The Pardu

Archive for the ‘Bill Maher’ Category

Maher, Rob Reiner and Two Conservative Trump Facilitators

In Bill Maher, RIck santorum, Rob Reiner, Tara Setmayer, Trump Facilitators, Your GOP on August 7, 2016 at 6:00 PM

Bill Maher tonight clashed with Rick Santorum and CNN conservative commentator Tara Setmayer (plus noted, Liberal, director and former actor Rob Reiner) over the fact that Donald Trump may not be the real problem with the GOP… 

Before the 11 minute clip (and ti is worthy of a close viewing), Let’s remind your folks of Maher’s key guest: Rick Santorum.  

Santorum from his failed run for the GOP nomination in 2012. 

Now, that we have the opportunistic racist Santorum in perspective, let’s watch his failed efforts to beat the drum and sound the horn for Donald Trump (a bird of the same feather).

Bill Maher, Reiner, Set mayer and Santorum

Would you actually believe Trump’s reticent endorsement of three GOP members of Congress was brought-up by the desperate Santorum.  So, Trump’s soiled aura was turned round with one strategically forced set of lies form Trump.  Wow!  How shallow is the GOP and conservative America?

Alex Jones No-Showed ABC News (Surprised?)

In Alex Jones, Alex Jones no-shows ABC News, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Piers Morgan on May 11, 2015 at 1:27 PM

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); var icx_publication_id = ‘14291’; var icx_copyright_notice = ‘2014 TheProgressiveInfluence’;

Do you know Alex Jones?   

Do you watch his Info Wars TV show regularly? 

Are you one who seeks and absorbs conspiracy theories like butter on a hot piece of toasted bread?  How do you feel about Type A quacks who help to push the American psyche to levels of paranoia unfounded in US History? 

If you answered in the affirmative to either of the questions, now about yet another ad and more critical inquiry.  

Have you ever succumbed to the talents of a carnival barker, paid to enter the tent and quickly realized you had been duped? 

Alex Jones seems to have serious cognitive issues as evident in the following 14 minute segment with the former CNN Host Piers Morgan. The issues control after the Sandy Hook school shooting. You might prefer to skip through the segment as did I; over exposure to Piers Morgan and Alex Jones is tantamount to 10 minutes of Rush Limbaugh or three minutes of Fox News.

Skip forward to the spring of 2015. Jones joined a chorus of Texas politicians, media operatives and quack sycophant listeners and viewers in bemoaning the US military eight state summer training exercise Jade Helm 15.

Conservative media added a degree of impetus to the insane and paranoid dogma, GOP politicians honed in (for and against the story), and the story grew legs.  The story also drew criticism from both Jon Stewart and Bill Maher. ABC News apparently found some degree of value in attempting to book the carnival barker for a Sunday show appearance. Well, as with any barker, after the show, you will not find the barker on the right side of that tent opening. Jones “no showed after agreeing to the booking!

Mediaite also published a quick read piece about the No-show.  

We will update this piece as the day progresses as we are certain Jones will appear with some quack story as to why he no showed ABC News. 

Bill Maher Spoils GOP Pundit Anti-Obama Mission

In Bill Maher, Crooks and Liars on March 22, 2015 at 11:23 PM

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Image added via The Pardu

Maher Spars With Conservatives Who Refuse To Admit Economy Improved Under Obama

I’ve been really tired of seeing this Kochhead Republican “strategist” Mercedes Schlapp all over the cable news shows in the last few months and turning up as a regular on Hardball more and more often, but I have to admit, I’d be a whole lot less tired of it if she received the same treatment she…

Bill Maher: No One does It Like Maher!

In Bill Maher, Billionaire Buyers Guide on January 24, 2015 at 3:18 PM

No one does it like Bill Maher.

A bit more serious commentary, but as relevant as it gets. And…. notice without the comedic gotcha.

American Sniper the movie? Leaves lots to be desired. It just wasn’t what I would call “Best Picture.” But then it does have Eastwood as a Director and his movie seem to garner Best Picture when the project is not deserving of the top spot.

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Comedians Are More Effective At Challenging The Right Than Democrats

In Bill Maher, Occupy Democrats on November 12, 2014 at 10:23 PM

The question (by popular demand):

“How can [ObamaCare] be one size fits all if you ever do is complain that it’s 2000 pages long?”

…..In response to a diatribe from a well known tea party mouthpiece.

It is truly amazing, we are seeing more political oomph and push back against the Right from comedians who have parlayed their talents to the LED screen.
Bill Maher joins Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert in asking the deep questions that often set conservative pundits off their talking points.

Please watch the video of the exchange below and share this article on social media forums so that everyone will see just how baseless Republican anti-Obamacare arguments truly are. via @DailymotionUSA

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Fareed Zakaria Nails Maher, Affleck and Sam Harris

In Ben Affleck, Bill Maher, CNN, Fareed Zakaria, Michael Steele, Sam Harris on October 14, 2014 at 9:20 PM


After the widely publicized and viral Bill Maher segment (Ben Affleck, Michael Steele, Sam Harris), I have scouted around for the perfect segment to close the matter for the TPI.

My thoughts on the matter is Maher blew it by hosting a panel that would touch upon Islam and Jihadist without scheduling one person of the Muslin Faith. While we should be able to discuss an criticize Jihadist terror without indicting all Muslims, Maher and his guest spoke s some call it: “inarticulate.” By hosting the segment Maher allowed one of his guest, Affleck, to claim the liberal high ground via pointing to comments that actually came across as bigoted. Both Maher and his learned guest spoke about a relevant topic, but their impromptu participation in the (not so well planned Maher) format  (segment) stuck them in them rear.

I wonder about the relevance of booking Michael Steele as he added nothing at all to the specific segment. Was his ethnicity and race of utility to the Maher production team. I hope not because Steele is a far cry from a viable talking head on individual rights or for that matter anti-bigotry. Let’s face it, he is a Republican. 

In fairness to Steele, and his earnings opportunity, maybe he added value to other segments in the hour long show.

The segment I chose ran this past Sunday on, of all networks, CNN. Fareed Zakaria offer a non-Muslin, non-white and only quasi-progressive view of the Maher segment.…..

We all know that Maher and Harris are far from racist. However, there slip into impromptu dialog launched what can only be considered bigoted kerfuffle at a minimum.

Maher is a comedian who has garnered significant success in the political arena. He often skirts the perimeter of ‘the uncool” but manages to ride his history of liberalism out of harm’s way. His contempt for all religion may have led to the ill-fated segment. A mistake for which he will suffer little, but a segment that leaves a bit of a sour taste in the mouth of some who abhor any vestige of racism or bigotry. I certainly left the segment with have such a bad taste.
I also admit to deep consternation with Maher’s recent comments about voting for Rand Paul over Hillary Clinton. I am not fan of the Clintons, but Rand Paul is a disgusting counter opportunity (or quip object) for anyone who claims to be a progressive.

We can only hope Maher doesn’t repeat the path of this Fox News comedian hit-man who frequently joins the network to spew anti-Obama garbage and share silly quips.
Dennis Miler

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“It’s called leadership"

In “It’s called leadership.", Bill Maher, FreedomWorks CEO Matt Kibbe on July 28, 2014 at 12:17 AM

Image via Mediaite, via Screengrab

A few days back, Bill Maher hosted a panel of two conservative guest (very popular across all cable networks) and one progressive guest. Maher interaction with one very vocal tea party spokespersons is worthy a short screed.

Follow this!!!

LiberalAgenda 22 via YouTube

Published on Jul 26, 2014
July 25, 2014 – On last night’s Real Time, Bill Maher took on two of his guests, a Republican and a libertarian, who were criticizing President Obama over his foreign policy. Maher challenged them to say exactly what Obama should be doing differently, and repeatedly emphasized that they should be specific in their criticisms. FreedomWorks CEO Matt Kibbe acknowledged it’s not all Obama’s fault––Bush is partly to blame for the chaos in the world––but at the same time, he said, “this president has zero respect in the world.” When Maher asked what Obama should do, Kibbe said, “It’s called leadership.” 
Maher said, “Remember when I said be specific?” and added, “What the fuck does that mean?”
Republican Hogan Gidley jumped in to say Obama refuses to act like a strong leader would, such as naming Putin “as a bad actor in the planes coming down.” Maher repeatedly pressed him on what Obama should do, and when Gidley didn’t directly answer, he cries, “You keep veering off the point of what we should be doing!”

“This president has zero respect in the world!” 

After sitting quietly while George W Bush ruined our national and took us to the lowest levels of international respect, the Tea Party leader dared “go there.”

“It’s called leadership.”

Like this?

Giuliani on Putin” That’s what I call a leader”

(Larger image version below)

Embedded image permalink

Bill Maher and Chris Matthews Take Two Conservatives To The Land of High Information

In Bill Maher, Chris Matthews on October 14, 2013 at 7:20 PM

There is something about Bill Maher and Chris Matthews that becomes symphonic when they are together.  Problem is they invited two conservatives (despite the fact one did not want to be called a republican).

The segment is nine minutes long, but a good segment for certain

Published on Oct 11, 2013

October 11, 2013 – Bill Maher opened his panel Friday night going right after the GOP for sticking to their guns, even with historically low poll numbers. He and Chris Matthews battled Republican James Glassman over Obamacare and the debt, with Matthews mockingly telling Glassman his idea for spending is too “stupid” to be taken seriously.

Glassman said he sympathizes with the defund Obamacare cause, but knew it was a failure from the start pushed by party “radicals.” Carol Roth argued the GOP should have let Obamacare go into effect and become a “hot mess” all on its own, but Matthews disputed the “glitches” talking point, and went off on the GOP, culminating in saying that they keep asking “When can we lynch him?”

Roth brought up the delays already implemented for Obamacare, but Matthews mockingly shot back, “If the airplane’s delayed an hour, get rid of airplanes!” Maher asked, “How come Obamacare is the worst thing ever, and yet Republicans defend Medicare?” He accused Republicans of “sabotaging a law” in a number of states just because they don’t like it, adding that the GOP is completely hypocritical on the debt because they don’t dare touch entitlements and defense spending.

When Glassman proposed cutting every government program by five percent, Maher shot back, “We did that, it’s called the sequester!” He told Glassman the issue is cutting “the shit we don’t need that you still want” and Matthews added, “Nobody would be stupid enough to do that.”

Morning Java: Fox News Deflects on Government Shutdown And Reports A Satirist Story As Fact

In Bill Maher, Commander-in-Chief, GOP, Morning Java, Plutocrats, President Obama on October 6, 2013 at 1:02 AM

Enjoy while the caffeine kicks-in!!!!

How about some GOP insanity and low information video to go along with your Sumatra,  Kopi Luwak IndonesianKenya AA, Tanzanian, French Roast, Kona Coast, ‘Black Ivory’ [Thai Elephant Dong],  Jamaica Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Costa Rican, Espresso,  Moyobama Peruvian Organic, Indonesian Blend, Coffee Latte, Kauai Blend (often bitter), Colombian Red Lips, or your Folgers 100% Colombian?

                                         Coffees of the World

We start with a 30 second political commercial set to air during Sunday afternoon football games. Do you know anything about the BMW?  No, we are not speaking about a well crafted and marketed automobile. We are writing about people who “Bitch, Moan, and Whine” (BMW) the point of obnoxious.

We will start with a bit of Obama Derangement Syndrome.   Fox News continues to manipulate its viewers with information straight from the mind of satirist. We have embed a short clip below The clip is classic low information lies and manipulation fro Fox News. Before, the network unleashed an insane low information clip segment, producers consumed approximately one minute of air-time laying the groundwork with GOP and conservative deflection regarding the government shutdown.

Watch as three Fox News entertainers, including the patented leggy one on the couch, herd viewers towards an outright lie. Remember,  the GOP has sought a government shutdown since just after Barack Obama was inaugurated 44th President of the United States.

The art of propaganda. via Fox News

It really doesn’t take much cognitive acuity to realize a President of the United States would be completely insane to even think about making a personal donation as stated in the clip. Any competent propagandist knows his/her target group and they know what lights a fire in the target group. The propagandist will in most cases focus on delivery and reinforcement of their message to sycophants vs. expending significant energy working to capture converts.  Thus we have the Fox News retention model; retain those who are in the corral while feeding the sycophants copious doses of red meat. 

Fox News producers and managers know full well the GOP has railed about shutting down the government to the point of strategy and mantra.  Anyone with an IQ over 40 knows no President of the United States would force a shutdown of the very government she/he leads as president an Commander-in-Chief. Fox News producers also know that President Obama would not dare propose, nor consider personally paying members of any religious organization.  If you want to add Ketchup to the mix, how insane would it be for President Obama to allow the thought of personal support for a Muslim Museum?

The segment was an example of pure insanity, correct?  Your sanity, intellect and rational thought is taking you to a wrong place.  Let’s consider the Fox News clip in the following context.  

Bill Maher and Alexander Pelosi seeks out low information people.  Pelosi evens finds an Obama hater!

Jimmy Kimmel and the now viral low information video. I can watch this at least twice per day, and derive significant satisfaction that I am neither low information nor a pawn for uber wealthy plutocrats.
You should now share two psychic states, One, the euphoria deceived from that mug of caffeinated Java. Second, you have seen the horror of low information people. People who will undoubtedly vote for the GOP in the 2013 and 2016 elections. People who would turn our nation over to the insanity to the GOP. A political party that has become nothing more than a legislative front for uber wealthy plutocrats like the Koch brothers.  
Can someone help me understand why President Obama and the Democrats would want to shutdown the federal government? Are over compensated so-called journalists failing to ask the GOP mouth-pieces who book on television shows, why the president would want shutdown and improving economy?