The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘LGBT’

George Will Speaks To Bigotry Against The LGBT From His New Fox News Platform

In George Will, LGBT on March 2, 2014 at 12:05 PM

Image via Media Matters

If you need any additional reasons for George Will taking his bigotry and racism to Fox News, the Raw Story has captured it all.

Will exemplifies life in America that some call “white privilege.” He cannot accept LGBT people as human beings, just as Western Hemisphere capitalist gave no quarter to consideration of Africans as human beings (as human chattel became an industry). He reminds of the anti-human rights initiatives from Andrew Johnson immediately upon the death of Abe Lincoln. Existentially, Will comes across as southern (Democratic) segregationist. The “Democratic segregationist” in there to ward-off the silly and shallow argument about how the Republicans saved the day for US Slaves and the Democrats fought for segregation.

The GOP is not the party of Abe Lincoln and the Democrats are damned well not the party of 1950/60s southern governors and legislators.

George Will should accept criticism as that of a major US bigot “Par Excellence” and Will, on the other and, should be commended for fulfilling his newly anointed role on the network for the racist and bigoted Right. 

The Raw Story…..

George Will: It’s ‘not neighborly’ for LGBT people to ask for equal rights (via Raw Story )

Fox News contributor George Will on Sunday said that LGBT people deserved equal treatment from businesses, but they were “not neighborly” and “not nice” for fighting for those rights. During a panel discussion on Fox News Sunday, host Chris…

President Obama Welcomed By Racist In Arizona. Some Call For "Dialog on Race"; We Do Not Agree

In African-Americans, Al Sharpton, CPAC, LGBT, Republican Party, Tea Party on August 9, 2013 at 1:00 PM

President Obama met with yells of “Bye-Bye Blackbird”, “Black Muslim”  and various other racial epithets. As the President visited the Phoenix Metro area for a three hour visit, he traveled through small bands of racist.  

MSNBC has reported on the disgusting exhibitions which are becoming increasingly more prevalent. Of course, Fox News avoided the spectacle and we do not recall seeing much on CNN about the racist “welcoming” Arizona citizens. 

Al Sharpton, MSNBC, spoke of the need for dialog on race. We do not agree! Dialog will not reverse what we are seeing in the United States. 

The Arizona welcome.
MSNBC, Politics Nation segment (with video): “5 Reasons we still need a dialog on race.”   Until “true” Americans come-down on exhibitions depicted in this piece, we move closer to oligarchy and plutocracy with these very underlying racist as pawns for the uber wealthy.   Power brokers on the Right love hatred of President Obama and relish in exhibitions of overt racism. Linked:

The pessimistic side of me oozes to the forefront as I watch video segments like those embedded above.   Dialog will prove to be a compete waste.

Dialog will not work for a number of reasons.

First, we are past the point of dialog when the nation’s first non-white male president is subject to over-the-top racism.  when the 44th President of the United States is literally forced to physically show his birth certificate to placate the dogma of those on the right who are racist.  Specifically, to show the birth certificate in the presence of Donald Trump speaks to Trumps celebrity and his level of racism.  We must remember, Trump has followed the very aged Charlie Rangel’s inappropriate public use of the word “crackers”, with his personal desire to use the word “nigger.”  

Second, the GOP and conservative (Libertarian) money-brokers fuel race based civil unrest. Race based unrest tends to feed the psyches of people who consider themselves neutral on issues of race. They consider themselves neutral while segregating themselves for people of color with every opportunity. We understand comfort in association among “like people.”  US segregation is of yet another color (excuse the pun). Any form of segregation fuels fertile ground for slick operatives who use race as a divisive tool. The GOP has very competent “witch-doctors” of race baiting

Third, American politics is divided geographical as a successful result of GOP political policy is the early 1970s.

The GOP will never work to expand its reach into communities with people of color, LGBT people, nor communities with progressive minded women. 


Grassley in his own words (ThinkProgess)

One provision that non-Native Americans can be tried in tribal court. And why is that a big thing? Because of the constitutionality of it, for two reasons. One, you know how the law is, that if you have a jury, the jury is supposed to be a reflection of society. […] So you get non-Indians, let me say to make it easy, you get non-Indians going into a reservation and violating a woman. They need to be prosecuted. They aren’t prosecuted. So the idea behind [VAWA] is we’ll try them in tribal court. But under the laws of our land, you got to have a jury that is a reflection of society as a whole, and on an Indian reservation, it’s going to be made up of Indians, right? So the non-Indian doesn’t get a fair trial.

And, there are Judas goats who earn via speaking about issues only fools would attend. How about a CPAC breakout session sponsored by the Tea Party. Session topic: “What to do when some calls you a racist and you know you are not.” (paraphrased title)? Well, of course, no better facilitator than a black man, right? In addition to a fallacious and “castle mooting ” session, such exhibitions draw the nation’s slime. White Student Union (Townson University) attendees strategically planted themselves in the audience.

Wouldn’t you know the false premise breakout session would garner the attention of the very people who probably are most called racist. They are, factually racist! 

But, let’s not stop there. The very proud racist, Scott Terry, also showed his mantel with a woman who sat directly behind him. 

Mr. Conservative Dot Com spoke with Terry after the panel, who came with a friend wearing a Confederate flag t-shirt and continued promoting his rhetoric. Asked if he would be OK with a society where Blacks are submissive to whites, he reportedly said, “I’d be fine with that.”
And according to the interview, Terry allegedly said that African-Americans “should be allowed to vote in Africa.” 
When a woman began challenging his knowledge of the Republican Party, Terry responded with a straight out of the 1950s answer: “I didn’t know the legacy of the Republican Party included women correcting men in public.”
We admire the thought of “dialog on race.”  We believe that more proactive efforts to stifle growing exhibitions of racial hatred must come from people who share ethnicity with the perpetrators. 

“White people must police white people.”  

Lest we forget, racism keeps bad company. Misogyny follows very closely.

Obama’s Ratings And Disappointment On The Right!

In Uncategorized on May 20, 2013 at 8:28 PM

Image: Obama

Jason Reed  /  REUTERS

President Barack Obama gestures as he talks about cutting the U.S. deficit by raising taxes, from the Rose Garden of the White House on Sept. 19, 2011.

Why are President Obama’s ratings not taking huge hits a midst the various issues related to the Administration (e.g., Benghazi, AP, IRS)?   
The short answer: the American voter is much more discerning, intellectually conscious and non-trusting of the poli/social Right. The long answer: Americans are a far cry from a subservient group of Solyent Green-like meandering zombies.  They see through GOP obstruction while trusting the 44th President of the United States of America.

Let’s take a journey through factors that probably contribute to the president’s current 53% approval rating. We will start the journey with an video edit from a recent Morning Joe, MSNBC, segment.

We have cutout a significant amount of Morning Joe chatter from the (May, 20th) programming. The segment embedded below will serve as an introduction for what is to come. We are reviewing President Obama’s ratings despite the “week of  hell’ (as the press and the Right-wing call it).

How can it be?   How can the nation actually have approval ratings for Barack Obama that have gone up (since April) considering all of the muckity-muck of late?  Well, I posit the majority of Americans are far more politically adroit than the nation’s conservatives and much more politically aware than credit given by the GOP.

Let’s look at few things and move forward from that point.

President Obama has done a marvelous job of improving the US economy.  Before you even go there, let me say, there is still much room for improvement as the recovery has been slow.  The following information includes visual representations of data: charts.  We restrict the displays to those that directly relate to why (we feel) Obama’s ratings have not dipped despite concerted efforts from the GOP to strategically lay waste to Obama and Hillary Clinton.   Charts that compare Bush Vs. Obama have been minimized as much as possible. There is no valid comparison between Obama and Bush. Such comparisons are nothing more than a false reality and an exercise in the ridiculous.  Of course, there is a degree of likeness between the two leaders,  but I suspect much of that has to do with national security. Let’s be honest, you and I know very little about the inner workings and nuances of the security briefings Obama gets on a daily basis.  

Imagine  the amount of security details in the daily briefings. More significant  the briefings are conducted as a matter of state and far too confidential for dissemination of information to the public and our allies. People really do realize the president makes decision based on such data (details), and in Obama’s case we appear to trust. 

The president and his Cabinet
Let’s face it, Barack Obama was the perfect candidate after the Bush years.  As we moved away from the deceitful ‘gulag’ of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and Rice, Obama’s moderately left of center may have bode better for progressives than any far left candidate, and eventual president  who might have won over McCain/Palin. I posit, the candidate would have met even stiffer resistance from the GOP, received even deeper reticence from conservatives,  and may have blundered in cabinet selections that influenced the economy. Obama’s Cabinet nomination’s have pulled the economy back from the (great depression abyss. Those who did not work-out in the Administration are no longer part of the team.  The economy has improved and the Justice Department has been fair and effective in the its mission despite current kerfuffles regarding Associated Press phones.

A few words about ethnicity and race before I move on. 

American has learned as has the rest of the world, we are not far past the days of Jim Crow regarding an African-Family in the White House. Since, before he took office, the Right has plotted against Obama and not all of that plotting was related to simple liberalism vs. conservatism, nor Democrat Vs. Republican. Hatred over the president has manifest since the very evening of the 2008 elections with brutality in an eastern state towards a minority perpetrated by a white man who was upset about Obama’s win. We have seen the tea party osmosis into social and political wings with some wings placing signs on there door that reads “racist live here”. And, those people sit around on a daily basis hating every minute of the Obama Administration and some exercise their against (and racism ) via comment and email. While not as vocal there are many more who fall into this paradigm, eloquently stated by Chris Matthews (who has never spoken so frankly on his own show).


“Well, I think they’re more political than either you or I,” Chris Matthews said about conservatives. “I think they hate Obama. They want him out of the White House more than they want to destroy al-Qaeda. Their number one enemy in the world right now, on the right, is their hatred, hatred for Obama. And we can go into that about the white working class in the south about looking at these numbers we’ve been getting the last couple days, about racial hatred, in many cases. This isn’t about being a better president, they want to get rid of this president. That’s their number one goal and they’re willing to let Romney go to the hard center, even to the left on some issues, as long as they get rid of this guy.”

Six months after the November 2012 elections, Matthews speaks even more frankly. I will add uncharacteristically. I say uncharacteristically because no one else dare speak so frankly. You must know that Al Sharpton has similar sentiment. Also, very few hosts guests and pundits on either network would dare ‘go there’.  

Matthews: “Right-Wing” Opposition To Obama Due To “Sense The White Race Must Rule”

CHRIS MATTHEWS: I tell you, Reverend, one piece of this thing that we always have to keep in mind as we deal with effective government, those of us who believe in effective, positive government have to be the ones who make it work. The right-wing loves when it screws up because it makes their case. The liberals, the progressives, the reasonable people say, ‘You know, I need the government. I need it not just to protect me, I need it do a lot of things I need done to keep this society okay.’

Joan Walsh also has spoke similarly about the problem. Wash refers her take on the problem via her book titled, “What the matter with White People: Why we so long for a golden age that never was“.

America is not an exceptional nation regarding matters of race and ethnicity  sexual orientation and , frankly, gender!  People who pool for Obama at an approval rating of 53 percent recognize our social shortcomings and via their views express a willingness to move the nation forward.   The racial composition of the GOP and numerous manifestation of bigoted acts, also contributes to an abhorrence from many in the nation. And, we suspect some of the abhorrence is form of conservatives. 

The GOP: a party and a movement that is working towards distinction with millions willing to head down the path. They head down the path like zombies when empirical data shows the misguided impact of their ways.

It does not take much scrutiny to see that conservative America has flocked into a ‘fort’ replete with a piranha filled moot to cling to life as it once was and ill never be again.  The mere statistic indicating a party that is 92% white is a stark reality in a nation that is becoming increasingly diverse.  The statistic is also not a coincidence; people who live in the fort wish to be their because that is what their existence and their reality.
The sad reality is even at the level of 92% white  the party is slipping into darkness.  Only 60% of eligible voters voted in 2012.   Ninety-two percent of a party that cast 47% of the nations votes speaks to a dwindling base. I will take it a step farther  I posit there are conservatives who not only did not cast votes in 2012, there are some who cast votes against Romney/Ryan just as I believe many cast votes against McCain/Plain. In addition, to running poor Executive Branch candidates, the GOP offers middle America no hope of recovering from the message imparted from the four charts below in 2008.

Click charts for larger version


And, to think the Republicans and the nation’s conservatives have the temerity to rail about the lack of a quick  turn-around in the economy.  The GOP elephant squashes the DEM donkey and criticizes afterwards because the donkey is slowly recovering from the heavy burden it delivered. 

The American people knows the reality of what life was like in 2008 and early 2009.  “AH, “The American People“, a phrase I have grown to hold in complete disdain as every GOP pundit who can find a camera and a microphone over uses the phrase with no basis in fact. They speak in sloganeering, yet the party could not muster a proper gauge of the “The American People” to carry the election last November.  Heck, if you surround yourself with 92% whites and only speak with people in your districts, how could the party expect to have a true gauge on the nation. Unless, they feel no one in the nation is of any significance beyond the 92% who support the party.

Those are a few reasons for President Obama’s, approval ratings stability and a slight rantings rise in the certain polls. People can see through the GOP like looking through a fish aquarium.
Let’s look at a bit of financial data.  Of course, we know many who visit here do not like charts and graphs, but there is no better way to quickly provide information without significant verbiage. 

The National Debt and the Deficit are not the same economic “bird.” However, they are often linked and for us layman there is a correlation that is simple, “Are we improving as a nation or are things getting worse?”  I ask that you keep one thing in mind. Ask yourself the following, “How can the economy have improved with so much obstruction from the Right  and how much better could the economy have been with a little cooperation?

For point of reference

The Business Dictionary   

National Debt Definition 

Total outstanding borrowings of a central government comprising of internal (owing to national creditors) and external (owing to foreign creditors) debt incurred in financing its expenditure. National debt is divided generally into three categories: (1) Floating debtshort term borrowings such as treasury bills, various ways-and-means advances, and borrowings from the central bank. (2) Funded debt, short-term debt converted into long-term debt. (3) Unfunded debtnational savings certificatessavings bondspremium bonds, and securities repayable in foreign exchange (payment of which affects the country’s balance of payments). National debt plays a crucial role in a country’s financial system as government securities (being a secure vehicle for investmentform an important part of the reserves of its financial institutions. 

Read more 

National Deficit Definition 

The sum of all previously incurred annual federal deficits. Since the deficits are financed by government borrowing, national debt is equal to all government debt outstandingalso called National Debt.

We offer an NBC broadcast of President Obama’s Deficit Reduction Plan as the nation moved towards the ill-fated “Super Committee” Grand Bargain that never happened.   Could it be that economic policies and tweaks to the economy when necessary contributes to what follows? Of course, it has and we posit the American people are very aware.  

Many do not like busy charts, but we suspect those who poll for Obama at the level of 53% approval understands the dynamics depicted in the following chart.

Slightly more descriptive version. (Click Chart for Larger version)

We know people generally understand the information in the following chart. Yes, we promised to minimize taking shots at Bush. Well, we find it impossible. We believe 53% of polled voters are cognizant of this data.

Finally, we offer three charts from the Rachel Maddow Show. The charts are the work of Steve Benen and they are as old as the latest version of Internet Explorer (probably only a few months).  The charts certainly compares of our desperate economic status in 2008/2009 and where were are with reductions in spending.  We think the American public is very much aware of this data.

Now, allow me to sum it all up. I have not touched into other critical factors that I am certain influences the minds and hearts of many Americans.   The Obama Administration has accomplished much in the following areas.
  • Veterans Benefits and jobs Initiative support
  • Military families (via Michelle Obama)
  • The LGBT community
  • Immigration issues
  • An invigorated African-American community
I am actually amazed the numbers do not poll even more favorably. I suppose the 47% who voted for Mitt Romney are people who find issues with each an every point I have delineated above. And, that , if true, is sad.

Taking Gay Hatred To The Woodshed and Voting For My Future

In Democrats, GOP on September 14, 2012 at 9:57 AM

A friend of The Progressive Influence and submitted the following screed.

  +   =  

A dear friend of mine posted this and I would like for all of my friends to read this with an open heart and mind. This is another reason I’m so open about my political beliefs this election. I believe in equality for all.

Full Name Deleted (did not secure position to use the writers name. Deletion is not the result of a wish to remain anonymous). 

……A friend asked me to share my personal feelings about this election as he felt that my postings on Facebook are frequent, a little empty, and a reiteration of someone else’s posts. [although he said he agreed with most of them]. Following, is part one of that request. I’m starting with Gay Rights. The other parts will deal with other issues.
Why I’m voting Democrat Part 1: Gay rights. My rights.

I’m here to tell you that since age 4 (because that’s about as far back as I can remember) I’ve been gay. There was no choice in that. It’s just what it was. No one was a role model for me growing up. I certainly didn’t feel like I belonged growing up. Because like it or not, how we react to and perceive sexual orientation is conditioned. It’s a learned behavior. It’s about the romantic comedies we see on television, the covers of romance novels, or simply holding a door for a lady. It’s about James Bond getting the girl or multiple girls. It’s the tabloids where we see who is married to who, where, when how. It’s about being asked by a great aunt when you’re getting married. Our entire social structure is about two people, a man and a woman and whatever anatomy they have and whether or not they have children. It is not about one’s brain or the chemistry they may feel with someone outside of the ‘plan.’ It’s about pre-established roles. Growing up in small town and on a farm, I couldn’t quite figure it all out. I didn’t have a chance to.

Growing up in school it was terrible. Everyone knew I was different and I was shunned. Completely. From Kindergarten to being a Senior in High School no one would be my friend. Or if they were my friend, they wouldn’t be for long. I would be picked last for P.E. sports teams. I would be called ‘girl’ or ‘faggot.’ Every day. All day. My books would be pushed out of my hands for no apparent reason except that I was walking down the hall.The abuse/bullying was allowed. Accepted. Even the grade school principal took me ‘under his wing’ and made me play basketball to ‘toughen me up.’ It didn’t work. I sat at the lunchroom table every day… by myself. There were a few of us outcasts: one because she had severe facial blemishes, one because she associated with that girl, and then an occasional nerd who was incredibly smart and then the handicapped person that no one knew how to act. I pushed my face into books and proved myself academically, the only way I could be successful if only invisible to everyone else except myself and my teachers.

The constant message of ‘not measuring up’ didn’t stop there.
My family also didn’t accept it when I came out. My father asked when I would ‘be better.’ My mother compared it to having sex with my under age nephew… which she was glad wasn’t happening. [that comment hurt my feelings deeply] My own sister forbade me to see my niece and nephew and have them come for a visit when I had a place of my own because she didn’t want “that element” around her children. When I got my niece’s wedding invitation several years later it did say ‘… and guest’ but that was my nieces doing, not my sister’s. Also certain family financial decisions were made about me because I “wasn’t going to produce any heirs.”

At my first job I was harassed when I came out of the closet. And I wasn’t loud about it but told one person, then it spread like wild fire. The staff at that job would wash the handset of the telephone after I used it, the drinking fountain after I took a drink. I got accused of bringing in sexually suggestive material when it was simply the cover of an international graphic design magazine that was sent to the office subscribed to by the owner. I interviewed for a job so I could get out of that abusive environment and asked the hiring manager (and she could tell that I was shaking when I was asking) if being gay was a big deal at this new job. She gave me a hug and said no. I cried. Why? Because for the first time in 20 years… I wasn’t treated differently from everyone else.

You’d think that was it. But it didn’t stop there. I went to a blood fair hosted by our company, and the Red Cross, and they wouldn’t let me give blood. Why? I was gay. Gay men cannot donate blood because it’s automatically assumed their blood is contaminated with the HIV virus. It’s a rule that still stands today. Yes, it’s true.

The story continues. I live in a Bible belt. At one point the neighborhood I lived in was also the home to the largest KKK group in Missouri (I found that out afterwards). But every week (and this also goes for most anywhere in St. Louis I travel) I am called gay or fag at least once a week.

After 9/11 I became an interior designer. You would think finally things would have changed. It hasn’t. Husbands have fired me before because I’m gay. How do I know? They told me directly. I’ve even lost jobs immediately because of my sexual orientation because the couple, or the male especially, prefer to work with women instead of gay men. Period.

I also teach at a college. If you go to a few online ratings of professors, comments range from students but some against me include “he’s sooo gay.” And it was written as a slam, not a compliment. I cannot go online to these websites because it’s too hurtful.

Not sharing all of this so someone feels sorry to me. But for people that don’t understand or know, this has set the stage for me feeling the way I do about Gay Rights.
Now let me tell you of my accomplishments:

I was awarded 8 blue ribbons for speech competitions during junior high. I was in the honors program in college. My first job was as Creative Director for a division of S.C. Johnson & Sons. Within a year and a half I went from graphic design to Design Manager for the publishing company where I worked. By the age of 32 I was creative director of an ad agency. When I become a designer, my first time out at a Showhouse I beat out over 65 applicants and was one of 32 to decorate a mansion. My room was one of 9 that were featured out of those 32 spaces to be featured in a magazine. I have written an article on interior design first for a minor magazine then for the St. Louis Post Dispatch for nearly two years. I have been in multiple magazines since 2002. I have been an adjunct lecturer of art at a college for over 10 years and for two of those years I was also teaching at another University. I even have been the temporary director of digital arts technology for a college.

After 40 years of being picked on, verbally abused for being gay and saying I don’t count. I’ve had it! I DO count. I DO make a difference.

Note: here’s where I give the points I want to make… aren’t you glad you hung in there?

When Republican leaders warn they will compose an addendum the U.S. Constitution preventing same-sex marriage and also saying they are going to reinstate Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, preventing gays from serving in the military, I get pissed. Really pissed.

Think I’m blowing it out of proportion because Republican’s really won’t do that? Or that it’s unlikely? Think again.

America has already removed and killed most of the Native Americans that occupied this country and taken away their native lands. We enslaved Blacks because they were considered a sub-race. We even lynched Blacks if they got out of hand and wouldn’t let them drink out of the same water fountain or use the same bathroom. Asians were considered less than slaves. America rounded up Asians during the World War II and put them into concentration camps.

Recently, we have shunned and spoke out against all Muslims because a group of psychopath extremists, who just happened to be Muslim, flew into two buildings in New York. Because of the fear and hate for all Muslims that some Americans have, the Republicans use that fear and hate against our President because his name sounds ‘Muslim-like.’ Where is the logic in that?

The Republicans spread false fear among Americans about gays as well because we are ‘threatening the sanctity of marriage’ or ‘leading us [America] down the path of moral destruction’ or ‘It’s against God’s will.’ Yet we have television and rock stars marrying for less than a few weeks and that’s ok. We have televangelists turning up having affairs, the Catholic Church fighting off lawsuit after lawsuit concerning sexual abuse towards minors. We even have a member House of Representatives, representing Minnesota, saying that gays are the cause for things like… hurricanes. [note to self: skip that class on meteorology, gays automatically control the weather].

I have a friend of mine Nick and his partner Alan who have adopted a beautiful child Noah. Not only do both of the guys have great jobs, contribute to their community, are respected in their field, but they also have adopted a son. They pay taxes. They sent their son to Kindergarten two weeks ago like every other parent did.

So when Republican leaders (and some Christian leaders) state that gays shouldn’t be allowed the right to marry, it’s complete hogwash. There is no gay agenda. Just like there wasn’t a weapon of mass destruction. Do you think making breakfast for your kid before he leaves for Kindergarten is an agenda?

Let’s talk about the Bible. If I hear one more statement about Sodom and Gomorrah, I’m going to crack. People that have actually read the Bible know the reason God destroyed those two cities was because of them being uncharitable and abusive to strangers, the poor, sick, and disadvantaged. This is the same thing that many Republicans and some Christian leaders are doing.

Stop using the Bible as a weapon against homosexuality. It’s not going to work. I grew up Christian and I know a lot of Bible verses so don’t play the game show QUOTE THAT BIBLE VERSE, I can play it all day. I know a lot of LGBT individuals who go to church, {Robyn and Jim in example} have their own church and lead admirable lives. The Bible and God don’t care about whether or not someone’s gay. Stop saying that it’s not true because it is.

We are not a nation under God. We are a nation under EVERYONE’s GOD. [the following paraphrased from Obama] We’re not a Christian nation. We’re a Muslim nation, a Hindu nation… and every other religion nation. We’re inclusive not exclusive. Heck, even people that don’t believe in God get rights. [I know, I should have given a spoiler alert.]

The Supreme Court: If you haven’t figured this out, several of the Justices of the Supreme Court are aging and near retirement. So if you vote for a Republican agenda, then you are also voting for the probability of that Republican appointing someone with the same ideology to a lifetime post. Someone that will judge, determine, set a mandate, deciding upon on a law that may not consider my minority group. I’m not interested in risking that.

As an American, I’m tired of being treated as second rate. And I’m not standing for it any more. I also don’t want the students I teach, the children of my niece and nephew to be treated as second rate.

I’m voting Democrat. The Democratic party is listening to ME, providing ME with opportunity for the future. They’re going to give ME civil rights, equal to others.

If you don’t agree, then that’s fine. But I’m taking care of myself and others like me this November. Please consider this when making YOUR decision.

Ryan a Veteran General of "Shock and Awe" Against Women

In Uncategorized on August 14, 2012 at 4:29 PM

“Shock and Awe” Against women. War takes two sides to engage, women have not indulged in attacks on the GOP.

Paul Ryan seems to be a typical Republican “gutted suit”. He is not only an empty seat, he is strikingly non-compassionate about all things human or I should say humane.

Ryan’s voting record since his joining the House in 1999, has been a mere ‘rubber stamping of Americas Right-wing agenda. Factually he is verging on a model of far-right extremism.

Before we go further, I ask that you take a few minutes and listen to Glenn Back and Paul Ryan. I will not characterize the radio interview beyond stating, “Ryan takes time to talk with one of the  Right’s zaniest ideologue nut-cases”.

[NOTE:The following video has shown indications improper play, so I have embed a second version. One will be removed in 24 hours.]

A quick Google search yielded another version.

The video becomes relevant at the 5:40 Minute mark of the embed. If you are like  me and avoid the likes of Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly, Doocy, Carlson, Van Sustren, Ingraham, Candy Crowley, Coulter and others, you may want to skip to the 5:40 mark.

Ryan and his psyche, shaped by “past” affinity for Ayn Rand’s theories and philosophies,  lumps all progressives into a bundle he practically labels as ‘subversive”.  The audacity of such dialogue is, we have two very wealthy people who are completely insulted from any economic strife, postulating on how we live our lives.  They make hyperbolic statements and judgments without regard for the economic world they created between 2000 and September 2008.  He disregards the history of the progressive movement’s impact on the quality of life in our nation.  Republicans fought Social Security as if fighting an armed enemy on a battlefield. The party fought Lyndon Johnson’s Medicare Programs like a cornered Bengal Tiger.    Conservatives regardless of label (DEM of Republican) fought Civil Rights and Voting rights legislation. Progressives back collective-bargaining; collect bargaining gave us  employee benefits, not benevolent employers. Factually, conservatives not only resisted the dismantling of Jim Crow Laws, they fought against Women’s Suffrage. I ask that you think a moment about one conservative who espouses the virtues , acceptance and fairness of inclusivity and tolerance of LGBT Americans (people).  A noted and expert Romney adviser was asked off the campaign team based solely on his sexual orientation!
We have published regarding Ryan’s Path to Prosperity.  We want to borrow from The Feministing dot Com webpage. 

Why Paul Ryan is bad news for women (and everyone else)

As you all know, Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan as his Vice Presidential pick on Saturday morning. And as most of you probably know, he’s kind of a terrible person. His infamous budget plan would decimate safety net programs for the poorest Americans, he pretty much believes that climate change is a conspiracy theory, and is a huge fan boy of big oil. The man’s priorities are just about as toxic as his hair gel.
Except Itemized list from Venessa (see link above)He voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.  This isn’t a controversial issue, y’all. It simply protects women from being denied equal pay for equal work. I think we can all agree this is a no-brainer. (Except Paul Ryan.)He is the anti-choice poster boy. Ryan would overturn Roe v. Wade, banning abortion in cases of rape and incest and when the mother’s life is at risk. He also was a co-sponsor of the Sanctity for Human Life Act, a personhood amendment which would ban abortion as well as certain kinds of fertility treatment and birth control. He’s voted at least four times to defund Planned Parenthood (and all of the preventative health care that comes with it for millions of people).He’d like to steal from the poor and give to the rich. Women are the majority of the recipients of both Medicare and (a sizable 69% of ) Medicaid, and the majority of the Medicaid population are people of color. …..He’s against the Affordable Care Act. Which speaks for itself. He’s also vehemently against the law’s birth control coverage……He’s consistently against LGBT rights. Ryan has voted against gay couples adopting, against marriage equality, and voted no to repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…….His record on immigration is terrible. He’s voted against the DREAM Act …….

There are other screeds with emphasis on Ryan’s roboticism; personally I like the Feministing Dot Com screed.

Young LGBT disproportionately homeless

In Think Progress on July 12, 2012 at 4:48 PM

There are times when one reads information that leads to sighs, tisk-tisk, ‘that is shameful’, and then there are those pieces like the following.

I am going to defer comment by simply saying, “…now this is ridiculous”.  But, it is no surprise as I consider people booing an active  gay member of the US armed forces while literally serving in Iraq. 

STUDY: 40 Percent Of Homeless Youth Are LGBT, Family Rejection Is Leading Cause