The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘did he or didnt he’

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Did Santorum make a Freudian Slip (almost)?

In Santorum on March 30, 2012 at 6:44 PM

Is this the candidate who quipped about President Obama’s use of a Tele Promopter?”
I awakened this morning very typically, reluctantly, but clear necessary.  After a cup of my favorite java (Kenya AA),  my morning routine  got under way with a check my news sources.  After running through my standard linked super heavy weight news links (Huff Post, The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, The, Reuters, and yes,,, I noticed a partially hidden headline from the pages of The Examiner.  The headline led me to an article by Robby Sobel, writer for The Orlando Liberal Examiner, with the following headline:

Did Rick Santorum call President Obama the N-word? 

Sobel included the following quote in his piece.

Rick Santorum: “We know the candidate Barack Obama, what he was like, the anti-war government nigg… America was a source for division around the world, that what we were doing was wrong,

As you can imagine my interest was peaked.   The quest for a video ensued.

CROOKS AND LIARS DOT COM quickly ended my quest via this 18 second video.

Sobel continues with the following.

In response, a Santorum spokesman called the allegations “absolutely ridiculous.”
A video of the speech made by Santorum was uploaded onto and is available for viewing so you can judge for yourself. Whether or not Santorum started to call President Obama the n-word is almost irrelevant, not because of the word he used, but because the result will be the same as it has been in the past. Santorum will go on the defense and deny any wrongdoing and his opponents will go on the attack. In January, Santorum made a comment stating that he didn’t want to make “black people’s lives better by giving them other people’s money.” Oddly, Santorum said he never said: “black” people, but instead claimed he said: “blah” people. The defense was thin, but nondales was able to get away with his odd statement without much backlash.
Sobel correct depicts a potential candidate who uses verbal nuances to send messages. The writer is also correct in his assessment as posted just above. Whether Santorum caught in mid-speak about to use a slur is not relevant because of the convenient prospect of “Of course I did not say that”.  An all to willing to forgive or overlook America will pass by the “3/4 slur” (Nigg..) as surely as we moved along from his January slippage.  “BLAH” people will go down in campaign history as an egregious slip, and a completely ludicrous denial (the next day).  Santorum clearly used the words “… people” to appeal to the Iowa audience; he was successful as applause and cheers ensued.  The denial the next day was comparable to an apology to the dead man after accidentally pushing the man off a building for 50 story fall.  His word sin denial were nothing more than wasted communication for people who received his message. Some got his message as representative of a candidate who will focus on taking away ‘phantom’ programs that might benefit one segment of the population. The remainder of those who heard the remark, heard it as telling slippage of Santorum’s mindset.
Mindset, eh?  Yes, the very mind that has spewed bigotry against minorities, GLBT’s, women (via contraception), and other mindless drivel.  If you know anything about human oral communication, you know before any words exit one’s mouth, the brain goes to work. First, an image of what one wants to say leads to encoding that image prior to deciding on how to deliver the imaged message.  Delivering the oral message is a split second instinct once that lighting fast process is completed. Thus, the first thing that comes to mind, often comes out of one’s mouth, unless there is conscious effort to modify, reformulate, or stop the message. It could be possible that Santorum’s inner self has again come-forth and identified itself.
If we factor-in the long campaign and pundit suggestions about Santorum possibly tiring, thus committing more verbal slips of late, some might see how he could lower his guard.  It is hard to find another word (adjective) the candidate could have been seeking to retrieve from deep in his mind.  If you consider the context of his speaking and the complete  ‘out of the blue’ direction of his next comments (without any sentence structure), I suggest it is fruitless to seek any form of rationalization or discovery of the slippage. 
Sobel ends his piece in the factual realm of how the Right has become adroit at denial, cover-up, and the quick “I did not say that’ line. He takes his thoughts (and his screed) a step further, and rightfully so. He also identifies a time-proven strategy that is becoming more than just a defense mechanism for the Right. They often will respond to ‘hands-in-the-cookie-jar’ busted with claims of reverse racism, or they attempt to find counter augments to feed to their base. I assert they have the perfect media for delivery of such measures: Fox News and increasingly CNN.
The Raw Story Dot Com reports on the response from a Santorum campaign official. 

Oh, come on!” Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley told Raw Story when asked for comment. “Give me a break. That’s unbelievable. What does it say about those that are running with this story that that’s where their mind goes. You know, I’m not going to dignify that with [a response].” 

“That is absolutely ridiculous.”

After the “BLAH” people comment and denial in January, I have a hard time placing this potential slippage on the “that is ridiculous” shelf.   

CROOKS AND LIARS Dot Com, correctly points out that Santorum completed a double misspeak as he labeled the president anti-war.  The very president who ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden within months of taking the Oval Office and the very president who angered his base via escalation of troop in Afghanistan.  Also, why would a candidate stand in front of group of people and rail about “anti-war”. Is it admirable to ‘relish and want of war?

I personally do not believe that Santorum is insane enough to use the “N” word publicly.  My concern is possible mental slippage from a potential presidential candidate who may have slipped due to a non-rested brain. The candidate’s inner-psyche and sub-conscious, may have eased out around his controlling conscious mind.  “BLAH” people is a real example of Santorum slippage and not open for argument; we may have precedent with Santorum and his mental/verbal slippage. 

Only those who know him intimately and very well know if the ‘nigg..” (3/4 potential slur) is part of Santorum’s lexicon.

NOTE: Not one author, article, (posted above) nor have I definitively stated Santorum used the “N” word.  
“Just Sayin”