The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Keystone Pipeline’

Paul Ryan Goes Cheapshot While Accusing Obama Of Proposing A Campaign Budget

In CNN, Paul Ryan, President Barack Obama on March 5, 2014 at 2:43 PM

 Image via Raw Story 

We are seeing, reading and hearing more and more pushes for approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline. 

I read the Democratic Governor of Missouri has commented (this week) he supports approval and for the following reasons.

Energy independence for the future and to help the US economy!


The Democratic governor endorsed the Keystone XL pipeline in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday. 

“The approval and construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline will strengthen our economy, create jobs and promote North American energy independence,” Nixon wrote.


Nixon previously hadn’t directly weighed in on the Keystone project, but did previously support the expansion of another oil pipeline in Missouri. Last year, He praised a Canadian company’s announcement to build a new 600-mile pipeline from Illinois to Oklahoma along an existing pipeline route running diagonally from northeast to west-central Missouri. 
Missouri’s two U.S. senators — Democrat Claire McCaskill and Republican Roy Blunt — have also endorsed construction of the Keystone pipeline.

The Missouri Governor astounds! &nbsp

We realize the Koch brothers stand to gain billions for completion of the XL Pipeline. The potential is staggering. Since the potential gain is contested and disputed to date, we will only refer you to Google, if you are curious. In any case the Libertarian industrialist (who wish to head a US oligarchy) stand to gain billions.

Therefore, when we hear comment from pundits and politicians regarding approval of the XL Pipeline Northern Leg, we question their reasoning and motive. The Pipeline is reported to provide only 35 full-time jobs once it is completed and it will not provide additional energy independence beyond independence already accomplished during Obama’s terms in office.

Punditry and political support for the Project are no surprise. Yet, conservative politicians never cease to amaze. In fact, what you are about to see, read and hear exceeds the nuttiness of the Missouri Democratic governor’ s belated support for the project. We suggest Ryan pulled a shameful cheap shot entry of the Keystone XL Pipeline into a CNN segment earlier today. It should be noted, these people will spare no opportunity to place subliminal messages into the minds of Americans. Americans in aggregate will not gain from construction of the Northern Leg as we seriously suspect these on-camera (elected officials) spokespeople will gain.
There are times when, it seems they are paid, by the utterance. Paul Ryan’s insertion this morning was without question ridiculous. Actually, his insertion of  the the pipeline speaks to Ryan’s credibility and veracity as an elected official. He spoke about the Obama 2015 Budget as a campaign budget, and what does he do with minutes of starting his question induced diatribe.

Paul Ryan is as phony and disingenuous as a tamed Scorpion.  Ever heard of the “Scorpion and the Frog.”  It is his nature!

The Raw Story

Paul Ryan stuns CNN host: Keystone pipeline will solve Russia’s Ukraine invasion (via Raw Story )

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) shocked CNN host Kate Bolduan on Wednesday when he asserted that Congress and President Barack Obama could solve the crisis in Ukraine by approving the Keystone XL pipeline. The Wisconsin Republican began his interview saying that…

Keystone Pipeline, 25,000 jobs? Try 50 Permamant Jobs

In John Liming on February 3, 2014 at 8:40 PM

The Liberal Times.…..Re-Blog

Keystone pipeline expected to create 25,000 temporary jobs!

2/3/2014 – – –

  Needless to say that most of those jobs will no doubt be temporary . . . (will last only until the pipeline work is completed)

Next question:  ”Once the work on the pipeline is completed how many jobs will it be supporting then?  I think there is some information somewhere in the State Department that makes the claim the pipeline project will ultimately end up supporting on somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 permanent jobs total. – – –CLICK HERE
So you think that when the Keystone Pipeline is finished and up and running you are going to see dramatic reductions in prices of gas at the pumps?  I would caution, “Think again, my friend” because I think most of whatever oil finally gets refined from that tarry sludge going through that pipeline will end up getting sold overseas somewhere because the way I understand it the “product” does not meet standards for use inside the United States. (I know I read that somewhere but I can’t remember where just now.). – – – CLICK HERE. 
Now if I were an honest . . . hard-working . . . rancher or farm owner who has spent generations working on a spread that was built up by myself and my ancestors with our own two hands and not a bit of help from the “Gubmint” or anyone else . . . with the possible sole exception of a farm subsidy here and there along the way . . . and some “Gubmint” big wig got in my face and informed me that my spread had been chosen to host a couple of miles of this pipeline and that it was going to happen whether I like it or not . . . because if I objected the big wigs will pull “Eminent Domain” on me and take the land anyhow . . . I think I might be a little less than enthusiastically receptive of the encroachment.  How about you?  What would you think if you were put into a situation like that? – – – ( CLICK HERE ).
Then of course there is always the big question about what happens if any pipeline ever develops a leak and floods the surrounding watershed with all that toxic sludge? – – – ( CLICK HERE ). Of course we all know that nothing like that is ever going to happen, don’t we?
There is a great article on the website “In Saner Thought” that I feel addresses the question of this Keystone Pipeline in a clear, concise and highly readable . . . and sensible . . . manner and here is a link to that article on “In Saner Thought.”

Keystone Pipeline: A Catastrophe! Will Obama Give The Kochs an "XL" Northern Leg?

In Dick Cheney, George w. Bush, GOP, President Obama on November 30, 2013 at 5:26 PM

The United States is pipe-lined to the level of 2.5 million structures. From Natural Gas, through Oil, to all commodities, the nation has more pipelines than highway and Interstate systems.

Havre Daily Corrector illustrates an America pipe-lined even more busy than Google US Maps.

The first map is of natural gas pipelines in the U.S.  The second map is of pipeline systems for all commodities in the U.S. and Canada and The last map is existing major oil pipelines in the U.S.  Be sure and take a look at all the entire story posted on the U.S. Global website

Pipelines spill! 

The number of spills over the past two decades paint a dire picture of oil spills (alone).  If you are fortunate enough to have lived life during days of old, you will recall a poignant motto.

The motto has deep significance even today.

Pipelines are man-made structures. All man-made structures are fallible and lend to deterioration. Thus…….

“Have Pipeline, Will Spill.”
Pipelines spill! 

If you look to the lower right of the following infogrpahic the reasons for spills drives home a critical point. The point: reasons for spills. It is impossible to avoid spills! According to the infographic, eighty-seven per cent  of all spills between 2002 and 2011 were the result of inescapable or unavoidable factors.  Equipment failure and human error are unavoidable. Corrosion is inescapable.

The New York Times: Two Decades of Oil Spills! 

The most recent report of a pipeline mishap occurred within the past 72 hours in rural Missouri. Apparently, a natural gas pipeline, for some inexplicable reason, exploded.


Additional Missouri explosion sources: Fox 4 KC; KCTV 5

If you scroll up to the first pipeline map on the page, you will see a stark reality. The Keystone XL Pipeline, has a pipeline fissure that crosses the state of Missouri. The Eastern boarder of the state is carved-out by the nation’s major inland waterway: The Mississippi River. How long will it take for the pipeline to via mishap pollute the Mississippi River?

According to some reports the Koch brothers will gain $100 billion form the completed XL Pipeline. While Forbes and Breitbart (I find that outlet intriguing) claim the 100 billion is not an accurate figure.  Forbes makes the distinction revenue is a different animal from profit. The Forbes writer settles-in on an approximate $7 billion from the completed project. I seriously  doubt the Forbes figures and I damned well believe nothing I read related to Breitbart Dot Com.  We place far more credence in a report from Envirosagainstwar Dot Org, here

There is yet another far less than credible voice for the XL Pipeline. 

Advice from this man isn’t worth the wasted breathe it to to exude it.  George W. Bush’s comments via Aibafs Dot Com

“Build the damn thing.” 
Mr. Bush’s advice came as he was keynote speaker at the annual Developing Unconventionals, or DUG, energy conference. 
“I think the goal of the country ought to be ‘how do we grow the private sector?’ That ought to be the laser-focus of any administration. And therefore, once that’s the goal, an issue like Keystone pipeline becomes a no-brainer,” Mr. Bush said, according to “Keystone-XL-Pipeline-Will-Create-Jobs-Build-the-Damn-Thing” a recording obtained by Breitbart. 
“So what should a concerned administration do? If private sector growth is the goal and Keystone pipeline creates 20,000 new private sector jobs,” he said. 
“Build the damned thing.” 
A much more credible screed on the Keystone Project. 

We wonder how may people in the United States actually give one-eight of a damn what George W. Bush and Dick Cheney think. In fact, there presences in media is an indictment of the media. If the former flailed leaders were in any way relevant, the GOP would have each work towards their mid-term and general elections campaigns.

Yet each man is plastered across news broadcast as reliably as commercials.

Keystone XL is a catastrophe in the making. We applaud President Obama ongoing resistance to approving the Northern Leg of the project.