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Archive for the ‘Robert Greenwald’ Category

A Koch Twitter Tree

In #UniteBlue, A Koch Twitter Tree, GOPKochAddicts, Koch Stooge and Facilitator topus, KOCHED, Robert Greenwald on September 15, 2014 at 12:13 AM

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Today’s Tree is about the US and our growing plague: Koch Oligarchy. Before we move to the various branches, let’s take a look at how Koch stooges influence our world.

Any exploration of Kochism flows through GOP leaders and nascent governors (eg. Scott Walker, Rick Scott etc.) consider the tea party and GOP mantra “Shut er down.” Since, just before the inauguration of then president-elect GOP obstruction was carefully plotted and comprehensive strategy was laid-out for GOP tactical planning execution. If you are naive enough to think the 2013 government shutdown wasn’t a absolute “woodie” for the Kochs and other GOP money-brokers, you shouldn’t bother to visit today’s Tree. The GOP enacts no policy, plan nor procedure without clear thumbs-up from Julius Caesar like figures who fund GOP politicians and who collectively exist as the GOP’s ultimate constituent. 
As a possible constituent of the GOP, reflect on how you felt about your elected officials throughout 2013. The Ted Cruz/GOP shutdown has been reported to have cost the nation a $24 billion GDP hit. The shutdown accomplished nothing and failed to even pose a glitch to the then developing Affordable Care Act. Alas, the US tea party led House of Representatives via Cantor and Boehner also provided libido charges to their uber wealthy money brokers. House leadership 54 repeal ObamaCare votes at $1.6 million per vote tallied to an impress $86.4 million figurative tithing for the money-brokers. No you are not the ultimate GOP constituent. 

As we move towards the fall mid-term elections, Koch court-jester stooges are in full blossom tithing and groveling. Mitch McConnell’s recent major pandering at the Koch California retreat foretells efforts to ensure funding for McConnell’s fall campaign. If you think just a bit more deeply, can you imagine six more years of McConnell in the US Senate and (based on voter apathy) possibly as Majority Leader.
The Koch-topus has tentacles you and I see and hear each day. Now, why would people who are worth a combined $90 plus billion USD wish to literally own the US government? 

Read More After Break Below 

The perfect Koch Stooge and Facilitator 

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In 2012, progressive filmmaker Robert Greenwald released his documentary “The Koch Brothers Exposed,” which helped shine a light on the secretive actions taken by Charles and David Koch, the extremist billionaires who have become a fundamental element of the right-wing, anti-working family agenda that has dominated much of the country’s political discourse in recent years. Now Greenwald is releasing an updated version of the film, “The Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition,” which focuses on several new avenues the Koch brothers have begun pursuing since the release of the original film, particularly suppressing the minimum wage, busting unions and disenfranchising voters.

A new article from Rolling Stone takes a closer look at the Koch brothers and Greenwald’s film:

For most people, an attack from the fourth-richest (and perhaps most politically conniving) men in America would slow them down. But instead, Greenwald, who became interested in the powerful duo when he read Jane Mayer’s 2010 New Yorker profile, decided to double down and began work on “The Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition.” The update, which is now available free online, is centered on their influence in (and outpouring of money since) the Citizens United Supreme Court decision. While researching and producing it with his small staff at Brave New Films, Greenwald says he was “surprised by not just the sheer numbers, but the extraordinary lengths they go to legally hide the amounts they’re giving.” 

Watch Video:

In the spring of this year, the Washington Post provided a graphic illustration of the Koch-topus via a graphic similar to a mind map.
Inside the Koch-backed political donor network

Kochs Seek To Purchase Your Vote

In Al Sharpton, Charles and David Koch, Robert Greenwald on March 9, 2014 at 2:29 PM

Inside the Koch-backed political donor network
A political funding network as intricate as any  labyrinthian design (larger view)

Support for political campaigns is as common as breathing. After the SCOTUS gave the nation unfettered secretive campaign sponsorship via Citizens United political spending has exponentially increased. The proliferation of tax-exempt organizations funneling money into our elections is both unprecedented and obscene.

Political contributions are funneled to the Left and to Right. In fact, the Center for Responsive Politics reported President Obama out-raised Mitt Romney rather handily in the run-up to the 2012 general elections. Obama was the donations winner based on contributions from (us) “small” donors. As anticipated Romney walked away with the lion’s share of PAC contributions.

Open Secrets (Center for Responsive Politics)

Barack Obama (D) 

Mitt Romney (R)
RAISED $715,677,692 $446,135,997
SPENT $683,546,548 $433,281,516
DEBTS $7,223,153 $1,200,000
$5,397,399 $12,921,629



Source of Funds

Small Indiv Contrib.
Large Indiv. Contrib.
Individual contributions $715,150,163
legend PAC contributions $0
legend Candidate self-financing $5,000
legend Federal Funds $0
legend Other $522,529

Small Indiv. Contrib.
Large Indiv. Contrib.
Individual contributions $443,363,010
legend PAC contributions $1,076,496
legend Candidate self-financing $52,500
legend Federal Funds $0
legend Other $1,643,991

When the discussion moves to political contributions, it is impossible to avoid discussion of the Right-wing “bankers”: Charles and David Koch with billionaire ‘edge-shaping’ via Sheldon Adelson and others of the Uber wealthy who would be kings. 

Pundits on the Right will frequently counter any mention of the Kochs with George Soros and organized labor as Left-wing political bankers.  

Let’s focus for a bit on the number one contributors to all things conservative: the Kochs.
The Republic Report Dot Org

So much for right-wing punditry and comparison against unions.

On March 7th Al Sharpton, MSNBC Politics Nation, broadcast a segment about the illusive and secretive Koch brothers.

Robert Greenwald has created a revealing documentary about Kochs. A docu/video series for those who have little to no knowledge of two men who obviously want to reshape the nation to their beliefs systems and construct laws to facilitate their vast industrial empire. Long story short, the Kochs are plutocrats. Plutocrats who will turn your world and my world into that of pawn pieces on a chess set.

The Kochs would become the kings of the fief and will directly work to shape our world as such. Kings must have subservient pawns across their fiefdoms; that means you and me.

The brothers advocate libertarian principles of smaller government, free-markets, deregulation, and reduction of social services. They actively fund and support organizations that contribute significantly to Republican candidates, and that lobby against universal health care and climate change legislation. They have donated more than $196 million to dozens of free-market and advocacy organizations. In 2008, the three main Koch family foundations contributed to 34 political and policy organizations, three of which they founded, and several of which they direct.

When the uber wealthy seek to buy elections and throw copious amounts of money at reshaping our society, only they win in the long run.

Koch Brothers exposed: one minute video, here.

Why do the Kochs want to end public schools?Here.
Robert Greenwald’s Koch Brothers Exposed Full Version