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Posts Tagged ‘March 2014 Tracking Poll’

Kaiser Family Foundation Visualizing Health Policy And The KFF March 2014 Tracking Poll

In ACA, Obamacare on March 26, 2014 at 6:42 PM

Visualizing Health Policy: What Americans Pay for Health Insurance Under the ACA,”

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 5.26.2014, [….. ]

The March 2014 Visualizing Health Policy infographic shows examples of what Americans will pay for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, using different scenarios for 40-year-old individuals living in different parts of the country.
Image not available.

Visualizing Health Policy is a monthly infographic series produced in partnership with the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The full-size infographic is freely available on JAMA’s website and is published in the print edition of the journal.
For deeper readers Kaiser offers a slideshare of the infograhic with data set numbers. 
What Americans Pay for Health Insurance Under the ACA from KaiserFamilyFoundation

We have linked Kaiser march 2014 Poll results here.  The study is typically Kaiser in detail, thorough and impeccable methodology.  We are posting a couple of key figures from the study. 

Over half report having personal conversations about ACA, but similar share are weary of national debate

   The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 5.26.2014, [ ]

The ACA was a common topic of personal conversations this month, and the public reports that the tone of those conversations was mostly negative. Just over half the public (55 percent) say they had at least one conversation about the law with friends or family in the past month, up from 31 percent in January 2012 (the last time this question was asked). About half those who say they discussed the law with friends or family (28 percent of the public overall) report hearing mostly bad things about the law in these discussions, while a much smaller share (5 percent of the public overall) say they heard mostly good things and the remainder say it was a mix of the two.

Most Report Hearing Mainly Bad Things About ACA In Conversations With Family/Friends

Figure 9

While personal conversations may be on the rise, many Americans appear to be weary of the national debate about the law. Just over half the public (53 percent) say they’re tired of hearing about the debate over the ACA and want the country to focus more on other issues, while about four in ten (42 percent) say they think it’s important for the country to continue the debate. Democrats and those with a favorable view of the law are more likely to say they’re tired of hearing about the debate, while Republicans and those who view the law unfavorably are more evenly split between those who are tired of hearing about it and those who want the debate to continue. 


Perhaps reflecting this sense that the debate has gone on long enough, more of the public would like to see Congress keep the law in place and work to improve it (49 percent) or keep it as is (10 percent) rather than repeal it and replace it with a Republican-sponsored alternative (11 percent) or repeal it outright (18 percent).

Half Want Congress To Keep Law And Improve It

Figure 11
The previous graph unequivocally shows most Americans do not want repeal of defunding the ACA.
If that is the case, why does Boehner and Cantor continue to enact frivolous repeal ACA votes?  The question is actually rhetorical, we already know the answer.