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Posts Tagged ‘A Mighty Girl’

Women’s Suffrage: A Time In US History

In Voter Suppression on March 24, 2014 at 2:35 PM


There are times when I run across FaceBook postings that are worthy of posting in the TPI. Do you recall Women’s Suffrage? If you are a bit young and do not recall from your schooling,  the words relate to the fact women in the United States were not allowed to vote until passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.

A stark reality, but a reality that we should never forget. Yes, there are conservatives in the nation who would deprive certain minorities the right to vote. Those same men, could be convinced that your vote is also not worth the time expended in vote tabulations.

Jezebel Dot Com

Woman Voter Says Women Shouldn't Be Allowed to Vote
Janis Lane, the lady leader of theCentral Mississippi Tea Partythinks that women shouldn’t be allowed to cast a ballot this (or any) election.  

You have to know by now, GOP officials do not speak out-of-pocket or extemporaneously. If this tea party leader spoke such words, we can rest assured she has been privy to similar for people in higher level position. Maybe, not from the persepective of a planned strategy, but certainly intimated in one of their many “playbook” strategy sessions

Now, for the short screed I ran across on Facebook. Note the vintage booklet for days of old Days that remind of current GOP voter suppression.


A Mighty Girl
March 21 · Edited

The fight for women’s suffrage in the US lasted 72 years from the first women’s right conference in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848 to the passage of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote in 1920. The text of the amendment is simple, straightforward, and to modern Americans, absolutely obvious, but at the turn of the twentieth century, it was an unpopular point of view among many.
The pamphlet pictured here was created by an organization founded in 1911 to actively oppose state and national suffrage efforts, the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. In it, they listed several reasons for opposing women’s suffrage including: “Because it is unwise to risk the good we already have for the evil which may occur.” The group disbanded in 1920 after the passage of the 19th Amendment.
This year will mark the 94th anniversary of women’s right to vote and, for Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating a few of the original Mighty Girls — the suffragists! The suffragists were activists who worked tirelessly to secure that right for themselves, their daughters, and future generations of American women. Women are still grateful for the work of their suffragist sisters; since the 1980s, women have been turning out to vote in significantly higher numbers than men.
To introduce children and teens to the amazing women of the US suffrage movement, check out our blog post on “How Women Won the Vote: Teaching Kids About the U.S. Suffrage Movement” for numerous reading recommendations:
A Mighty Girl also features special collections on two of the most famous early American suffragists: Susan B. Anthony ( and Elizabeth Cady Stanton (
For many stories for children and teens about the women’s suffrage movement in the US, UK, and Canada, visit our Women’s History section at

To learn more about the contributions of suffragists, Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, and their important legacy in securing women’s right to vote, the film “Iron Jawed Angels” is highly recommended for viewers 13 and up (

The excellent “One Woman, One Vote” documentary also tells Paul’s story, along with that of the Suffrage Movement’s other key leaders such as Anthony and Stanton — for viewers 10 and up (