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Archive for the ‘Wisconsin economy’ Category

GOP 2016: Scott Walker "Serial Evasive" For A Reason

In, Presidential candidates, Scott Walker, Voter ID Walker, Walker Union Killer, Wisconsin economy on July 19, 2015 at 1:44 PM

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Intellect or Financial Support.. Your call….
Presidential candidates really must answer questions. Hilary Clinton’s long periods of press avoidance provided a glimpse at the downside of cloaking one’s thoughts and values for political gain. Notice in the last sentence a few words standout: “cloaking one’s thoughts and values for political gain.” In much more simple terms, candidates cannot simply evade questions throughout the campaign.  The truth will come forth and history shows candidates who address issues eem to do much better in elections.

“Evade” is an operative word to denote one’s desire to avoid something, avoid someplace or avoid someone. In the case of Hillary Clinton, we suspect she avoided press exposure until she and her advisers felt she must speak out, thus removing the cloak. Clinton is now speaking out. We don’t feel Clinton’s evasiveness was nefarious in any sense. Au contrar, as we consider some GOP candidates. Evasion from one noted candidate has an unscrupulous purpose.

Meet the candidate who attempts to avoid most campaign question and issues, because he simply does not have supportable positions. Met Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Let’s hold on Walker’s “serial evasiveness” for a moment for a brief glimpse at what he will speak about.

2 TV News /Bloomberg Politics posted a YouTube video a few days back. The video highlights segments of Walker’s presidential campaign announcement that he will speak about: Unions, Voter ID, “his record.” The segment is seven minutes plus, but talking head commentary is kept to a minimum and Walker’s “ragging rights’ are clearly delineated.

Once the candidate steps outside of his Koch brothers driven and funded elections and union killing administration, he has only voter suppression as a key campaign item for “loving republicans.” Imagine a voting bloc that relishes the words “voter Id” as a tool against voter fraud when there is no factual basis for the voter suppression tool.

The facts on why Voter ID is a Republican election tool.
Visuals really are the best way to reach discerning parts of the brain.  As we review the Mother Jones graphic five of the bar chart indicators denote Democrat Party voting blocs.  Ah, but there is more of a story to tell.

Since 2011, 34 states have introduced laws requiring voters to show photo ID,and 9 states have passed photo ID laws, affecting 3.8 million voters.
2.2 million registered voters did not vote in 2008 because they didn’t have proper ID.
Only 48 percent of women have a birth certificate with their current legal name on it.
Texas’ new ID law permits voters to use concealed-handgun licenses as proof of identity, but not state university IDs.
If you for one second believe the person standing next to you in the voting booth is perpetrating voter fraud, you might remove your tin-
foil hat or you might look to see if E.T. is going home.

A brief look at Walker’s economic record and we will move to a candidate who is even more evasive than Rand Paul. Paul will at least stand and mutter himself into inane talk that only he and his supporters understand Walker simply hides his lack of acumen behind evasive statements knowing full well he cannot take a position until blessed by the Koch brothers.


 Governor's Tax Shift Plan Would Raise Taxes for Most

After our concrete establishment of Walker as a governor who has ruined Wisconsin’s job development while providing tax freedom for the states wealthy, we must also reflect on why he did not mention economic improvement in his presidential proclamation: “we are running for President of the United States.”  (“We?”). 

“Serial Evasiveness” 

Scott Walker Dodges Question on 
Whether Being Gay Is a Choice
Posted by Mediaite on Sunday, July 19, 2015

February 2014, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Secret Emails

February 2015, Huffington Post: Evolution

The, Factivist Democrats, Economy

When asked about Economic Advisers, recants a story about Apollo 13 (Video and sound not perfectly sync’d)

April 2015, Right Wing Watch, Personhood, Anxious to speak about anti-Marriage Equality

May 2015, MSNBC: Auto Industry Rescue

Yesterday, Gov. Scott Walker (R) was in Michigan, where Bloomberg Politics asked about the issue.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on Monday joined the list of politicians who’ve deflected this question from Michigan reporters: Would you have supported the U.S. loans to General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC to get through their 2009 bankruptcies? 

“That’s a hypothetical question in the past. We’re going to talk about the future,” Walker said after speaking to 120 Lansing Republicans in an Oldsmobile car museum ….

Scott Walker is the epitome of the political stooge who marches to the orders of his money-broker oligarchs. The February 2011 punk’d call from a noted radio prankster was without question an insight into Scott’s psyche. The call was an indicator of how he would serve in obedient subservience to those who provide funding for his elections (and we hope the funding stops there).

Maybe we shouldn’t actually expect any committed answers from the candidate.  Walker may not have the freedom to speak out of fear to being countermanded by his bankers. Worse yet, he might speak words that could lead to a literal cut-off of funding for the Wichita Oligarchs: the ultimate self-inflicted political mortal wound. 

It would be easy to cast disparaging remarks about the candidates lack of complete formal education. Whether we like the fact or not a majority of US president’s have attained as a minimum a Bachelors Degree. But, we will to go there in this screed. (A topic for another screed as the campaign unfolds and if he wins the GOP nomination). We will, however, comment Scott’s lack of cognitive acumen could result from non fully developed education wherewithal which might have led to overruling his advisers as the following CPAC speech unfolded. Even for a speech at the whacked-out CPAC event, the following was “all-time” stupid.
ABC US News | World News

Melissa Harris Perry broadcast worth segment on Scott in her “Letters to….” portion of her show this morning:

@MHarrisPerry: The “most outrageous candidate” in the 2016 race is Scott Walker, not Trump.

— msnbc (@msnbc) July 19, 2015