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Fox News Suffers Yet Another Veracity Implosion

In Addictinginfo, Fox Reporter, Terrifying Home Invasion on March 5, 2015 at 5:44 PM

It appears the Fox News entertainment Network is showing as deficient in journalistic veracity and integrity.

RePost from Addictinginfo

Fox Reporter Made Career Off Tale She Survived Terrifying Home Invasion, Turns Out She Lied (VIDEO)

AUTHOR MARCH 5, 2015 10:56 AM
It isn’t only Bill O’Reilly over at Fox who has been busy fabricating past personal experiences to add weight to his political opinions. Step forward local Fox reporter Emily Miller – who fabricated an entire home invasion at her residence to boost her career.
Miller has spent years telling anyone who will listen about a horrifying home invasion she claimed to have suffered on New Years Day 2010. Miller told an “NRA All Access” interview that:
“a man — the police believed to be a drug addict — got into the house and started robbing it. So when I came back into the house, he was in there robbing.”
But then, according to Miller, things got a lot worse:
“After the man left, I was still suspicious so I went inside, grabbed my Blackberry and clicked on the icon for the camera. I walked down the street, and as I turned the corner, I saw about 15 scruffy young men standing around two pickup trucks. We were at the end of a woody, dead-end road.
I nervously held up my Blackberry to take a quick photo of them and the license plates. Suddenly, the blood-shot-eyed guy darted out, blocking the shot. ‘What are you doing?’ he asked. I looked around at all the men staring at me and was suddenly scared.”
This account of 15 mob-types eventually chasing Miller back to her house comes from a widely-read Washington Times series titled “Emily Gets Her Gun,” which Miller later turned into a book called, “Emily Gets Her Gun . . . But Obama Wants to Take Yours.
Miller has since recited the events many times over, regularly stating that she was a “victim of a home invasion.” One such recitation was made during a speech in Annapolis as recently as February 10. this year, to assist gun-rights groups in lobbying against gun-control restrictions.
Most of us interpret a “home invasion” to mean the horrifying ordeal in which intruders burst into a residence and (in most cases) do bodily harm to the occupants.
As an investigative report by the Washington Post has revealed, what really happened to Miller was far less dramatic. The following comes from a supplemental report on the event by D.C. police:
“[Miller] stated that she left out to walk the dog at 1515hrs and when she returned at 1525hrs she observed [the suspect] exiting from behind the fence which leads to the side of the house. [Miller] asked [suspect] ‘What are you doing here’ and [suspect] stated ‘I am delivering firewood.’
[Miller] stated that she went into the house and felt that something was not right, so she exited the house to take a photo of [suspect’s] vehicle. [Suspect] approached [Miller] and gave her a business card that stated [a tree service] and [suspect] left the scene. [Miller] stated that [suspect] was operating a silver pick up truck with landscaping on the side of it.”
In reality then, Miller told police that she came back from walking her dog in the middle of the afternoon to find a man claiming to deliver wood to her home. She took his card, and he left. No chase, no drug dealer, no 15 angry men racing at her.
Just like O’Reilly, Miller has spun a tall tale to gain a career advantage – she got air time, column inches, a book deal, and a whole host of billings to speak at gun advocacy events. All on the back of a fairy tale. Fox News: high on drama, low on facts.
You can watch Miller reciting her bogus story below:
Original Image via Girls Just Wanna Have Guns (adapted for use).