “Some people called it torture. It wasn’t torture.”
Cheney told the crowd that during his vice-presidency three people had been waterboarded.
According to Cheney, the enhanced interrogation tactics used do not fall under the scope of the 1949 United Nations Geneva Convention, which outlaws cruel, inhuman or any degrading treatment or punishment because the Geneva Convention does not apply to unlawful combatants.The Bush administration considered terrorists as unlawful combatants and considered those undergoing enhanced interrogation tactics as terrorists.
“If I would have to do it all over again, I would,” Cheney said. “The results speak for themselves.”
You can watch the video below, contributed by Alejandro Alvarez.


“And, there-in lies the proper and just way to handle a “War Criminal” and a failed leader who helped to place our nation in near collapse.” The Pardu

Ryan on The O’Reilly Factor": "I don’t have a racist bone in my body!"

In Bob Marley, Paul Ryan on March 30, 2014 at 11:48 AM