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Archive for the ‘Wayne LaPierre’ Category

A GOP Gazette: Nine State Maps and CPAC

In 9 Maps, Ben Carson, CPAC, GOP Minority outreach, John Hudak, Rand Paul, run!”, Sarah, Ted Cruz, The Daily Kos, Wayne LaPierre on March 9, 2014 at 3:14 PM

I quick look at the American Right from two perspectives. First, and most important, the plight of the geographic regions that support the GOP without fail and with every election.  As matter of fact, the poorest districts in the United States rural Alabama) has a history of voting GOP as if there is no alternative.

The next perspective is the annual “ooze” from CPAC.  Our focus is to show a few points about CPAC without wallowing in the complete ooze. For instance, you will not find a long video of insane staccato drivel from Sarah Palin. We would share her full keynote (Get that Keynote) address, if someone earlier in her life had sponsored Palin through an English as Second Language program. 

A picture of the American Right and its constituent base.

These 9 Maps Should Absolutely Outrage Southerners

Rep. Paul Ryan waxed eloquent at CPAC Thursday on how completely Republicans understand the American people, in stark contrast to how “the left” is offering people “a full stomach and an empty soul.” Offering children a stomach full of school lunch, to be precise. 
Ryan cited a story he heard from Eloise Anderson, who “serves in the cabinet of my buddy Scott Walker.” Anderson told Ryan of an encounter with:
… a young boy from a very poor family, and every day at school he would get a free lunch from a government program. He told Eloise he didn’t want a free lunch. He wanted his own lunch, one in a brown paper bag, just like the other kids. 
He wanted one, he said, because he knew a kid with a brown paper bag had someone who cared for him. This is what the left does not understand.


Read more after the break below

This could only go over big at a republican ooze fest!

Proud To Be A Filthy Liberal Scum

We’re loud, proud and not afraid to hurt a conservative’s feelings!

Mitch McConnell: Viagra Spokesman

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at the zoo circus bad joke horror show Klan rally temper tantrum known as CPAC 2014 proving he’s still a man’s man.

Conservatives have become a parody of a parody.



Wayne LaPierre tells CPAC: True freedom is ‘all the rifles, shotguns and handguns we want’

By David Edwards
Thursday, March 6, 2014 16:10 EST Wayne LaPierre speaks to CPAC
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Ted Cruz in his ever self-aggrandizing glory spoke to rhetoric thirsty crowd. As is often the case Cruz slammed other republicans to ingratiate himself with the far-right” The CPAC crowd et al.  He apparently riled John McCain based on his use of another failed GOP presidential candidate: Bob Dole , former GOP Congressman. Wouldn’t you know, McCain retorted with respect for Dole’s war record. His angst is wasted as Cruz has in the past criticized American’s who served int he US military.  The only concern Cruz has shown for the US military was his (along with Palin and Bachmann’s) opportunist Veteran Memorial visits after they (The GOP and its Tea Party) shutdown the federal government. 

John McCain: Ted Cruz Should Apologize for CPAC Comments


CPAC Keynote Speaker…but, of course!

“Run, Sarah, run!” (She garnered just 2 percent in the conference’s annual presidential straw poll. 

”Mr. President,” she said, “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.” 

“I love coming back here because there are always so many young people or, as you’re known by the folks across the river, Obamacare suckers,” she said. “Turns out, you have the change that they were waiting for: You have the $5s, the $10s, and the $20s.”  

“They said the train of history was roaring to the left,” she said, “but then, something happened. That ‘Hope and Change’ went from a catchy campaign slogan to a reality and along the way, ‘Hope and Change,’ ‘Yes we can,’ it became ‘No You Can’t’: No you can’t log on to the website. No, you can’t keep your health care. No, you can’t make a phone call without Michelle Obama knowing this is the third time you dialed Pizza Hut delivery.”

Palin apparently used a highly intellectual prop to assist with delivery of a message, to connect with the her audience. She quipped about President Obama’s “Healthcare scam;”  I will bet well over 95% of the audience is covered by some form of medical coverage (If they so chose). _____________________________

CPAC  …. And the winner is!!!!!!

One-man SHOCK POLL: Drudge declares Rand Paul “big winner” of CPAC 2014

SIREN: Drudge Declares Rand Paul ‘Big Winner’ Of CPAC 2014 Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is the “big winner” of the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference, conservative monolith Matt Drudge declared Saturday.

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Wayne LaPierre Deferred From Vietnam Due To A Nervous Disorder?

In Facebook, TPI, Wayne LaPierre on April 7, 2013 at 12:04 PM

Re-posted from Motley News Dot Net….. Give Motley News a visit.

Motley News and Photos

February 6, 2013
Was NRA Leader Wayne LaPierre Deferred from Vietnam Due to a Nervous Disorder?

This image came across Facebook the other day, and I think it definitely helps explain LaPierre’s nutty actions. Unfortunately, there is no source reference given in this image. But hey, the wonderful thing about the internet is a simple search. So off to Google I go. But what I found completely shocked me…. I found almost nothing. 
According to a few comments I found, LaPierre apparently pulled lottery #97 in 1969 as a campus radical at SUNY-Albany, but weaseled out by getting a family doctor to claim he had a nervous disorder. (According to a comment in a Snopes’ thread.)
The most information I could find was an article published online by The Miami Herald on July 25, 2012, called “The door has been slammed on gun debate.” That’s it. A few comment threads from people hearing about this info and looking for some sort of verification. Snopes just recently added this to their site as “Undetermined” probably due to that Snopes’ comment thread mentioned above asking if LePierre did receive this deferment.
Now, think about this…. With gun control and the mass shootings being the prime topic in the news for months now, and LePierre’s insane press release he gave after the Newtown massacre, something like this should be nearly viral by now on the internet. Even if this is not true, it’s juicy gossip. Hundreds of sites and blogs would pick this up and run like the wind with it. The Miami Herald article should have set this tidbit on fire, but it didn’t.
About a week ago is when I saw this graphic and started looking for more information. I searched through Google’s search engine, Duck Duck Go, and Bing. A lotta nada. More came up about Romney and Vietnam than did about LaPierre and ‘Nam. The internet is clean of this rumor, but that in-and-of-itself is more suspicious than if there were hundreds of articles online.
Too clean.
Personally, I don’t think LaPierre is playing with a full deck, and if information like this is true, it would potentially be very damaging to LePierre’s reputation as it could potentially place him in the database he wants to enforce. Not that myself and millions of others hold his reputation in high regard anyway. From LaPierre’s point of view, though, a fact like this is something he definitely would not want the public to know….
So I have to wonder if the NRA has done some house-cleaning on the internet….
It is just too clean.
But it does explain a lot about this man….

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Mario Piperni: CPAC

In Mario Piperni, Mitt Romney, Wayne LaPierre on March 16, 2013 at 3:40 PM

Cross posted from Mario Piperni Dot Com

CPAC’s Sad Spectacle

Republican Elephant - Wingers in Space -
Checking in at CPAC.
Wayne LaPierre
“It’s gonna be people like you and me. That’s who they’re tracking. That’s who they’re after. The names of good, decent people, all across this country, who happen to own a firearm, to go into a federal database with universal registration of every lawful gun-owner in America. That’s their answer to criminal violence? Criminalize 100 million law-abiding gun owners in a private transfer? Build a list of all the good people? As if that would somehow make us safe from violent criminals and homicidal maniacs? That’s their answer? Are they insane?”
Crazy, crazy man.
“As someone who just lost the last election, I’m probably not in the best position to chart the course for the next one.”
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Thom Hartmann On Mass Killings: Is There An Ethnic Considerationt?

In NRA, Thom Hartmann, Wayne LaPierre, white male mass killers on December 21, 2012 at 2:19 PM

Wayne LaPierre goes on national television today and  provided the perfect example of exactly why the US voters must keep conservative governance away from our three branches of federal government   LaPierre’s remarks were as shallow in scope as they were shallow in delivery. 
His ‘commercial’ for increased gun sales is linked here.
Yesterday Thom Hartmann published a video the touches upon a topic we do not like to consider  Mass killers seem to fit a profile.  While police frequently profile young black males and young Latino males, they are unable to profile the white mass killer.  
Thom Hartmann and his guest provide enlightening insight into a serious national scourge: mass killings via firearms.   The problem has to be addressed. We unfortunately believe conservative America and millions other Americans are not going to give-up their firearms, nor are they going to stand for serious restrictions in purchases of firearms.  
It is not a topic that readily attracts participants.  We are fortunate, to have the likes of Thom Hartmann who do not hesitate to address issues as issues arise.  Our politicians will certainly not undertake exploratory dialogue comparable Hartman and his guest.  Factually, speaking you and I will not undertake such dialogue.
And, the problem goes un-addressed, again.
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