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Posts Tagged ‘States with highest need for healthcare’

ObamaCare, Health Care Reform, Health Care Need And The GOP

In GOP on June 9, 2013 at 6:06 PM


The Affordable Care Act (AKA, ObamaCare) is trod-ding the minefields on the path major program implementations in 2014. The Henry J Kaiser Foundation published an implementation timeline on its web page. The interactive table is informative showing what’s to come from the ACA, what has been established and what remains non-implemented.

The 2013 timeline shows 10 of the 14  components are in effect. As we move towards 2014 and implementation of major components of the ACA, we find the GOP still fighting the futile fight of repeal, we find many in the nation are not happy with the ACA, and we find even greater need for the ACA as Boomers age. 

Boomers will also hand the nation greater need for funding as their health issues expand with rising age. The first of the Boomers hit age 65 in 2011.  Studies indicate where our geographic locations reveal much about the quality of our health.  

USA Today (Health and Wellness)

HEALTH OF AMERICANS 65 AND OLDER: HOW STATES STACK UP  (Highligthed red  history GOP stated bold font added by TPI)

Rankings are based on 34 measures of senior health from government agencies and private research groups, ranging from physical activity levels and obesity to poverty and flu vaccinations:

How all 50 states ranked:
1. Minnesota
2. Vermont
3. New Hampshire
4. Massachusetts
5. Iowa
6. Hawaii
7. Connecticut
8. Colorado
9. Utah
10. Maryland
11. North Dakota
12. Delaware
13. Maine
14. Nebraska
15. Oregon
16. Washington
17. Pennsylvania
18. Kansas
19. South Dakota
20. Wisconsin
21. Virginia
22. Arizona
23. New York
24. Idaho
25. California
26. Michigan
27. New Jersey
28. Ohio
29. North Carolina
30. Florida
31. Rhode Island
32. Indiana
33. Missouri
34. Wyoming
35. Montana
36. South Carolina
37. Illinois
38. New Mexico
39. Texas
40. Alaska
41. Tennessee
42. Nevada
43. Georgia
44. Alabama
45. Kentucky
46. Arkansas
47. West Virginia
48. Louisiana
49. Oklahoma
50. Mississippi
Source: United Health Foundation

The map just above depicts states of highest need in the color  red.  Red as in GOP?  We actually do not suspect the interactive map coloration relates to political parties and voter constituents, but the coincidence is remarkable. 
Since we mentioned political party, it is a fact the GOP wants no part of any program that offers opportunity for health care in cases of need.  The House continues to enact “silly” votes to repeal care. Legislation that directly benefits many in GOP districts.

Summary of results of the 200020042008, and 2012 presidential elections:

  States carried by the Republican in all four elections
  States carried by the Republican in three of the four elections
  States carried by each party twice in the four elections
  States carried by the Democrat in three of the four elections
  States carried by the Democrat in all four elections

Let’s review a quick MSNBC segment about the ACA, GOP and a loyal constituent base. 

The party would turn its back on its most loyal voting bloc.  Of late, I am hearing and seeing more and more about how the public is not favorable to the ACA.  We know “the public” well enough to know that it does not dig deep. We also know that people are averse to what they perceive as major change especially if (the) change is accompanied by effective negative propaganda.  Let’s borrow a few minutes from Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, regarding a recent CNN Affordable Care Act Poll. 

It appears the unfavor-ability towards the ACA includes people who feel it does not go far enough in properly insuring registrants.  Why did the CNN host fail to delineate such? It is a glaring and rather basic observation and one easily accomplished by media dedicated to fair and balanced reporting. 

The GOP without doubt wants to dismantle President Obama’s seminal healthcare reform legislation. But, at what price? Costs to the GOP voter base is obvious in states where the greatest need for affordable healthcare exists, the GOP stands in solidarity against implementation. Medicaid expansion and state ACA exchanges are 2013 implementation requirements.   A few GOP Governors have wisely moved to expand Medicaid in their states after initially following the party-line in opposition.  Yet, expending ACA Medicaid is nothing compared to major implementations in 2014 (See interactive link above and scroll to “2014”). Questions arise that have broad impact going forward. How will people who flock to vote with fully armed GOP psyches react as they grow more in need of medical care they do not possess or do not possess at the level of coverage necessary to sustain (physical or mental) comfort or life?  They vote as a loyal GOP voting bloc while clearly harming themselves with the very same vote election after election.   Would the GOP return the nation to the reality of 50 million people living in our nation with no health or dental care?  While, I strongly feel the GOP would do so in a nano-second the real question is, will voters condemn so many to the horrors of living with no medical coverage.  We will find out after the answer to that questions after the 2014 primary elections. 

The New Republic has published a piece that lays-out real danger for the GOP in continuing to pursue a repeal of the ACA.