The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘sexist’

The Austin Texas Racist and His (Bring No Blacks!) $1500 Bounty

In Homophobic, racist, RIck santorum on September 27, 2013 at 4:51 PM

Anthem for the “Invisible Negro”

I have lived in America all of my life. Probably you have lived in America the entirety of your life. We know America.

W know the nooks and crannies. We also know the good, the bad and the ugly.  We certainly know when we see, read or her the disingenuous.  Many of us know how to recognize people who are sexist, homophobic, racist and, while a slightly different light, we know religious zealots.  It really does not take any form of behaviorist or sociologist recognize any or all of the “isms” stated above.

You and I, as well as all, have rights to our preferences. Personal preference in any form bothers me little to none, except when it is shrouded in actionable mindsets that affect others. Keep it to yourself!

What you are about to see is yet another example of the extent to which racist find it not only acceptable to practice overt racism, it seems to have become an expectation. An expectation not vastly different than pre-antebellum life in the US and life in America’s Jim Crow (north and south).  As you view the embedded racist (below) understand that he is one of the very worst denizens of the US. He claims to have no issues with people of color, except when it comes to sleeping with a black person. Yet, he stands “busted” by his own oratory and bodacious exhibitions.

Before move to the clip, allow me to find common ground with you and others in stating, “yes I have strong preference for social interaction, especially when I consider pre-sexual or actual sexual companionship.” No problem with that in any regard.  All have preferences in many forms and our various preferences makes life much more fond and variety the very spice of life. I cannot imagine only one brand of flavored drink. 

The prospect of only drinking one type of coffee is deplorable. I can even see problems if forced to have my morning eggs scrambled only; might even like the option of  “green eggs and ham.” Suppose all of our homes or apartment looked the same?  Point made…..preferences is as human as taking a breathe of CO2 every two seconds.

A major difference exist as I consider the racist from Austin Texas and his out-reach program. A $1500 reach-out (for sex) program that is much like the Jim Crow “Whites Only signs.” 

In essence, we have most in-your-face example of, “I have $1500 for anyone who will serve as a bounty (sex) hunter who connects me with sex from a white woman, Hispanic woman or woman of European origin.”

I doubt very seriously there are many African-Americans and Asians who would find the racist appealing. His offer as stated is clearly offensive and in-line with regression common place in social messages from conservative America.

Rick Santorum (former GOP presidential hopeful and frequent Fox News and CNN news guest)

A day later and a midst a major “clean-up” campaign Santorum goes here!

As the Austin racist moved through the interview, he clearly relished his time in the limelight. The interview was actually a form free advertisement with moving visual modeling.  He relished the free advertisement until the planned hijack by the host. The interviewer clearly anticipated the ever-present and common, “Oh I have nothing against black people” refrain. He went there and was exposed just as bigoted and racist people (unfortunately far more on the poli/social Right. 

Huff Post Women 

What makes a lady a quality lady, you may ask? Well first, she needs to be skinny:
I am 39 years old, (date of birth is 9-18-1974 so that makes me a Virgo) 6′,4″ and 195lbs… I am looking for a girl that has a thin or athletic build. No one over 130lbs. Ages 21 – 41 White, Hispanic, or of European descent.
He also has strong feelings about his potential future girlfriend’s sexual past:
I will not date any girl that has ever had a threesome, or a large number of past sexual partners. I do not want a promiscuous slut, I want a normal, decent, good hearted girlfriend.
And to top it all off, he’s a raging racist!
I will not date a Black girl. I don’t care if she looks like Halle Berry, I will not ever date a Black girl. And, I do not believe that Whites & Blacks should mix races sexually and have kids together. I think it’s ok for Whites & Hispanics. But not Blacks. I would NEVER, EVER, EVER date a woman if I found out she had EVER been sexually active with a Black man.
So… anyone care to set this charming fellow up? For some reason, we don’t think he’s going to have much luck.


Yet, we disagree with the author of the Huff Post-WOMEN piece. The Austin racist will find his “Eve.” He will find her because the nation is full of comparable women racist who have not yet learned  “isms‘ travel in packs.

The salient point of this piece? People can think as they please. As soon as one converts thoughts to behavior (acts) the persons thoughts and mindset reaches the innocent.

Why should young influence-able people be exposed to “Whites Only sign?”  
  What is humorous (Mr. Racist from Austin) about sending messages to people that you as a person who exercises “White Privilege”  find palatable. 

We see and know of enough of such in the workplace regarding hiring and promotion.

Mr. Racist in Austin is literally going, here.

Discrimination is OK, when practiced in the privacy of one’s life and away from harmful affects on others. But, recognize it makes no sense to deny one’s racism.