The Pardu

Archive for the ‘CNBC’ Category

Alex Jones’s World With Rand Paul At Center Court

In Alex Jones, Anti-Vaxxers, Celine Gounder, CNBC, Katie Sanders, Rand Paul on February 4, 2015 at 4:41 PM

Image via Media Matters

Rand Paul supporters show what they and Paul are about.  Imagine Paul as the GOP candidate for the 45th president of the United States of America.  If you can stomach that thought stretch a bit to the likes if Alex Jones as an indication of those who support. 

The language from the segment is about par with what I expect from Jones and his audience.  I trust you will agree the segment speaks to the lowest level of intellect in the nation while serving as a barometer of far-right sleaze who idolize Paul. 

Alex Jones…

Shameful, eh? 

Let’s deal with Paul’s chameleon “say what they want to hear” from another perspective. Rand Paul is a supposed ‘eye doctor’. He has committed about vaccinations as a item of “Freedom” as a Liberation without regard to the fact Measles causes blindness. The following is a must read.

Is measles a leading cause of child blindness around the world?

Gounder “Measles is one of the most common 
causes of child blindness worldwide.”                                                                          

— Celine Gounder on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 in an interview on CNN   


Yet, we have Alex Jones hosting a radio show in which the CNBC host/reporter was called a “whore” among other derogatory labels. And, called such from a person who knows nothing about the reporter.

The mindset of the American conservative is unbelievable.

CNBC and RePost.US: ObamaCare And The American People

In CNBC, Obamacare on March 23, 2014 at 12:13 PM

On September 23, 2013, CNBC published a piece related to public and political perceptions of the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA, AKA ACA & ObamaCare). The article offers four invaluable graphics that indicate most Americans are not interested Tea Party repeal ACA votes. Each House of Representatives repeal vote is reported to cost the US tax payer from $1.4 million  USD to $1.6 million USD. If we take the higher reported figures and multiply against the number of House votes (51) the math will lead to $81.6 million in “big government” derangement. Your well gerrymandered (district) GOP representatives are so secure in their seats, they disregard the will of the majority. They disregard our will on a number of key issues while performing cowering servitude to money brokers who want millions kicked-off medical coverage some have never had in their lives.

CNBC:  Most Americans against defunding Obamacare: Survey

How about another perspective on ObamaCare? 

Memo to Democrats: Embrace Obamacare (via Liberaland)

Although it is only March, the post mortem has already been written for the Democratic performance in November’s  midterm elections.  CNN’s John King said the situation is “bleaker than bleak.”  A Democratic strategist said the numbers portend…

Why Is US Electronic Media Joining The Kochs And The GOP As Pied Pipers Of Misinformation

In ACA, CNBC, Fox News, Kochs, Media Matters, NBC, Salon Dot Com on November 1, 2013 at 3:15 PM

During a two week period when American news media has proven it is about little more than attracting viewers to prop-up ratings. This week we find yet another example of crafty people obviously longing for attention or money who manage to lead networks news shows astray.  

Fox News has been at the pinnacle of such flawed and misleading reporting; NBC and CBS also joined the charade parade with episodes that should have generated thoughts of, “Let’s dig deeper for more details.”  Yet neither of the three networks performed above the level of a college journalism intern. Since, we know those television management teams, producers and editors are at least fairly competent professionals, their ‘lazy’ reporting is suspect. Suspect as to motive and intent.

We know the Fox News mission regarding the ACA: join the GOP,  libertarians and the Kochs in killing the humane critical program. CBS and NBC’s flawed reporting were astounding and uncharacteristic. The misleading reports were especially astounding since non-network professionals literally busted the networks. A writer employed by Salon Dot Com recently screeded on misleading reporting.  And believe it or not, Greta Van Sustren (and her team) over on Fox busted a false CBS report, and another writer with the LA Times recently busted CNBC’s “Obama Hatter” Maria  Bartiromo guiding a guest down a path that the network had to know was an oasis.  We use the figurative “Oasis” based on past anti-administration and anti-Obama “hatred” from Bartiromo. Each case of misleading on-camera performances not only harm the potential good of the ACA, the stories also provide viewer induced ratings that garners revenue. 

The ACA is providing significant opportunity for news ratings. But, it is not the only politically charged issue that provides prime ‘red meat’ for administration haters, GOP politicians and network ratings. Ratings seeking may not have been the ultimate motive or enticement for a comparable flub by 60 Minutes. 

There are few news shows and electronic news weekly magazines that can compare to 60 Minutes as a former without question credible investigatory source on information. CBS’s 60 Minutes team has also fallen victim to ‘red meat’ hunters and monthly ratings scrimmages. An alleged Benghazi insider sat for an interview with 60 Minutes, which led to a 47 minute segment on Fox News. Media Matters is reporting there are major issues with the alleged witnesses story.  As I watched the segment I wondered how the CBS news magazine guest   could have been on the scene of the killings and fires an escape as he apparently escaped.  Isn’t it amazing no one at the network had the same thought. Or, if there was a thought about the guy’s credibility, it was shuttered away for some reason. How could highly compensated (supposed) investigatory professionals and producers violate a basic canon of journalism: seek validation or seek more than a single source?

60 minutes
We are embedding the 60 Minutes video and linking to the Media Matters piece.  You simply must watch this interview and follow with a quick read of the Media Matters piece. link to video)
As previously stated, we have grown to expect such non-credible exhibitions from Fox News.  When historically reliable and formerly credible media joins in the hunt for red meat, we as a nation are seeing the early stages of real trouble.  Obama Derangement Syndrome has been historically avoided by credible media.  When the likes of NBC, CBS (60 Minutes) join the feeding frenzy, we open ourselves up for further dissolving into a well set plutocracy trap by people such as the Koch brothers and their well funded GOP. 
Each Sunday millions watch 60 Minutes. If the Media Matters piece we believe and posted here is accurate, we wonder if 60 Minutes will broadcast a clarification.  We know the Media Matters revelation will not get a mention on Fox News. 

It is critical that credible media revisit such misleading reports.