The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Christe’

Adelson: A Plutocrat With The Power To Demand Appearances By All Jesters

In Adelson, Chris Christie, Christe, Gingrich, GOP on March 30, 2014 at 6:10 PM




Unable to locate a Google    
Image shot of Jeb Bush 
addressing the audience.

The GOP political climate took a bit of from over the weekend. Sheldon “I got money” Adelson summonsed top GOP “ring-kissers” to Las Vegas (and his private plane hangar) and other local environs to parade the crew in front of attendees at the Republican Jewish Coalition.  Of particular note were the “ring-kissers” who spoke at the event and those who were not present. Rand Paul stated he had family commitments. UUUUM, suspect he could not find a speech to plagiarize. More seriously, I wonder how Paul actually feels about the Jewish vote. Let’s face it, his Dad has seedy and shadowy supporters who would not care for his cuddling up the Jewish supporters. 

The Nation and Adelson’s personal primary.

Let’s visit with something developed and keyboarded by “Friend of the TPI”, Tracy Krauss.


As we speak, casino mogul, Sheldon Adelson, who made his fortune in the dark world of gambling, is entertaining Republican presidential hopefuls to see who meets his fancy and deserves his financial support. In other words, who will do what he wants if he pays their way to the top office. Adelson is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice for “bribing public officials” in China to get a monopoly in their only legal gambling establishment. He got his wish. Now he wants to eliminate online gambling in America which threatens his empire. He’s greasing the palm of politicians like S.C. Senator Lindsey Graham who are now entertaining such legislation. And he needs someone in the White House to sign it into law. The U.S. Supreme Court, through its Citizens United decision, has given the wealthiest citizens and corporations the right to buy our government. Our right to vote is mere window dressing.

 As Albert Camus declared, “What better way to enslave a man than to give him a vote and tell him he is free.”

Apparently, Christie’s appearance before the “would be king” private court did not go as well as the groveling Christie might have liked. He used the words, “occupied territories” to a man who may consider those words comparable to mention of Germany 1935 – 1945. While immersed in major full bore groveling Christie played a card that was a serious dud. 

Speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition event at Adelson’s Venetian resort in Las Vegas, Christie used the controversial term to describe the West Bank and other areas where Israel has a military presence.

“I took a helicopter ride from the occupied territories across, and just felt personally how extraordinary that was, to understand the military risk that Israel faces every day,” Christie said.

Christie has issued an apology. Question. Do you see the power of the mega wealthy? When have you seen or heard of Christie apologizing for anything that comes from his mouth? It is also important for Adelson to remember, “Freudian slips” are revealing things. 

And here you have a gambling mogul with an “Israel first” and “at all cost” mindset.   A mindset that simply put means war from obliging politicians who accept his political funding.

Conservative, GOP and Adelson jingoism is without question disgusting! And, to think he would select our next president.

Christe Goes On Fox And Delivers A "REAGAN BOMB"

In Chris Wallace, Christe, Fox News, Kevin Phillips, Lee Atwater, Reagan on November 11, 2013 at 12:00 AM


Earlier today Chris Wallace, Fox News, asked Chris Christe about his intent to run for the US presidency. Any New Jersey voter who voted for Christe has to know he has no interest in repeating his “half-assed” (in the Christe vernacular) administration of the “Garden State.” Surely, New Jersey voters realize they have simply catapulted a man to the GOP 2016 ticket who has proven he is not fit for to serve as the 45th President of the United States of America. 

Chris Wallace and a 2:00 minute segment of Christe invoking the ghost of Ronald Reagan via Crooks and Liars Dot Com.

Christie: I’m Prepared to Be President Because I Do ‘Exactly What Ronald Reagan Would Have Done’

We have little to no interest in posting details about Christe’s mediocre first term as governor of New Jersey.  Of note, however, was his decision to spend $25 million to move the special election eventually won by Cory Booker to the US Senate away from last weeks voting day. We also recall Christe spending a portion of Hurricane Sandy relief money for development of a tourism commercial while some New Jersey citizens are continuing to live in trailers outside of ruined homes. Earlier in the week, Chris Hayes, MSNBC, captured Christe’s foibles and his re-election to a second term on the “spirit of Sandy.”  If you have not watched the segment, become a high information voter and give-up 15 minutes of your day.  

Whether you watched the segment of not, we offer insight into the psyche and emotion of Chris Christe.  He stated to Chris Wallace he would serve “Exactly What Ronald Reagan Would Have Done.”  Two points. We hope no US president would exhibit the temperament and loss of emotional control you are about the read and view.  Second, Christe plays the Ronald Reagan “dog whistle”  like a symphony flutist and without regard for millions across the country who understand beyond a “feel good president” Reagan’s time in the Oval Office was not accolade-like successful. He had major failures, many of which are delineated in The Progressive Review piece linked  below.
Christe, an emotional wreck!

November 4th , 2013
After the rally, Christie made his way back to his campaign bus, flanked by low-key security guards. Tomlinson, who had been carrying a sign and handing out fliers from her Badass Teachers Association, asked Christie why he’d called New Jersey schools “failure factories.” Christie rounded on her, blurting out that he was sick of “you people.”

Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 7.10.35 AM Dave Weigel on Flickr
“This story—oh really? They have more money now than they’ve ever had before. This is an old story from you folks, and they fail because you guys are failing in those schools. Have you ever sent your child to one of those schools?
“You portray us as the bad guys,” said Tomlinson.
“Guess what, this is the most money the school has ever spent on education in the history of this state,” said Christie.
“It is not,” said Tomlinson.
“$9 billion in education!” yelled an onlooker.
“Yeah, and it’s down 0.1 percent,” said Tomlinson.
“And it’s never enough for you,” said Christie.
“All I want is money for my students and my school,” said Tomlinson.
“Do your job,” said Christie, turning away and heading into the bus.

Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 7.11.49 AM


We offered only three Christe’s episodes. There are many more. It is amazing that many of his outburst have been leveled at women. we also ask that you scroll up and take another look at the five images of Christe berating a public school teacher.  Our specific interest is Christe’s wife and the elitist glee she exhibited towards the teacher. The image is priceless and speaks volumes about New Jersey’s First Couple. 

The Progressive Review has a detailed listing of many of Reagan’s leadership flops (some deeply serious and damaging, others unbecoming a US president). 

The Progressive Review

Reagan Presidential quotes (one as California Governor)….

“We were told four years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry every night.  Well, that was probably true.  They were all on a diet.” –Ronald Reagan, TV speech, October 27, 1964

“…a faceless mass, waiting for handouts.” –Ronald Reagan, 1965.  (Description of Medicaid recipients.)

“Unemployment insurance is a pre-paid vacation for freeloaders.” –California Governor Ronald Reagan, in the Sacramento Bee, April 28, 1966

Is there any wonder so many int he GOP and conservative America harbor utter callousness towards people who are less economic fortunate (even if temporarily so)? 

The Progressive Review link provides for a deeper understanding of the Reagan’s most chose to ignore. We will not forget nor allow our readers to forget Reagan’s impact on our current economy. His trickle-down/supply side economics continues to serve as “main-root” GOP economic practice. Reagan and his financial advisers are singularly responsible for the current income disparity. If elected to the White House in 2016 any Republican will revert to trickle-down policies as surely as David and Charles Koch as permanent ‘White House guests. In fact, Christe attended a recent Koch event and fulfilled a speaking engagement.  Do you seriously, believe the Koch’s will not cash-in their ‘marks’ if Christe were president?

A couple of The Progressive Review graphics provide a degree of validation related to Reagan’s economic impact on the nation. 

We often find it amazing even some progressive sources avoid Ronald Reagan’s contribution to the current racist division in the United States. No, we do not feel Ronald Reagan was a seething Jesse Helms or Strum Thurmond racist.  However, we are suspicious of his typical GOP racial elitism. Nonetheless, our point goes more to actionable items vs. supposition.

Reagan, Kevin Phillips (popularized for Richard Nixon) and Lee Atwater planted a seed in the GOP that has fully metastasized into nation destroying racism that manifests all to often and as consistently as the 24 hour clock. 

Atwater during the Reagan Era…
Bob Herbert, a New York Times columnist, reported a 1981 interview with Lee Atwater, published in Southern Politics in the 1990s by Alexander P. Lamis, in which Lee Atwater discussed politics in the South: 

Questioner: But the fact is, isn’t it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps  

Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”[4] 

Herbert wrote in the same column, “The truth is that there was very little that was subconscious about the G.O.P.’s relentless appeal to racist whites. Tired of losing elections, it saw an opportunity to renew itself by opening its arms wide to white voters who could never forgive the Democratic Party for its support of civil rights and voting rights for blacks.”[1]

Do you recognize the ‘coded words: “Food stamps”, “Forced Busing?”  We will add a few: “Welfare Queen (coined by Reagan), “Affirmative Action”, “Free stuff”, “public schools.”

You wonder how could Reagan and his behind the scenes operatives have contributed to our current stat of racial animus?  When a popular “father of Modern-day Conservatism” uses strategy and coded language based in racial messaging, people who placed their biases deep inside tend to feel better about coming of of the closet (sort of speak).  If you need a couple perfect examples of political operatives who pied piper the use of code or speakers of outright racist oratory: New Gingrich, John Sunnunu, and Rick Santorum.

Yet, Christe “dog whistles” to connect to a president who publicly supported Bob Jones University and who declared his candidacy for his first run the presidency in Jackson Mississippi. I believe, Medgar Evers was assassinated in Jackson Mississippi.

I suppose the Latinos who supported Christe realize that his lack of support from the Black Community was for a reason.

We would be seriously remiss if you did not provide a link (link, link) that depicts years in office as the most corrupt in US history. Even surpassing the misdeeds of Richard Nixon. 

timetruthhumor:  Ronald Reagan and Corruption…the Truth Behind the Lies The Republicans and the Corporate-Controlled-Media have spent the last 30 years trying to convince us that Ronald Reagan was wonderful. The reality is just the opposite… Reagan ran the most corrupt administration of the 20th century. By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever. {Click here to read about the convicted, the indicted, the bad, and the ugly.}   RONALD REAGAN WAS A HORRIBLE PRESIDENT
Well, as we consider Christe’s opportunist remarks, maybe we should have considered his audience: “Red meat” conservatives who he must rehabilitate regarding his Sandy hug of Obama. We can only hope an informed electorate does not forget his Reagan remark come 2016.

Additional Information Sources:


Southern Strategy (Yes, we will use WIKI from time to time, but only after reviewing a few of the Wiki pieces referral sources.)

Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy

By leveraging race and religion — especially in the South — he set an example for today’s bitter politics 

The Johnson Tapes..Nixon’s Treachery

In Bush, Cheney, GOP, Rumsfeld, Tenet on March 20, 2013 at 10:02 PM

Richard M. Nixon, harbinger of
things to come!
While baby boomers have for decades  wondered about how our leaders perpetrated the Viet Nam War, I must admit the recent publication and release of President Johnson’s (LBJ) Oval Office tapes has provided an official and formal ‘jaw-dropper’. The BBC has published (and released) yet another legacy destroying expose on Richard Nixon.  

I could not help but wonder, as I listened to the short segment with LBJ speaking about Nixon.  I wondered how so many people actually cast votes and contribute money to the GOP. The party has dissolved into a shameful shell of a party long dead, but not yet buried.  It seems over the past two weeks revelations about political and social malfeasance from the Right have sprung-up like irritating dandelions in a well manicured lawn. My wonderment was heightened by exhibitions of pure racism and unfair treatment of  a visitor at the annual GOP CPAC “ooze”, Christe’s use of the word “boy” in yet another angst filled tirade for the rotund governor, and the release of the Iraq War Reconstruction SIGIR study. History will also chronicle the Showtime Dick Cheney special replete with “If I had to do it all over, I would not change a thing.” How can people continue to support a party that is so riddled with the cancers of defeat, it appears to soak-up chemo treatments with ongoing exhibitions of the unbelievable? And, when history reaches from the ages to deliver such lessons the wonderment becomes all the more intriguing (and yes rewarding).  

History is a phenomena that never fails to intrigue.  What we do not know can be psychological shattering once we come to “know”. I find myself feeling angry and manipulated as I come to “know”.  If you do not feel same, you might want to consider counseling.

I wrote earlier the week about how powerful men use us (common folk) like chess pieces. The powerful maneuver us like pawns in games that do little more than advance their agendas. Or, they play the game for iniquitous satisfaction of their ego, paradigm, beliefs, and elitist desires.

The revelations of Nixon’s treasonous malfeasance provides yet another view of Republican governance, while in some way reminding of things to come with Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice/Tenet/Powell. 

We are going to post a 1:47 minute excerpt from a 58 minute portion of one of LBJ’s comments about politics and Nixon.   we will post more below as the story takes a fascinating turn and may involve monitoring a senior GOP adviser. Johnson mentions possible involvement the adviser he refers to as a bit of a looker in this MSNBC segment 

The British Broadcast Company (DURATION: 01:47)

“If it was made public, it would rock the nation” 
How Richard Nixon destabilised the Vietnamese peace talks in 1968 to enhance his chances of victory in that year’s American Election. 
Using newly released White House recordings, David Taylor completes an investigation begun by his colleague Charles Wheeler into the extraordinary actions of Richard Nixon as he attempted to sabotage the Peace Talks over the Vietnam war in 1968.
Here we offer the full 58 minute audio. You will be linked to a page that will only require a simple click of an icon.  The page also allows listening to individual clips vs. the entire 58 minute release.  Note: it is not the easiest audio to understand unless you have perfect hearing ability and the opportunity to crank up the volume.

The revelations are not new.  As you have heard and observed in the video above, the story went silent in the 1990s. 

The BBC News Magazine story is linked here. (good read)

The Daily Kos provides a comprehensive treatise on the issue. 

Ngô Đình Diệm
Ngo Dinh Diem - Thumbnail - ARC 542189.gif
President of the Republic of Vietnam

The Daily GOP Ignominious: GOP Vs the GOP, Sandy Relief (VIDEO)

In Uncategorized on January 2, 2013 at 8:54 PM

The Grand Ol Party..stoops even lower. I await the latest approval polling.  

Christe, King and Grimm….. on failed Sandy relief via the 112th Congress.   I truly wonder if ‘blue state, red state’ dynamics did not come into play

“Gov Christie … he’s the one who Republicans put out front. ‘He’s our man, he’s our blue-collar candidate, he’s the guy who represents the heart and soul of the Republican party.’ He went everywhere for Republicans all over the country and what do they do? They knifed him in the back,” King blasted.
Grimm, a chief Right-wing orator and frequent television interviewee, speaks about his party. Oh, he may not label his party, but this issue is “of his party“.  Whenever I see this guy on a news show, I know I am going to get slick GOP punditry , excellent delivery of talking-points and well framed Right-wing ideology.  He now has a dose of his party and its ideology and priorities.
We are not going to post comment for Democrats as our focus is to expose the GOP for what it has become: lost, There is no way Boehner and Cantor would have avoid a vote last evening had that vote been to approve Big Oil subsides. 

…….And The Band Plays On……