The Pardu

Archive for the ‘GOP Malfeasance’ Category


In Benghazi, Darrel Issa, Fox News, GOP Malfeasance on March 2, 2014 at 4:34 PM

The Protype GOP Fraud!

Darrel Issa is a fraud and sits in the House Oversight chair position because we did not take care of business in 2010.  Let’s hope we do not do same this year and turn the US Senate over to these functionaries of plutocrat money brokers.

Issa called out by the safe confines of Fox News.

Some media have reported $14 million flushed down the waste can of GOP Malfeasance.

The Raw Story

Fox News host calls out Darrell Issa for ‘highest level of falsehood’ on Benghazi (via Raw Story )

Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday confronted Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) after he was rated as having the “highest level of falsehood” for his obsession with the terrorist attacks in Benghazi. Last month, The Washington Post investigated Issa’…