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Archive for the ‘Pence’ Category

Indiana Goes Full Jim Crow; Business Entities React

In Apple's CEO, Great State of Indiana, Indiana Governor, Pence, Tim Cook on March 28, 2015 at 8:52 PM

var icx_publication_id = ‘14291’; var icx_copyright_notice = ‘2014 TheProgressiveInfluence’;

 Image result for Indiana    Map of indiana

Image result for indiana governor
Indiana Governor Pence,
 archetypal GOP

I have always felt the Great State of Indiana existed with a decided lean towards the old US South and its beloved Confederacy.

Watch New Ad: “Indiana Is A Great Place To Be A Bigot”

Religious Freedom Restoration Act establishes the GOP’s first state sanctioned return to Americans Jim Crow past. Indiana businesses can legally deny services to same sex couples atet the states governor signed the regressive legislation into law. 
If you need more details about the clear step into state sanctioned bigotry, I offer a link to the actual bill

Pence, responded to questions about the bill potential for discrimination. 

“If I thought it legalized discrimination in any way in Indiana, I would have vetoed it.” he said.

Really, Pene was once reported to serve in congress as the most homophobic of members of the US Congress. He is also intelligent enough to know exactly how life entitled for some America under Jim Crow, and he knows exactly how some Indiana businesses will enforce the law ‘ 

There is no difference in Pence’s signature legislation than Rand Paul standing on camera with Rachel Maddow expressing disdain for federal enforcement of laws that prohibits denial of service based on race.
According to NPR there are reports the law can also apply in cases of abortion. I think it certain some business owner in Indiana will use the law to in some way discriminate against African-Americans. Denial of service reasons beyond inability to pay for the service or related to improper attire, can find a safe nook in the fiendish mind of the business owner and his lawyer team.

Social media is aflame with chatter regarding the Indiana law, but chatter is nothing more than lip service. Until Indiana businesses feel the hurt of comprehensive boycott, the Indiana GOP will spread its social engineering across other segments of the population.

A few business owners and CEOs have publicly stated contempt for the gressive law and we should assume some will actually take tangible steps to avoid contributing to the state’s revenue base. 

Apple’s openly gay CEO has gone public with his contempt.

Apple is open for everyone. We are deeply disappointed in Indiana’s new law and calling on Arkansas Gov. to veto the similar .

America needs much more condemnation of the law from US business and we need more outcry for concerned citizens.  

CNN Money published a piece with a listing of business entities that have taken action against or express deep concern with Pence’s Law.

GOP Tea Party, Confederate Flag, Cruz and Palin, and Bill Moyer’s Nails The Shutdown

In bigotry and racism, Bill Moyers, McConnell, Obama Administration, Pence, Tea Party on October 14, 2013 at 4:16 PM


Bill Moyers comments on the Government shutdown.  

We have embedded a seven minute video of the full Moyer’s essay.  Before Moyers are taking an opportunity to keyboard a few words and thoughts about the shutdown. 

Our position on the shutdown has been consistent, the shutdown is the (desired) outcome of seditious acts from uber wealthy Americans via the US Congress (specifically the tea party infested House).  Many authors have written about Koch sponsored PACs and possible direct contributions to republican representatives since the election of the nation’s 44th president.  Within, weeks of his taking office the nation was exposed to a full fledged obstructionist movement the Koch brothers and Dick Armey referred to as the Tea Party. It took little to no time for Fox News to jump on the Tea Party bandwagon with full promotion and free (newsroom) advertisements of Tea Party rallies.

The Tea Party movement worked according to plan. If the movement ‘fathers’ could turn significant numbers of voters against the president and the democratic agenda from the president, the nation would effectively move even farther to the right. A nation that is moderately right of Center is a breeding ground for plutocracy and oligarchy on the backs of  LIVs (low information voters) and fertile ground bigots and racists. Big business money flowed, uber wealthy conservatives pooled huge sums of money and funneled contributions to conservative political campaigns, and avowed racist moved their wretched social views across the gullible minds of most who subscribed to the tea party. It does’nt take much for racist to move the mindsets of people who are bigots, and it takes even less effort to influence and soil the minds of the nation’s conservatives and their 92% white GOP. The prospect for those who would seek to acquire a grip on our federal government via mind altering social dogma and hatred of a president must consider LIVs a veritable field of dreams. When in US history have you observed so many white older Americans sitting in lawn and folding chairs in protest.

I will ever forget this image.

But, there is one problem…..

No Taxes, No welfare, No Food stamps, No government, No society and I am certain not one plutocrat will assist these people in vital (municipal and social) services. In some cases services may include feeding the elderly and unemployed.  It also means children from poor families have opportunity for two meals while in head start and school programs. It may also mean aid to the disabled.
Other signs and memes come to mind. Over this past weekend a alleged “conservative veterans” group and other tea party LIVs held a protests outside the White House. The event was bill as a Million Man Veterans protest; it drew in the hundreds and was laced with significant levels of racism and sedition. Take a quick look and listen…
Weekend protest video via Progressive Populist Dot Org.
In the video below, as the riot police show up, you can hear shouts of “gestapo”, “brown shirts”, and “stasi” coming from the raucous crowd. And then they laughed at them and chanted, “shame on you!”

Then there was the moment when someone clearly says, “looks like something out of Kenya.” 
To see more of the infantile behavior of these Tea Partiers, watch the video below and SHARE, so that every time they want to claim that their protests are always civil and respectful, you can direct them to this video.

How about a Washington Post gallery of protest images.

We ask that you keep in mind, these people are not protesting against cuts to food aid for children. They are not protesting the impact of the shutdown on food inspections. They are also not protesting other dire consequences of the GOP Congressional shutdown of the US government. No, because protest organizers need a place for the important critical visuals associated with the protests. Hence, the appearance of two noted anarchists (Palin and Cruz) at a the World War II Memorial. Cruz has the gall to show his face, when he led the charge towards the shutdown. Palin,,,, well no additional comment.

Let’s spend a minute with a protest organizer who is an obvious bigot and we suspect also a racist.


Freedom Watch’s Larry Klayman makes some provocative comments to a group at the WWII Memorial. Don Lemon has more.

Did you notice the any diversity in the clip beyond one woman?

I suggest the comments from Klayman and the theme of the protest verges on sedition.
Multiple media and many internet based bloggers and internet Op-Ed writers have documented Koch brothers involvement in financial support in opposition to the ACA. History has archived Koch brother support for the tea party back to 2009. Actually, the Kochs have worked to fund anti-democratic  policies from the right since the late 1990s.  It is impossible to believe the Kochs would not find a great deal of satisfaction with the current federal government shutdown. The stumbling GOP as operatives for US plutocrats and the leadership of Ted Cruz started the movement to shut down  the government in early summer. The GOP has used “Shut it down” mantra regarding the Obama Administration as far back as 2010.

Mike Pence: 

More Pence with “Shut it down” placards in the audience: 

McConnell, Mike Lee and others …”Shut it down.”

Despite the seditious circus over this past weekend, and the clear fact te GOP (and its money backers) have finally secured the government shutdown they have so long relished high information voters/people know the truth. 
We will now turn this piece over to one of the nation’s most high information purveyors of information: Bill Moyers.

“When the president refused to buckle to this extortion, they threw their tantrum,” Bill says. “Like the die-hards of the racist South a century and a half ago, who would destroy the union before giving up their slaves, so would these people burn down the place, sink the ship.” He goes on to tell us where the “reckless ambition” of the Republicans could lead us.

“High Information” only takes an open mind. One does not have to be an intellectual. Of course, one has to be free of bondage of bias, bigotry and racism. Unfortunately, millions have bought into the GOP Southern Paradigm and have become fodder for uber wealth plutocrats.