The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘GOP Malfeasance’


In Benghazi, Darrel Issa, Fox News, GOP Malfeasance on March 2, 2014 at 4:34 PM

The Protype GOP Fraud!

Darrel Issa is a fraud and sits in the House Oversight chair position because we did not take care of business in 2010.  Let’s hope we do not do same this year and turn the US Senate over to these functionaries of plutocrat money brokers.

Issa called out by the safe confines of Fox News.

Some media have reported $14 million flushed down the waste can of GOP Malfeasance.

The Raw Story

Fox News host calls out Darrell Issa for ‘highest level of falsehood’ on Benghazi (via Raw Story )

Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday confronted Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) after he was rated as having the “highest level of falsehood” for his obsession with the terrorist attacks in Benghazi. Last month, The Washington Post investigated Issa’…

The Daiy GOP Ignominiuos: GOP Doctored Emails Used Against The White House

In GOP on May 17, 2013 at 3:16 PM


Think Progress’ has reported on GOP doctored email regarding the 100 plus emails surrounding CIA and State Department efforts to protect intelligence critical to combating our enemies shows the extent to which the GOP really is the party of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. 

CBS provided verbiage for those who would rather read about GOP malfeasance than view it.  And, you may recall GOP members of congress are running around to any visible video camera with calls for Nuland’s termination.   One can only hope GOP members of Congress are not accosting tourist with canned “jargon, slogans and talk-points, only to find out the person behind the camera is form China. Better yet, the GOP should be mindful that prior to naked porn scenes some porn producers use street camera shots as lead-in shots to the “OTHER” stuff that goers on once the doors are closed  The GOP should be ashamed of itself in its entirety. How about seeing your favorite member of Congress or your specific representative yelping about Benghazi emails (cover-ups) just before the traipsing ‘Holly Fanny Butt’ and Gerard “The Stick” slide past for their indoor shots.  

Think Progress

A leaked email adds new language to State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland’s email, including a specific reference to al-Qaeda:

The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda’s presence and activities of al-Qaeda.

The actual email read:

The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings.

A leaked email written by deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes suggests that he asked for the final draft to remove references to warnings about specific attacks, a demand made by the State Department:

We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don’t want to undermine the FBI investigation.”

But the actual email did not mention the State Department:

We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation.


Susan G. Komen: Political Malfeasance Confirmed!

In Uncategorized on February 5, 2012 at 4:43 PM

Karen Handel as candidate and The Horror!
Has political malfeasance at Susan G. Komen been confirmed?

The Susan G. Komen saga continues. Since, I first heard of the Planned Parenthood funding cut-off, something about the Komen’s decision seemed to “not-compute”.  Once, I read the organization hired a former candidate for Governor of Georgia who had run on an anti-planned parenthood platform (among other items), the light started to brighten.  A day later the secret behind the scenes work of one Ari Fleischer lit my cognitive matter like a full-blown solar flare.  The epiphany was completed.  The soiled fingers of conservative malfeasance and subterfuge had been placed in Susan G. Komen like a cancer.  Well, the cancer spread to policy.

Komen’s cancer was not by circumstance.  I posit, it was placed in the organization like an ‘android’ robot with orders to attack Planned Parenthood. Needless to say, Nancy Brinker, founder and CEO of Susan GKomen for the Cure, placed the cancer in her organization via the hire of Ari Flesicher;  she did so based on her conservative agenda.

Many progressive websites have run articles about Fleischer’s involvement in Handel’s hiring 2011. The very process which resulted in Handel’s hire.  I prefer the ThinkProgress article as it serves as the basis for a few Fleischer related pieces.  My earlier article related to Fleischer is also based on the ThinkProgress revelation.  “Where credit is due,” The Progressive Influence published an article about a ‘flaw’ in the Komen hiring process a few days before Fleischer’s involvement came forth.  If one remains open-minded about Right-wing dogma, it is not hard to see past the ‘smokescreen’ subterfuge which often accompanies republicanism.

The saga continues…..

 I offer a little something for those who may have felt millions were unfairly targeting Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Huffignton Huffington Post-POLITICS has published an article with information which further points the finger at Karen Handel.  Handel may be the impetus behind the “Kill Planned Parenthood” contributions, but Nancy Brinker is certainly the catalyst. Ari Fleischer would in no way embark on the “Kill Planned Parenthood” campaign as some sort of rogue. He fit the model of someone in the organization. I cannot get passed Mrs Brinker. Thus, Brinker seems to have committed a form of organization suicide and it was all about conservative agenda.

Has political malfeasance at Susan G. Komen been confirmed?  I suggest it has been confirmed!