The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Kate Bolduan’

Paul Ryan Goes Cheapshot While Accusing Obama Of Proposing A Campaign Budget

In CNN, Paul Ryan, President Barack Obama on March 5, 2014 at 2:43 PM

 Image via Raw Story 

We are seeing, reading and hearing more and more pushes for approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline. 

I read the Democratic Governor of Missouri has commented (this week) he supports approval and for the following reasons.

Energy independence for the future and to help the US economy!


The Democratic governor endorsed the Keystone XL pipeline in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday. 

“The approval and construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline will strengthen our economy, create jobs and promote North American energy independence,” Nixon wrote.


Nixon previously hadn’t directly weighed in on the Keystone project, but did previously support the expansion of another oil pipeline in Missouri. Last year, He praised a Canadian company’s announcement to build a new 600-mile pipeline from Illinois to Oklahoma along an existing pipeline route running diagonally from northeast to west-central Missouri. 
Missouri’s two U.S. senators — Democrat Claire McCaskill and Republican Roy Blunt — have also endorsed construction of the Keystone pipeline.

The Missouri Governor astounds! &nbsp

We realize the Koch brothers stand to gain billions for completion of the XL Pipeline. The potential is staggering. Since the potential gain is contested and disputed to date, we will only refer you to Google, if you are curious. In any case the Libertarian industrialist (who wish to head a US oligarchy) stand to gain billions.

Therefore, when we hear comment from pundits and politicians regarding approval of the XL Pipeline Northern Leg, we question their reasoning and motive. The Pipeline is reported to provide only 35 full-time jobs once it is completed and it will not provide additional energy independence beyond independence already accomplished during Obama’s terms in office.

Punditry and political support for the Project are no surprise. Yet, conservative politicians never cease to amaze. In fact, what you are about to see, read and hear exceeds the nuttiness of the Missouri Democratic governor’ s belated support for the project. We suggest Ryan pulled a shameful cheap shot entry of the Keystone XL Pipeline into a CNN segment earlier today. It should be noted, these people will spare no opportunity to place subliminal messages into the minds of Americans. Americans in aggregate will not gain from construction of the Northern Leg as we seriously suspect these on-camera (elected officials) spokespeople will gain.
There are times when, it seems they are paid, by the utterance. Paul Ryan’s insertion this morning was without question ridiculous. Actually, his insertion of  the the pipeline speaks to Ryan’s credibility and veracity as an elected official. He spoke about the Obama 2015 Budget as a campaign budget, and what does he do with minutes of starting his question induced diatribe.

Paul Ryan is as phony and disingenuous as a tamed Scorpion.  Ever heard of the “Scorpion and the Frog.”  It is his nature!

The Raw Story

Paul Ryan stuns CNN host: Keystone pipeline will solve Russia’s Ukraine invasion (via Raw Story )

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) shocked CNN host Kate Bolduan on Wednesday when he asserted that Congress and President Barack Obama could solve the crisis in Ukraine by approving the Keystone XL pipeline. The Wisconsin Republican began his interview saying that…

CNN Provides A "Cotton Candy" Softball Interview For Ann Romney!

In Ann Romney, CNN, Economy, Jobs on November 18, 2013 at 5:13 PM

Ann Romney penned “The Romney Family Table: Sharing Home-Cooked Recipes & Favorite Traditions” at the prompting of her son Josh.  
                               What a partnership!

We realize it has become both fashionable and a “revenue cash cow” to book guest for cable and network news shows who are republican, libertarian or a combination of the two poli/social schools of thought, paradigm and practice. The quest for revenues, and probably network management ideology, are delivering the United States back to the waiting arms of Right-wing political and governing malfeasance. 

People tend to forget life beyond the last quarter of the calendar year, and they have absolutely no recall of life under GOP administrations. Every major new network, other than MSNBC, has committed egregious acts of journalistic malpractice regarding America under the Obama Administration. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and of course, Fox News have run broadcast segments that in most cases have led to an apology or retraction. Since the late Spring of 2013, the number of false reports have skyrocketed with every passing week . Fox News has never addressed its flawed broadcast coverage, as would be expected from a Ruppert Murdoch owned, and Roger Ailes run, media outlet. The Fox News model is a honeycomb to attract a specific viewers who can best be summed up as people who suffer from ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome).  

The Fox News model seems to include avoiding progressive or liberal pundits unless the network needs a person (subject) to facilitate host screaming and yelling. From Meghan Kelly though Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, liberals guest are there for the express purpose of providing angst filled “red meat” to Fox New viewers.

Hannity often shows a lack of professionalism, a lack of intellect and a penchant for “red meat” yelling at his guest.  He is also the Fox News champion of misinformation and intentionally altered news segments. Linked. Full clip also available via YouTube).

O’Reilly takes second to none when it comes to on-air eruptions. During a seeming with liberal Alan Colmes, O’Reilly exhibited well over-the-top emotion as he literally (with saturated “pink-face”) called his guest a liar. How many times has O’Reailly followed a segment with a ‘clean-up’ with the comment , “I was wrong?”

It seems the network most often “busted” for lying in stories, has a “you are a liar” model their viewers obviously relish.

Fox News operates on a planet in a solar system where tin-foil hats are vital for sustaining life.  CNN on the other hand, pursues a delivery model that will never surpass that of Fox, but it is obvious CNN seeks to steal a few “tin-foilers” from Fox. Maybe Zucker seeks less radical tin-foliers: people who can remove the hat for ten minutes throughout the day.

If you on occasion watch CNN, you expose yourself to a much more subtle forms of ODS. Yet, you are certainly exposing yourself to misinformation, misleading information and outright Right-wing pandering in some cases. After Jeff Zucker, new president of CNN, took over the network, it was obvious he intended to take the network decidedly Right. We assumed his model-shift was based in revenue acquisition. There are times when he seems to have placed a stamp on the network which may reveal his personal politics and possibly his social ideology.

The perfect example of subtle ODS was broadcast this morning via Kate Bolduan’s News Day interview with Ann Romney. As a lead-in and teaser for an Ann Romney segment, CNN writers used words like, Ann Romney’s new book. The segment was not actually about the book. The book was used as a preamble to questions about Ann Romney’s thoughts on her husband not serving in the White House.

Ann Romney: 'We had our turn'
Ann Romney talks about her new book, “The Romney Family 
Table” and her family’s potential future in politics.…. (At the 1:52 minute mark the interview turned from the Romney book.  You will also motive the segments is replete with wonderful images of the Romney family) 

After the 1:52 minute mark the politics flowed and flowed in typical Romney and GOP fashion.  Mrs. Romney was allowed ,without questioning, to spew ‘hindsight-hype” that could never find a factual basis.  

“We were told we could keep our coverage” 

“Things that I would like to have seen addressed…like the economy” 

“……there are a lot of people still out of work…”

Let’s take a few minutes and address a few points.

“Things that I would like to have seen addressed…like the economy” 

The GOP is locked into trickle-down/supply side economics and will never move away from the failed economic principle. A view from James D. Gwartney, The Library of Economics and Liberty. While, accurate from a economist perspective, I find the definition strikingly Libertarian and typically conservative. In any case, the theory has proven to only support severe and irrational income disparity and a Great (Bush) Recession.

Romney as the supreme capitalist and ‘vulture investor” obliviously subscribes to trickle-down economic policy.  Mitt Romney was against any effort to preserve corporate life for companies key to the US economy (e.g., the auto industry).  He also was not in favor of any for of economic stimulus. The Obama stimulus without question stopped the nation’s slide into a great depression. Yet, Mrs. Romney continues to “red herring” with “the economy” when the economy could have ended in ruin due to recycling tired GOP economic policy. If the stimulus led to an immediate turnaround for the economy, why should we not look back and think differently than Mrs. Romney. Also, the economy would be much farther along with a bit of cooperation from Mrs. Romney’s party.

President Obama signed the Stimulus on February 18, 2009 (within one month of his inauguration)

MSNBC Steve Benen
Case closed: the stimulus worked

Here’s a chart showing private-sector job growth before and after the stimulus. Note, once the stimulus kicked in, job growth immediately improved.

Case closed: the stimulus worked

And here’s a chart showing the Dow Jones Industrial Average before and after the stimulus. See that low point in March 2009? That’s just before the stimulus kicked in.

Case closed: the stimulus worked

Mrs. Romney can sit on CNN in the ultimate “softball” interview, but she cannot lie in the face of facts.  Her party would have done nothing resembling a Stimulus. 

“We were told we could keep our coverage.”   

Yes, President Obama seriously misspoke. We personally feel he did not know the full scope of reform and followed the advice of his HHS staff. Ann Romney would deny the benefits of the ACA for millions due to the misstatement from the president. She is practicing a GOP “gotcha and I told you so,” and she does so on a thread. The misspeak from Obama may not provide the impetus to repeal the ACA.  

“……there are a lot of people still out of work…”

From 400,000 to 750,000 job losses per month in 2008 and early 2009, to 43 straight months of job growth. The argument about low paying jobs is not as relevant as the fact jobs growth has continued despite overwhelming obstruction from the GOP. Mrs. Romney also was not asked about her husband’s lack of interest in assisting the American auto industry with loans during a thought time. A tough time brought-on by GOP economic policy!  Any interviewer worth his or her pay check should have asked Mrs. Romney how our economy could have been impacted by her husbands washing his hands on the auto industry loans.
If the interviewer would not go there how about this question. “Do you think the GOP is, in part, responsible for a slow growth economy?” 

Of course, we know some news show guests set parameters on questions from show hosts.  We do not know that Ann Romney’s appearance was set to simply provide an opportunity to sell a book and speak to CNN viewers about how it could have been. We do know that if intent was to provide a political platform, CNN producers are a far cry from fair when they refuse to ask for clarification on points from Mrs. Romney. How easy is it to leave an impression, CNN, without any fair and balanced reporting? 

Hell, even Oprah would have asked about the lag in jobs growth.