The Pardu

Archive for the ‘Red States’ Category

Indiana Governor Turns Far Right, And Works To Explain "States Rights" Discrimination

In "Shut it down.", ABC News This Week, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, GOP "States Rights?", Red States, Religious Freedom Law on March 29, 2015 at 4:38 PM

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Image via Newscom
Do you recall the following video piece of GOP bravado as the party (elected officials and anointed operatives) worked to placate their “dark money” oligarchs? Mike Pence (R) Ind. in 2011 was all about “Shut it down.”  While the shutdown did not take place over issues promulgated by Pence in 2011, the GOP handed their key constituents (uber wealthy backers) a shutdown in 2013. The final $24 billion hit to the nation’s GDP, during periods of focused efforts at improving the US economy, was not only irrational and politically obscene, it yielded not one iota of ransom to the GOP.

He, as Governor of Indiana, now faces businesses, previous lucrative business deals and investment opportunities leaning away from the state based on his signature on the Religious Freedom Law. The latest of 20 states with majority Republican political leadership leading in state sanctioned discrimination on the basis of religion.  Now Pence’s 2011 stewardship in “Shut It Down,” seems to have boomeranged from Indiana’s step into GOP regression.
Yes, Pence was most vocal in “Shut it down.” Aren’t the nook and crannies of life amazing. Wonder if Pence knew his path to the White House would entail governorship of his southern state (Indiana) and an eventually blunder comparable to any from today’s GOP? Last week, I awarded the Keystone Cop distinction to Washington States McMorris Rodgers and her ill-fated attempt to secure ObamaCare horror stories. Her Facebook requests resulted in comment after comment of support for the ACA and good American stories.

Happy Birthday ObamaCare via Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers!

Pence’s social and political mis-step seems right out of the hyper Christian/homophobic paradigm of people who somehow continue to connect to the Religious Freedom Law. Pence leadership in the Religious Freedom Law, is no surprise base don his extremely tea party aura and obvious repressive core values. What does surprise is his eagerness to join solid Red States in passing such legislation knowing full well it will lead to various forms of discrimination. He followed the GOP script like a good soldier. Now think for a moment about Pence following a script that as Us President ordered via oligarch money brokers to drop bombs on a foreign land? A drastic example, yet nonetheless a real prospect with today’s GOP and its deep pockets money-brokers.

Pence, is now working to “Clarify” the regressive law. CLARIFY? The “explaining” governor appeared on just about all Sunday Morning news show networks (except MSNBC, of course,) with far more than “Clarifying” remarks. I believe the ABC News segment best illustrates the ridiculousness of Pence and the ludicrous nature of his party ideology.
Anybody out there for some GOP “States Rights?”

(Note: three states with Religious Freedom Laws are not historic GOP states: Pennsylvania, Connecticut and rhode Island.)

Red States: Constituents Who Know Not Representation

In Constituents Who Know Not Representation, Death Panels, Fed. funds takers, Pew Trusts, Red States, Socialism?, teen birth rates on March 20, 2015 at 5:19 PM

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Let’s take a quick information journey through GOP constituent states (AKA Red States). Our traipse will include quick look graphs that should induce questions of why so many across the nation consistently vote GOP. 

I once heard a learned major city PhD (chemistry), noted symphony violinist say that he waits to see how minorities are voting for his personal voting choices. Needless to say, his point was he votes opposite minority voters.

Teen Birthrates (2008)…… Looks awful Red State, and take a close look at the US Bible Belt.

It appears the woman who ranted about “communism” (a clear metaphor for, socialism), lives in a state that is within the top 20 recipients of funding from the federal government.

During the run up to the Affordable Care Act the common refrain from GOP politicians was “death panels. The following graphic is a bit dated, but I doubt we will find a major shift in the aggregated data. The data indicates life in Red States (with exception for California) might be more fleeting than non-red states. Sadly, the impetus of the lose of life is ;homicide. 


Speaking of homicides…the following graphic is unfathomable. The murder of women is markedly higher in traditional red states.

Health Care Spending (Pew Trusts) 

The following health care reared category inks do not bode well for states that consistently vote Republicans to high office.  Is the southern and red state social vote so alluring basic health care takes a back seat? 

Clicking category links will yield relevant graphics for each category. Some graphics should be considered only from the perspective of the GOP’s obsession with eliminating the Affordable Care Act which undoubtedly helps many in regions of highest experience or highest need.

Uninsured Rate Among Adults - Percentage of Americans ages 18–64 without health insurance, 2011

Vital Statistics

Prevention  Treatment

The data should make one wonder.

A TPI Twitter Tree!

In Bush Tax cuts, Disaster relief states vote GOP, GOP, Red States, Twitter Tree, Women;s earnings on August 11, 2014 at 7:14 PM

Dusky Wonders
Yes, it is time for another Twitter Tree. We have collected the following Tweets over the past few days.  Our hope was to add more levels to the tree, but the Rand Paul branch popped-up on Twitter within the hour.

It is time to harvest the fruit of the tree. Remember, my verbiage related to the Twitter Tree is of no significance. I am not here and do not publish to either showcase my skills or lack there of in develop screeds and treatise. If you want the get charmed by writing eloquence, visit here after you favorite and most literary site. My focus and inertia relates to information. One’s skills while keyboarding take a far backseat to informing people who will cast votes this fall and in 2016.
Before the tree, allow me to thank those who seem to want more thought induced  writing.  Thank you!

The GOP wants voting demographics similar to its ethnic and racial make-up.   They do not want free and open voting for all.

The man has credibility and veracity problems that ooze like mustard from the hamburger he dropped as he ran from those DREAMers.

Do white people even know that the number of whites who receive food aid far surpasses other ethnic groups?  Do the recipients know the GOP cares little to nothing about helping with their life sustaining aid.

I am still not seeing where the ACA kills jobs.

And, these people vote GOP with every election.

Equal pay anyone?  The GOP doesn’t give  a damned about your $.77 pay to my $1.00 for the same job and same work.

The GOP has one economic strategy: “Cut Taxes and provide tax breaks to corporate America.”