The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Citizens United’

Robert Reich, Common Cause, Citizens United And You!

In Citizens United, Koch, Robert Reich on March 29, 2014 at 10:41 AM

Robert Reich, Common Cause…Citizens United

Robert Reich Robert Reich

The vast wealth that has accumulated at the top of the economy is not itself the problem. The problem is that political power tends to rise to where the money is. America isn’t yet an oligarchy, but that’s where the Koch’s and a few other billionaires are taking us. When billionaires supplant political parties, candidates are beholden directly to the billionaires. And if and when those candidates win election, the billionaires will be completely in charge.

At this very moment, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson (worth an estimated $37.9 billion) is privately interviewing potential Republican candidates, in what’s being called the Sheldon Primary. “The ‘Sheldon Primary’ is an important primary for any Republican running for president,” says Sheldon Adelson, George W. Bush’s former press secretary. “Anybody running for the Republican nomination would want to have Sheldon at his side.” Adelson spent $100 million on the 2012 election but denies he’s doing it for personal gain. He just wants the federal government to ban online gambling (and judging from legislation now being pushed on Capitol Hill, his investment seems to be paying off).

It’s more urgent than ever that we reverse “Citizen’s United” (if by Constitutional amendment if necessary), establish strict campaign finance and disclosure laws, and stop the wholesale takeover of America by the new billionaire political bosses. I chair the citizen’s group Common Cause, that’s trying to do all this

Open Secrets: Dark Money

In Citizens United, crossroads gps, DEMS, FEC, GOP, IRS, lobbyist, Open Secrets, robert maguire on September 16, 2013 at 9:51 AM

The following is a re-blog from Open Secrets Dot Org.  

The piece is as relevant to US politics and US society as state and federal government.  Money is flowing into US politics at an alarming and dangerous rate.  Ultimately, lobbying dollars and political contributions work for business entities and special interest groups. There are few to no organizations, which pour money into Congress on behalf of “The People.” It just does not happen comparable to money funneled to support 360 degree wealthy accumulation by the nation’s Top 20% (ers). 

As is the case with all ‘high information”, the following is not a quick read.  Of course, we are aware, people really do not like long reads. Well, there are times when our tendencies contribute to “low information.” Do you want to live your life as do most Fox News viewers? How about Beck viewers and listeners?  Or, better yet, people who visit Breitbart News Dot Com and actually feel they are being informed vs. entertained.  In fact, entertainment and political posturing is the basic media model for each of the three entities. 

Open Secrets, nor  do we have an answer to the horrors of purchased legislation, purchased votes, and purchased politicians However, we feel an obligation to inform. When information flows, good things eventually happen. What we do know is Citizens United open a door that leads to nothing the horrors of plutocracy. As the IRS attempted to investigate the legitimacy of the Citizens United money flood, it became immersed in conservative, “hands-off” our SCOTUS decision rhetoric  that lingers even today. 

Update, Sept. 11: For clarity, we have added two paragraphs to this story (see *) explaining that the IRS and FEC definitions of political spending are not identical, and have rephrased headlines to two charts.

Building on our previous work on “dark money” nonprofits, the Center for Responsive Politics is rolling out new information on the activities of these groups that are playing an increasing role in U.S. elections. 

Dark money groups — politically active 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations and 501(c)(6) trade associations that, under tax law, don’t have to disclose their donors — aren’t supposed to spend the majority of their resources on politics. But over the last six years, a combination of Supreme Court decisions that loosened restrictions on their electoral activity, coupled with regulatory confusion, has led to a surge in their political expenditures. Direct spending on federal elections by 501(c)(4) and 501(c)(6) groups has risen from $10 million in 2004 to well over $300 million in 2012 — and that’s just counting what they reported to the Federal Election Commission, which doesn’t include all of their political spending.

And the nature of their activity has changed in recent elections. Nearly half of the political spending by these groups in 2004 went for communications to their own members — what the FEC calls “communication costs.” Now, it shows up almost entirely in the form of negative, often misleading ads aimed at influencing the outcome of elections. In 2012, only 2 percent of the spending by these groups was directed at their own members. 

But trying to sort out exactly what these groups are doing ranges from very difficult to impossible, given how little information is available to the public. For example, the groups must disclose their total spending on their IRS Form 990s, due annually. But nowhere do they have to break down those expenditures in detail and say exactly how they spent the money, as unions must in reports with the Department of Labor. On top of that, the 990s are filed anywhere from five to 23 months after the spending in question actually takes place. Once they’re filed, the IRS offers no searchable database or machine readable data to the public. It provides only scant summary data. 
To help get around some of the hurdles posed by the dearth of IRS data, CRP has manually input more than 14,000 records, with the aim of bringing more clarity to the financial activities of nonprofits that have spent money to influence, directly and indirectly, federal elections over the last three cycles. 
CRP’s data includes all politically active 501(c)(4)s and 501(c)(6)s, whether or not they have been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS. Such groups as Crossroads GPS, American Commitment, and Citizens for Strength and Security either have not received or not applied for exempt status. The IRS does not include such groups in the data it makes available. Also, CRP’s new data includes other information that’s absent from the IRS data: total expenditures, total grants and total political spending reported to the IRS, over a period of multiple years. 
On the other side of the divide, at the FEC, these groups must file reports when they make certain political expenditures, but the agency doesn’t require them to provide identifying information — such as Employee Identification Numbers (EINs). So CRP has gone through three cycles of outside spending data and matched FEC filers with IRS identifiers, allowing us to link the two sets of data. 
The result is that we are providing multiple years of data reported to the IRS and the FEC, matched over the same time periods that the spending took place. We’ve included direct political spenders as well as what we call “dark money mailboxes” that reported no spending to the FEC themselves, but sent more than half their funds to politically active nonprofits. 
Not only have we matched spending reported to the FEC for the spenders themselves over the exact dates covered by each IRS report, but we have also incorporated recipient political spending into the donor profiles, so that users can get a better understanding of how much a donor’s grant recipients spent on politics. This information has never been provided anywhere until now.

Here are some of the larger findings that stand out in the new data.

Open Secrets: Dark Money

In Citizens United, crossroads gps, DEMS, FEC, GOP, IRS, lobbyist, Open Secrets, robert maguire on September 16, 2013 at 9:51 AM

The following is a re-blog from Open Secrets Dot Org.  

The piece is as relevant to US politics and US society as state and federal government.  Money is flowing into US politics at an alarming and dangerous rate.  Ultimately, lobbying dollars and political contributions work for business entities and special interest groups. There are few to no organizations, which pour money into Congress on behalf of “The People.” It just does not happen comparable to money funneled to support 360 degree wealthy accumulation by the nation’s Top 20% (ers). 

As is the case with all ‘high information”, the following is not a quick read.  Of course, we are aware, people really do not like long reads. Well, there are times when our tendencies contribute to “low information.” Do you want to live your life as do most Fox News viewers? How about Beck viewers and listeners?  Or, better yet, people who visit Breitbart News Dot Com and actually feel they are being informed vs. entertained.  In fact, entertainment and political posturing is the basic media model for each of the three entities. 

Open Secrets, nor  do we have an answer to the horrors of purchased legislation, purchased votes, and purchased politicians However, we feel an obligation to inform. When information flows, good things eventually happen. What we do know is Citizens United open a door that leads to nothing the horrors of plutocracy. As the IRS attempted to investigate the legitimacy of the Citizens United money flood, it became immersed in conservative, “hands-off” our SCOTUS decision rhetoric  that lingers even today. 

Update, Sept. 11: For clarity, we have added two paragraphs to this story (see *) explaining that the IRS and FEC definitions of political spending are not identical, and have rephrased headlines to two charts.

Building on our previous work on “dark money” nonprofits, the Center for Responsive Politics is rolling out new information on the activities of these groups that are playing an increasing role in U.S. elections. 

Dark money groups — politically active 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations and 501(c)(6) trade associations that, under tax law, don’t have to disclose their donors — aren’t supposed to spend the majority of their resources on politics. But over the last six years, a combination of Supreme Court decisions that loosened restrictions on their electoral activity, coupled with regulatory confusion, has led to a surge in their political expenditures. Direct spending on federal elections by 501(c)(4) and 501(c)(6) groups has risen from $10 million in 2004 to well over $300 million in 2012 — and that’s just counting what they reported to the Federal Election Commission, which doesn’t include all of their political spending.

And the nature of their activity has changed in recent elections. Nearly half of the political spending by these groups in 2004 went for communications to their own members — what the FEC calls “communication costs.” Now, it shows up almost entirely in the form of negative, often misleading ads aimed at influencing the outcome of elections. In 2012, only 2 percent of the spending by these groups was directed at their own members. 

But trying to sort out exactly what these groups are doing ranges from very difficult to impossible, given how little information is available to the public. For example, the groups must disclose their total spending on their IRS Form 990s, due annually. But nowhere do they have to break down those expenditures in detail and say exactly how they spent the money, as unions must in reports with the Department of Labor. On top of that, the 990s are filed anywhere from five to 23 months after the spending in question actually takes place. Once they’re filed, the IRS offers no searchable database or machine readable data to the public. It provides only scant summary data. 
To help get around some of the hurdles posed by the dearth of IRS data, CRP has manually input more than 14,000 records, with the aim of bringing more clarity to the financial activities of nonprofits that have spent money to influence, directly and indirectly, federal elections over the last three cycles. 
CRP’s data includes all politically active 501(c)(4)s and 501(c)(6)s, whether or not they have been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS. Such groups as Crossroads GPS, American Commitment, and Citizens for Strength and Security either have not received or not applied for exempt status. The IRS does not include such groups in the data it makes available. Also, CRP’s new data includes other information that’s absent from the IRS data: total expenditures, total grants and total political spending reported to the IRS, over a period of multiple years. 
On the other side of the divide, at the FEC, these groups must file reports when they make certain political expenditures, but the agency doesn’t require them to provide identifying information — such as Employee Identification Numbers (EINs). So CRP has gone through three cycles of outside spending data and matched FEC filers with IRS identifiers, allowing us to link the two sets of data. 
The result is that we are providing multiple years of data reported to the IRS and the FEC, matched over the same time periods that the spending took place. We’ve included direct political spenders as well as what we call “dark money mailboxes” that reported no spending to the FEC themselves, but sent more than half their funds to politically active nonprofits. 
Not only have we matched spending reported to the FEC for the spenders themselves over the exact dates covered by each IRS report, but we have also incorporated recipient political spending into the donor profiles, so that users can get a better understanding of how much a donor’s grant recipients spent on politics. This information has never been provided anywhere until now.

Here are some of the larger findings that stand out in the new data.

Open Secrets Sheds Light On Political Non Profits

In Citizens United, IRS, on September 12, 2013 at 6:02 PM

What do Germany, Colombia, Ireland, Mexico, Georgia, Indonesia, Macedonia, and Serbia have in common? According to the nonprofit global governance watchdog Global Integrity, they all beat out the United States on regulating money in politics. – See more at:

Do you recall the major issues surrounding the revelations of IRS scrutiny of non-profit 501(c)(4)s and 501(c)(6)? You recall, I am sure. An Open Secrets look at the issue is available (below).

While the revelations initially appeared and sounded like a nefarious plot against conservative organizations, the issue later fizzled like Benghazi, Fast and Furious and Issa’s embarrassment based on his failures as a GOP hit-man.  The unsettling revelations eventually proved to have been exaggerated. The director of the IRS field office responsible for investing initial request for non-profit tax status held a piece of information. Information that could be called a secret if the information been intentionally held. The man is a Republican appointed by George W. Bush!  Moreover, we have recent revelation liberal and progressive organizations received like investigations and were required to answer same or similar questions.

Now let’s “walk-the-plank” regarding alleged IRS heavy handed investigations of Right-wing non-profit groups. The Citizens United Decision was issued in 2010 certainly factored into the workload of the Cincinnati Ohio Field Office.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
Seal of the United States Supreme Court.svg

Argued March 24, 2009
Reargued September 9, 2009
Decided January 21, 2010
Full case name Citizens United, Appellant v. Federal Election Commission
Docket nos. 08-205
Citations 558 U.S. 310 (more)

130 S.Ct. 876
Prior history denied appellants motion for a preliminary injunction 530 F. Supp. 2d 274 (D.D.C. 2008)[1] probable jurisdiction noted 128 S. Ct. 1471 (2008).
Argument Oral argument
Reargument Reargument
Opinion Announcement Opinion announcement
A provision of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act prohibiting unions, corporations and not-for-profit organizations from broadcasting electioneering communications within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary election violates the free speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. United States District Court for the District of Columbia reversed.
Court membership
Case opinions
Majority Kennedy, joined by Roberts, Scalia, Alito; Thomas (all but Part IV); Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor (only as to Part IV)
Concurrence Roberts, joined by Alito
Concurrence Scalia, joined by Alito; Thomas (in part)
Concur/dissent Stevens, joined by Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor
Concur/dissent Thomas
Laws applied
U.S. Const. amend. I

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), is a US constitutional law case, in which the United States Supreme Court held that the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting political independent expenditures bcorporationsassociations, orlabor unions
…..The decision overruled Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce (1990) and partially overruled McConnell v. Federal Election Commission (2003).[4]The Court, however, upheld requirements for public disclosure by sponsors of advertisements (BCRA §201 and §311). The case did not involve the federal ban on direct contributions from corporations or unions to candidate campaigns or political parties, which remain illegal in races for federal office.[5]
The IRS field office was inundated with request. Since the Right has a tendency to label their PACs and contribution entities with what they perceive as patriot names, reports were the organizations drew early scrutiny. It should be noted, not one organization, progressive or conservative, was denied the desired tax status. published a quick view set of charts  related to nonprofits. (Don’t miss both links (Types and Viewpoint)

Political Nonprofits

Politically active nonprofits — principally 501(c)(4)s and 501(c)(6)s — have become a major force in federal elections over the last three cycles. The term “dark money” is often applied to this category of political spender because these groups do not have to disclose the sources of their funding — though a minority do disclose some or all of their donors, by choice or in response to specific circumstances.
These organizations can receive unlimited corporate, individual, or union contributions that they do not have to make public, and though their political activity is supposed to be limited, the IRS — which has jurisdiction over these groups — by and large has done little to enforce those limits. Partly as a result, spending by organizations that do not disclose their donors has increased from less than $5.2 million in 2006 to well over $300 million in the 2012 election.

Special credit to and mention of the Center for Responsive Politics. 
The information is no surprise.  Citizens United was to be a gold mine for conservative paths to the White House. Actually, contributions to Democrats outpaced Conservative contributions.  But, what do conservatives hate more than President Obama? They detest paying taxes. They will contribute at gross levels, but do not ask them to pay taxes to support their desire for a plutocracy. 

Keystone XL Pipeline: The Ugly, The Bad And The Secret Funnel!

In Citizens United, Congress, Keystone XL Pipeline, lobbyist, SCOTUS, Trans Canada on September 8, 2013 at 10:17 AM

If you approve of a Canadian corporation building yet another pipeline across the heart of the American Midwest, that is your prerogative.  If you oppose Obama’s potential approval of the northern leg of the Keystone XL Pipeline, as an American, that is also your prerogative. Before, moving-on, I am anticipating you know Trans Canada has an existing Keystone Pipeline (See bold red pipeline in 2011 MCT image, left). The XL project is a “brontosaurus” version surrounded by a protecvtive moot of lies (jobs), misrepresentations (safety and jobs), and financial contributions (Congress, lobbyist, surrogates and stooges across party lines).  Most Americans have no idea there is active development and funding of a ‘secret’ pipeline that is even more dangerous to the nation than the XL pipeline. 

On August 15, 2013 USdailyrepresent Dot US’s Jasper McChesney published an infographic about the secret pipeline (posted below). The secrecy surrounding this pipeline is focused on you, me and others who allow ourselves to continue as unknowing subjects in the active and flourishing world of international corporatism.

While the secret pipeline is as old as US history it has grown with time to a reliable funnel of contributions to political campaigns.  The funnel was given a major fissure with the SCOTUS ruling on the Citizens United case in 2010.

USdailyrepresent Dot US

The House of Representatives voted to approve the Keystone. Sources: Maplight. (
Congress’ Secret Pipeline!

H.R. 3 Northern Route Approval Act  (Project as an Eden’s Garden for Members of Congress)

Keystone XL: The Push

Keystone XL: Imminent Danger

More to come on Keystone XL……

Open Secrets Blog: Top Political Contributions and IRS Code Classifications

In Uncategorized on June 19, 2013 at 8:31 PM - Center for Responsive PoliticsWould you like a look at how Citizens United has influenced US politics?  Maybe, just maybe, you might come away from the embedded OpenSecretsBlog tables with an understanding of why the IRS would spend extra effort in attempts to validate non-profit status of many organizations. It should not take a major Einstein ‘mental epiphany’ to see how and why organizations,  sanctioned by Citizens United and facilitated via flawed IRS codes, would draw IRS analyst attention.  

If you have followed news this week, you may know that Elijah Cummings (D) Md. has released the full transcript of Oversight Committee hearings on the IRS alleged scandal that was not a scandal.  As you view the tables below, keep in mind the 501(C)(4) is the code that led to heightened IRS scrutiny of Citizens United induced potential for tax evasion. 

A bit of research will yield findings indicating groups in the table are not all “conservative.” 

IRS CODE Reference Chart

1986 Code Description of Organization General nature of activities Application Form No. Annual return required to be filed Contributions allowable
501(c)(1) Corporations Organized Under Act of Congress (including Federal Credit Unions) Instrumentalities of the United States No Form None Yes, if made for exclusively public purposes
501(c)(2) Title Holding Corporation For Exempt Organization Holding title to property of an exempt organization 1024 9901 or 990EZ8 No2
501(c)(3) Religious. Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary. Testing for Public Safety, to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations Activities of nature implied by description of class of organization 1023 9901 or 990EZ8, or 990-PF Yes, generally2,3
501(c)(4) Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Associations of Employees Promotion of community welfare; charitable, educational or recreational 1024 9901 or 990EZ8 No, generally2,3
501(c)(5) Labor, Agricultural, and Horticultural Organizations Educational or instructive, the purpose being to improve conditions of work, and to improve products and efficiency 1024 9901 or 990EZ8 No2
501(c)(6) Business Leagues, Changers of Commerce, Real Estate Boards, Etc. Improvement of business conditions of one or more lines of business 1024 9901 or 990EZ8 No2

Note: For groups that want to be politically active, alternative corporate structures are available, such as super PACs and “527” groups — and those groups aren’t limited to spending just 49.9 percent of their resources on politics. However, they are required to disclose their donors. 

Political Nonprofits: Top Donors

These are the top donor organizations to politically active 501(c) nonprofits — or, rather, these are the donors the Center for Responsive Politics has been able to identify. Groups on the receiving end aren’t required to publicly reveal who their contributors are. However, 501(c) groups must disclose the names of organizations to which they make donations. By sifting through hundreds of 990 tax forms, where the disclosure occurs, we have come up with this list.

Other donors — such as individuals and corporations — aren’t required to publicly report such gifts, so the sources of much of the money flowing to politically active tax-exempt groups remain unknown.

Organization Parent Total Type
Center to Protect Patient Rights $55,740,985 c4
Sea Change Foundation $26,986,150 c3
Crossroads GPS Crossroads GPS/American Crossroads $13,875,000 c4
TC4 Trust $11,787,800 c4
Donors Trust $8,832,250 c3
Republican Jewish Coalition $8,000,000 c4
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $7,100,000 c6
Green Tech Action Fund $5,775,300 c4
Advocacy Fund $5,632,488 c4
Alliance for Freedom $4,190,000 c4
Wellspring Cmte $4,078,182 c4
National Christian Charitable Foundation $3,740,405 c3
America’s Families First $3,144,000 c4
Partnership Action Fund $3,098,854 c4
America Votes $2,791,000 c4
American Justice Partnership $2,667,500 c4
Annual Fund Wellspring Cmte $2,034,191 c4
Schwab Charitable Fund $1,916,649 c3
Patriot Majority USA $1,757,500 c4
John William Pope Foundation $1,475,000 c3
Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation $1,303,720 c3
Citizenlink Focus on the Family $1,250,103 c4
Sierra Club $1,167,500 c4
American Future Fund $1,026,200 c4
Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation $776,000 c3
Claude R Lambe Charitable Foundation $504,725 c3
Family Coalition Berman & Co $500,000 c6
Open Society Institute $468,883 c3
Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation $400,000 c3
United Steelworkers $397,500 c5
Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central VA $350,250 c3
Proteus Fund $350,000 c3
American Farm Bureau $315,000 c5
Dunn’s Foundation for Advancement/Right Thinking $270,000 c3
Americans for Limited Government $250,000 c4
Cornerstone Action $243,000 c4
American Action Network $200,000 c4
Energy Foundation $190,000 c3
Campaign for Community Change $154,074 c4
Alliance Defense Fund $125,000 c3
Wisconsin Bankers Assn $125,000 c6
US Charitable Gift Trust $111,706 c3
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation $101,000 c3
James & Judith K Dimon Foundation $100,000 c3
Castle Rock Foundation $100,000 c3
EL Craig Foundation $100,000 c3
Farago Foundation $100,000 c3
Florida Liberty Fund $100,000 527
Marcus Foundation $100,000 c3
Mississippi Common Trust Fund $100,000 c3
One Jerusalem $94,500 c4
American Petroleum Institute $75,000 c6
Internet Innovation Alliance $65,000 c6
Palladium Foundation $60,000 c3
Greater Houston Community Foundation $60,000 c3
American Natural Gas Alliance $60,000 c6
Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Issue Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce $57,600 c4
Citizens for a Strong America $51,617 c4
Alliance for America’s Future $50,000 c4
Robert K Steel Family Foundation $50,000 c3
UPS Foundation $25,000 c3
Americans for Tax Reform $25,000 c4
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $25,000 c6

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.

Now take a look at the same table sorted by “Type.” 
Organization Parent Total Type
Florida Liberty Fund $50,000 527
Sea Change Foundation $29,986,150 c3
Donors Trust $8,834,250 c3
National Christian Charitable Foundation $3,765,405 c3
Alliance for Climate Protection $2,755,800 c3
Schwab Charitable Fund $1,941,649 c3
John William Pope Foundation $1,475,000 c3
Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation $1,323,720 c3
Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation $776,000 c3
Claude R Lambe Charitable Foundation $504,725 c3
Open Society Institute $468,883 c3
Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation $400,000 c3
Community Foundation Serving Richmond & Central VA $350,250 c3
Proteus Fund $350,000 c3
Dunn’s Foundation for Advancement/Right Thinking $270,000 c3
Energy Foundation $190,000 c3
Alliance Defense Fund $125,000 c3
US Charitable Gift Trust $111,706 c3
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation $101,000 c3
Farago Foundation $100,000 c3
James & Judith K Dimon Foundation $100,000 c3
Marcus Foundation $100,000 c3
Mississippi Common Trust Fund $100,000 c3
Castle Rock Foundation $100,000 c3
EL Craig Foundation $100,000 c3
Joe & Mary Moeller Foundation $75,000 c3
American Values $62,500 c3
Greater Houston Community Foundation $60,000 c3
Palladium Foundation $60,000 c3
Robert K Steel Family Foundation $50,000 c3
Center for Independent Thought $45,000 c3
UPS Foundation $25,000 c3
Center to Protect Patient Rights $55,515,985 c4
Crossroads GPS Crossroads GPS/American Crossroads $13,875,000 c4
TC4 Trust $11,932,800 c4
Republican Jewish Coalition $8,000,000 c4
Advocacy Fund $6,068,488 c4
Green Tech Action Fund $5,775,300 c4
Free Enterprise America $5,057,000 c4
Wellspring Cmte $4,478,182 c4
Alliance for Freedom $4,190,000 c4
America’s Families First $3,144,000 c4
Partnership Action Fund $3,098,854 c4
American Justice Partnership $2,872,500 c4
America Votes $2,065,113 c4
Annual Fund Wellspring Cmte $2,034,191 c4
Patriot Majority USA $1,757,500 c4
Freedom & Values Alliance $1,715,346 c4
Citizenlink Focus on the Family $1,250,103 c4
Sierra Club $1,167,500 c4
Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Issue Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce $1,045,600 c4
American Future Fund $653,700 c4
Center for American Progress Action Fund $500,000 c4
New Models $387,500 c4
Republican Governors Public Policy Cmte Republican Governors Assn $335,948 c4
Progressive Future $265,000 c4
Americans for Limited Government $250,000 c4
Cornerstone Action $243,000 c4
Partnership for America $220,112 c4
American Action Network $200,000 c4
Club for Growth $198,386 c4
Campaign for Community Change $154,074 c4
One Jerusalem $94,500 c4
MyWirelessOrg Cellular Telecom & Internet Assn $85,000 c4
Greater Wisconsin Cmte $74,000 c4
American Commitment $70,250 c4
Faith & Freedom Coalition $60,000 c4
Citizens for a Strong America $51,617 c4
Alliance for America’s Future $50,000 c4
Western Skies Coalition $31,000 c4
Americans for Tax Reform $25,000 c4
United Steelworkers $397,500 c5
American Farm Bureau $315,000 c5
Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America $8,300,000 c6
Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care $750,000 c6
Family Coalition Berman & Co $500,000 c6
Wisconsin Bankers Assn $416,600 c6
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $225,000 c6
American Petroleum Institute $175,000 c6
Motion Picture Assn of America $125,000 c6
AGC Public Awareness & Advocacy Fund $100,000 c6
Internet Innovation Alliance $65,000 c6
American Natural Gas Alliance $60,000 c6

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.

We believe OpenSecrets is unparalleled in their efforts to help the informed follow the money. Their detailed work helps you and me see the impact on the money on legislation. 

If you closely follow OpenSecrets tracking you will see clear evidence that the majority of members of Congress march the drum beat of organizations which buy votes as a corporate strategy.

Morning Java: IRS Scandal? Really! How About Citizens United Scandal?

In Fox News on June 4, 2013 at 11:05 PM

Enjoy while the caffeine kicks-in!!!!

“The World As 100 People,”  to go along with your Sumatra,  Kopi Luwak IndonesianKenya AA, Tanzanian, French Roast, Kona Coast, ‘Black Ivory’ [Thai Elephant Dong],  Jamaica Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Costa Rican, Espresso,  Moyobama Peruvian Organic, Indonesian Blend, Coffee Latte, Kauai Blend (often bitter), Colombian Red Lips, or your Folgers 100% Colombian.

The issues surrounding the IRS and its “targeting” of conservative groups poses a bit of a dichotomy for me.  

First, I am not one who relishes government peeping at its citizenry unless that citizen has proven via their actions they are a direct threat to the greater society. All to often, we read or hear about a vile acts and wonder, “Now, why was that person not under arrest, or why was that person no being watched?”  I will grant backing away from my conviction regarding government scrutiny in that case and that case only.  In  fact, I found it most distasteful to read about the FBI’s involvement in the psychical “squashing” of the Occupy Wall Street movement, even though I knew physical manifestation of the movement would be very short-lived. The FBI must have infiltrated, spied upon, and guided local authorities in strategies to rid cities of the physical encampments.

As a liberal, rest assured I would be mighty upset if the IRS targeted groups that carried “liberal” titles. I will add, however  conservative groups generally choose identifiers that denote themselves as conservative. 

On a secondary basis, I recognize that there are times when dynamics place pressure points of systems and those systems need additional “propping-up”; for lack of a more expedient term. One such dynamic was the Citizens United SCOTUS Decision in 2010.  It should be noted that the Koch Brothers are major contributors to the founding of citizen’s United.  Do you think for one second the Koch Brothers have interest in so called, “social programs” regarding federal governance? Enough said on that point, for now. Post Citizens United the number of requests for 501 (c)(4) certification grew exponentially. despite Justice Alito’s consternation and mouthing, “that’s not true  at the President State of the Union Speech, the president’s words became prophetic.

Characteristics 501(c)3 501(c)4 527
Ability to engage in politics
Not supposed to engage in any political activities, though some voter registration activities are permitted
May engage in political activities, as long as these activities do not become their primary purpose
Politics is what 527s are *required* to do
Endorsing Candidates
CANNOT Endorse Candidates
CAN Endorse Candidates
CAN Endorse AND Field Candidates
Campaign Spending
Permitted but taxed
Some lobbying
Substantial lobbying
No direct lobbying
General Political Advocacy (not related to legislation or the election of candidates.)
Yes, as an educational activity.)
Yes, provided it is not the primary activity of the organization
Able to accept unlimited, tax-deductible donations
Able to accept unlimited, non tax-deductible donations
Able to accept limited (based on FEC regulations), non tax- deductible donations.
Donor Reporting
Donors kept anonymous.
Donors kept anonymous.
Donors are publicly reported.
Must apply with the IRS

Outside the Beltway published the following analysis, and for me it seems very credible and laden with facts.

The following chart, included in the IRS audit, demonstrates that in the wake of Citizens United, there was a marked increase (~40% a year) in the number of 501(c)4 applications being submitted to the IRS.


Let me note that this period—2010 to 2012—also saw the maturation of the Tea Party. And research into Tea Party communities shows that the accepted wisdom was that new Tea Party chapters should immediately file as 501(c)4 organizations. Ironically, of the three organization tax designations in question—501(c)3, 501(c)4, and 527—only 501(c)4 allows for a group to self-declare their status without first filing with the IRS. The advantage to filing is official recognition, which is only necessary if an outsider challenges the group’s 501(c)4 status. Otherwise, for all intents and purposes, the only thing required to operate as a 501(c)4 is to say that you‘re a 501(c)4. 

Getting back to the IRS scandal, the broader point I’m trying to make is that, whether intentional or not, the very structure of 501(c)4, combined with the Citizens United decision, and the rise of the Tea Party, unexpectedly transformed the 501(c)4 from simply being about social welfare to being about politics. And that this was, generally speaking, a relatively rapid change.The scenario so far is as follows.

We have Tax law written as far back as 1959 without modification for post Ronald Reagan 1980s GOP politics.

We have a selectively crafted SCOTUS heavily stacked with judicial activist by GOP presidents. Heck, the SCOTUS could have included the Neanderthal Robert Bork. Did you know Bork was Romney’s Chief Legal Advisers?

We have a Citizens United decision in favor of an organization the the Koch Brothers heavily support and fund.

We have  a Koch Brothers funded tea party replete with anti-government sycophants, armed  domestic terrorist brandishing weapons in public, racist signage and placards and a need for funding operations. As you know, people with people dislike two things about contributing. They generally do not want to be taxed, and in the case of political contributions they have no desire to have their names associated with their contributions. Thus, the circular and existential threat of Citizens United.

We have the coming 2011/2012 election campaigns with a green Citizens United light for secretive contributions.

What we really have is the smell of a rat!

I have read reports that progressive groups were also delayed in approval of certification. Moreover, there are reports not of one request was denied. They were to a point all approved.  

The IREHR, Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights published a detail piece on May 17th. The piece includes data related to certification denials. 

Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights

The Tea Party and the IRS “Scandal” The Actual Facts of the Case


A May 14 draft report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration found that none of the 296 questionable applicants had been denied, “For the 296 potential political cases we reviewed, as of December 17, 2012, 108 applications had been approved, 28 were withdrawn by the applicant, none had been denied, and 160 cases were open from 206 to 1,138 calendar days (some crossing two election cycles).” (p. 14) 

In fact, the only known 501(c)(4) applicant to recently have its status denied happens to be a progressive group: the Maine chapter of Emerge America, which trains Democratic women to run for office. Although the group did no electoral work, and didn’t participate in independent expenditure campaign activity either, its partisan nature disqualified it from being categorized as working for the “common good.”

The Inspector General’s report found that in the “majority of cases, we agreed that the applications submitted included indications of significant political campaign intervention.” (p. 10).  In fact, only 91 of the 296, roughly 31%, of the applications reviewed for the report did not have “indications of significant political campaign intervention.” In other words, more than two thirds of those flagged for processing by a team of specialists had those indications.

Nation of Change published a piece on Monday of this week related to what some insist on calling a scandal.  The writer at Nation of Change questions, “Scandal or Hoax.

William Boardman 
(See permission statement at article end)

Published: Monday 3 June 2013

What seems much stranger, but not as surprising as it should, is that so much of the media goes on reporting as fact the partisan political version of a story that never happened.

Can’t Anyone Here Play This Game Straight?

Almost everything you hear and read in the media about the current IRS “scandal” is based on deliberate falsification of basic facts.  Some might call it lying.  

Here’s a reasonably typical media-framing of the IRS lie, from the usually careful and accurate Economist, posted May 23:  “Even before this month’s revelation that conservative political groups applying for 501(c)(4) status were being singled out for special scrutiny….” 

You see this false framing of the IRS story across the media spectrum, from Info wars to ABC News and NBC News to the Economist to DemocracyNOW! (The latter on May 24:  “the scandal over the targeted vetting of right-wing groups…).    Even the usually reliable Wonkblog at the Washington Post doesn’t get the story right, apparently because it hasn’t read the relevant law.     

An exception to this remarkable mental stampede in the wrong direction was Jeffrey Toobin (New Yorker, May 14) who wondered, “Did the I.R.S. actually do anything wrong?”  His answer started to put the story in reasonable perspective, with a focus on tax law and political money:  “…the scandal isn’t what’s illegal—it’s what’s legal. It’s what society chooses not to punish that tells us most about the prevailing ethical standards of the time.” 

Anatomy of a False Narrative – Lying, Laziness, Partisanship, What? 

How is it that the conventional framing is dishonest?  Here are some of the ways:  

1.     It wasn’t a revelation.  All kinds of people were aware of the underlying problem, that 501(c)(4) tax status abuse had been going on since 1959, and that it took a quantum leap after 2011, when the Supreme Court’s Citizens United Decision opened the democratic process to money flooding that would be facilitated by the secrecy offered by the 501(c )(4) status.  

2.     There were bi-partisan public hearings on the problem scheduled by the Senate well before the “scandal” broke.   Anyone could look it up.  

3.     As soon as the story broke, Lawrence O’Donnell (MSNBC The Last Word) was reporting accurately on the issue, rooted in the difference between a law that says 501(c)(4) organizations should be “exclusively” for social welfare and a 1959 IRS regulation that says, with Orwellian authority, that “exclusively” is to be interpreted to mean “primarily.”   Too many reporters and others still do not get this, even though responsible research begins with these primary sources.  

4.    No one was singled out.   That’s right, no one was singled out.  The problem with 501(c)(4) applications is that the IRS mustreview every one to see if the applicant qualifies for tax-exempt status.  Given the flood of applications from political groups of all sorts post-Citizens United, the IRS needed some way to make sure those applications were “primarily” for social welfare, even though political insiders knew that had been a joke for years (Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS and are both IRS-approved 501(c)(4) organizations, of which there are thousands – reportedly 97,382 in 2011).     

5.     There is no reason within the law that any political organization should get a tax subsidy from American taxpayers.  That is allowable only under the IRS regulations put in place in 1959 under the Eisenhower administration.  And the Congress could fix this virtually overnight by restoring “primarily” to its original meaning in the law, “exclusively.”  Perhaps, the real scandal, and a bi-partisan one at that, is that that’s not what’s happening. 

6.     No one was singled out.  The IRS at some level (that eventually included Lois Lerner) made a remarkably stupid, tone deaf, inept effort to identify applications that were more likely than others to be primarily political.   Looking for applications tagged “tea party” may have reflected the reality of an inordinate number of such applications, but it was really dumb.  Using the tag “party” not only would have done the job, but would have been wholly defensible, since no political party is eligible for public tax subsidy and secrecy for its donors.  

7.     No one was singled out.  The IRS net for possibly political organizations caught some 300 applications.  Of these, no more than a third were “conservative” or “tea party” or “right-wing.”  The rest were something else, including “liberal” and “left-wing.”  None of the so-called conservative group applications were denied.  Some were delayed, deservedly so, but a group can function as a 501(c)(4) with an application pending, so it’s hard to see how much damage a delay would do, if any.   

8.     At least some of the groups on the right were clearly partisan and perhaps broke the law.   The New York Times of May 26 reports in a story wrongly headlined “Groups Targeted by I.R.S. Tested Rules on Politics” describes several tax exempt groups that spent money on partisan activities.   

9.     One of the groups, Emerge America, was granted 501(c)(4) status in 2006 in order to train women to run for elected office.  In 2012, when an IRS review showed that Emerge America was training only Democratic candidates, the IRS revoked the group’s tax-exempt status.  

Article image 

10. Another group calling itself “CVFC 501(c)(4)” on its application in 2010 gave its address as the same as “Combat Veterans for Congress PAC” (political action committee).   Perhaps PAC triggered a closer look.  While awaiting an IRS decision, CVFC spent almost $8,000 on radio ads for a Republican candidate.  CVFC omitted this expenditure from its 2010 tax return.  On a questionnaire asking if it had engaged directly or indirectly in political activity on behalf of a candidate, CVFC checked “NO.” 

NBC News Reporting Achieves Incompetence and Partisanship 

In a report on May 29, “Open Channel Investigative reporting from NBC News” (bylined Lisa Myers, Rich Gardella, Talesha Reynolds) starts with a flat-out false headline: “IRS higher-ups requested info on conservative groups, letters show.”  

The story begins:  “Additional scrutiny of conservative organizations’ activities by the IRS did not solely originate in the agency’s Cincinnati office, with requests for information coming from other offices and often bearing the signatures of higher-ups at the agency….”   

The letters don’t show that.  NBC provides two letters, and both come from and direct responses to the IRS Cincinnati office, although one letter also has an apparently hand-stamp signature for “Lois Lerner, Director, Exempt Organizations” and no address other than Cincinnati.  The letters comprise nine pages, of which five pages are form letters.  Each of the applicants also received a personal, two-page request for additional information to justify tax-exempt status.  

The IRS asked Ohio Liberty Council Group in March 2012 to update a two year old filing, and to describe its planned activities, public events, membership recruitment, political activity, and lobbying – if any.    

The IRS asked Linchpins of Liberty if they had adopted bylaws or chosen a board of directors. The IRS also wanted to know, among other things, about the organizations income and expenses, its loan agreements and other contracts, and whether its activities wound go beyond selling a book (“Linchpins of Liberty”) written by its president.   NBC fails to note that this isn’t a response to a relevant 501(c)(4) application, but the IRS answer on May 6 to an application for the more stringent 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.  

If You Hate Government, Do You Hate It More When It Does Due Diligence?   

Nothing in these two letters suggests anything more than due diligence by the IRS in protecting public policy and assets.   The information in the story came to NBC mostly from attorneys representing the complaining groups.   NBC provides no reliable, independent support for the opinions of its biased sources, even though it reports those opinions as more or less fact.  

The IRS story went off the tracks of fact the moment Lois Lerner planted a question with a reporter at an American Bar Association conference on May 10.  In answer to the reporter’s posing of Lerner’s question, Lerner answered this way, as reported by Associated Press (no transcript appears to be available): 

“The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was ‘inappropriate’ targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status.  

“IRS agents singled out dozens of organizations for additional reviews because they included the words ‘tea party’ or ‘patriot’ in their exemption applications, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups. In some cases, groups were asked for lists of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said.”  

For whatever reason, the AP makes the IRS apology institutional even though it comes from a mid-level IRS manager ratting out people she was supposed to be managing.  The news catches her superiors in the IRS, as well as the White House, completely off guard.    It also sets off a right-wing feeding frenzy, which the AP reports at length in the same story. 

Somebody Needs to Give This Story a Little Perspective and Proportion 

Only near the end of the story, in a clumsily written paragraph, does the AP reporter touch on the factual context for the news Lerner was breaking and in which she had been a central player:  

“In all, about 300 groups were singled out for additional review, Lerner said. Of those, about a quarter were singled out because they had ‘tea party’ or ‘patriot’ somewhere in their applications.”  

In other words, about 225 applications were not “political conservative groups, as AP had reported at the top of the story, and for which it has yet to issue a correction or an apology.   

Given her unusual behavior over the past few years, it doesn’t seem all that strange that Lois Lerner has refused to answer questions in Congress, pleading the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination, while refusing to resign from her $180,000-a-year job (she’s now on administrative leave).  

What seems much stranger, but not as surprising as it should, is that so much of the media goes on reporting as fact the partisan political version of a story that never happened.  

 Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.

The outrage against the (fake) IRS Scandal should have a focus directly on the parties who are espousing the perpetration of flack against the Obama Administration Vs. proper and necessary attention to meaning legislation.  If we want a good look at issues that warrant outrage, think of the time,. energy and waste funds associated with the House voted to defund ACORN. The community services organization has been defunct since it was attacked by Fox News, Breitbart Dot Com and every conservative in Congress. I believe ACORN shutdown operations three years ago. 

Let’s close this piece out with a basic syllogism regarding the “fake’ IRS issue.

Citizens United has provided opportunity for unlimited secret contributions to political campaigns. 

A.) The Koch Brothers are major contributors to Citizens United (The organization). 

B.) The Koch Brothers were (and are) Major contributors to the tea party, Freedom Works and others conservative political groups focused solely on strategy, planning and operations to  unseat the Obama Administration and fund future campaigns (2014 and 2016).

C.) Internal Revenue Service Tax Code 501 (c)(4) as shown in the table above allows secret contributions to certified organizations without taxation! 

D.) The number of request for 501 (c)(4) certification increased exponentially after Citizens United (2010). 

Major premise A:  The Koch Brothers are major contributors to Citizens United (The organization).

Major premise B:   The Koch Brothers were (and are) major contributors to the tea party, Freedom Works and others conservative political groups focused solely on strategy, planning and operations to  unseat the Obama Administration (e.g., winning elections).

Minor premise: The Koch Brothers are supporters of ultra conservative causes and contribute millions to conservative campaigns (state and national elections). The millions they contribute are subject to taxation unless hidden in a 501 (c)(4) organization. 

Conclusion: Conservative causes can be advanced via Koch Brothers’ contributions and billions from other secret contributors (especially if untaxed) if the contributions go through the 501 (c)(4) organization.

I posit the IRS was doing its job via deep questioning of organization (Both conservative and liberal) who appeared as seeking certification beyond the scope of the 1959 law, and organization buoyed by the secret contribution freedom of Citizens United.  Thus, the IRS looked to preserve the Union and integrity of our elections from organizations that were and are working to win the Oval Office and state elections.

Soldiers For Peace International: Guns

In Uncategorized on February 19, 2013 at 10:22 PM

Cross posted from…...



I swore I was not going to write about the gun debate that has followed the latest mass murder. It seemed an exercise in futility. Trying to convince people that they are wrong on gun control is like trying to influence their views on abortion. Attitudes and opinions are fixed on the issue. There is little chance that one more opinion will change them. Recently, the conversation took an interesting turn, one that is new to the ongoing debate on gun control. The idea that we have to have personal weapons to fight our own government went from being a fringe idea to a mainstream argument, defended by conservatives and many pro-second amendment liberals.

It has been obvious to every thinking American for some time that something is terribly wrong with our current government. If we could agree in what that was we might be able to fight it without resort to guns. The nation is nearly evenly divided between those who fear a socialist takeover and those who believe that the problem is growing corporate dominance of government to the extent that it is leading to fascism, if it has not already arrived. If we do not come to a common understanding of what has gone wrong with the US system of government, it is likely that the incidence of political violence will continue to increase until we are subject to a violent crackdown by the very police state that so many of us fear.

The argument that America is being taken over by socialists is laughable on its face. With the social safety net under attack and a bailout of the medical insurance industry being passed off as “near-universal health care,” nothing could be further from the truth. Funneling taxpayer dollars to corporations that ship jobs overseas, those that profit from denying needed health care and those that manufacture weapons for insanely expensive wars for corporate Empire is in fact a form of corporate welfare serving the interests of the rich over those of the American taxpayer. That is worth fighting a revolution over, but one that can only succeed if it is done so through nonviolent, democratic action. That is impossible if we cannot come to a consensus on how democracy works and how best to achieve it.

It is easy to define democracy. The word translates literally as “government of the People.” That means government of, by and for the People. Not some people, but all people in the United States. If we cannot achieve consensus on what is best for all the people, we cannot create a government of the People. Instead, those who wield power over the government will continue to divide us until they ultimately conquer us. Those calling for revolution understand that it is our inalienable right and responsibility to resist a government that has become tyrannical. A government that is not for the People but for corporations and the wealthy individuals that control it cannot be said to be democratic.

Who then is the tyrant who dares challenge democracy in the US and the world? Many claim it is President Obama. On one side the radical Right argues that he intends to impose a socialist government that will dictate to the People. On the Left, the claim is made that there is no difference between Obama and George Bush in the arena of foreign policy and that he has been far too willing to sacrifice the interests of the People for the corporate interest that in fact wields control over both parties by virtue of controlling the corporate media and thereby the nature of political discourse. In fact, the blame lies squarely with a Congress that has abdicated its authority to an imperial Presidency, regardless of who is the figurehead in the White House in matters of war and peace. 

If we truly want a democratic revolution, the Left and Right must first agree on goals, lest the US become another failed state, at best degenerating into a power struggle between the leaders of the revolution but far more likely to result in the consolidation of power by those who control the police state. As the response to Occupy has shown, these are the powerful banking and oil industries that colluded with agents of the police state in infiltrating and undermining this popular movement. The only way to overcome the power of those who control the levers of government is to united around the idea that together we can create a government of, by and for the People only by ending the power of corporations and the rich to choose who we have to pick from to represent us in Congress. 

There is evidence that there will be a mass movement to hold candidates for Congress accountable to the People by making them declare whether they will support a constitutional amendment to ban corporate campaign expenditures and limit individual donations to influence the outcome of elections. There is a parallel movement to accomplish the same bylegislative changes to address corruption ofgovernment by monied interests, though many doubt that such an effort can succeed. Even if it does succeed in the short run, there is always the risk that a future Congress can be corrupted by the influence of the rich and powerful, while a constitutional amendment will ensure that future Congresses will not be able to hand the US government back to corporate interests.

Those who argue that we cannot reform government by working with politicians are missing the point: If we make support for a constitutional amendment the litmus test for candidates for Congress, we can and will elect a Congress that will put the interests of the People over those of the corporate interests that currently control it. This is the first step to electing a Congress that will work for peace through cutting the strings of those who manipulate US policy to wage endless war for corporate Empire while subjugating a population that is becoming increasingly aware of the threat this poses to its own freedom. 

If we keep in mind that 80% of both self-identified conservatives and liberals are opposed to Citizens United, citizens can unite to take back America for the People. The Pledge to Amend campaign is the way to join the Left and Right in the common cause of finally achieving democracy in America and the world. If we succeed the last, best hope for Mankind shall not perish from the Earth. Recent history has shown that democracy cannot be imposed at the point of a gun. If we come to understand that, there is yet hope that we can create it through the will of the People, using the democratic process that is at the heart of the freedoms for which so many have died.  

The American Voter and a GOP on Steroids

In Barack Obama on June 10, 2012 at 12:52 PM


The webpage is the place to go for political geeks who lean Left.  When I want to refresh my batteries after growing tired of all of the ‘silly’ and nonsensical stuff inherent in US politics Circa 2012, I visit the site. After even a brief visit, I am reminded that the fight is worth the energy, frustration and, at times, busy work. The webpage authors recognize the value of seeking information from sources that use data as a basis for its positions. Those sources also add graphics to messages for visual impact. 

When a graphic message hits the brain many mental processes are eliminated and the message soaks in much more easily and thoroughly. Personally such mental shortcuts are imperative due to a personal penchant for growing impatient and a bad habit of skim reading. (A vestige of the ancient Evelyn Woods reading dynamics technique).

While seeking additional information about how the US Stock markets perform markedly higher (over the long run) during Democratic Administrations vs Republican Administrations, I stumbled upon another noteworthy Liberal Values graphic from the voteview blog. The voteviewblog has analyzed US political polarization.   Voteviewblog   provides copious amounts of data and graphs that generally support understanding our existential political world. There are no surprises. When I read the voteview blog information, I thought about warnings. Warnings of a deteriorating social/political climate that benefits only the nation’s wealthy based on their insulation from economic catastrophe.

On February 4, 2012 the’s Ron Chusid published a piece related to political swings (Left and Right) away from a political point, I will refer to as “NEUTRAL“. Of course. we know there is no such position in US politics; not even among so-called Independent voters.  However, it is interesting to view a graphic that regardless of intent shows how the nation has moved well Right of Center (NEUTRAL).  The graph also shows since 1945 how far each president moved the political spectrum farther Right or  towards the center Left.

{Note: DW- NOMINATE COMMON SPACE 1st dimension, defined. The read gets a little deep for this reader). While a difficult read for me, if one wants perspective on criteria used to build the graph (below), the reader will have to visit the  defined link.}

When I view the graph below I focus on the 0.0  (zero. zero) in the Y-Axis as the point I previously referred to as NEUTRAL”.  The phantom point is a center benchmarker for quick viewing of the distance from Center (NEUTRAL) the parties moved with each presidential term (since 1945).  My simple interpretation is, when the Right is in the White House the nation moves  drastically right (from zero up the positive scale) and the trend is not only very exaggerated to the right, each conservative president moves the nation farther to the social/political Right.

The graph also shows our history of much GOP federal governance, without counterbalancing Democratic governance, has  moved the nation politically Right.

No, your eyes are not lying. George W. Bush was by far the most conservative of all pictured Republican presidents since 1945. He also administered over the worse presidency during the same review period (maybe one of the worse in US History). 

As stated above the graph shows President Obama as the most moderate of all Democratic presidents.

Again, look at the the lined differences from 0.0 (Center NEUTRAL). From “NEUTRAL” the Lines are far mere to the positive than the negative lines for the Democratic Presidents. with links to the voteview blog.

The Republican Party has moved to the far right in recent years–far to the right of Barry Goldwater and even Ronald Reagan–while the Democrats have moved towards the middle. The voteview blog has analyzed recent presidents and the result is exactly what we already knew:
Our findings here echo those discussed in a prior post that Republicans have moved further to the right than Democrats to the left in the contemporary period. Indeed, as seen below, President Obama is the most moderate Democratic president since the end of World War II, while President George W. Bush was the most conservative president in the post-war era. 

Now for something far more basic, but telling to people in the middle class who seek information for informed decisions.

Exhibit I.  Jobs and Political party analysis

While we cannot overlay the DW-Nominate Common Space 1st Dimension graph with the following graph, the trends are easily discernible. Of course, the following chart goes back no farther than JFK; our  understanding current US politics need go back no further. Take a close look at chart bars and then look above at the previous graph. 

Exhibit II.  Stock Market performance and Political party analysis

Exhibit III. Greatest increases to the National Debt by president (post Jimmy Carter). After viewing the graph below look up at the  DW-Nominate Common Space 1st Dimension graph, again!

Exhibit IV.  For those who need to go back to the late 1940 as in the reference graph above.  Unfortunately, this chart excludes Obama as the charted data ends at 2005.  If you note the steep inclines and think back to each chart prior to this one, they story is stark and clear.

All political mantra, Karl Rovian political trickery and malfeasance, GOP rhetoric and Right-wing media’s efforts to paint the Democratic party and the nation’s progressives as ‘spending drunken sailors’, data shows a diametrically opposite story.

The data also reflects on what happens in the nation when the GOP takes us farther and farther into the abyss of growing conservatism in the United States.  If we take George W.  Bush’s ‘pied piper’ journey as depicted above, the end was a disastrous recession that hung on the verge of a Great depression. It is also noteworthy to point out that recessions often accompany GOP Administrations. History does not lie; only historians lie. The GOP record of deep conservatism speaks for itself. Can we afford another foray to the verge of the abyss? 

The graphed and charted data cannot speak to other critical matters of governance and life in the United States. The US Supreme Court is a classic illustration of my point. 

The initial graph above also illustrates how we evolved to the SCOTUS currently sitting atop the American Judiciary.  A Court that gave the nation Citizens United and completes the viscous circle that may have at its core a growing conservative plutocracy.

Intelligent Americans should ask themselves, 

“Why would I want to continue down a path as delineated above?”  

Why are so many ‘uber’ Americans funneling money to the GOP? and, what do I really have in common with people who wish to buy elections?”

“Why am I supportive of an American Plutocracy?”  

If you are a high income earner, the answers are obvious.  Your life will grow richer (excuse the pun) as the GOP moves towards a plutocratic America. 

If you are middle class or poor, you must ask yourself, are these wealthy Romney donors people who I really believe care about my livelihood and that of my family?   Of course, if you have succumbed to the sycophancy inherent in many middle class people who subscribe to the GOP and its model of America, then you have wasted a quite few minutes reading and viewing facts.

Facts are stubborn things“, Ronald Reagan.

Allow one walk-away item…….

With each GOP Administration we see more evidence of a party on steroids.

An Open Letter to Warren Buffett from Groobecat Dot Com

In Uncategorized on June 6, 2012 at 10:29 PM

Online Activism ~ Data-Driven Analysis ~ Lefteous Indignation

As we move away fro a 30.5 million to 3.9 million drudging in Wisconsin, it is impossible to avoid reflection on a few points.

I. The horrors of Citizens United, despite Alito’s ignominious, “…thats not true” mouthing at President Obama’s State of The Union Speech.

II. The Left has major work to do in helping people understand issues associate with the ability to collective address issues that affect employees. A more critical factor  unions comprise a historic Democratic voting bloc. This, pacing organized labor as a major force for GOP dismantling.

III. The clear difference between Right-Wing Billionaires and Left-Wing Billionaires.  It seems the “uber” wealthy on the Right relish thoughts of plutocracy, while on the Left the views is direct opposite.

The latter of my three points (and there are more), is thoroughly addressed in a most creative and crafty manner at  


Dear Mr. Buffett…

…I assume you’ve read the papers. Maybe even watched Rachel Maddow? And now you know the election results in Wisconsin. And, like everyone else, you also know what we all suspected: in the post-Citizens United world, money talks, democracy walks.

So, let’s take a look at the numbers: The Scott Walker campaign raised $30.5 billion–66% of which came from outside groups. Tom Barrett raised on 1/8 of that, or $3.9 million, only 26% of which came from out-of-state donors.

Source: Rachel Maddow show from June 5, 2012

So, as a numbers guy, you know that an 8:1 disadvantage in spending are not good odds for defeating a union-busting, plutocratic candidate like Walker. Advertisements don’t have to be true, they just have to be effective at scaring people, and in this particular election, those advertisements won.

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