The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Chris Christie report’

Did Karl Rove Pull A Jennifer Stefano?

In Karl Rove on March 30, 2014 at 9:16 PM

GOP operative supremo!
If you are a curious person, as am I, it will be really super to get to the outcome of the New Jersey state legislators investigation of Chris Christie. It will be even more thrilling to see how the federal investigation culminates.

From Joe Scarborough, a variety of playbook TV pundits through Karl Rove, the necks are on the chopping block. Christie is so obviously involved in “Brigdegate Scandal” and I have strong suspicion he played tiddly-pool with Sandy relief funds.

Karl Rove has once again gone berserk about matters related to his party and its darling elected officials.  How does Rove clean-up his actions once the curtain reveals Christie for what he is?  If Rove can somehow read through the “soap-opera” (woman as objects of fault) law firm report, he should have issues with Chrisitie’s extremely poor choices in filling key administration positions. Moreover, he obviously performed well below elected official expectations in managing his staff and people contracted to support his administration.  In either case, Christie has a great degree of culpability in bringing shame on the State of New Jersey.

Let’s see if Karl Rove tops the performance by Jennifer Stefano as she sat for an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.  

Karl Rove loses it after Fox guest calls Chris Christie report a ‘whitewash’ (via Raw Story )

Republican strategist Karl Rove on Sunday accused a Fox News of a personal “attack” after he called an internal investigation cleared New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) for closing the busiest bridge in the world for political retribution. During…