The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)’

South Dakota Republican Legislator Joins In Showcasing Core Party Ideology

In American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), GOP on March 18, 2014 at 11:37 AM

Click image for source
As we move away from Paul Ryan’s revealing comments about “inner city men” (code for African-American men), The GOP has provided another example of why the GOP is not representative of our diverse nation.  South Dakota State Sen. Phil Jensen (R) believes business owners (members of the Ku Klux Klan) should have the right to deny service to black people. Jensens honest remarks are shared by those who openly espouse “State’s Rights” and certain GOP politicians who would be president.

It is important to keep-in mind Rand Paul’s stumbling, mumbling and incoherent on-camera appearance with Rachel Maddow of May 19th, 2010.  Linked here (shorten segment of a longer video). The current front-runner for the GOP nomination for a 2016 presidential run, believes property owners should have the right to deny service (no problem). And, he seemed indifferent that such a right could ‘cut’ along racial lines problem).

Jensen is a state representative. He doesn’t hold a seat in the US House of Representatives or  the US Senate. However, US politics starts at the local level, has deep fissures at the local level and bed rock legislation resides at the state level. In reality have you ever heard the often stated GOP mantra and Libertarian core value of “State’s Rights?”  If State’s Rights is a core value of the GOP and conservative America, how do you divest Jensen’s commitment to racist based in property ownership? Secondarily, yet ever more important, the Koch brothers funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) focuses its extensive development of “model legislation” efforts on state legislators and state law.  It should be stated, I am not connecting Jensen’s support for “property based racism” and the Koch brothers. Of course, I would be remiss if I failed to remind of reports the Koch brothers have supported school segregation (issue) in at least one North Carolina school district. That battle centered around public and private schools. It seems the nation’s uber wealthy Libertarians do no care for public schools. 

Remember, the TPI credo, “isms come in bundles!”

Now, let’s move to The Raw Story and the South Dakota Legislator who is OK with racial and LGBT discrimination.

Linked: Should embed fail:

South Dakota GOP lawmaker: KKK business owners deserve right to ban blacks and gays (via Raw Story )

South Dakota state Sen. Phil Jensen (R) believes that a recently-killed bill that would have let companies discriminate against LGBT people should have also let businesses owners in the Ku Klux Klan refuse service to African-Americans. Last week, the…

Additional Information (If you care)……

North Carolina Leads The Nation In Shame!

In Kochs on February 20, 2013 at 5:09 PM

North Carolina Governor and GOP legislature show exactly why voters should be aware. They cut unemployment payments!!!

One might think voters in the US South will one day realize the serious social errors in their ways.  They consistently vote for candidates who clearly value ‘business’ over the rights and well-being of human constituents.  Many southern voters are fully socially paradigm (ed) and delivered as reliably ‘in the bag for the GOP. Factually speaking, the GOP need not deploy their General Election “southern strategy” across those “in the bag states.” The  strategy serves to frighten and fire-up borderline voters who might dare vote Democratic.  The strategy is easily and regularly enacted via commonly used ‘code’ and dog-whistles (e.g. welfare, urban, BLAH people, et al).  

A quick look at a far-right wing militia web page shows the potential for well orchestrated GOP campaign strategy. I  state before posting,  the site developers must have tracked deeply into 2012 Karl Rove, Dick Morris and the Rassmussen and Gallup polling.

Red states blue states map
Romney projected to win 320 electoral votes to 218.


Fortunately, and with exception for Texas, blue states are those with the highest levels of population.  Thus, states with more voters. 

State elections, however, are fertile ground for all things conservative; even in blue states.  While North Carolina is far from consideration as a blue state, it falls squarely in the Southern voting belt.  The state has a long history of Democratic Governors and actually shares very little social connection with its neighbor state: South Carolina. The newly elected Governor of North Carolina has taken a Draconian step that will surely drive the state to consideration of gubernatorial return to the Democratic Party. 

Governor Pat McCrory signed his second piece of legislation since winning the gubernatorial seat in last fall elections.  The unfortunate unemployed in North Carolina will effective July, 1, receive moderately less life-sustaining unemployment payments. 

Huffington Post

Pat McCrory, North Carolina GOP Governor, Signs Law Slashing Unemployment Benefits

(signed into law)…..a measure that will cut benefits for jobless workers by about one-third and reduce how long they can collect any aid in a state with the fifth-highest unemployment rate in the country.  
The Republican governor said the legislation, the second bill he has signed since taking office at the start of the year, marked an important step toward fixing the state’s unemployment insurance system.  
The overhaul will allow North Carolina to repay $2.5 billion borrowed from the federal government for unemployment benefits at a quicker pace.  
The law, which takes effect on July 1, cuts maximum weekly benefits to $350 from $535 and caps benefits at 12 to 20 weeks, depending on the unemployment rate, instead of the current 26 weeks.  
McCrory said the measure “will protect our small businesses from continued over-taxation, ensure our citizens’ unemployment safety net is secure and financially sound for future generations, and help provide an economic climate that allows job creators to start hiring again.”

Read critics reaction     

We find the governor’s actions reprehensible with full recognition the legislation moved to his office from state legislators. We realize such and anticipated the results posted below.


2013–2014 composition

Affiliation Party

(Shading indicates majority caucus)
Democratic Republican Ind. Vacant
End of Previous Legislature 52 68 0 120 0
Begin 43 77 0 120 0
Latest voting share 35.8% 64.2%


North Carolina House Officers
Position Name Party
Speaker Thom Tillis Republican
Speaker pro tempore Paul Stam Republican
Majority Leader Edgar V. Starnes Republican
Majority Whip Mike Hager Republican
Deputy Majority Whips Pat McElraft Republican
James L. Boles, Jr. Republican
Republican Conference Leader Ruth Samuelson Republican
Republican Freshman Leader Rick Catlin Republican
Republican Freshman Whip Dean Arp Republican
Minority Leader Larry D. Hall Democratic
Deputy Minority Leader Michael Wray Democratic
Minority Whips Winkie Wilkins Democratic
Susan C. Fisher Democratic
Rosa Gill Democratic
Deborah K. Ross Democratic
Marvin Lucas Democratic

MSNBC, The Ed Show

The GOP is the party of the South. Despite a long history of Democratic Governors , the new law is indicative of what takes place when citizens make the grievous mistake of turning certain governmental bodies over to the GOP. 

The Governor and his GOP legislature have taken steps as “friends of business” at the expense of people who actually cast voters. Alas, I am remiss. Businesses pay taxes (hopefully), and due to Citizens United contribute to political campaigns. 

I also recall significant American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) work in the state and I recall reports of the Koch Brothers meddling in one North Carolina Education System. The “meddling” had a side effect that resulted in potential or actual school segregation Why would two of the nation’s wealthiest conservative libertarians have so much interest in North Carolina. 

I could speculate the Kochs and ALEC have been successful in North Carolina. Has North Carolina been converted to a reliable GOP Red State?

As Ed Schultz stated, “this is what you voted for North Carolina”.