The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Chairman Darrell Issa’

Issa Continues to Play Games; His Games Always Backfire.

In Lawrence O'Donnell, The Last Word on March 6, 2014 at 2:50 PM

Lawrence O’Donnell, The Last Word introductory segment (1:34 minutes)

I have read reports that Chairman Darrell Issa, knew Lois Lerner, former IRS official, was going to plead the Fifth Amendment at yesterday’s hearing.  Last night, I watched the following video from the comfort of my family room. While watching the segment, I noticed Issa an assistant (sitting behind the Chairman) who seems to peep over at Ranking Committee Member Cummings as Issa was shutting down the hearing. It was as if she fully anticipated Cummings’s reaction or she was curious to see how he would react. In either case, her actions adds a bit of validity to reports Issa staged the phony childishness and parliamentary malfeasance.


Yes, watch Cummings as he attempted to provide a level of professionalism to the hearing proceedings. Reports also abound that Cummings was attempting to assist after Lerner enacted her Fifth Amendment Rights.

We think it important to point-out the Ranking Member actually pleaded with Issa not to affect the childish act of shutting down the hearing.

Cummings via MSNBC

Cummings reiterated his criticism of Issa during a press conference Thursday alongside fellow Democrats who complained that Issa’s “partisan” investigation into the IRS’s possible political targeting has cost $14 million – with little to show for it. 
Cummings defended his actions during an appearance on Morning Joe earlier Thursday, saying he was trying to help Issa get the information he wanted from Lerner’s lawyer.  
“What I was trying to do was to get to allow the attorney to at least provide us with a proffer, that is, to tell us what his clients would have said if she were to testify,” he said.

Linked The Last Word segment  (15:11 minutes with a great lesson on 501 (C) (4) Tax Codes)

We posit, Putin exemplified the “new GOP.” The party is not the party of Abe Lincoln; neither the party of George H.W. Bush, nor Ronald Reagan. While earlier today, Joe Scarborough, MSNBC Morning Joe Show, expended a great deal of energy and rhetoric on the good from the Koch brothers, facts prove Scarborough a mere pundit when it comes to the tea party infestation of the House of Representatives. Thus, the Kochs are major players in GOP obstruction, and by default they have provided financial support that has led to the less than 12% congressional approval ratings. All said the 2010 election led to Issa’s appointment as Chair of the Oversight Committee. They funded many tea party organizations leading up to the 2010 election, when coupled with typical progressive lackadaisical appearances for mid-term elections, we now have a veritable “stooge on a witch-hunt” leading a key congressional committee.