The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Samuel Warde’

Dick Cheney Handed A Just Walk-out!

In Dick Cheney, Liberals Unite, Samuel Warde on March 30, 2014 at 3:24 PM

Re-post from Liberals Unite…..
Author: Samuel Wynn Warde

Students Walk out on Dick Cheney, Calling Him ‘War Criminal’ (VIDEO)

March 30, 2014 |Posted by: Samuel Warde
Photo by by Ana Santos
Photo by by Ana Santos
Video footage shows students walking out on Dick Cheney while he was speaking at American University. The students were protesting his foreign policy, and calling him a “War criminal” as they left the arena.
As reported by American University’s The Eagle, the former vice-president denied allegations that he was a war criminal saying that “the accusation are not true.”
Cheney had previously denied using torture in a pre-talk interview with ATV, the student-run television station at American University, saying: “Some people called it torture. It wasn’t torture.”
Cheney told the crowd that during his vice-presidency three people had been waterboarded.
According to Cheney, the enhanced interrogation tactics used do not fall under the scope of the 1949 United Nations Geneva Convention, which outlaws cruel, inhuman or any degrading treatment or punishment because the Geneva Convention does not apply to unlawful combatants.The Bush administration considered terrorists as unlawful combatants and considered those undergoing enhanced interrogation tactics as terrorists.
“If I would have to do it all over again, I would,” Cheney said. “The results speak for themselves.”
You can watch the video below, contributed by Alejandro Alvarez.


“And, there-in lies the proper and just way to handle a “War Criminal” and a failed leader who helped to place our nation in near collapse.” The Pardu

Samuel Warde….Beat Me to the Punch

In Uncategorized on August 17, 2012 at 7:19 PM

Romney not trustworthy after Massachusetts tax lie

Romney not trustworthy after Massachusetts tax lie
Rachel Maddow reviews the history of Mitt Romney’s run for governor of Massachusetts and his insistence that he paid his Massachusetts income taxes only to have it turn out that he did not.

Now, as his running is revealed to have not been telling the truth about requesting stimulus money, Romney is asking American voters to trust him about the contents of his tax returns.
Romney not trustworthy after Massachusetts tax lie.

Author: Samuel Warde, Samuel W. Warde or Samuel Wynn Warde

URL: or

Samuel Warde..Shares Romney’s 101

In Uncategorized on July 29, 2012 at 9:53 PM

Mitt Romney Tax Questions

Author: Samuel Wynn Warde or Satire with Samuel

101 Questions Romney Must Answer Regarding His Taxes

Romney has taken a public beating for weeks regarding his refusal to release more than one year of his federal income tax returns. Even 2010, the one year he did turn over, is incomplete. Romney had a bit of a short reprieve on the matter due to the Colorado massacre and his trip overseas, but this problem is not going away. Now, he is facing ever increasing pressure from leading Republican politicians and pundits to release additional records as well.
You can see his informative video below.

Americans Against the Tea Party Photo Gallery

In Uncategorized on July 22, 2012 at 9:43 PM

Cross posted from…………… 

20 Top Photos from Americans Against the Tea Party: Vol. 1

All of these photos were in the top 30 nost popular list of all time for the AATTP page.
These photos span an interesting range, from Ann Romney’s comment of only a few days ago to humor and historic quotes dating back to John Stuart Mills.
If you enjoy these photos, be sure to check our our collection of Liberal Memes, our Obama Memes, our Mitt Romney Memes, and our Anti-Tea Party Memes .

Creative Commons License

This work by Samuel Wynn Warde is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License so feel free to steal what you want from this page.

Author: Samuel Wynn Warde or Satire with Samuel

URL: or

Bryan Fischer and the AFA: A portrait of hatred

In Democrats on July 1, 2012 at 2:58 PM

The following piece is cross posted with Creative Commons License permission from Samuel Warde and his Liberal Perspecticves from Samual web page.

I often hear people say, “Hey Pardu, you use language that denotes a bit of angst”.  The comments are generally from, people who have been long-time affiliates with conservatism, but have come to realize their party is soiled to the core and very much working against the good of our nation.  They have awaken to reality, but they continue to fail to look in a mirror or look closely at their (proclaimed and alleged) past party.  Their paradigms remain in the GOP which runs the social gamut from true fiscal conservatives to members of the Ku Klux Klan (ask David Duke).  I include in my continuum the Tea Party, people like Sarah Palin, religious zealots and far rtght evangelicals.

Bryan Fischer and the AFA: A portrait of hatred

Author: Samuel Wynn Warde or Satire with Samuel

Bryan Fischer tea party hatred

It’s no great surprise that the Tea Party includes Christians possessing extreme right-wing political beliefs. Within the Tea Party, there are “soldiers for God” who are going out and attempting to overthrow government as representatives of God. One such individual is Bryan Jonathan Fischer, the Director of Issues for the American Family Association, regular contributor to their blog, Rightly Concerned, and host on their radio talk program Focal Point. 
As a leader and spokesman for the American Family Association (AFA), Fischer is anti-choice, against environmental protections, against gays and gay adoption, strongly opposes national health care, liberals, Obama…… the list goes on and on.  Fischer is an avid supporter of the AIDS denial movement, teaching that AIDS is caused by recreational drug use.  Fischer has been included in the Top Ten Anti-Mormon Statements in 2011 by MormonVoices, a group associated with Foundation for Apologetic Information & Research.  The AFA was cited back in 2005 by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for using hate speech and in 2010 they upgraded that designation, listing the AFA as a hate group, citing in part Fischer’s controversial comments about ethnic and racial minorities as well as his anti-gay comments as examples in support of that new, more serious hate group designation. 
Liberal concern with Fischer and the AFA is two-fold. First there is the AFA’s widespread media blitz throughout all forms of media such as their television series, internet series, their daily report, blog, numerous journal publications as well as over 200 radio broadcast stations. Of even greater concern is their obvious influence on conservative politicians.
For instance, The New Yorker magazine reported in their June 18th issue that Fischer’s attack on Mitt Romney’s national security spokesman, Richard Grenell, for being gay let to a public outcry by leading conservatives ultimately leading to Grenell’s resignation in what Fischer described as a “huge win” for conservatives and showing Fischer’s strong influence on Mitt Romney. Other leading Republican candidates have sought Fischer’s support to include Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum – all of whom have appeared as guests on Fischer’s shows. 
Last week Fischer proclaimed that Satan was behind everything from the environment to gay rights to Planned Parenthood and this week took it a step further insisting that “Liberals have been Duped by Satan” and have become completely irrational as a result. 
Check it out for yourself:
Popularity: 2% [?]

Samuel Warde

Samuel Wynn Warde is the founder and editor in chief of the self titled website, , which specializes in social and political satire, liberal news commentary and what he refers to as “Photoshop Fun”. Samuel has lived in Buenos Aires since 2006 where he serves as the National Chairman of Democrats Abroad Argentina , the official Democratic Party for the thousands of Americans living in Argentina and is the editor in chief of Good Morning Buenos Aires , a news & information resource serving the international community of Buenos Aires.