The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘WebMD.’

President Obama Speaks to People!

In Uncategorized on March 15, 2014 at 10:02 AM

It is good to see a president speak to the nation on a regular basis vs the closeting and hunkering (bunkered and hidden from view) we witnessed in the latter years of Bush/Cheney.

Another video exposition of President Obama spoke with WebMD. A bit long, but very relevant.

The White House
Watch: An interview With President Obama

This week, President Obama sat down for his first interview with WebMD.

WebMD received thousands of questions from people like you — everyone from young adults to seniors, representing all 50 states. You asked questions about getting affordable care, the specifics of health care plans, and your experience signing up for coverage on

They’re important questions — and you should take a few minutes to listen to President Obama’s responses.

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