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Archive for the ‘Great State of Indiana’ Category

Indiana Goes Full Jim Crow; Business Entities React

In Apple's CEO, Great State of Indiana, Indiana Governor, Pence, Tim Cook on March 28, 2015 at 8:52 PM

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 Image result for Indiana    Map of indiana

Image result for indiana governor
Indiana Governor Pence,
 archetypal GOP

I have always felt the Great State of Indiana existed with a decided lean towards the old US South and its beloved Confederacy.

Watch New Ad: “Indiana Is A Great Place To Be A Bigot”

Religious Freedom Restoration Act establishes the GOP’s first state sanctioned return to Americans Jim Crow past. Indiana businesses can legally deny services to same sex couples atet the states governor signed the regressive legislation into law. 
If you need more details about the clear step into state sanctioned bigotry, I offer a link to the actual bill

Pence, responded to questions about the bill potential for discrimination. 

“If I thought it legalized discrimination in any way in Indiana, I would have vetoed it.” he said.

Really, Pene was once reported to serve in congress as the most homophobic of members of the US Congress. He is also intelligent enough to know exactly how life entitled for some America under Jim Crow, and he knows exactly how some Indiana businesses will enforce the law ‘ 

There is no difference in Pence’s signature legislation than Rand Paul standing on camera with Rachel Maddow expressing disdain for federal enforcement of laws that prohibits denial of service based on race.
According to NPR there are reports the law can also apply in cases of abortion. I think it certain some business owner in Indiana will use the law to in some way discriminate against African-Americans. Denial of service reasons beyond inability to pay for the service or related to improper attire, can find a safe nook in the fiendish mind of the business owner and his lawyer team.

Social media is aflame with chatter regarding the Indiana law, but chatter is nothing more than lip service. Until Indiana businesses feel the hurt of comprehensive boycott, the Indiana GOP will spread its social engineering across other segments of the population.

A few business owners and CEOs have publicly stated contempt for the gressive law and we should assume some will actually take tangible steps to avoid contributing to the state’s revenue base. 

Apple’s openly gay CEO has gone public with his contempt.

Apple is open for everyone. We are deeply disappointed in Indiana’s new law and calling on Arkansas Gov. to veto the similar .

America needs much more condemnation of the law from US business and we need more outcry for concerned citizens.  

CNN Money published a piece with a listing of business entities that have taken action against or express deep concern with Pence’s Law.