The Pardu

Archive for the ‘Liberals Unite’ Category

Women and Children As Shields!

In Kimberley Johnson, Liberals Unite, Women and Children As Shields! on April 15, 2014 at 8:44 PM

Re-Blog from…….
Author: Liberals Unite or Kimberley Johnson

Former Sheriff ‘Women Need To Be The First Ones Shot’ By Feds In Cattle Ranch Standoff (VIDEO)

April 15, 2014 | | Posted by: Kimberley Johnson


A former Arizona sheriff, Richard Mack, who is on the side of cattle ranchers in Nevada said that he would have allowed his own wife and daughters to be used as human shields and to be shot in the cattle ranch standoff because it would look bad for the federal government on television.

In a statement to Fox News, Mack discussed his strategy to use women as shields if a gunfight erupted between “rogue federal agents” and rancher Cliven Bundy. Bundy owes taxpayers $1 million for allowing his cattle to graze on federal property.

“We were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front. If they are going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers,” Bundy said.

Mack spoke to Ben Swann on Monday and explained his strategy:

“It was a tactical plot that I was trying to get them to use. If they’re going to start killing people, I’m sorry, but to show the world how ruthless these people are, women needed to be the first ones shot.

“I’m sorry, that sounds horrible,” Mack continued. “I would have put my own wife or daughters there, and I would have been screaming bloody murder to watch them die. I would gone next, I would have been the next one to be killed. I’m not afraid to die here. I’m willing to die here.

“But the best ploy would be to have had women at the front. Because, one, I don’t think they would have shot them. And, two, if they had, it would have been the worst thing that we could have shown to the rest of the world, that these ruthless cowards hired by the federal government will do anything.”

Kimberley-SM Kimberley A. Johnson (BIO) is the author of The Virgin Diaries and an activist for women’s rights. Like her on FacebookTwitter or follow her on FB HERE.


A question or two.

So, how can the far-right anarchist summarily decide to place women and children on the front-line in case of shooting?.  I can recall no armed conflict across the scope of humanity where man placed women an children out front.  OK, while the women in the various film related to Clive Bundy’s sedition appear as deranged as their male anarchist partners, why do children have be an object of defense? 

Dick Cheney Handed A Just Walk-out!

In Dick Cheney, Liberals Unite, Samuel Warde on March 30, 2014 at 3:24 PM

Re-post from Liberals Unite…..
Author: Samuel Wynn Warde

Students Walk out on Dick Cheney, Calling Him ‘War Criminal’ (VIDEO)

March 30, 2014 |Posted by: Samuel Warde
Photo by by Ana Santos
Photo by by Ana Santos
Video footage shows students walking out on Dick Cheney while he was speaking at American University. The students were protesting his foreign policy, and calling him a “War criminal” as they left the arena.
As reported by American University’s The Eagle, the former vice-president denied allegations that he was a war criminal saying that “the accusation are not true.”
Cheney had previously denied using torture in a pre-talk interview with ATV, the student-run television station at American University, saying: “Some people called it torture. It wasn’t torture.”
Cheney told the crowd that during his vice-presidency three people had been waterboarded.
According to Cheney, the enhanced interrogation tactics used do not fall under the scope of the 1949 United Nations Geneva Convention, which outlaws cruel, inhuman or any degrading treatment or punishment because the Geneva Convention does not apply to unlawful combatants.The Bush administration considered terrorists as unlawful combatants and considered those undergoing enhanced interrogation tactics as terrorists.
“If I would have to do it all over again, I would,” Cheney said. “The results speak for themselves.”
You can watch the video below, contributed by Alejandro Alvarez.


“And, there-in lies the proper and just way to handle a “War Criminal” and a failed leader who helped to place our nation in near collapse.” The Pardu

When Lies Do Not Work Kochs Hire Actors!

In Liberals Unite, Obamacare on February 15, 2014 at 11:18 AM

Re-Blog from Liberals Unite (posted as it appears on the webpage)

When your cause has no viable truth-tellers beyond politicians and media show host with dubious, doctored or false claims, what do you do?  You hire actors!

Koch Brothers Hire Actors To Play Louisiana Residents In Obamacare Attack Ad (VIDEO)

February 14, 2014 Posted by: Kimberley Johnson


In a world where big money influence has the power to deceive millions of gullible foot soldiers, big money will influence millions of gullible foot soldiers. Because it can.
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) is up against three Republicans in the race for her Louisiana seat. Not surprisingly, her opponents are attacking her for her support for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Enter big money. The Koch-backed organization, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), is running a new ad featuring people  –  paid actors – who are playing Louisiana residents receiving notices in the mail that their insurance coverage is being cancelled because of Obamacare.
Landrieu’s campaign manager, Adam Sullivan, spoke with ABC News and said “Hiring professional actors to impersonate Louisiana families is low even for the billionaire Koch brothers.”
The cost of the misleading performance with hired actors that leads people to believe something that isn’t true ad buy totaled $750,000, according to an AFP spokesperson.
Dear Mrs. Kelly, your family plan is no longer available under the Affordable Care Act. Dear Ms. Davis, we can no longer offer you the same policy. Your doctor is no longer in the network due to the Affordable Care Act. Due to the Affordable Care Act, your monthly premium has increased, no longer covered due to the Affordable Care Act. Send Sen. Landrieu a message. ObamaCare is hurting Louisiana families,” the narrators in the ad say.
Opponents of the ACA have continually failed at trying to find credible sources in their pathetic attempt to prove Americans are not happy with Obamacare. FOX “News” Sean Hannity attempted to mislead viewers in a segment featuring Obamacare horror stories, but upon further investigation,those stories were debunked.
The reality is that the new healthcare law is finding success, even after a rocky start. More and more Americans are signing on and realizing the benefits – including conservatives.
AFP defended the ad. “I think the viewing public is savvy enough to distinguish between someone giving a personal story and something that is emblematic,” the group’s spokesperson told ABC News.
By the end of January 2014, 33,000 Louisiana residents had enrolled in the ACA, according to the Heath and Human Services Department, and in keeping with the national average27 percent are young people between the ages of 18 and 34.
While those 33,000 Louisiana residents are able to purchase insurance though the federal website, those who would otherwise be eligible for the almost $16 billion in Medicaid funds are out of luck. By refusing to take federal money for Medicaid benefits, Gov. Bobby Jindal is denying much needed medical coverage to those residents who desperately need it.
The federal government is paying 100 percent of the cost of expanded Medicaid for the first three years and 90 percent thereafter. It boils down to Jindal taking a jab at President Obama and using the people he is supposed to be representing as the stick.

Liberals Unite: Limbaugh Replaced By Hot Country

In Liberals Unite, Rush Limbaugh on January 19, 2014 at 7:27 PM

Re-Blog from Liberals Unite….

Author: Liberals Unite or Samuel Wynn Warde
URL: or

Rush Limbaugh Replaced By ‘Hot’ Country – The GOP Says ‘Ouch’

More Major Sponsors Sail From Limbaugh's Sinking Ship

You know how you sometimes get an unexpected gift a week or so after Christmas? Here you go. Rush Limbaugh is being booted off yet another radio station. It’s a grand ole victory for the ever-growing BoycottRush/StopRush/FlushRush brigade. Oh heck, it’s a good thing for the whole country. Some folks on the right just don’t know it yet.

On December 26, 2013, Rush Limbaugh was put out to pasture by WPHR-FM, a Florida radio station serving the Vero Beach/Fort Pierce market. Seems the station tried on conservative talk radio for two and a half years; apparently it was not a good fit.

So they asked the people, the people spoke, and guess what – unlike the failing Clear Channel this station listened :

Welcome to the Treasure Coast’s brand new HOT COUNTRY station, 94.7 Hot Country!

We’ve been conducting surveys and music tests gathering information on your likes and dislikes regarding country music along the Treasure Coast.

The response was overwhelming and we learned a lot. Here’s what you told us:

You wanted less talk and more country music in the morning.

And it gets better. Not only is Rush Limbaugh getting dumped – he’s taking Hannity, Beck, Lewis, and Levin with him on this one. Happy New Year!
Timeline: The Grand Ole Party to The Grand Ole Opry:
On April 25, 2011, the station switched from Hot Adult Contemporary to conservative-based talk programming. Programming is primarily from the standard Clear Channel slate, including a simulcast of WJNO’s morning show, The Glenn Beck Program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Sean Hannity Show, The Mark Levin Show, The Jason Lewis Show, and Coast to Coast AM. WPHR uses the “Rush Radio” brand.

On December 26, 2013 WPHR changed their format to country, branded as “Hot Country 94.7″, under new owners R&S Radio.
Thank you to RS Radio, and all the relentless protesting, petitioning, and boycotting public who are fed up with hate media and continue to make a difference. To join in the cause:

Thank you, Richard Myers. Rest In Peace. We Will Finish This.

Leslie Leslie Salzillo is a pro-choice mother, Rush Limbaugh boycotter, political commentator and visual artist. She began contributing toLiberals Unite in June of 2013. Join her on the new Facebook page, Pro-Choice Liberals.

ABC’s Jonathan Karl Confronts Ted "Government Shut-down" Cruz

In Fox News, Liberals Unite on December 30, 2013 at 10:22 AM

As we read about Ted “Government Shut-down” Cruz (R-TX) initiating efforts to renounce his Canadian citizenship, our feed delivered a piece from ‘s Liberals Unite.   Apparently, the inimitable Cruz left the safe zones of Fox News on GOP news day (each Sunday morning) and sat with ABC News’s Jonathan Karl.  Cruz probably suffered a serious butt-pucker as Karl took to quirky ego maniacal Cruz to an alternate universe of a hardball (vs. softball) question. 

December 30, 2013 | Filed under: Economics,Politics,The Tea unday ,Videos | Posted by: Samuel Warde

Author: Liberals Unite or Samuel Wynn Warde
Ted Cruz Called Out By ABC 
Tea Party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) met with ABC’s Jonathan Karl continuing to deny any involvement in the 2013 government shutdown.
Karl told cruise his claim was unbelievable during their interview for Sunday’s “This Week.”
Cruz began by telling Karl:
“This is a city where it’s all politics all the time, and I’m trying to do my best not to pay attention to the politics, to focus on fixing the problems.”
Karl went on to question Cruz about the shutdown:
KARL: “You have had a couple of months to think about this whole government shutdown strategy. Now that it’s over in hindsight, are you prepared to say that it was a mistake, it wasn’t the right tactic?”
CRUZ: “I think it was absolutely a mistake for President Obama and Harry Reid to force a government shutdown.”
KARL: “No, I mean, but come on. I mean we’re a couple months away from this, the only reason why this happened is because you insisted, Republicans insisted that Obamacare be de-funded as a condition of funding the government. If you didn’t — if you took away that insistence, there would be no shutdown. I mean, really.”
CRUZ: “You’ve got conservatives who stood strong and said let’s stop the train wreck that is Obamacare, and you’ve got Democrats in the middle of the shutdown, President Obama called every Senate Republican to the White House, sat us in a room and said, ‘I called you to tell you, we’re not going to negotiate, we’re not going to compromise on anything.’ Repeatedly Republicans were compromising, trying to find a middle ground. And repeatedly Democrats said, no compromise, shut it down.”
You can watch the exchange below followed by the full segment from “This Week.”

“This Week” Game Changer: Sen. Ted Cruz

Liberals Unite And The Disgusting Limbaugh

In Leslie Salzillo, Liberals Unite on December 14, 2013 at 11:01 AM

Re-blog from Liberals Unites (Linked below)

Author: Liberals Unite or Samuel Wynn Warde
Posted by:  

Bad News For Limbaugh – Seems The Only Light In His Tunnel Is A Train

December 12, 2013 Posted by: Leslie Salzillo


It’s as though the spirit of Richard Myers is shining over us. We lost him one year ago, almost to the day. He helped start the original ‘FlushRush’ movement, and I feel sure Richard would offer up a hearty, “Woot Woot!” if he heard this news today.
This good news is three-fold. Let’s start with Bloomberg’s report, which came out yesterday, on Clear Channel, the mega radio network that carries Limbaugh on approximately 600 radio stations. It appears the sky is falling for them.


Clear Channel is enticing investors to roll their investment into the new term loan by offering more than double the interest rate in order to get three more years to turn around a business that’s posted losses every year since its buyout in 2008,according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The company faces $4.2 billion of debt coming due in 2016.

Clear Channel CEO Bob Pittman likes to play liberal, and continues to act like nothing is wrong, as he did when Clear Channel reported a loss of $203 Million in their annual 1st Quarter Earnings Report, last March. Clearly something is very wrong.

Clear Channel’s interest expenses have surpassed its operating income in every quarter since the end of 2008, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization have shrunk to $1.8 billion in the 12 months ended June 30 from $2.3 billion in 2007.

“The company is just treading water,” said Spencer Godfrey, an analyst at debt researcher KDP Investment Advisors Inc. “Actual debt outstanding will increase a modest amount. They’re getting past their 2016 maturities at the expense of dramatically increasing interest payments.”

There’s more:

Wednesday, Kossack Proglegs reported Mannheim Steamroller is finally pulling their Limbaugh ads. But what some don’t realize is many companies are discontinuing ads quietly, as they slither out the back door.
*These four MAJOR Limbaugh sponsors have not been heard on his show for over three months:

Bluebell Ice Cream
Pearl Vision

Hammermill Paper

Gold Bond

Could there be more good news? There is. And this concerns Conservative radio as a whole. Last week, Rush Limbaugh was moved from a large reaching radio station, to one not so easy to hear – or find. Humorously, it was presented by some in the right-wing media as a promotion for Rush, when, in fact, it was a demotion. Here is a comment from radio veteran for 40 years, Howard Hoffman, on

BradBlog Comments/Howard Hoffman:

“Between the two other 24/7 right wing stations, KABC (0.7) and KRLA (0.3), the total audience is right at a 1 share, meaning 99% of the available audience does NOT listen to conservative talk radio, despite the bluster and bravado. Rush being taken off KFI’s signal on 640AM and shoved up into the upper end of the AM dial at 1150AM is the radio equivalent of being put in the naughty corner.

And yes, Rush’s ratings have taken a hit on KFI since the “slut” incident.

So while this is bad news for progressive talk, the fact that Beck, Rush and Hannity will be confined to a bad signal on a bad dial location is cause for concern in right wing circles. Believe it.”

We believe it, Howard. And we could kiss you.

In capping off the year, volunteers, activists and everyday concerned consumers have successfully caused thousands of Limbaugh sponsors to leave his hate-filled show, and now they are causing his networks to drag around the increasingly heavy ball and chain called Rush Limbaugh. How do they survive? It’s no longer a secret that Tea Party/Koch Brothers organizations like The Heritage Foundation and FreedomWorks, are padding the ‘right’ pockets, at the expense of the stations/networks. It will catch up. Public outrage continues to grow, and history has proven time and time again, that good eventually trumps evil. It’s not if – it’s when.

Here are ways people get involved:

Join/Visit/Like: Facebook: BoycottRush Facebook Group (Over 74,000 following)

Sign: Limbaugh Sponsor & Clear Channel Petition (Over 50,000 signatures)

Join: Facebook’s Join The Fight To Flush Rush (Over 17,000 members)

Some of the many groups that help to support the Rush Limbaugh protests and boycotts include: Daily Kos, Media Matters,, One Million Pissed-Off Women, Liberals Unite, NARAL, Being Liberal, 1 Million Sluts Against Rush Limbaugh, Addicting Info, SLUTS, NOW, and Political Loudmouth.

Thank you, Richard Myers. Rest In Peace. We Will Finish This. We miss you dearly.

*Information gathered from by BoycottRush volunteers. Many thanks to all the volunteers.

Leslie Leslie Salzillo is an activist, political commentator and visual artist. She began contributing to Liberals Unite in June of 2013.