The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘GOP candidates’

ObamaCare, ACA, HealthCare Reform: Spreading Despite Koch Efforts To Deny Care To People

In GOP candidates, Kochs, Obamacare, Talking Points Memo, TPM on March 13, 2014 at 10:32 PM

Two nights ago a Florida special election ended with victory and speech from a Republican, Jolly, claiming a seat vacated by a long-term Republican. 

You might know issues related to ObamaCare or no ObamaCare were peripheral to the election results. The Right claims the victory was a referendum against ObamaCare; the Left says “No such thing.” 

Meanwhile, the ACA moves forward. 

While the Tea Party infested House prepares for yet another frivolous “repeal ObamaCare” vote, the health insurance law continues to help people. You may not be aware, each Boehner/Cantor vote cost the tax payers $1.6 million dollars. Doing the math incontrovertibly illustrates GOP obstruction, GOP legislative charades and GOP pandering to the Koch brothers is quite high: $81.6 million. Of course, the Koch are reported to have spent half a billion dollars on anti-ACA campaigns. Imagine the prospect of over one half a billion dollars available for feeding the poor or providing critical medical or dental procedures for the less fortunate. 

Meanwhile, the ACA moves forward. 

While the Kochs and their legislative facilitators are busy working against the ACA, the life sustaining law spreads. 

It moves forward!

Re-Blog from Talking Points Memo

(“Used with permission from the TPM websites, a service of TPM Media LLC.”)

Map: The New Obamacare Reality Facing GOP Candidates


*Note: Washington is funneling a huge number of Medicaid renewals (more than 351,000 as of March 6) through its exchange. Our methodology, explained here and based on consultations with experts, did not account for that because most states are not.

As TPM has reported, …….

Public Policy Poll Shows Gingrich Picks up As Others Fizzle

In Newt Gingrich, Paul, Romney, Santorum on November 15, 2011 at 10:38 AM

Public Policy Polling (PPP) released a  poll with results that will shake the foundation of the GOP run for the presidential nomination.

I thought you might like top see the results.

According to PPP….

Newt Gingrich has taken the lead in PPP’s national polling.  He’s at 28% to 25% for Herman Cain and 18% for Mitt Romney.  The rest of the Republican field is increasingly looking like a bunch of also rans: Rick Perry is at 6%, Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul at 5%, Jon Huntsman at 3%, and Gary Johnson and Rick Santorum each at 1%.

Compared to a month ago Gingrich is up 13 points, while Cain has dropped by 5 points and Romney has gone down by 4.  Although a fair amount of skepticism remains about the recent allegations against Cain there is no doubt they are taking a toll on his image- his net favorability is down 25 points over the last month from +51 (66/15) to only +26 (57/31). What is perhaps a little more surprising is that Romney’s favorability is at a 6 month low in our polling too with only 48% of voters seeing him favorably to 39% with a negative opinion.

A few words about PPP.

Public Policy Polling (PPP) is an American Democratic Party-affiliated polling firm based in RaleighNorth Carolina.[1][2][3] PPP was founded in 2001 by businessman and Democratic pollster Dean Debnam, the firm’s current president and chief executive officer.[1][4] The company’s surveys use Interactive Voice Response (IVR), an automated questionnaire used by other polling firms such as SurveyUSA andRasmussen Reports.[5]
PPP’s polls have been described as very accurate in the 2008 U.S. presidential election by The Wall Street Journal[5] and Mark Blumenthal, senior polling editor of the Huffington Post and the founding editor of,[6] among others. Although being affiliated with the Democratic Party, PPP has not exhibited a Democratic bias in its polling results; according to Nate Silver of, PPP actually had a small pro-Republican bias in its 2010 polling results.
Comment: After considering the poll data, it should become obvious that the GOP candidates for the 2012 run against President Obama are disappointing even to Party loyalist.    The data reveals that Romney, despite years of campaigning, is not selling to the base, and it reflects his penchant for ‘flip-flopping’ is even more serious than evangelical  aversions to his Mormon Faith.  The survey results may also confirm Herman Cain’s  serious slippage in the polls as a result of allegations of past problems with  inappropriate  sexually oriented acts.   While Cain continues to draw laughter and loud applause from conservatives who attend the debates, his commitment to “humor in the White House’ may have capped his prospects as a provider of ‘entertainment’.