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Archive for the ‘Rove’ Category

Donald Rumsfeld On What Network And Said What? "……Trained Ape?"

In Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Rove, Rumsfeld, Tenet on March 25, 2014 at 7:12 PM

The emergence of a past seemingly long forgot!

How many years and months was the US spared the inane and ridiculous appearances of former Bush Administration officials spewing pure drivel for ratings hungry media. They also spew to a public that has proven it too soon forgets its past. A public that may not mind the damnation of repeating that past.

The Bush Administration left the nation so deep in the doldrums of an economic and international abyss, history has already started its legacy development. Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Powell, Tenet, Rove et al. have a place in our lives that should be quarantined into the recesses of our minds never to be allowed to across our brain Cortex. 
The GOP and RNC conducted national events over a six-year period without appearances from Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld. During the 2012 RNC Convention Rice was paraded out as a “trophy” to spew “lockstep” rhetoric. Why the 2014 visuals accompanied by utterance nonsense? His most recent comments will be considered racist by many people. 

The Bush Administration ghosts.

Bush starts to make appearances. Cheney is actually allowed to speak via Fox News and certain Sunday Morning (GOP leaning) news shows. Hosts actually sit across from Cheney and ask questions, then sit back while Cheney spews pure jingoist garbage from the corner of his crooked mouth. Rice has crawled into the public eye since the RNC Convention and with each statement makes a complete fool of herself.  

Imagine this as Rice contemplated Putin’s invasion of Crimea.

Condi Rice: The U.S. Can’t Step Back And Let Others Lead

If I may posit.  No one from the Bush Administration should be given a platform to criticize the very president who has worked tirelessly to clean-up the utter mess they left for us all.  As politics has sallied over time, we cannot expect republicans to follow the old adage taught to me at a very young age.

“A fool will never be discovered a fool if he keeps his mouth closed.” 

Since, politics forces the fools upon us, I cannot help but lay blame to ratings seeking media.  

Think for a moment. Have we grown to the point our memory is so short and shallow we forget the dark ages of the Bush years?  On what basis can media simply pluck the non-credible from the shadows of the shamed, to speak on camera and microphone? Rice spoke of “allowing others to lead.” How about the leadership from the Bush cabinet? Leadership that included outing an active CIA Agent.

Rumsfeld now ventures into criticism of President Obama and he does so with analogy that some will be label racist.

After The Raw Story embed and advertisement,  catch my close.

The Raw Story

Read more after the break below

Donald Rumsfeld: U.S. diplomacy would be better if Obama was a ‘trained ape’ (via Raw Story )

Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on Monday blasted President Barack Obama’s diplomacy, saying a “trained ape” could do a better job. In an interview with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren, Rumsfeld complained that relations with…


Diplomacy; “trained ape” 

OK, so a “trained ape” could do a better job of International diplomacy! Seriously, he goes there? From a man who’s would send Bush Iraq War memos laced with quoted Scripture? He has the temerity to reference Obama’s diplomacy while some of us clearly remember this….
George Bush got memos from Rumsfeld that used Scripture to push Iraq war


We understand the shallowness of media that broadcast or write about comments from Rumsfeld. We can only hope the American public is far beyond Fox News propaganda from the Right and well beyond thinking media today is about delivery of news. Media, both Left and Right, has metastasized into communication wings for their respective ideology.

Fox News Sells Water Rights In A Desert! Hemmer And Rove Stretch The Limit of Sanity And Forsake Veracity

In Fox News, Rove, US economy on January 29, 2014 at 10:18 AM

"Dark Money": A Monetary Means to Plutocracy

In Koch, Obamacare, Open Secrets, Rove, The Center for Responsive Politics on December 1, 2013 at 12:35 PM

Dark money is a slang term for funds used to pay for an election campaign without disclosure before voters go to the polls. Funds can be spent on the behalf of a candidate running in an election, or to influence voting on a ballot question.
The Obama Administration via the Treasury Department has issued political financial contribution guidelines to corral and dam-up the flood gates of “Dark Money” to political campaigns. The Center for Responsive Politics have developed an interactive infographic that illustrates how contributions for anonymous donors works into the ‘open-for-business’ hoppers of politicians. The depictions appear to focus organizations that appeal to conservative donors. The interactive illustration runs from January 2008 through November 2010.

The Growing Dark Money Churn

This visualization represents the flow of dark money since 2008 as it relates to the top 10 most politicized groups. The information shown includes all of the money the Center for Responsive Politics has discovered flowing to each organization, all grants made by each organization to other politically active nonprofits, and all political spending (as reported to the FEC) by both the organization itself and its recipients, during the period covered by the donor organization’s IRS. Graphic by Anna Flagg.

The Growing Dark Money ChurnFrom the good folks at OpenSecrets:This visualization represents the flow of dark money since 2008 as it relates to the top 10 most politicized groups. The information shown includes all of the money the Center for Responsive Politics has discovered flowing to each organization, all grants made by each organization to other politically active nonprofits, and all political spending (as reported to the FEC) by both the organization itself and its recipients, during the period covered by the donor organization’s IRS. Graphic by Anna Flagg.Remember: This is interactive! Go to CRP’s website to enjoy the full experience!
Last night we posted a brief report from Open Secrets (The Center for Responsive Politics) about how the money is building towards the 2014 mid-terms. The graph shows Democrats are leading in overall contributions, and leading handily. Of course, we know the Kochs and Karl Rove will influence the level and depth of contribution on the Right…in due time.

It will be most interesting to view similar interactive graphic from January 2008 through November 2012.

If you clicked the link of the 10 most politicized groups (above), you will find the top ten are clearly conservative organizations.  Or, at least they appear so by name. Thus, the eventual revelation of IRS scrutiny of organizations requesting tax exempt status, could easily lead to the only available identifier investigators could have followed to accomplish approval of denial of tax exempt status.

Conservative contribution (money) solicitation seems best facilitated by organization names that ‘sets fire’ in the wallets of donors and taps into right-wing nationalism. If you again click on the Top “10 Most Politicized” list above the first 30 names (with one or two exceptions) reads like a Tea Party’s Dream with visions “Don’t Tread on Me.” in each name.

We are certain the proposed guidelines will the meet with extreme opposition from Koch and Rove operatives. Every conservative member of the US Congress, and Democrats in conservative districts, will fight the proposed guidelines as doggedly as they fight jobs legislation and Obamacare. As a matter of fact, many Democrats will oppose the guidelines, but good Democrats will serve the cause and acquiesces e tot he Treasury.